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I've written out several book ideas.
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DNAngel, Yu-gi-oh, Chobits, Clamp School Detectives, Ranma 1/2, Fruits Basket, Rurouni Kenshin, Nurato, and just about whatever eles you can get on TV w/o cable......(does FF count?)
not really sure...
painting, drawing, watching anime
Drawing, Writing
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/22/06:
^//^ I'm loved!!
Result Posted on 11/22/06:
Result Posted on 11/22/06:
Shikamaru-kun!! ^//^ I luvs him very much!
Result Posted on 11/22/06:
...I'm not silly!
Result Posted on 11/22/06:
o.0;;...I'm not I?
Result Posted on 11/22/06:
Shika-kun!! YaY!!
Result Posted on 10/20/06:
*squee* I got Axel!! I luvs him ^^
Result Posted on 10/12/06:
Result Posted on 09/10/06:
..o.0 I get the wierdest answers...
What Do the Characters From Naruto Think of You?? girls only
 Naruto-Thinks you smell cause you got Sasuke, but secretly loves you.Sasuke-Gets all mushy and squishy around you, cause he likes you.Neji-Trys to be all emotionless and junk, but is jelous of Sasuke, cause you're foxxy.Gaara-Same as NejiKiba-could'nt care less, cause Akamaru don't like you very muchAkamaru- Bark bark growel (doody head!!)Rock Lee-Is your stalker. He has a shrine under his bed for you and worships it daily.Shikamaru-Thiks you smell too much like InoShino-Would gladly give up bugs to be told "Hello Shino-chan" by you.Sakura-Pretends to be your friend, but Inner Sakura thinks it's time for you to die, bitch.Ino-Agrees with Sakura, and plots to kill you.TenTen-Couldn't care less.Temari-Is your BFF, but dosnt think you're pretty at all and dosnt understand what Gaara's talking about.Hinata-Is kinda jelous cause Naruto loves you, but is your other BFF.Kakashi-Thinks you need to spend less time with Sasuke, and start getting ready for Chunin exams.Might Guy-Thinks you're mad for not getting together with Rock Lee.Jiraiya-Wants you to pose for his next book.....and you accept.Itachi-Shall kill you for getting together with SasukeOrochimaru-Don't know who you are.Iruka-Thinks you should hook up with NarutoAsuma-Don't careKurenai-Don't careKabuto-Don't know who you are.Personality-Cold and kept to yourselfBFFs-Temari and HinataVillage-Hidden Leaf Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/01/06:
*laughs worriedly*..really?
What kind of goth are you? (with pictures)
 You're the goth of all goths. Hidden in your dark and dreary mansion, you spent all day thinking of ways to torture and trick people. You certainly do act like the devil, or at least that's what people say. But, trust me, to other people, you are worse than the devil... Take this quiz!
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