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myOtaku.com: Saroku

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Hello all. =D
Hi everyone! I'm back! :) Vacation was fun. We planned on going to a water park... but it rained at least 50% of the time we were there. When our car pulled out of the driveway it started raining. Yay! ^_^

Also, we went to my cousin's wedding last night. =D At one part if you payed a doller you could dance with the groom or bride... I danced with my cousin (the groom). ^^ It was so much fun!

...umm... my cough has gotten worse. Last night, on the way home- at 1:30 in the morning- I coughed so hard I had to have a plastic bag and... well, according to my dad, it was a gagging reflux. x( *ahem* But ANYWAY...

Ummm... Oh, yesh, I'm starting to love Harvest Moon again! ^_^ I think I'll keep my theme like this for a while. (Ehehehe...) In More Friends of Mineral Town Cliff's heart is GREEN! YAAAAAY!! ^_^ ...ahem.

I think I should go have breakfast now. it's 10:30. I rarely sleep that late, but considering I got home at 2 this morning... ^_^ Bye everyone! ^^

Oh, wait. I noticed I made a mistake in the FMA manga/anime comparisins... The chappie in the manga starts out with Ed asking what's going to happen to Tucker and Nina (since Tucker turned Nina and her dog into a chimera) but they're dead. ;_; Then Roy and Hughes talk about Scar and stuff at the crime scene, THEN it goes to the homunculi and stuff. Heheh... sorry about that. ^^

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