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Friday, March 17, 2006
hMm.. iT's fRidAy!![mY fAve dAy!! XD] iT's oUr pErfOrmAncE dAy mOsT LikELy eVEryOnE iS rEady fOr tHe pLay ^__^.. bEfOrE i Left tHe hOuSe i JusT rEmEmbErEd tHat iT iS aLso tHe LasT dAy fOr cHecKiNg oF nOtEbOoKs oN eNGLisH. sO i LoOkeD fOr mY nOtEboOk eVerywHerE bUt i jUst cAn'T fiNd iT T__T [sTriKe oNe!] tHen wHen i gOt tO sChoOL i LeArnEd tHAt iT's oUr uNiT tEsT iN cHemiStRy bUt i Didn't sTudY sO iT's LikE "O__o oKiE iSn'T fRidAy mY fAve dAy?!" [sTriKE tWo!] tHe tEst wEnt wELL ^__^; aNd i jUst sTartEd aLL oVer aGain aNd wRoTe aLL tHe 4tH gRAdiNg LecTurEs oN mY fiLipiNo nOtEboOk [O__o tHe eNGLisH LesSonS wErE oN mY filipiNo nOteBoOk!!] bUt siR cHecKeD iT aNd i tOLD hiM tHAt mY nOtEbOok gOt LOst T__T
bUt aFtEr tHat iT wEnt wELL.. aNywAys, wHen iT's oUr vAcAnt pEriOd aLL oF wHAt hApPenEd hAd sEt aSidE ^__^ jEzReEL wAs a Lot oF hELp.. hE mAdE uS LaUgh sO hArd! XD [sOrRy bUt i Don'T feEL LikE narRatIng iT XD] tHE reSt oF tHe dAy tUrNeD oUt sO wELL.. aND tHe pLAy wAs a SucCeSs!! ^__^ wE aLL gOt hiGh gRadEs sO aFtEr tHAt wE wErE jUst hAppY oN tHe oUtcOMe oF oUr wOrK.. i fEeL LikE "bEiNg a hiGhsChoOL sTuDenT iS jUst pLaiN gOoD."
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
fEeDbAcK! 'cOz i wAsn't aBLe tO pOst yEstErdAy. sO, i'M gOnNa pUt aLL oF wHat hAppEnEd iN tHis eNtrY..
wHen i wAs pOstiNg oN tHe oTakUboArdS' fOrUm [aCtUaLLy wAs aBouT tO poSt --___--''] tWo oF mY cLasSmAteS cAmE >__< tHEy wErE aSkiNg mE iF tHerE wiLL bE a prAcTicE tHAt dAy i sAiD tHAt i Don'T kNow 'cOz nO oNE iNfoRmEd mE aNd aLSo iF eVEr tHErE wiLL bE a pRactiCe rOsE aNn wiLL sUrELy cALL mE oR tExT mE. sO tHat'S iT! bUt i cAn sEnsE tHAt rOnNie hAve tHE pLAn oF sPendiNg tHe dAy hEre aNd tHAt maDe mE dEciDe tO tUrn oFf tHe pC aNd jUst pLAy pS2 iNstEad. [wHAt a bOtHEr! i wAs tHinKiNg mOre oF a qUieT dAy aLonE tHEn tHiS hAppEnED iNstEad! wHAt a LifE! --___--'']
iT bEgAn! aS eXpEctEd jEzReEL wOn sEVerAL tIMeS [tHEy wErE pLAyiNg nAruTo] aND aBouT rOnniE? uHmM.. hE diDn'T [kArmA! mUahAhA!] rOnNiE gAvE uP aND gAvE mE tHe cOntRoLLeR.. >__< sO, i hAve tO fiGht jeZ tHis tIMe [gEeZ! i dOn't eVen pLAy tHIs oNcE iN a WhiLe] bUt hEy! i cOpe uP fAstEr tHAn i tHoUgHt aNd wOn tHe LasT tWo gAmeS oVEr fOur gAmeS! wE'Re jUSt eVEn! mUahAhA!! XD
tHerE'S nOthiNg mUcH hAppEnEd tOdAy.. >__< i dEciDed tO bRiNG mY cELL wiTh mE 'cOz i rEcOrDeD "tRiGgEr" bY sEki tOshiHiKo [sAnZO] iN mY pHonE.. ^__^; aHehE tHE cLAsSrOoM iN cHaOS aS i eNtErEd tHe rOom wOrRyiNG aBoUt tHe pLAy oN vAluEs tHAt wiLL bE pErfOrmeD tOdAy [bUt aLL tHe gRoUps aRen't rEAdy yEt] aNd aLL tHE eXamS tOdAy [i diDn'T rEviEw a biT aND i diDn'T pRactIcEd] bUt i wAs jUSt "dOn'T wAnT tO dEaL wiTh tHosE pRoBLEmS riGht nOw" [i wAs sTiLL sLeEpY! ^__^; aHEhE] oK! tHE eXaMs wErE kiNdA juSt fiNe wiTh mE, bUt tHE pLAy! *sigh* rOSe aNn aND mE wEnt tO mRs. gArciA tO aSk iF tHe pLAy wiLL bE cOntiNuEd 'cOZ nO oNe iS qUiTe rEAdy fOR iT.. bUt sAdLy sHe oNLy tOLd uS "iT iSn'T mY pRoBLEm." [T___T hOW cRuEL.. *sniff*]
wHEn wE wEnt iNsiDE tHE rOoM ma'Am aSkEd uS iF tHe gRoUpS wErE rEaDy tO pErfOrM [oF cOurSe nO oNe aNswErEd! XD] tHen sHe diScUsSed sOmeThiNg wiTh mArY fE [oUr cLAsS pResiDEnT] aBouT tHe rEpOrT aND sHE Let uS oFf tHis tImE bUt tHe pLaY wiLL sUrELy bE cOntiNuEd bY tOmoRrOw.. >__< tHAt'S aLreAdy finE wiTH mE bEcAuSe wE aLrEAdy pRactIceD so i'M qUiTe rEAdy fOR tOmoRrOw! ^__^
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
^__^; aHeHE
iT tUrNs oUt tHaT mY pLaN oN fiNdiNg siTeS wHeRe i cAn dOwnLoaD GenSomaDen sAiYuki mAngAs diDN't gO wELL sO i jUsT rEaD sOme oF iT's ePisOdE sUmMaRiEs.. ^__^
i aLso dOwnLoaDed sOme sAiyUki sOngS! sAiyUki rELoaD's eNd sOng fUkiSuSaBu kAzE nO nAkA dE bY WAG, gEnSomAdEn sAiYuki'S aLoNE mUsiC bOx vErsiOn,sAiYuKi rEqUiEm'S tIgHtrOpE aNd pRepArAtiOn bY sEki tOsHiHiKo (sAnZo) *bLuSheS* ^__^; aHehE
i aLso rEad fOrUm tOpiCs aBoUt sAiYuki.. juSt cAn't hElp iT!! XD oF cOurSe i'M a diE hArd fAn oF tHis aNimE sO tHAt's jUst iT, aNd i'm tOo dEdiCatEd tO sAnzO-kUn [i tHink obSeSsEd iS tHE riGht tErm! mUaHaha]. i cAn'T hELp pLayiNg oPeN uP yOuR miNd, oNe oF tHe bEsT sAiyUki sOngS oVer aNd oVer. iT'S jUst tOo bEauTiFuL aNd i cAn'T sToP sTAriNg aT tHe fOuR fAtEd gUys aNd tHiNk hOw wOndErfUL aNd mEaNiNgfUL tHeiR jOurNEy iS. <3
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nAmE: 31sT tOuA GenJo sAnZo hOusHi-sAma (gEnjO sAnZo)
sAiYuki gAiDeN: kOnzEn dOuji
sEiYuU: sEki tOsHihIkO
aGe: 23
hEiGht: 177 cM
wEiGhT: 64 kG
eYe cOLoR: aMeThysT pUrPLe
hAiR cOLor: gOLdeN bLoNdE
bLoOd tYpE: A
BiRtHdAy: nOvEmBEr 29
cOnsTeLLatiOn: sAguItTaRiUs
LikEs: cIgarEtTeS, bEer, mAhjOnG anD wHacKiNg GoKu anD GojYo fOr bEiNg baKa! ^__^; aHeHe
diSLikEs:rAiN aNd nOisY pEopLe (gOkU and gOjYO XD)
wEaPonS: sHurEjYu (sPirIt-aScEnDiNg gUn), eViL sUtrA aNd hAriSeN (a pApeR fAn wHicH i dOn'T kNow wHerE iT cAmE fRoM.. uSe tO wHaCk gOkU And gOjyO)
qOuTeS: oMaE wO kOrOsU! (i'LL kILL yOu!), sHi-nE! (diE!), uRuSaI! (sHuT uP!)aND bAkA (sTupiD!)
God Profile : Konzen Douji is the nephew of Kanzeon Bosatsu and works for her in filing and signing documents. He usually complains how boring Heaven is and she feels the same way. He was told to take care of the monkey and had a stressful time keeping up with him. Like his human profile he is a little loud and had zero temper especially to Goku (he calls him his pet). But to Goku he is shining like the sun, because of his long golden blond hair.
Human Profile : He was nicknamed Kouryu the River Drifter. by fellow disciples in the Kinzan Temple where he grew up. Komyo Sanzo was like a father to him as he taught him everything there is to know. When he was killed by demons his title was passed on to Kouryu and his name changed to Toua Genjo Sanzo Houshi. He possesses the Evil Sutra he can use to exterminate demons quickly and to retrieve his late master's sutra. During the time when Togenkyo's demons are going maniacal, he is being ordered by the Sanbutsushin (Three Buddhas) to journey to the West along with three demons to find out something about Gyumao's revival and hinder it.
Spoilers: Sanzo is the Monk in the novel Journey to the West, but he isn't that helpless like the character in the book. He may be a handful (count how many times his group has to save him since he is either poisoned or injured), but his anti-descending gun and Sutra make up all of his shortcomings. In fact, he defies practically ALL the basic rules of a monk (a Sanzo at that!): has blond hair he refuses to shave off, purple eyes, a very sexy undergarment, a nasty temper, a very very bad smoking and drinking habit, and needs a serious attitude adjustment. If his gun or Sutra doesn't hurt you, his words will! He is NOT a laconic person as everyone else thinks. He is actually too hot-tempered that he always threatens Gojyo and Goku from making noise by either pointing his gun and shooting at them or whacking them with his paper fan.Despite his highest monk title and knowledge of the villagers' admiration, he hates giving sermons to them and keeps a low profile. But he can live up to his position by chanting, meditating and preaching to his companions (the ones he would never admit as friends). Believe it or not, he seems to be good with kids. One major example is when he kept Lilin from making too much mess by only handing her a meat bun (see episode 8) . Must be from being attached to Goku too much. ^_^ Errr...he likes red pickled ginger in his fried noodles, I think. (see episode 32)
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sAiYuKi mAngAs T__T
wE hAve nO cLasSeS tOdAy 'CoZ iT's tHe 2nD yEaRs' NaTiOnaL aChiEvEmEnT tEsT dAy... sO i wiLL bE sPenDiNg mY wHoLe dAy hErE aT hOmE...
i tHinK i'LL dOwnLoaD tHe sAiYuKi rELoaD mAngA 'cOz i cAn'T fiNd aNy siTeS wHerE i cAn dOwnLoaD tHe gEnSoMadEn sAiyUki mAnGa *sIGh*
anYwAys, i'M gOnNa sPenD mY whOLE dAy fiNdiNg siTeS, LisTeNing tO sAiYuKi sOunDtRacKs aNd mAybE wRiTiNg eNtRiEs hErE.. ^__^
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Monday, March 13, 2006
mY fiRsT pOeM ^__^
By Me
It’s very painful isn’t it?
To see that he’s truly taken
He didn’t even know a bit
That you’re heart is fin’lly broken
Oh how you wish that he would know
That through these years you loved him so
Much like a river love does flow
But what you’re feeling will not go
Just seeing him brings happiness
Realizing that he is gone
Given up and thought you’re hopeless
Tears roll down when seen with someone
The memories that you’ve treasured
Must have to be left in the past
For now’s the time to be assured
That that heartbreak will be the last
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dOuBLe pOst.. ^__^; aHehE
i jUst tHoUght tO pOsT sOmeThinG 'cOz i'M qUiTe bOrEd aNd wAiTiNg fOr sAiYukI tO aIr.. weLL jUst a sHoRt sToRy tHat i wAnt tO shArE.. i ReaLLy LovE tHis StoRy.. aNywAys..
---Footprints In the Sand---
One night I had a dream. I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. And across the sky, flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. One was mine and the other was the Lord’s.
When the last scene of my life appeared before me. I looked back and to my surprise. I noticed that in the sand many times along the path of my life there was only one set of footprints. I also noticed that it was at the lowest and saddest times in my life.
I asked the Lord about it. “Lord, You said that once I decided to follow You, You would walk with me all the way. But I noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why You left me when I needed You most.”
The Lord said. “ my precious child, I love you. I never left you. During your times of child and suffering. When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then I was carrying you.”
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fiRsT pOsT!! XD
wHoOosH! mY fiRsT pOsT hErE!! hEhE
iT's bEeN a niCe dAy fOr mE (tHoUgH i hAtE mOnDaYs.. >__<)jUsT aS i EnTeRed tHe cLaSsrOoM tHeY wErE tALkiNg aLL aBoUt tHe mApEh pRoJeCtS..
aNd i wAs LikE "hUh?" (tHaT'S tHe oUtcOmE oF bEiNg aBseNt.. --___--)bUt aNywAyS "wE" fIgUrEd oUt hOw tO pAsS tHe pRoJeCt oN tIme (dEadLinE tOdAy aNd nO eXtEnSioNs).
sO, wE hAve nO cHoiCe bUt tO bUy sOaps aNd dO thE cArvInG aT sChoOL... i stArTeD cArvInG aS sOoN rOse aNn hAndEd mE tHe soAp.. i cAn rEaLLy sEnSed tHAt sAnZo rEaLLy toOk oVeR mE.. i cArvEd cHiBi sAnzO-Kun oN thE soAp! muAhAhA!! iT wAs a LoT oF fUn! (oF cOurSe iT'S sAnzO!!) iT tUrned oUt kAwAii!!
aNd i dOn'T wAnT tO paSs tHe sOap aNymOrE XD!! i tHiNk fAtE rEaLLy wAntS mE tO kEeP tHaT sAnzO sOap 'CoZ mY claSsmAtE aNnOunCed sHoRtLy aFtEr i fiNisHeD tHe cArViNg tHat tHerE wiLL bE nO mApEh cLaSs tOdAy!! whOoSh!! sO bY tOmOrRoW i wiLL bE cArviNg aNoThEr dEsiGn tO bE pAsS oN tHuRsdAy aNd i gOt tO kEeP sAnzO-kUn!! muAhAhA!! XD
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