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Member Since
• 2003-09-27
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• You can call me Riyu. Or Saroku.
• Not much ^-^;
Anime Fan Since
• 3rd grade, Sailor Moon. I think. (Probably Pokemon too)
Favorite Anime
• Fullmetal Alchemist, Read or Die, Eureka 7, .hack//SIGN
• Publish Twilight's Aura (my novel-in-progress), plus other stuff :3
• Drawing, writing, listening to music, playing video games and musical instruments...
• I dunno :P
Monday, March 6, 2006
How... nice.
This week is going to be reaaaally busy for me. (For me is the key word there... xD) Today I had jazz band rehearsal at 7:20 a.m., I had practice for dance try-outs until five after school, tomorrow I'm going to a make-up lesson for band that I thought I'd missed, then after school there's this writer's group meeting, then a band concert, on Wednesday there's dance practice (but only until 4, so HURRAY!) and then Saturday is auditions for dance. WHEW. I hope that made sense... >_^;
My friend and I are going to trade back DDR versions tomorrow. ^_^ It'll be really funneh, 'cause I was still learning some stuff when I had my Extreme 2... It'll be so hilarious to see what songs used to be SOOPER HARD and are now fun and kind of easy. ^_^x Heheh...
Oh yeah, I still don't have pictures of my NAOKI plushie up. But that's because I haven't had the film developed yet... heehee... And also, I'm making a binder dedicated to DDR. It has lyrics for songs, some step charts, a list of the songs in some soundtracks, yadda yadda. It's fun to make. Whayo...
Aaaanyway, I really should go now... maybe get a start on my homework. ::coughmathcough:: ...^_^x
Later's ya'll!
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