Birthday 1997-01-12 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-11-21 Real Name Sara
Anime Fan Since Forever Favorite Anime Naruto Goals Get better at drawing, Become popular Hobbies Nintendo DS Naruto Computer Games Drawing Writing Hanging out with my friends Talents Drawing, Writing, HTML/CSS sarajujubean
Naruto Song: Heros Come Back ! Click button to Play. Want muisic for your site? PM me or sign my guestbook!
Hey guys ^^ Im Sara, im 11, and I love Neji and Anime. I'll try to submit some more artwork, but all I have is MS Paint and my scanner is busted. Just PM me if you wanna chat, i'm online a ton, and remember to sign my guestbook!
Today was Crazy
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Sorry Guys
Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I've been really lazy and sleepy for the past few days and I think it's this skin medication I'm taking. I have an auto immune disorder, so my immune system is attaking my skin, and my legs are covered in this ugly rash. It's horrible! I'd put a picture but I don't wanna freak you out. Anyways, I can't belive Naruto made it to the top five searches on Yahoo! That is awesome. What do you think of NejixGaara? Lol. Click to see nejixgaara
Boring Day
RAWR Kyuubi and Naruto Kun! I had a hamburger for breakfast! I am extremly bored and therfore decided to make a naruto fan manga starring all the characters. Pm me or something, before I die of boredom, I hope you all have a better weekend than mine. Comments
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Friday, November 30, 2007
Im gonna get my self into some fun trouble
My Mom is off the Puerto Rico because her aunt died, im a little sad, but I never knew her that much, but when I heard my Mom crying I was really upset. My Dad isn't as bossy as my mom, he lets my sisters watch family guy, they're only 6 and 9, we can get away with alot when were alone with Dad. Ha ha ha. He is rather bossy when it comes to homework, arguments (between me and my sisters), and how late we stay up (even on the weekends) so I might miss the new episode of naruto on saturday! I missed it last week and I cant miss it this time! Gotta know what happens next!
Neji video:
RAWR Did I scare ya yet?
I have to write a dumb essay on how to explain a scientific concept to a first grader and it's due tommorow. It's so stupid. Sometime I wish I was out of gifted classes, but my friends are there, and we have lunch earlier than the others. So it kinda makes up for the ridiculous assignments. I cant live without my buddys. I almost die every weekend.
Today I was sitting next to nicole in class and she started to show me a bunch of pokemon pictures and she goes, "This ones my favorite!" and starts kissing a lucario picture while were reading a book. Im like "Uhhhh, nicole..." then she goes "Which is yoooouuuurrr favorite?!". It was hilarious. I just sat there staring at her with a big grin, trying to hold in the giggles.
After school I was hanging out in front of the school, I'm watching my sisters, and then my nine year old sister is 'Hugging' a pole. I break out laughing, it looked soooo wrong. And thats kinda it, other than that the day was pretty boring, Oooohhh yeah, at lunch I threw my sandwich at nicole and the salami was sliding down her face like in the cartoons and there was mustard on her glasses, then she squirts mayo and fruit punch at me.
This would probably be how I'd look if I was an anime character. She looks alot like me.
I called neji gay and he hit me with his purse. Lol. Speaking of nejiii, I found the cutest chibi pic of him:
I feel so special today
All my friends at school are always crowding me. My friend nicole was begging me for art lessons AGAIN today, narutofoxlover 3 (amber), who's my best friend, drew a picture of me and neji looking exactly the same and i'm like neji has a twin? I also got A's on my progress report! Shya! This means a new DS game. Also, Amber thinks im a perv, she says im just like neji...
Also, sorry for not writing yesterday, it was really crazy yesterday too, nicole was chasing me and amber because we said she was dating a pokemon! I also had a truck load of homework... but I didn't do it anyways. Lol. Well, that's it from me.