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myOtaku.com: sanrin

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Guestbook Entries:

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just.me (03/21/07)

Hello there^^
Thanks for the comments as well ;) I really like your artwork. The poses are really good, line art, coloring/shading and the layout of the pic^^ Which basically is the whole pic together =P
Keep up the great work and i'll see you around ;) Bye for now~

Ami the Eldest (03/21/07)

x3 Wee, thankies for the PM.

=D I'm gonna add ya if that's okay, because you seem rather awesome.

InsaneAndroid (03/12/07)

Sanrin, your pictures are so lovely. And you are so lovely and nice.

966 (03/05/07)

My name is 966 and I rather enjoy your site and wish for you to come and visit mine sometime.

TenshiNaJai (02/06/07)

Hi! I saw your pics and they are TOO COOL! And I'm one heck of a Naruto fan! I hope to see ya lata'!

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