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myOtaku.com: Saroku

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I'm sorry...
Heehee... Sorry I haven't been on. ^^ The party at kikofreako's Friday night was awesome! We originally had 6 people, but two had to leave at 11 pm for reasons...

But the four of us stayed up to five^^ But one of us fell asleep at two after watching Klaymation... Kikofreako, a girl I'll call Doglover, and I stayed up until FIVE IN THE MORNING playing Kingdom Hearts and Mario Kart: Double Dash!!. Kikofreako can't beat Sephiroth to save her life, and I beat him in like 3 minutes... I do that every time... ::evil grin::

Waaah! We have a volleyball game tomorrow and Wednesday! And I have unfinsihed science home work due Tuesday... Guess I'll stay up doing it^^ ...XD

Anyway. I'm sorry again for not being on^^ Oh, and do ya'll remember the story about Alex I posted earlier? The beginning? I'm changing it now that my friend sparkytiger13 and I are combining two^^ I'll post some parts of it, whenever that'll be.

I got another FMA keychain today! A full-body Ed! It's kinda small... and tha hair is bright yellow... And it's cute^^ I'm gonna scream if I see a human Aru-chan one! And I'm gonna buy it- even if my mom thinks I have too many! I ¢¾ keychains and Aru^^ Especially Aru keychains! lol!!

Okay. I really need to go. But not before I type more of my story!! ::another evil grin:: So, I probably won't get to any sites tonight... :( Oh well.

Later's ya'll! x3

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