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In the good ol' US state of Texas!
Member Since
Freelance Artist, student
I've started 3 mangas, completed none. I've started a fiction series, but haven't finished it yet. I guess you call them achievements--lack luster albeit.
Anime Fan Since
Since 5th grade, though I didn't know it was anime back then...
Favorite Anime
Slayers, Lost Universe, Inu Yasha, Trigun, Full Metal Panic
To finish drawing a Manga on my own before my Senior Year in Hishschool
drawing, reading, writing, gaming, surfing the net, biking, listening to music, and collecting
Drawing, writing, singing (to a degree).
I'm known as Mindy Suk Walker in Elfwood, and Vaneral in ...uh...tadah?
I am a fantasy artist. I don't mind requests (as if I'd get them this early in the game, heh), and I love working on collaborations.
Love all music--Country, rock (classic/modern/grunge/heavy metal/etc), soul, pop (to a degree, mind), and even rap. I'm also a big fan of foreign music, such as Jpop/rock, Kpop/rock, Spanish pop/rock, German rock, Cpop/rock, etc.
I am a writer, but am also an extreme procratinator. Yes, I admit--I suck.
And last, I LOVE video games. Mainly RPGs, but I can play most. My favorites so far rank:
#1: Suikoden II
#2: Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits/Legend of Dragoon
#3: Lunar SSSC/Grandia
#4: Suikoden I/Wild Arms 2nd Ignition
#5: Suikoden III/Lunar 2 EB
#7: Wild Arms
#8: Valkerie Profile
#9: FF 7/10
#10: Every other flippin' FF game. But, more particularly: Mystic Quest.
When I learn Japanese, and get Slayers Royal (I & II), and Slayers Wonderful, They will rank damn high in my favs.
Computer games rock too, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Diablo (I&II), etc...even Seal (which I haven't finished yet--it's entirely in Korean, and I have yet to learn the language!)
That's about it. I can't think of anything else to put up.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Blarg...I hate school.
Well it's official. I hate history and spanish class--school in general. I can't wait til vacation. I'll be able to get to everything I actually need to work on. ;_; So I will soon update a lot more often, but for now...*sighs*
Oh, does anyone know a good story criticizer? I need an unbiased judgement of my novel (in progress). I could use any help. Thank you!
I am working on what I owe! Forgive me for not putting it up yet!
Yay, my birthday was yesterday! I'm finally 17. Though I can't tell if that's actually a good thing or not. o_x;;
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Monday, September 13, 2004 didn't see that.
Yeesh. This entire school year already seems like it's been four or five months. To me at least. To my sister and my friends, it's going by like nothing else. heh.
I can't stand being sick. I caught something from my sister, it may be strep ( I doubt), or a cold. My throat is killing me. >_< BUT, on the up side, I'm getting better. Not like my sister who took two weeks to get better, I'm taking three days. XD I love my immune system.
I MADE GOOD GRADES THIS PROGRESS REPORT! Hallelujiah!!! Four B's and four A's. I feel so good. XDDDD
...I've been in a Slayers schtick, and've been drawing lots of FanArt. While that's being productive, I've been shirking on all my other drawings! SHAME Sarangeyo SHAME!
Well, I take my leave at that.
PS: BTW, I have been working on your request BlackWings, it's just that I've been a real lazy455 about it. Gomen Nasai! I'll have done soon! :D
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Okay now, that's outta my system.
I have homework as usual (blegh...), but at least I'm finally getting the hang of Spanish Class. *sighs* I think I'm catching up to the other students in that class at last! :D
As for all the other classes...PreCal is going good. I need to finish my homework more often but, we're working with that. English...I hate English Homework. It's almost always an essay. Scratch that. It is always an essay. Sometimes with extras like today. We're also reading The Scarlet Letter by something or other...whatever. Every other class seem fine. I think.
Well, I have to head off and finish my work. Oh, I'm putting up some of my older work (I may have posted them on Elfwood or Deviantart at one time...I can't remember), so...yeah. ^^;
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Someone save me. I've suffered temporary insanity! WHAT ON EARTH POSSESSED ME TO TAKE 3 AP CLASSES?! >_<
Now really, I don't mind high school. Not anymore anyway. But I seriously must've been smoking something when I chose 3 Ap classes. And a PreAP class.
Spanish 4 AP, English 3 Ap, History AP, and Pre Cal PreAP. Two Art (Drawing and Painting) classes, and a Theatre Arts 2 Class, and Chemistry. Insanity.
I have homework for five of those classes already. A research paper, another essay (the second one for English), reading, a character sheet, twenty-four math problem (which isn't too bad by itself...), major studying for a spanish test (I need major practice with verb usage), AND to top it all off Art homework consisting of drawing three eating utensils, and Art home work from a college I'm going to. *weeps* This is just from two days.
But, I've but one thing to say. THANK YOU LORD FOR CREATING WEEKENDS!! Sweet freedom...
Don't get me wrong, I love English 3 AP. The teacher makes it so much fun. :D I just want out of History and Theatre Arts 2. And possibly Spanish (only reason is the fact I feel like the only one in there that has no clue what she's doing.). Ah well. I live.
Sorry about ranting like that. It was just a very stressful first week of school. -_-
 You are Elza!
Which Howling Voice Guild member are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Shu!
Which Genso Suikoden military strategist are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Shiro! The loyal companion of Kinnison!
Which Suikoden 2 Animal Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I told you I liked Suikoden. ^^
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
Meh, it's been a while since I've been here. *snort* I shall put some art up soon.
I've been on a Video Game spree. I've played and/or finished Suikoedn I (finished w/all secrets), Suikoden II ('til my mom took it away from me and played it herself. Again.), Tales of Destiny, Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance I & II, Neverwinter Night, and Legend of Dragoon. And as such, I've procrastinated on nearly everything I need to do! ;_;
Except I did write in Lost Memories, Chapter One. Zakainel and Raziel were attack by worg (where in this world are wolves that mutated by the touch of a Demon). Zak got pretty torn up, but anyway...
I'm heading out. I have to get to bed. *sighs*
 YOU ARE UBERGLOMPABLE! Congrats, for you have reached the zenith of all glompability. You're cuddly, loving, soft, and all those wonderful, glompable characteristics. *glomp* ^__^
How Glompable Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Crap, that I really didn't myself as such...O_o
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Featured Quiz Result:
I made this quiz, but I actually expected someone else...But it matches me I think.
>  You are guided by the spirit of Earth. You are stubborn, down-to-earth, determined, and street smart. You love life, and the world, but you are sometimes abused, and that can drive you to an earthquake temper. What of Eight Elements is your guide in life?brought to you by Quizilla |
Sweet. I got my fav character. Normally I get Sylphiel (she's cool too...), but yeah...
I love Riou so much. I like Jowy more (I kinda wish I got him but yeah...).