Monday, November 21, 2005
Okay, well, this isn't a picture I took. The camera is at my dad's company...well not his. But the company he works for. But this is the color and type I have.

Well. totchis grl is over here. We rented The Amityville Horror, normally movies don't scare me. But, I was terrified. Out of my mind. We also rented monty python's the life of brian. Great, great, great movie. Well, all of Monty Python's works are great. I went see the new Harry Potter movie. Since Jacob was in. He's been coming in alot lately. The fourth book was my favorite, and the movie was awesome. But personally, I think they could have done better. THEY SKIPPED THE WORLD CUP! Jeez, I was really REALLY looking forward to that. So that pissed me off. Sorry if I ruined that for anyone..but..they shouldn't have skipped it. I remember that chapter so well. I wish I could've seen it. *sigh* Oh well, I guess there isn't much I can do about it can I? Well, I went to hot topic, just because I had no clothed for the winter except for plain white long sleeved shirts. So I bought a queen shirt and a jimi hendrix shirt to wear over the white shirts. I also bought a greenday wristband. And, I got to see Mr. Don! I actually met his wife! *gasp* My dad was there. The conversation after we left.
Dad: She can walk! That's good. That's the first time I've ever seen her come out of her room.
Me: Me too.
Dad: You mean, all the hours you've spent at Don's. She's never come out?
Dad:...Apparently she's better.
And, she swas pretty nice. She just seemed like a really nice lady. I'm not surprised, considering Mr. Don's just about the sweetest person in the world. He was playing my guitar, and staring at something in back of the amp the entire time. And, his fingers weren't exactly slowing down. I tried to see what he was looking at...but I couldnt find anything. Well, I have a cough right now. I really bad cough. Don't you hate them? I think it's because cough drops are so disgusting. totchis grl took my glasses, good thing for that typing class in seventh grade huh? Either way this short post turned into war and peace. So, ttyl!
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