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myOtaku.com: SankonTesso

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Guestbook Entries:

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Bleeding Mascara (12/22/06)

hey i like your site and avatar. you artworks are nice, i love teh inuyasha ones! im going to add you as a friend hope you dont mind

mewmewichigo (09/10/06)

Kewl site. Inuyasha rocks! I'm gonna add you, k? Hope we can be friends!
Ja ne, mew ichigo ^_^

Oceania16 (07/03/06)

wow. your fanart is really great!! i like the ones with devil kilala, regular kilala, and angel kilala. ^^
im gonna add you asa friend and i hope you can do the same. adios!
♥ Oceania

shade the great (06/17/06)

inuyasha is cool but his brother is better

Lego Vasavouchi (05/07/06)

Wow, your site is wicked cool!! I totally love and adore ur background! ^0^ Well, i just wanted to thank u for commenting on my art! So.. THANK U! ^-^

windwhisper (02/15/06)

Hey thank you so much for commenting on my pic!! I love your site and your fanart is AMAZING! Hope you don't mind if I add ya to my friends list. ^^

BNCF Shadow star (02/14/06)

Hi!! I love the bg, and I just wanted to say thanks sooo much for the art compliment!! Where's Alagaesia at? Is it a real place?

Thorn98 (02/05/06)

hi i love ur pic. addind u as friend....i like ur backround

Phuonggt (11/30/05)

Hey, thanks for the comment you sent me, its was really nice of you take the time to look at it, wow same here, its show up here yesterday its was so anwsome! I can't wait for more to come. I thank God for the snow. well, I add you as my frieday okay? I hope you do the same.


InuYashasgirl69 (11/17/05)

Hey. Nice site I really like it. Great job on getting what it said on my pic. No one has ever gotten it before. I believe that these are yours *holds out a plate of cookies*

Eragon ROX!!!!!!

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