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myOtaku.com: sanrin

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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bob the 3 (07/06/07)

Hello. Cool site. The colors are alsome. I really like your art! Its alsome!!!
well seeya.

AngelBest Dream (07/04/07)

Hi Rio thanks for the comment I came to visit and see ur site.Its great but I liked a lot more ur art.Seem u dont comment a lot hmm been for a year and u have 67 comments :P seems ur not very social.Still Im gona check ur art see ya.


Sir Deathstrike (06/23/07)

Hey!! i was just taking a look around and your art is really really REALLY good!!^^ and i love your naruto background.
please visit my site sometime i would love to have you as a friend!!

Bye Bye!=^^=

DejikoNyo (06/07/07)

ello ello ^___^

I came across ur gallery today and I gotta say its REALLY GOOD x3 wuvs it

Ands I see ya said your doing requests ne? Maybe we can do an art trade so ya get something out of it too ^____^

Hope we can be friends! IM me sum time ^^

(hope ya dun mind me adding u and addin ya YM SN)

Jaa ne

rethguals (05/31/07)

Konnichiwa! XD Just thought I'd drop by and sign your guestbook. I love your art. ^^

Ah, for some reason, I have a song stuck in my head.

Hina Matsuri by Minimoni. Ugh. XD Anyways... ja matta ne!

.:|| Rethguals ||:.

arwenundomniel (05/31/07)

Hey! I love your artwork! Its really awesome! I'm gonna add you as a buddy. See you round!!


Mastahbetahs (05/26/07)

hey your art is coool!

viperqueenie (04/12/07)

Hey there.

Thks SO much 4 leaving me a comment and stuff, I'm sorry I didn't get back 2 U earlier.

Anyway, hope U don't mind me adding U and stuff, PM me if U get the time.

Well...C ya ltr ^-^

eternal mini moon (03/26/07)

great site,,,,

vdr-07 (03/23/07)

hello there!! i li9ke your site and your art..you are a great artist ^^ soo em hope we could be friends..soo emm i'll add you as one ..hope you visit my site ^^


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