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Member Since
• 2003-09-27
• Student
Real Name
• You can call me Riyu. Or Saroku.
• Not much ^-^;
Anime Fan Since
• 3rd grade, Sailor Moon. I think. (Probably Pokemon too)
Favorite Anime
• Fullmetal Alchemist, Read or Die, Eureka 7, .hack//SIGN
• Publish Twilight's Aura (my novel-in-progress), plus other stuff :3
• Drawing, writing, listening to music, playing video games and musical instruments...
• I dunno :P
Sunday, October 16, 2005
This pain I feel...
...I don't think it'll ever heal.
Ah, hello... Well, I was happier earlier ago, because Cliff's heart finally turned red in Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral town. I had gotten the large bed and everything... but when I showed him the Blue Feather... he said 'sorry' and didn't marry me. I missed two heart events. TWO!!! I spent all that time trying to get him to the red heart level- one game year. No, I've not mistaken it for red-orange. IT'S BEATING DARK RED. Like I said. Two missing heart events. :( If nothing happens by continuing to give him lots of gifts every day and continuing to propose... then I might just go for Gray. I'll just have to be more cautious, I guess. The song 'Easier to Run' by Linkin Park really reflects my mood right now... (if you wanna see them, the lyrics are here.)
Ha, but at least one good thing came out of it. I've been inspired or whatever to keep writing on the Harvest Moon fanfic I'm working on. I had a really awesome idea. ^_^ But, it might be kinda hard to sustain...
Anyway. Sorry to have you guys see me all depressed. Oh, but I did window painting today with a group of people from school! It's for an extra curriculum class that's optional. It's for not doing drugs. 'Twas so much fun. x)
Anyhow, I guess I should go write my fanfic. And, speaking of which, I'm changing my ToS one too, so go see it! It's at, called Separated, but not Apart. ^_^
Take care, everyone... ^^x
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