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myOtaku.com: Sanjiscool

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

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That is the DVD I've waited over a year to recieve. One of my favorite films of all time, and probably the geekiest, Transformers finally gets a worthy DVD edition. I didn't have school yesterday, so I went to pick it up and I was so damn pleased to finally buy it, and it was cheap too!

I also went for my job interview yesterday, I am now working at K.B. Toys (applause). It's cool, I'll be working with one of my best friends, so we'll be pulling some Clerks style jokes.

The reason I haven't posted in a few days is because my wireless connection is teh gayness. It seems that Sundays and Mondays are its off days.

I took the SAT again on Saturday. English part was okay, but shit, the math was absolutely brutal.

I'm glad the One Piece anime is finally kicking off the CP9 fights. If you've seen the new opening, do you like it? It's not as good as Brand New World, but I find it decent.

Oh yeah, Shiny came over after work on Monday because he's working all week, and new he'd hardly have anytime to dub. Yesterday, I hung out with Dan, he's girlfriend, and our good friend Andy. Me and Dan dubbed, then we all just went to the mall, doing nothing but mallratting, and tasting very disgusting mayonnaise. Long story.

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