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Suiken Chef
New York
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Aspiring Cartoonist
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Getting into SVA, That's What She Said Productions, Being who I am
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Old School Toonami, Speed Racer, Voltron, G Force,
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One Piece, Dragonball, Lupin III, Eyeshield 21, Akira,, Cowboy Bebop Deathnote, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Shaman King, Evangelion, Love Hina, Full Metal Alchemist, Case Closed, Shin Chan
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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Check out the new video on my site, one of my biggest Dub Piece fans made it for me. Now ain't that nice? I go and make people laugh, and then they go and want to make AMV's for me. The song is "Fat Lip" by Sum 41, a band I hate but a song I love.
Also, thanks for the comments yesterday, even though the site's being lame and I can't comment you guys. I especially got a kick out of Georgie's, guess I am indeed the Love Cook now. xD
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Well, look at the gif, and take a wild guess on what my big story is, but first, the lesser crap:
My last regents is today, and it's the Chemistry one, and I'm kind of nervous, I don't want to fail this one like the math. I took the History one yesterday, and it was mad easy.
Did I mention I have a job this week? I work at the high school to help move stuff around for graduation and demolition. Monday morning was grueling because we had to go through hundrends of boxes of chairs, unpackng them and storing them. After that, it was pretty easy, just picking up the boxes, and then just cleaning stuff in the school. I have to work tommorow and Friday during the graduations, which means I probably won't be doing much.
I got another football camp next week, but it isn't really time consuming like the last one, I just up there from 6:00 - 8:30 at night.
Chemistry regents, scary.
Royce's parents have been gone for the week, so he just had a few friends to come over to hang out for the night on Monday, which leads to my biggest announcement of the day, atleast in my opinion:
Take me off the singles list, I have a girlfriend now. BOO-FUCKIN'-YAH!
I'm aware that comments aren't working today, that's just sad.
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Well, I'm officially a senior now. Our last day of school was yesterday, and though I still have regents to take, I'm done. The last day was a warm, humble feeling, considering there were those that I'd never see again, but I ain't depressed, I'm going to be seeing made people over the summer.
I wish I got to post about last Friday, because some kid set off a chemical bomb from ammonium or something (bad with remembering chemicals). We evacuated to the Middle School, and then sent home. It was cool, because I hung out with my two friends Jose and Toni in town.
Football camp was a bitch, considering how freakin' cold it was up there. I'm glad that I learned some new techniques and I hope to perfect them during the summer.
Yesterday I went over to my friend Sean's house, and had a blast watching my film projects on DVD, Kill Bill, and first time playing DDR and Guitar Hero for me.
Today is a bad day though, lol. Remember that Math regents I bombed? I'm taking the retake today, haven't studied since the day of the last one. Not really bothered though, but goddamn, I'm going to do so much worse. Hopefully there's like a 40 point curve or something haha.
Anyway, that's all for now, hope to post more throughout the summer.
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Friday, June 9, 2006

I'd try to post a lot, but I'm just so freaking tired. I'd like to say that I'm heading to football (that's American football for you UK'ers) camp for the weekend, so I won't be able to post, however, it looks like by the time I get back I will have 1000 views, and that's a freaking shit load.
I don't know what else to say, I should have updated over the weekend, I had stories to tell.
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Monday, May 29, 2006

Yesterday was one mighty fun day. Going to the movies was a blast, I can't believe I have a lot of stories to tell.
First, I was in Shiny's car, while our friend Paul took Royce, Dan, and his girlfriend Mary. Of course we raced, they passed us, so Shiny took a detour. We eventually got behind this slow ass jeep, so we were kinda pissed, but soon me and Shiny were talking about how they were gonna be dicks to us, and then we passed them at a stop sign! I almost shit myself, I flipped my finger out the window and yelled "Fuck youuuuuuuuu!!!" It was a great victory, but it wasn't over yet. When they pulled in the parking lot, I jumped on Paul's car, but Shiny was yelling "Come on, let's go!" I realized the race wasn't over till we make it to the ticket stand. Me and Shiny start booking it, and it's pretty hard for kids like us, and then I turn my head to see Royce bookin' it around the corner, I just yelled "SHIT!" and we ran, but we made it.
Now the movie was awesome, and we were just shouting quotes from "I'm the Juggernaut Bitch" all the time. And when we stayed after the credits, Dan was reading names in his Usopp voice, and I almost cried.
Pretty fun day huh? No I'm in for a boring Monday. Enjoy the day off for who ever has it.
And for those who haven't seen "I'm the Juggernaut Bitch!," check this out.
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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Damn, yesterday I got burned. Sitting out in the sun all day turned me into a goddamn cherry. Thank god I put some stuff on me to tone it down, or else I'd been peelin' like an orange.
Where were we? Oh yeah, Royce comes back from Florida today, and both us and a bunch of others are seeing X3 tonight, so I'm pumped for that.
That's all I got, so enjoy this funny lil' gif from Yakitate! Japan.

God Bless America
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Saturday, May 27, 2006

What's good everybody? Three day weekend for us US'ers. I hope mine is enjoyable. Today I'll be spending some QT with my dad, sort of I guess. I hoping my one friend comes over, because if he does, we got ourselves a new Dub Piece cast member.
I also thought it was time for a new look, like it? I'd also like to add that my wallpaper was #500 for One Piece, pretty nifty eh?
I also know that the one movie everyone wants to go see is X3. I unfortunately have to wait till Sunday night, but I'm going with a bunch of friends, so it should be a blast.
That's all from me, enjoy the weekend people.
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I'd just like to update and say that in celebration of the new One Piece opening, I made a new wallpaper, and it's pretty badass. I maybe thinking about using it for this site, it needs a bit of a tune up.
What else can I say for the time beng? Oh yeah, it's funny, but me and Royce (Chopper, Foxxy), along with a bunch of other kids are bringing back Pokemon. I forgot how sick this game is. You can't deny it's a sick game, no one can. Peace
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Sunday, May 21, 2006
Check it out, the new opening for One Piece debuted in Japan this morning (night for them).
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Saturday, May 20, 2006

To know how my week went, see the pic. Though it went by fast, my week dropped a lot on me. I was pissed and devastated about some things, but now I'm in a much better mood, and feeling like myself again.
Dub Piece Episode 4 hasn't started yet, Dan keeps fucking up our schedule.
Somebody did their own Doug Dub on You Tube, and I blasted them immediately, but the guy apologized and explained himself. I didn't want to have to deal with another Neil Dunsmore.
Otherwise that's all I got. I have SAT's in two weeks, so bah. Our school's prom is that day too, but I'm not going so it makes no difference to me. Later
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