Hello and welcome to my little piece of theotaku.com!
Please feel free to stay a while. ^__~ I know it looks kinda boring, but I hope that doesn't put you off!
Friday, February 27, 2004
I'm an anime Fan!!
I knew it anyway, but I thought I'd see what Kenshin thought... ^_~
 You are a *huge* anime fan! You are just like me, you mainly daydream about anime, sleep and think about anime, and are a total anime addict!
Anime Addict Quiz, Are You One? brought to you by Quizilla
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I'm back!
Oh my word, I haven't been here in such a long time! It's been 4 months! Thats a long time for me anyway. Well, I have got a ton of Dragonball Z art which i hope you guys will enjoy along with some original stuff. I've just got to upload it all now. ^_^ So all DBZ fans watch this space...
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Saturday, October 18, 2003
It's all go!!
AARRGGHH!!! I'm going to a convention in less than a two weeks, and I haven't even started my Cosplay yeeet! >< OMG I've gotta hurry! I'm going to be cosplaying as Sae from Magic User Club (I've never seen the anime before by the way - it was my roommates idea...) But it's going to be fun to make! I'm going to start it from scratch... 0_o I'll be OK!! ^^ I've also been doing loads of artwork for the Con too, going to put it up on display! ^^ Only 12 days to go..... ^__________^
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Saturday, October 4, 2003
I haven't been back in a while...
Oh my word, I almost forgot about theOtaku!! Sorry!! >_< I will try my best to increase my activity, and put up some different pictures for all to see.
I just reciently added some of my Gundam Wing art that I did quite a while back. I tend not to do any 'fanart' anymore - I try to stick to original stuffs. It helps me improve my art if I'm not copying! ^^
Maybe I could do some original fanarts? 0_o
Anyway, hello AGAIN everyone~~ I'll keep you all posted on whats happening in my life! ^_~
P.S~~ Hello Rain Phantom! ^^
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Sunday, August 10, 2003
All change.
Oh my! It's all changed. And I do think that it's for the better. I like how the new art is now on thumb nails, so you can see whether you want a bigger view. Anyway, I'm off to rate some peoples art work.
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