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myOtaku.com: santoryumaster

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hey Guys!
Still in Florida. YAY! We leave tomorrow. BOOO! So anywho. Yesterday we went to MOSI in Tampa. A big dissapointment. The place was a wreck and the exibits weren't working. It wasn't cheap either. I was also quite tramatized there as well. I don't know if you have heard about the "Bodies" exhibit going through science museums across the country. It was at MOSI. It is very contriversial for one reason. They used real human "specimen" for the exhibit. I was thinking it was only one. No big deal right? Yeah. The whole display, everything, was once part of a living human being. That really bothered me. I get kinda queasy at that stuff anyways, but it was real bad for me. I practically ran through the exhibit. My dad was really concerned with how I was holding up. I wasn't. One particular one that bothered me was a "specimen" cut up into see through slabs about half an inch thick. The whole body. People cut in halves, quarters, people with their muscles removed facing the bones that were once hidden in them. Brains, lungs, cancer, fetuses, birth defects. They had it all. I was literally crying at the end. These people donated their bodies to science, and instead had their bodies disected for the public gawking. The argument was the exhibit was educational. It was, but it really was a principle of moral values.

On a way lighter and less gory note, I don't know. That is the first museum exhibit that has ever given me a nightmare.

Oh! I plan to do a Disney recap, with pictures! Look for it!
See ya!

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