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Suiken Chef
New York
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Aspiring Cartoonist
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Getting into SVA, That's What She Said Productions, Being who I am
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Old School Toonami, Speed Racer, Voltron, G Force,
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One Piece, Dragonball, Lupin III, Eyeshield 21, Akira,, Cowboy Bebop Deathnote, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Shaman King, Evangelion, Love Hina, Full Metal Alchemist, Case Closed, Shin Chan
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Do I never have anything amazing to say on Tuesdays? Goddamn, my life really doesn't pick up to atleast Thursday. Ugh, really, I got nothing at all.
I guess I can tell you guys how I'm working on this project for Imaging that's called the Film Re-Edit project. It's freakin' sweet, you have to take scenes from four movies and use a four minute song to create a montage. I'm using Sandstorm by Darude (The song during the actual sandstorm in Dub Piece), and for movies I'm using Revenge of the Sith, Transformers the Movie, Matrix Reloaded, and Spaceballs. I'll try to save the Quicktime file so I can post it on You Tube or something.
And for those that are hoping Dub Piece is done by Friday, well, it's a 50/50 chance right now, since we've made a decision to go back and redo a scene.
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Monday, March 27, 2006

Yeah, I have a Chemistry mid term, I didn't study, I'm a jackass. I'm praying to god it's all multiple choice. I'm leaving for school a little bit earlier so I can study.
Royce and Shiny DID come over yesterday, and we dubbed a bit more. If we move our asses, well, expect Episode 2 to be up this weekend.
We also came to the conclusion that we need a name for our little dubbing group. Nothing's been confirmed, but I think we're going to be known as "That's What She Said Productions."
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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Eh, my Saturday was nothing special. The cable was out throughout the area during the day, so I was just on my computer, and of course, looking through Dub Piece Episode 2 and adding a few things.
I really got nothing else to say. I'm thinking about buying the Naruto game for Gamecube, I dunno though, I kind of want to buy a new game for spring break, you know, boredom killer.
I don't think my Sunday isn't going to be very exciting, I'm just going to get some work done, and Shiny and Royce might come over to dub, it just depends on how much time we have to spare. Later.
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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Well, we did work on Episode 2 of Dub Piece, and it's rather unfortunate to say that this episode is the definition of funny! I'm rather confident in the fact that this is way funnier than the first episode. You guys are gonna love this. I'll also tell you that there was a role change for the main villian, I ain't gonna tell you who's playing them though.
I think I am also going to the mall with my dad later today for the hell of it. I just want to enjoy my weekend, though I got a lot of work to do.
And by the time you read this, I'll have over 500 hits. Damn, that happened rather fast. "See you babies later."
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Friday, March 24, 2006

It's about freakin' time! Dub Piece is today, man I'm so pumped. Everyone is coming. We don't know about Royce yet, 'cause his mom is being a bitch, but I live right, freakin' next door! I am so amped, I hope this day goes by quick.
But damn, that's all I really have to say, I could tell you guys what episode we're doing, but I don wanna. X3 You'll have to wait and see, and we're hoping we get this done before I leave for California.
And I also realize my post turns into a link, I hate this site.
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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Why am I thanking God it's Thursday? Because only one day away before we start dubbing. We are all pumped to get back to work.
And I must say, I watched the new episode of South Park last night, and that had to be ONE OF THE GREATEST EPISODES OF ALL TIME.
And it seems that somebody made even more icons with quotes from Dub Piece, though not as shiny as the other ones, they are still <3.
That's all I gotta say, have a good day.
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Yeah, I don't have to go to school right now because I'm getting my passport today. Why am I getting my passport? Because I haven't even gotten my permit yet, and I need photo ID for California this year.
Seems like all of us in the crew are planning for the dub this Friday. I'll give you a tiny hint, I've been given the role of the main villian of this episode. Who is it? You'll have to find out for yourself.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Oh man, as if we couldn't get enough of Dub Piece. I come to school, sit and wait for my friends to show up, then a bunch of friends just come in who were't a part of it, and they just start complimenting the shit outta me. Practically all what were doing yesterday was just quoting it. More and more kids in our school are starting to know about it now. We're famous baby! Just hope are next episode is just as good, so we don't turn into one hit wonders.
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Monday, March 20, 2006

Well, it's a crappy Monday, but I don't really mind. Yeah people, my weekend was that kick ass. I think we've pretty much decided on what episode we're dubbing next, and we're probably gonna start on Friday.
By the way, like my icon? Somebody loved our dub that much that they made icons with quotes from the dub. Check them out here:
That's all for now, later.
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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Wow, my day was completely outstanding yesterday. The response I got for Dub Piece was simply phenominal. I posted it on so many forums, and the OP fans just can't get enough. I am just so pleased by the response, this is the reason why I wanted to do this, just to make people laugh and give them something to enjoy. The only place that gave me a bad response was My Space, but those douches are just a bunch of swinging dicks like everyone else.
And I said it at AP and I'll say it here, yes, we're doing more episodes.
If you haven't seen it, view my post from yesterday, both parts are in my post.
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