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Suiken Chef
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Yeah,yesterday kind my week worse. My goddamn iPod is so fucked up, that it completely wiped out when I put it on my computer, and now it won't update at all. Goddamn Apple.
The tests, don't think I have to worry. Though I did get a 70 on the Chem, I don't think I did bad on the History though.
And this California thing keeps bothering me more and more. I really won't have anyone to truly hang out with. Nobody to crack jokes with, I won't survive.
My brother and his girlfriend did finally treat me to Gasho last night. We had a blast, cracking jokes and eating our asses off. Gasho isn't really authentic anymore, considering most of the cooks are now Hispanic. :x
I think Shiney and Royce are gonna come over today to work on Dub Piece, but I'm not sure.
And I don't know what the fuck is up with my site and the comments. I tested and out and I was able to post, I just think that My Otaku is in a huge glitch. I thank all of the people that PM'ed me yesterday, greatly appreciated.
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006

It's Tuesday, the lamest day of the week, but atleast I got some things to talk about. For starters I'd just like to say if I see one more Linkin Park One Piece AMV I am gona go total apeshit. They suck, give it up. Also, I considering making an AMV. It's not going to be a major project, just something for fun, but I have to download a few batches of subs if I want to do it.
Second, I think I have to clean out my friend list, it's pretty annoying when whores just sign your guestbook to get more hits on their sites, and you never see them again.
Also, the tests. The History one was open notebook, there's no way I did bad. The Chemistry one, ehhh, not to sure, I suck at Chem.
I am also trying to make gifs right now, I got it down, but right now I want to throw in text and stuff as well. ALSO, check out my badass Soge King video, beware, spoilers for some.
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Monday, March 6, 2006

Great, I'm in a crappy mood. These two tests aren't the end of the world, but they're are just a thorn in my side. Hopefully I do good on them, or I am gonna go Super Saiyan, that's how pissed I'd be.
Also, my mom is set to buy tickets for California for spring break, and I'm friendless, none of my friends can go. I think I'll still go, it's just that it's going to be pretty fucking boring without anybody to hang out with.
I just don't want any shit today, and I can't complain too much, others have it worse than me right now. I just want this whole month to go by fast, I need a goddamn vacation already, even if it'll bore the shit out of me. Later.
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Sunday, March 5, 2006

Jesus Christ, I am so exhausted. My Saturday was crap, not surprising really. After almost dying from watching the flash movie Metal Gear Awesome, decided I wanted to play Metal Gear Solid again, but we couldn't find the Playstation memory card (enter unhappy face), but my brother bought me a new one, so game playing starts tommorow.
Don't know how much though, considering I have two tests Monday and all that annoying crap, goddamn tests.
So yeah, tired as a mofo, if I think of something, I'll post it later, at a reasonable hour in which everyone reads this stuff. :x
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Saturday, March 4, 2006

Good morning to all, and stop the presses, stop the presses! I have switched roles in Dub Piece, I've given the role of Vivi over to Shiney, who also plays Nami. It's better since, um, well he sounds more like a chick.
Yesterday was all over the place, we got work done, but most of the time we were going crazy and just laughing our asses off. It's not like I'm taking it badly, I just hope that next week gets more work done, since next week is a lot more dialogue.
I also like to point out that my friend Dan is doing a sick job as Usopp, he's got the voice down perfectly.
*UPDATE* My brother and girlfriend decided we're not going to Gasho........................... douchebags.
Well, we also have the Alabasta Disasta to look forward tonight, the return of CHASER, ooooooooooooooh, more of "Trace," and the debut of the many fire puns that are to come. Later dudes.
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Friday, March 3, 2006

Goddamn let this week end already, Christ, I've been in a pissy mood, didn't do my homework, like the schmuck I usually am.
I'm hoping I don't have this history test today, I studied, but I want to study mo (more).
Hopefully everyone in the Dub Piece Kliq can show up today, I want to continue this so freakin' bad.
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Thursday, March 2, 2006

Kudos to the current greatest freakin' character in manga/anime history. We all know Sanji isn't any year older, probably will always be 19, but hey, I can celebrate if I want to, I'm a loser.
Two things pissed me off yesterday. One, I'm not getting into because it's just retarded. Two, I heard that Viz is going back and editing all of the Dragonball novels, F-U-C-K-I-N-G S-C-U-M.
I'm glad to know everyone is eagerly awaiting Dub Piece, I don't have an exact release date for you, but I guess I can tell you guys the voice actors, even though it wouldn't make much sense to tell you since you don't know any of these people. Also, just so you know, this is the pilot episode, we're doing episode 92.
Me - Luffy, Sanji, Vivi, Chaka, Cobra
Royce - Chopper, Bon Clay
Dan - Zoro, Usopp, Crocodile
Vinny (Shiney)- Nami, Carue, Pig-Pirate Guy
And HELL FREAKIN YES! I just got a call telling me no school today, I LOVE SNOW, whoo hoo, hell yeah! We should get off, Sanji's birthday should be a freakin' national holiday. XD
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Well, I am in a slump, don't know what to tell you today. Bored outta my freakin' mind, I want it to be Friday already. I'm kinda pissed off by a few things yesterday, I really need to not let those things get to me though.
I'm less sick, but I'm just feeling the post effects of it. And yesterday, since I had the place to myself I was attempting at working at my Luffy voice, which currently sounds squeaky, annoying, and gay....................... exactly what I'm aiming for! Sanji is down perfectly, Vivi needs work, I guess I've spilled a few beans, might as well tell you guys who I'm playing in the dub so far:
Luffy, Sanji, Vivi, Chaka, Cobra
Well, that's all, later.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Well I'm still kind of in sick mode, it's just not that bad. We didn't really work on Dub Piece, since it was just me and my best friend doing it. We pretty much did voices for Chaka, Cobra, Sanji, and Chopper. Luffy and Vivi need more work.
But yeah, it's like a friggin' lame ass Tuesday now, Tuesdays suck, have to wait till Friday to work on it again. And it sucks, I really need to start sacrificing my time to study for SAT's and crap, but it's not that pain in the ass, just memorize four new words a day. Later.
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Monday, February 27, 2006

Typical Monday BS, sucks because I'm kinda sicky poo, and I got a test, curses. Hopefully I can make it through the day no sweat. It's up in the air wheter we're woking on Dub Piece today, my one friend can't make it, but we can still work on it without him. Oh god, headache coming in, I hate being sick.
By the way, did anybody read that article about Kahn yet? It's pretty funny how he flat out shows the huge asshole that he is.
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