Friday, April 13, 2007
Oh Mah Got!
Ah have not updated in a year! :0 So much has happened since then ._. I prolly would've updated like......um...... during last summer, but mah computer died (now ah have a laptop.... again)
Hmmm.... let's see..... well... all the things that happened during the past year was:
*My computer died
*I discovered that I suck at drawing
*I got rid of my multiple personalities cuz they were dumb
*I thought of an idea for a new manga
*I got a cute lil violent bunny whom ah call "Lil Prince Koe"
*I spent time on dA (deviantART) at school until some dumbass blocked
*I got waaaaaaaaaaaaay better at drawing
*I discovered that KH2 is only good for playing once then never touching it again until maybe a year later
*I discovered Okami *wh00*
*My mom died
*I found out that my family sucks balls (not literally)
*I found my friend's dog to e more loving to me than my own dog -_-'
*TV now sucks
*DDR SuperNova RAWKS!
yeah... well, i'm gonna finish this pic i'm workin on. Mebbe i'll post later
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
I got Kingdom Hearts II yesterday along with the strategy guide! Mah wait is over! yeah! but sadly, I can't play it cuz I wanna play KH:CoM first, which I should be able to do by today... I think o.o
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
j0! *waves*
Hi ppls! Sorry I haven't been posting for a while *like anyone still cares* I've been spending most of my time on DeviantART.com (my account is Saru-Chan289 if anyone cares to look at my crappy art) Today and for the past week, we had CAPT testing, so school's been awesome. Sadly it ends this Friday ;-; My drawing style changed again, and along with that, I decided to start another manga (I never finish any manga, do I? =_=;) This time I decided to do a more sci-fi type of thing. It's about this "alien" girl (she's actually just a girl from a race that lives in space but my friends call her an alien >.<) who was on a space ship on her way home (the spaceship took forEVER to draw xP) and the ship suddenly gets attacked by feared space pirates, and they blow up the ship and she ends up in a malfunctioned escape pod that lands on Earth. 17 yr. old (or 18... It depends on what I decide later) Shinichi Saitama finds her unconsious and takes her home. When she wakes up, she doesn't remember a thing, but later starts having dreams about what happend on the space ship. Soon, the space pirates who attacked the ship come to Earth to find the girl because she's very valuable because of her powers and could be dangerous if in the wrong hands... she basically she's like a deadly weapon... except she's a humanly alien... yeeeeaaaahhh.... I'll post the first few pages when I'm done or something, but it may take awhile because I have to think of a title for the manga and a name for the girl. Welp, I'm gonna go... Mah p00ter's being slow >.< Baibai!
“She looks like she’s sleeping… and look… She’s smiling…” ~Kaika (From Twisted Fate)
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Friday, February 17, 2006
Crappy Romeo & Juliet play/script thingy (FOUR SCENES LONG) yupyup
(MEANINGLESS CRAP: This play/script thingy is using characters I used for a story I finished called "Twisted Fate" which ended tragically... This play/script thingy had to end the way it did, because if I used the ending I really wanted, it would've taken more than 37 pages which was already long... Welp, I hope you enjoy!)
Shinohara (Capulet)
Atsuko - The Juliet of the story. She lives in a rich family and loves dancing. (age: 16)
Makoto - Atsuko’s father. He has a short temper and hates the Saitamas because he thinks they always start trouble with his three sons. (age: somewhere around his 30s or early 40s)
Shiso - Atsuko’s oldest brother. He’s very rude and arrogant. (age: 17)
Teika - Atsuko’s second older brother. (age: 17)
Kaito - Atsuko’s third older brother. (age: 17)
Saitama (Montague)
Shinichi - The Romeo of the story. He lives in a poor family and loves drawing. (age: 17)
Kai - Shinichi’s twin (by age) brother. (age: 17)
Kiba - Shinichi’s older brother. (age: 19)
Tatara- Shinichi’s youngest brother. (age: 12)
Saeko - Shinichi’s mother. (age: somewhere in her 30s)
Other Characters
Aki - Shinichi’s best friend. (age: 17)
Miho- A servant that works in Atsuko’s house. She’s also Atsuko’s best friend. (age: 16)
Taka: A doctor that works in Atsuko’s house.
Dayuichi: A man Makoto wants Atsuko to marry.
Scene One:
The setting is in a village square at night. There are paper lanterns hanging from houses and you can hear lively music in the background. People are walking around in costumes of animals. You see Shinichi, Kai, and Kiba, who are wearing white fox costumes, standing in front of the large stage in the center of the village with a crowd of people, watching several people in wolf costumes performing a traditional dance. Atsuko is in the middle of the stage, wearing a lynx costume. The people in the wolf costumes bow around Atsuko as she continues to dance. Shinichi stares at her in awe. She catches him staring at her and winks at him.
Kai: Hey, ya saw that, Shinichi? She winked at me! I think she likes me!
Shinichi: No she didn’t, she winked at me!
Kai: Nuh-uh!
Kiba: How about she winked at both of you, ok? Now stop acting like babies and watch the dance or else I’ll treat you like babies and send you to the corner…
Kai & Shinichi: Alright, alright, we’ll stop.
Kai: (he looks away and mumbles) I still say she winked at me…
You then see Shiso, Teika, and Kaito, who are dressed in lynx costumes, making their way through the crowd and stop behind Shinichi, Kai, and Kiba.
Shiso: Well, well, well… if it isn’t the Saitama brothers…
Shinichi, Kai, and Kiba turn and see Shiso and his brothers.
Kai: Oh great… The Shinoharas are here…
Shinichi: What do you three want? We haven’t done anything to you… yet…
Kai: Yeah! We only came here to have fun like any other civilized person!
Teika: You call ogling at our sister civilized?
Kai: Ogling?
Shinichi: Your sister?
Kai: No way!
Kiba: Couldn’t you tell from the lynx costumes?
Kai: Nuh-uh! It can’t be! She’s way too sexy to be your sister! I mean seriously! She’s hot and you’re not! WHAA!
The dance ends and you hear a loud applause and cheering. Atsuko leaps from the stage and runs to her brothers.
Atsuko: What are you three doing here? I thought you said you were staying home.
Shiso: Father sent us to keep an eye on… What? You think we enjoy watching you perform your stupid dance in this stupid festival?
Atsuko: (she frowns as her eyes fill up with tears) Well if this festival’s so stupid to you, then you could’ve told Father to send Miho or someone else to watch me! (You can hear her sobbing loudly as she disappears into the crowd)
Kai: (he looks in the direction Atsuko ran in) Must be sensitive about what people think about her dancing…
Shinichi: (he also looks in the direction Atsuko ran in, then turns to Shiso, gritting his teeth) What the hell is wrong with you?! She’s your sister! You should be more considerate toward her feelings!
Shiso: (he stood there with a smug look on his face) What feelings? She’s just an emotionless creature used for procreation and nothing more…
Shinichi: (he grabs the collar of Shiso’s shirt and pulls him toward him [Shinichi]) You wanna run that by me again?
Kai & Kiba: Shinichi! (they grab each of Shinichi’s arms and pull him away from Shiso)
Kiba: Remember, Shinichi, we didn’t come here to start a fight!
Shiso: Yeah, back away because you know you can’t beat me… Coward…
Shinichi quickly pulls away from Kai and Kiba, and then punches Shiso in the face, making him hit the ground hard. Shiso sat up holding his bleeding nose.
Shiso: By dose! You hit by precious dose you bastard!
Teika & Kaito: Shiso! We’ll get him for you!
Teika and Kaito launch themselves at Shinichi, but he steps aside and they end up landing on Kai and Kiba, bringing the four of them to the ground. Shinichi then runs off in the direction Atsuko went. Teika and Kaito sit up and realize that they’re on Kai and Kiba.
Teika & Kaito: Oh crap…
Kai & Kiba: (Kai’s hand twitches while Kiba’s eye twitches) Why you--
The lights dim then lighten again and you see Shinichi running through the woods. He reaches a meadow with a large boulder with a flat top, located in the center of it and spots Atsuko sitting on it next to her costume, hugging her knees and sobbing into her arms.
Shinichi: Hey, are you alright?
Atsuko: Go away…
Shinichi walks closer to the boulder, then looks up.
Shinichi: I-I’m sorry about Shiso.
Atsuko: (she sniffles) Don’t be… He’s a jerk… He, Teika, Kaito, and my father… they all are like that… they’re the reason Mother-- (she stops, burying her face in her arms and sobs again)
Shinichi looks down, then back up at Atsuko.
Shinichi: Well… um… If it’ll make you feel better… I um… liked your dance… I thought it was awesome.
Atsuko lifts her head, then looks down at Shinichi, a bit shocked.
Atsuko: Really?
Shinichi: (he nods) Uh-huh. I’ve never seen anyone dance like you.
Shinichi climbs up the boulder and sits next to Atsuko.
Atsuko: No one’s… ever told me… that they liked any of my dances…
Shinichi: Really? Because you dance better than anyone I’ve ever seen.
Atsuko looks down in front of her, blushing.
Atsuko: Th-Thank you… My mother taught me how to dance.
Shinichi: She must’ve been a great dancer then.
Atsuko: Yeah… She was…
There’s a long pause, then finally Shinichi speaks.
Shinichi: Um… My name’s Shinichi… Shinichi Saitama.
Atsuko: I’m Atsuko Shinohara.
They both smile, then Atsuko looks up.
Atsuko: Wow… Look at the sky…
Shinichi: (he looks up and sees the full moon surrounded by stars shining brightly in the sky) Oh, wow… That’s beautiful!
Atsuko: It reminds me of my mother… We used to sit outside and try to count the stars. But that was before we moved to this town.
Shinichi: (he laughs) How far did you get?
Atsuko: Not very… I always quit by the time I got to 90 or 100... It was just too much. My mother always kept counting though. The last time she counted, she made it up to around 9,000.
Shinichi: No way! That’s more than I could ever count. I’d end up quitting at 10. (he laughs again)
Atsuko laughs along with Shinichi for long minutes, then they stop. In the background, you can hear distant voices calling for Atsuko. She looks behind her, where the voices are coming from and sighs.
Atsuko: I have to go… They’re looking for me…
Shinichi: Ah… Well… Should I walk with you?
Atsuko: Um… no… It’s alright… I don’t want you to get into a fight… besides… they’re not that far…
Shinichi: Ok then…
Atsuko smiles at Shinichi, then grabs her costume and climbs down the boulder. She walks to the edge of the meadow, turns to Shinichi and waves, then bounds off into the woods. After she’s gone, Shinichi sits there gazing at the stars. He then leaps off of the boulder and heads back toward the village. When he enters the village, he goes to the village square. He sees that the festival is over and that no one is there except for his brothers who are sitting on the empty stage and walks toward them. As he gets closer, he can see that they each have a swollen cheek, a bloody lip, a bloody nose, some cuts, and a bunch of bruises.
Shinichi: What the hell happened to you two?
Kai and Kiba get off of the stage, and they start walking away from the village square with Shinichi.
Kai: We… uh… got attacked by some stray dogs… Probably thought we smelled like chicken or duck or something…
Shinichi: Stray dogs don’t come out of nowhere and start attacking people…
Kai: We-Well these ones did! After you left, we went to go find you and then these dogs about the size of lions came outta no--
Kiba: Stop lying, Kai… Tell him the truth…
Kai: Ok, fine… After you left, Kiba and I got into a huge fight with those guys, um… Tiki and Koto!
Kiba: That’s Teika and Kaito…
Kai: Whatever!
Shinichi: And don’t tell me… they kicked your asses?
Kai: No! I’m not finished! While we were fighting, about ten guys came from the crowd and started beating us up, then another twenty guys came and started throwing little kids at the ten guys who were helping Teika and Kaito. The little kids started munchin’ on their legs and kicking them in the balls, and then, the whole crowd started fighting with each other. We got caught in the middle, along with Shiso’s guys, but we managed to escape. Shiso’s guys got beat up pretty badly and they looked like mutated toads when the fight finished… It was horrifying…
Shinichi: Right…
Kai: It’s true! Right, Kiba? Right?!
Shinichi looks at Kiba.
Kiba: I’m afraid that he’s not lying this time…
Shinichi: Wow… I must’ve missed a lot…
Kai: Naw, you wouldn’t want to-- Hey! Where were you anyway?
Kiba: Yeah? You just disappeared…
Shinichi: Oh, I… uh… went to look for something…
Kai: Or do you mean someone? Bet it was that girl!
Shinichi: No, it wasn’t! I had to… uh… find my necklace! (he holds up a black roped necklace with a dragon wrapped around a jade ring)
Kai: Sure… We know you went to look for her.
You hear the three laughing, then the lights dim.
Scene Two:
It’s early in the morning and you see Atsuko walking through the village with a large basket filled with fruits, vegetables, several small bags of rice, and flour in one hand and a handwritten list in the other. She stares at the piece of paper, then frowns, squinting her eyes.
Atsuko: …“too daa od breed“… what the hell is “too daa od breed”?! (she brings the paper to her face) Oh… he must mean “two day old bread”…
Atsuko suddenly walks into a tall figure and stumbles backwards.
Figure: Hey, watch where you’re going!
Atsuko: Oh! I’m sor--
Atsuko looks at the figure and realizes who it is instantly.
Atsuko: Shinichi?
Shinichi: Atsuko?
Atsuko: What are you doing out this early?
Shinichi: I came out for a walk… What about you?
Atsuko: My father and my brothers sent me out on an errand… (she waves the paper around)
Shinichi: This early?
Atsuko: Yeah…
Shinichi: May I see the list?
Atsuko: Sure… (she hands him the paper)
Shinichi takes the paper, then looks at it. He squints, then flips it upside down. He flips it back, then stares at it for a long time. He looks at Atsuko and holds the paper to her, pointing at a word.
Shinichi: What does that say?
Atsuko: (she looks at the paper) It says “Two day old bread”. I didn’t know what it said at first either.
Shinichi: (he hands Atsuko back the paper) Whoever wrote this needs spelling lessons…
Atsuko: (she laughs) Shiso wrote it.
Shinichi: For reals? He acts as if he’s all superior, but he can’t even spell? Ha ha, that’s funny.
Atsuko: Yeah.
Shinichi: Hey, since you’re here, wanna come to my house?
Atsuko: Your house?
Shinichi: Yeah.
Atsuko: Um… ok… But I need to get the bread first.
Shinichi: We’ll get it along the way.
Shinichi walks Atsuko to a bakery, then after she gets the bread, he walks her to his house. When they reach his house, he stops and points to a small house with a small garden in front of it. It was the only house Atsuko saw with a garden.
Shinichi: Here we are. (he looks at Atsuko and notices that she looks a bit scared) What’s wrong?
Atsuko: Um… Will your parents like me? I mean I’m a Shinohara and I know that my brothers have been mean to you and your brothers, so--
Shinichi: It’s alright… My family likes whoever I like.
Atsuko: Oh, ok…
Shinichi opens the door and suddenly a book flies out towards them.
Shinichi: Duck! (he yells as he pulls Atsuko down)
After hearing the book land, they look in the house and see Tatara and Kai arguing.
Tatara: …Yeah, well at least I didn’t get my ass kicked! Just look at your face!
Kai: Well I’m sure you wouldn’t look too peachy after getting stuck in the middle of a fight between an angry mob of people! And my face looks better now, anyway! (points to a band aid on his cheek)
Shinichi: You two, stop arguing! It’s too early in the morning!
Tatara turns and sees Shinichi at the doorway.
Tatara: Oniisan*! You’re back! Kai was being mean to me while you were gone! *(oh-knee-san) oniisan means big brother in Japanese*
Kai: He’s lying! He was being mean to me! He was making fun of me! It’s not my fault I got caught in a big fight! (does a fake sniffle) It’s all your fault! (points to Shinichi)
Tatara: Don’t blame Oniisan for something you got caught in! He was with you and look at how his face isn’t even scratched!
Kai: That’s cuz he ran away!
Shinichi puts his hand on his forehead in embarrassment, while Atsuko giggles. Kai and Tatara stop arguing and look at Atsuko.
Tatara: Oniisan, how come there’s a girl standing next to you?
Kai: Heeey, isn’t that the girl from the dance yesterday?
Shinichi: Yeah, this is Atsuko.
Kai: Well, Atsuko, my name’s Kai and I just have to say… I loved your dance! You were all (he imitates a part of Atsuko’s dance, then stops and starts rambling)
As Kai rambles to Atsuko, you hear a woman’s voice in another room.
Woman: Shinichi? Is that you I hear?
Shinichi: Yes, Mother, it’s me. (he turns to Atsuko) Come… I want you to meet my mother.
Atsuko: Alright… um… bye, Kai… (she follows Shinichi)
Kai: (he sees Atsuko leaving) It was nice meeting you!
Shinichi brings Atsuko down the short, narrow hall and into to a small room. Inside of the room, you see little handmade dolls with eyes made of buttons, sitting all over the dresser that stood across from a small bed. You see Saeko laying in bed, staring out of the window next to her. Shinichi and Atsuko walk to the side of the bed. She turns her head towards the two.
Saeko: Shinichi? (she sits up)
Shinichi: (he sits on the bed, next to Saeko) Yeah… Mother, I want you to meet a new friend of mine. (he takes his mother’s hand, then reaches for Atsuko’s hand and places it in hers [Saeko]) This is Atsuko.
Saeko: (she smiles) Hello, Atsuko… I’m Saeko… Shinichi’s mother.
Atsuko: (Atsuko suddenly notices that Saeko’s eyes are a grayish-white) I-it’s a p-pleasure to meet you, Miss Saeko.
Saeko: (she releases Atsuko’s hand) What’s wrong? You’re stuttering…
Atsuko: Y-your eyes… A-Are you--
Saeko: Blind? Yes… I am…
Atsuko: Ah! I’m sorry! Please forgive me if I offended you in any way!
Saeko: It’s alright… You didn’t offend me…
Atsuko: Um… i-is it hard… being blind?
Saeko: No… It’s actually easy… I have a more heightened sense of hearing…
Atsuko: But… don’t you sometimes wish that you could see the faces of your sons?
Saeko: I already know what they look like…
Atsuko: Really? How?
Saeko: I see them in my dreams…
Atsuko: Your dreams?
Shinichi: Yeah. She can also see what happens a day or two before it happens… It’s really cool!
Saeko: That’s not what you thought when you were little… You used to say it was scary.
Shinichi: (he chuckles) Well it was because you always knew what I was about to do before I did it.
Atsuko: Isn’t that what a mother’s supposed know, even if she didn’t see it in her dreams?
Shinichi laughs and Saeko laughs along with him, then she suddenly starts coughing. Shinichi’s expression changes from happy to serious.
Shinichi: Mother… you should get some rest… I’ll tell Kiba to bring your medicine, ok?
Saeko: (she stops coughing, then nods, as she lays back) Ok…
Shinichi tucks Saeko under the blanket, then he leads Atsuko out of the room.
Atsuko: Is she going to be ok?
Shinichi: I don’t know… She’s been coughing like that for over a month now… We give her medicine to suppress it, but it only works for a short while…
Atsuko: What about a doctor?
Shinichi: (he looks down) We can’t afford it… We’re trying to save up for one, though…
Atsuko: Oh… I see… I’m sorry…
They walk to the kitchen and see Kiba mixing up something.
Shinichi: Kiba, Mother needs her medicine.
Kiba: I know. I’m fixing it up now. (he notices Atsuko standing next to Shinichi) You’re that girl from last night… The one that performed that lovely dance in the middle of the stage…
Atsuko: Um… yeah…
Kiba: I can’t believe your brother doesn’t appreciate such a beautiful talent… What a pity…
Atsuko: Yeah…
Shinichi leads Atsuko out of the kitchen and gives her a tour of the rest of the house. After he finished, Shinichi took her to a large hill that overlooked the village and they sat there and talked for hours. Shinichi was now finishing his story about the little garden in front of his house.
Shinichi: … so my mother decided that she wanted to start a little garden because it reminded her of him… Kiba, Kai, and I all helped out with it, but Mother did most of it. People enjoy looking at the pretty flowers and--
Suddenly, Atsuko gets a frightened look in her eyes and Shinichi notices it.
Shinichi: What’s wrong, Atsuko?
Atsuko: (she stands up) It’s almost evening! I’m supposed to be home before the third bell rings! I’m sorry, Shinichi, but I have to go again! Bye! (she waved as she scurried off toward her home, nearly dropping her basket)
Shinichi: Bye…
Shinichi sat there waving a little, even though he knew that she couldn’t see him, and couldn’t help but to feel sad as he watched her leave. The lights dim.
Scene Three:
It’s late in the evening now and you see Atsuko sitting at a table, playing with her noodles with chopsticks. Across from her, you see Makoto, eating his food slowly, and Shiso, Teika, and Kaito shoving their food down their throats.
Shiso, Teika, Kaito: More!
Miho comes and pours more noodles in each of their bowls, then leaves. The three scarf down their noodles almost immediately. Makoto glares at them as they get noodle juice all over the table.
Makoto: Could you three eat any sloppier?
Shiso: (has a mouthful of noodles) Sorry Father… (a bunch of chewed noodles fall from his mouth and land on the table)
Makoto: (closes his eyes in disgust) Ugh… And to think that you’re my son… (he notices Atsuko playing with her food) Atsuko…
Atsuko: Hm?
Makoto: Don’t play with your food…
Atsuko: Oh… Sorry… (she slowly eats her noodles)
Makoto: (he watches her eat for a while, then speaks again) I’m a bit curious to know… Why were you late today? You got home far after the third bell rang…
Shiso, Teika & Kaito: Yeah, Atsuko… Why were you late?
Atsuko nearly chokes on a noodle as everyone at the table looks at her, waiting for an answer.
Atsuko: Um… I… uh… decided to explore the village after getting all the necessary items, and then, when it was time to come home, I got lost! I mean that village is so big and we just moved here about a month ago, so I wasn’t sure which way was the way home. (she laughs nervously)
Makoto: (he gives her a suspicious look) Right…
Atsuko: M-May I be excused?
Makoto: You may…
Atsuko gets up from the table and rushes to her room. Shiso, Teika, and Kaito watch her hurry out of the dining room, then begin scarfing down their food again. Makoto looks at his sons, then puts his hand on his forehead and shakes his head. You now see Atsuko as she enters her room and quietly closes the door behind her. She goes to her bed, then falls face first onto it and lays there for a while. She rolls onto her back and looks out of the open window, then sighs. Minutes later, you hear a knock at the door, then see Miho enter Atsuko’s room.
Miho: Atsuko? Are you all right? (she walks over to Atsuko’s bed and sits next to her)
Atsuko: (she sits up on her bed and looks at Miho) Y-yeah, sure. Why do you ask?
Miho: You were quiet ever since you came back…
Atsuko: Oh… I was just thinking…
Miho: Of…?
Atsuko: Well… um… last night… I… uh… met this guy. His name was Shinichi Saitama…
Miho: A Saitama?
Atsuko: Yeah… He told me that he liked my dance during the festival. He said that it was the best he’d ever seen. He was the first man to ever tell me something like that.
Miho: Well your dancing is great…
Atsuko: And then I bumped into him this morning…
Miho: And…
Atsuko: He took me to his house… I met his mother and brothers…
Miho: Really? Were they bad like Shiso described them to be?
Atsuko: No! They were actually very nice. His brothers were funny and his mother was kind. She was interesting, though, because even though she was blind, she could see things that were going to happen in the future in her dreams…
Miho: Really now?
Atsuko: Yeah…
Miho: Then what happened?
Atsuko: After that he showed me around his house and then took me to a big hill and we talked for the rest of the day… (she starts blushing)
Miho: (she sees her blushing and raises an eyebrow) Atsuko… Why are you blushing like that…?
Atsuko: (she looks out of the window, smiling) um… Miho… during the midst of all that… I… I think I… developed feelings for him… I… I love him!
Miho: You love him?
Atsuko: Yes! The longer I’m around him, the more I feel… well… I can’t really describe it…
Miho: But didn’t you say that you just met each other yesterday?
Atsuko: Yeah… but it’s possible to fall in love right after you meet someone, isn’t it?
Miho: I guess…
Atsuko: (she sighs and lays back down on her bed, staring at the ceiling) I only wish that there was some way that I could tell him… I mean… I want to tell him, but I barely know him… For all I know… he could already have a girlfriend…
Miho thought for a moment then looked at Atsuko.
Miho: I have an idea.
Atsuko: (she looks at Miho from the corner of her eye) Hm? What’s your idea?
Miho: What house does this Shinichi live in?
Atsuko: The one by the bakery… It’s the only house with a garden in front of it, but what does this have to do with anything?
Miho: Tomorrow evening you’re going to a formal party with your brothers and your father, remember?
Atsuko: Yeah, so?
Miho: Well, that’s your chance… You could pretend to be sick and stay home, and then when they’re gone, you could sneak out and meet Shinichi somewhere.
Atsuko: *gasp* (she sits up) That’s perfect! We could meet at the meadow! But wait… How will he know that he has to go to the meadow to meet me?
Miho: I’ll tell him tomorrow.
Atsuko: But how? You’re not allowed to leave the house without Father’s permission…
Miho: You’re going to feign sickness, remember?
Atsuko: So?
Miho: Well if you’re sick, then you’re going to need medicine and to get medicine, someone would have to go out and get it… I’ll ask your father if I could go get the medicine and while I’m out, I could pay Shinichi a little visit and tell him about the plan.
Atsuko: Oh, I see…
Miho: Yeah… What? Has your newly discovered love for Mr. Saitama clouded your brain?
Atsuko: Maybe (she laughs)
Miho laughs along with her, then the lights dim.
It’s early in the afternoon and you see Shinichi sitting on top of the hill, drawing a picture as he talks to his friend Aki.
Shinichi: … It’s really weird… Ever since I met her the other night, I just can’t stop thinking about her… I… I even dreamed about her last night…
Aki: You love her…
Shinichi: What?! What makes you say that?
Aki: Let’s see… You think about her, you dream about her, and I’m guessing that you’re drawing a picture of her!
Shinichi looks at his drawing and sees that he drew a beautiful picture of Atsuko with angelic wings, then gasps and flips it over, blushing furiously.
Shinichi: T-that doesn’t mean anything! B-besides… we only met the other night, so I know nothing about her, except that she’s a Shinohara and she loves to dance and that her mother di--
Aki: Wait, wait, wait, wait! Whoa! Back up! Did you just say that she’s a Shinohara?
Shinichi: Yeah… What’s wrong with that?
Aki: Heh-loh! She’s a Shinohara! She’s related to that arrogant bastard, Shiso and his two followers…
Shinichi: Yeah, I know and they treat her like crap…
Aki: Really?
Shinichi: Yeah… (he flips over the picture of Atsuko, holds it in front of him, and stares at it)
Aki leans over and looks at the picture, then at Shinichi
Shinichi: What?
Aki: Admit it!
Shinichi: Ok, fine! I love her! I don’t care if I don’t know anything about her! I don’t care if she’s rich and I’m poor! I don’t even care if she’s a Shinohara! I just want to be with her… and I want her to know that I want to be with her… I want her to know that I love her…
Shinichi: (he closes his drawing book, tucks his pencil behind his ear, then gets up) What’s that supposed to mean?
Aki: Well ya can’t afford a stallion cuz you’re poor…
Shinichi: You’re no richer than me…
Aki: Actually, I am…
Shinichi: Really? By how much?
Aki: (he digs in his pocket and pulls out two golden coins) Two cents!
Shinichi snatches a coin from Aki.
Aki: Hey!
Shinichi: Now you’re no richer than me…
Aki: (he tries to grab the coin back) Gimme back my coin!
Shinichi: Gimme, gimme never gets! (he laughs as he runs down the hill towards his house)
Aki: (he chases after Shinichi, also laughing) Goldie! Come back to me!
When they reach Shinichi’s house, they stop and catch their breaths. They notice Miho standing in front of the house, staring at the garden with her back facing them and walk up to her.
Shinichi: Excuse me, can I help you?
Miho turns around and looks at Shinichi.
Miho: Oh! Hi, um… I’m looking for someone.
Shinichi: Who?
Miho: I’m looking for someone named Shinichi Saitama.
Shinichi: What for?
Miho: I have a message for him… Do you know where to find him?
Aki: (raises his hand) Ooh! Ooh! I do! I do! He’s right there! (points to Shinichi)
Miho: You’re Shinichi?
Shinichi: Yeah…
Miho: I’m Miho… I work in Atsuko’s house and she wanted me to tell you that she wants you to meet her at the meadow after the third bell rings tonight because she wants to tell you something important…
Shinichi: Tell her that I’ll be there and that I also have something important to tell her.
Miho: (she nods) Ok, I will… (then she walks off)
Aki: Heeey, there’s your chance! Now you can confess your love to her and ask her to bear you a son, then name him after me!
Shinichi: Why the hell would I want to do that?
Aki: So you can always remember me when you go to live with your beautiful Shinohara angel…
Shinichi: You’re really weird, you know that… Here… take your coin back (tosses the coin back to Aki)
Aki: Goldie! You’ve come back to me!
They go inside of Shinichi’s house and the lights dim then lighten and it’s now nighttime. You see Atsuko sitting on the boulder in the middle of the meadow, looking up at the sky. Shinichi walks into the meadow and sees Atsuko.
Shinichi: Atsuko?
Atsuko looks down and sees Shinichi walking toward her.
Atsuko: Shinichi! So, you got my message from Miho?
Shinichi: Yeah.
Shinichi climbs on the boulder and sits next to Atsuko.
Atsuko: She told me that you have something important to tell me too…
Shinichi: I do… but you go first…
Atsuko: No, you go first…
Shinichi: Ok… um… well… You know how we’ve only known each other for three days?
Atsuko: Yeah…
Shinichi: And you know how some people say that you don’t know how you feel about someone until you spend some time with them and get to know them? Well… I’ve spent time with you and I know that I still don’t know much about you, but I do know this… I love you… I love you more than life itself and I want you to know this…
Atsuko covers her mouth as tears fall from her eyes.
Shinichi: You’re crying… D-did I say something to make you sad?
Atsuko: No! No, it’s not that… It’s just that I’m happy… I, too, wanted to tell you that I’m in love with you…
Shinichi: You are?
Atsuko: (she nods) Yes… That’s why I arranged to meet you here tonight.
Shinichi: This is perfect! Deep down I was afraid that you already had someone.
Atsuko: I thought the same thing about you.
Shinichi: But wait… What will your father think? He’ll be mad at you if he finds out that we’re in love with each other…
Atsuko: He won’t find out because no one else besides Miho knows about my feelings for you and Miho’s my best friend, so she won’t tell him…
Shinichi: I see… Well that’s good then…
They both smile, then move to kiss each other and the lights dim.
Scene Four:
Three months had passed. Atsuko and Shinichi made arrangements to secretly meet each other at the meadow on certain nights. Also, whenever Makoto sent Atsuko on errands, she’d go to Shinichi’s house and they would hang out on the hill. Shinichi would show Atsuko new pictures he drew and Atsuko would dance for him.
It’s morning and you see Atsuko folding up her blankets on her bed. You hear a knock on the door, then you see Miho poke her head into the room.
Miho: Atsuko, your father wants you to come to the living room.
Atsuko: Do you know why?
Miho: No, but there’s a strange guy with him.
Atsuko: Maybe he’s a friend or something…
Atsuko finishes folding her blankets, then follows Miho downstairs and to the living room. In the living room, you see Makoto and Dayuichi sitting on comfortable chairs across from each other. Atsuko and Miho enter the living room, then Miho bows and leaves. Makoto motions for Atsuko to sit on the couch next to him. Atsuko sits down, then looks at Makoto, then at Dayuichi.
Makoto: Atsuko, I’m sure you’re wondering who this man across from you is.
Atsuko nods, looking at Makoto.
Makoto: This is Dayuichi Mitsuda…
Dayuichi: Hello.
Atsuko: (she looks at Dayuichi) Hi… (she looks at Makoto) Father, is he a friend of yours?
Makoto: No… He’s the man you are going to be marrying…
Atsuko: What?! I can’t marry him! I--
Atsuko suddenly stops, realizing that she’s about to reveal that she loves Shinichi.
Makoto: (he raises an eyebrow) You what?
Atsuko: I… I don’t know him! I can’t marry him if I don’t know him. Plus I’m only sixteen…
Makoto: That’s why you two are getting married in two months. During those two months, you’re going to spend some time with each other.
Atsuko: T-Two months? But why two months?
Makoto: Two months because that’s when you turn seventeen…
Atsuko: B-But why do I have to marry him?
Makoto: (he frowns) Because I said so! And besides… in this land, when a woman turns seventeen, she has to choose a man to marry and then go and live with him.
Atsuko: Well, what if I already have someone I want to marry?
Makoto: If you do, then I want to meet him… Why? Do you?
Atsuko: (she opens her mouth, about to say Shinichi’s name, but then she closes it and hangs her head, sadly looking at the floor) No…
Makoto: Alright, then. Everything’s settled…
Atsuko: Father, may I be excused to take a walk in the village…?
Makoto: You may, but be back before the third bell…
Atsuko gets up and walks out of the living room. Makoto and Dayuichi look at her as she leaves, then Dayuichi gets up.
Dayuichi: I… uh… have to go… I-I’ll come back tomorrow and maybe Atsuko and I could talk.
Makoto: Ok… Bye…
Dayuichi: Bye! (he rushes out of the living room)
You now see Atsuko standing in front of Shinichi’s house, knocking on the wooden door. The door opens and you see Shinichi standing there with an anxious look on his face. He pulls Atsuko in, and quickly closes the door.
Atsuko: (she stumbles into the house) What’s the matter, Shinichi?
Shinichi: It’s my mother! Something’s wrong with her!
Atsuko: What?
Shinichi brings Atsuko into Saeko’s room and you see Saeko laying on her bed covered with several blankets. She looked paler than usual.
Atsuko: What’s wrong with her?
Shinichi: I don’t know! Kai, Kiba, and Tatara left to go fishing so that we could have something to eat today and after they left, I went to go check on her and she kept saying that she felt cold. I touched her arm and she was freezing! I don’t know what to do! Atsuko, I’m scared! What if she dies?
Atsuko stared at Saeko and thought for a moment. Then she frowned and looked at Shinichi.
Atsuko: I’ve got an idea.
Shinichi: You do? What is it?
Atsuko: In my house, there’s a doctor who recently moved in named Taka. He can has a certain medicine that could heal most sicknesses…
Shinichi: Really?
Atsuko: Yeah. I’ll go and get him, now… You stay here and keep your mother as warm as you can.
Shinichi: (he nods) Right.
Atsuko dashes out of Shinichi’s house and hurries to her house. Once she get there, she makes sure that Makoto, Shiso, Teika, and Kaito aren’t anywhere in sight, then sneaks up to Taka’s room. She knocks on the door, then lets herself in. Taka, who’s sitting on his bed, reading a book, looks up.
Taka: Atsuko?
Atsuko: Taka, I need you to come with me!
Taka: What? Why?
Atsuko: Because my friend’s mother is really sick and she might die.
Taka: I see.
Taka closes his book and places it next to him, then gets up and walks over to his dresser. He opens the bottom drawer and pulls out a small bottle and puts it in his pocket.
Taka: Take me to her…
Atsuko sneaks Taka out of the house and the two run to Shinichi’s. You see Dayuichi walking through the village looking around like he’s lost. He then turns his head and sees Atsuko and Taka running into a house with a garden in front of it. He looks to see if anyone’s looking, then walks to the back of the house and peers through a slightly opened window. He sees Shinichi sitting on a chair next to Saeko, who’s laying in the bed. Then he sees Atsuko and Taka walk in the room.
Shinichi: Is that him?
Atsuko: Yeah.
Taka: (he walks over to Saeko) Is this the woman?
Shinichi: Yeah… Can you help her?
Taka looks at Saeko, then pulls all the blankets off of her top half and takes her arm, pushes her sleeve up and feels for a pulse. She opens her eyes and slowly turns her head in Taka’s direction.
Saeko: Who… are you…?
Taka: My name is Taka. I was asked to help you…
Taka puts her arm down, then pulls out the bottle from his pocket and pops the top open.
Taka: Here… Drink this… (he brings the bottle to her lips, then tilts it, letting the liquid slide into her mouth)
Atsuko and Shinichi watch as Saeko’s skin color goes back to normal. Taka then takes the bottle away from Saeko’s lips and pull the blankets back on her top half as she closes her eyes and sleeps.
Shinichi: I-Is she going to be alright?
Taka: Yes. She just needs to rest for a while…
Shinichi: Oh, thank you, Taka! How can I ever repay you?
Taka: (he smiles) There’s no need to repay me, I’m only doing my job. (he looks at Atsuko) I’m going back to the house, ok?
Atsuko nods, then Taka leaves. Shinichi turns to Atsuko, then hugs her.
Shinichi: Thank you, too, Atsuko… I’m so glad you came when you did, or else she would’ve been gone. (he releases Atsuko) Why did you come anyway? Did your father send you on an errand?
Atsuko: (she shakes her head) No… I came here because I have to tell you something important…
Shinichi: Important? What is it?
Atsuko: In two months… I’m going to be turning seventeen… and my father has arranged for me to marry someone…
Shinichi: What? Who?
Atsuko: His name is Dayuichi… He seems nice, but I don’t want to marry him because I love you… (tears start forming in her eyes) I don’t know what to do… If I marry him, I won’t be able to see you ever again…
Shinichi: Then don’t marry him…
Atsuko: But what about what my father says? If I don’t marry him, then my father might find out about me and you and kill you…
Shinichi: (he now has a mischievous look in his eye) Screw your father… Let’s run away together and get married…
Atsuko: What? But… What about your mother and your brothers? They’ll miss you…
Shinichi: They’ll know that I’ll be ok… We’ll even visit them after we find somewhere to live.
Atsuko: Shinichi, a-are you serious about this?
Shinichi: Yes.
Atsuko: O-Ok… W-Well then when will we go?
Shinichi: Tonight… After midnight… I’ll come and get you…
Atsuko: Ok…
Shinichi kisses Atsuko, then you see Dayuichi outside of the window. He runs away from the house and around the village until he comes to the opening where he entered the village. He follows the path that leads to Atsuko’s house and when he gets there, he bangs on the door.
Dayuichi: Somebody open the door! Quickly I have to tell you something!
Shiso opens the door and glares at Dayuichi.
Shiso: What the hell is your problem?! Why are you banging on my door like a retard?!
Dayuichi: Because I have to tell your father something urgent! Where is he?
Shiso: He left a bit earlier to hang out with his rich, fancy friends and he won’t be back until nighttime… Can I take a message?
Dayuichi: Yes! Tell him that I saw his daughter kissing another man!
Shiso: What?! What man?!
Dayuichi: Uh… I think I heard her call him Shinichi.
Shiso: What?! Shinichi?! How dare that bastard kiss my sister?! I’ll get him back for hurting my nose! You’re gonna pay, Saitama! (he yells as he slams the door and storms off in the house)
Dayuichi: (he stands there a bit scared of Shiso’s reaction) Uh… yeah… I’ll go now… (he walks off)
It’s almost midnight and you see Shinichi putting his drawing book and some clothes into a bag made out of pieces of different cloth sewn together. He finishes putting his last shirt in the bag then closes it, throws it over his shoulder, then grabs the sword that’s leaning on his dresser, straps it to his belt, and walks to his mother’s room. He sees Saeko sitting up in her bed, then walks over to her. Saeko turns her head toward him. She has a worried expression on her face.
Saeko: You’re leaving, aren’t you?
Shinichi: Yeah… I am…
Saeko: Please don’t go…
Shinichi: But I have to… I’ll come back and visit you…
Saeko: No you won’t…
Shinichi: What do you mean “no I won’t”
Saeko: If you leave tonight, then you’ll never come back home… I’ll never see you ever again…
Shinichi: But you already can’t see me…
Saeko: That’s not what I mean! If you leave tonight, then… then you’ll be killed!
Shinichi: What?
Saeko: I saw it in my dream… Atsuko’s father will kill you!
Shinichi: (he frowns) You’re probably just saying that because you don’t want me to leave…
Saeko: No, Shinichi, that’s not it! Please don’t go!
Shinichi: I’m sorry, Mother, but I have to… I won’t die and I’ll come back to you… You’ll see… Bye, Mother… (he gets up and leaves)
Saeko: Shinichi! (tears fall from her eyes as Shinichi goes and she begins sobbing) Please, come back, Shinichi…
Shinichi is at the door and just as he’s about to open it, he hears Kiba’s voice.
Kiba: Shinichi, if Mother says not to go tonight, then don’t go… You know she could see what’s going to happen… Listen to her!
Shinichi: Her predictions aren’t always right, you know… (he walks out of the door)
Kiba: Shinichi!
The lights dim, then lighten again, and you see Shiso pacing near the front door. Teika and Kaito are sitting on the steps, watching Shiso.
Teika: You know, Shiso, Father probably won’t be back until tomorrow morning, so why don’t you stop waiting and go to bed…
Shiso: If you want to go to bed, then go! I want to tell Father as soon as he comes in!
Kaito: (he yawns) I’m going to bed… Come on, Teika, let’s go…
Teika and Kaito stand up and go up the stairs, leaving Shiso. Shiso continues pacing until the door slowly opens. You see Makoto stagger in, holding his head with one hand.
Shiso: Finally! I’ve been waiting for you to come home! (he runs to Makoto)
Makoto: (he waves his hand at Shiso as he heads toward the stairs to go to his room) Not now, Shiso…
Shiso: But it’s important!
Makoto: I said not now!
Shiso: (he clenches his fists and frowns) But it’s about Atsuko! Dayuichi said he saw her kissing one of the Saitamas!
Makoto: (he stops and grits his teeth) What? Which one?
Shiso: The one that punched me in the nose… Shinichi.
Makoto’s blood boils as he suddenly runs up the stairs towards Atsuko’s room with Shiso following closely. Atsuko is laying on her bed, playing with her fingers, humming Tsuki no nai Yoru*, when suddenly the door flies open and Makoto barges in. *(soo-kee no na-ee your-oo) “Tsuki no nai Yoru” means “Moonless Night” in Japanese. It’s actually a song I like sung by Satou Akemi*
Makoto: Atsuko!
Atsuko: (sits up, then scrambles to the edge of the bed and looks at her father) W-What’s wrong, Father?
Makoto: You know damn well what’s wrong!
Shiso: We know about you and Shinichi…
Atsuko: W-What? I-I-I don’t know what you’re t-talking about! I-I don’t even know anyone named Shinichi!
Makoto calms down and walks toward Atsuko, then stops in front of her.
Makoto: You know what I’ve noticed about people over the past years?
Atsuko: N-no…
Makoto: Whenever a person tends to lie, they always have something that gives them away… for instance, Teika shifts from side to side, Kaito fiddles with his fingers, Shiso changes the subject, and you stutter…
Atsuko: B-But--
Makoto: Shut up!
Makoto slaps Atsuko hard across the face, causing her to fall off of the bed onto the floor. She lays there, stunned for a moment, then sits up. She takes her trembling hand and slowly brings it up to her cheek which was now nub, then looks at Makoto as tears fall from her eyes. Suddenly, you hear pebbles hitting the window followed by Shinichi’s voice. It was in a whisper, but loud enough to hear.
Shinichi: Atsuko! Are you there?
Atsuko: (to herself) No…
Makoto looks at the window, frowns, then runs out of Atsuko’s room. Moments later, you see him run past her room with a sheathed sword in his hand and then hear him run down the stairs. Shiso runs down out of the room, but in the opposite direction of Makoto, leaving Atsuko. Atsuko gets up and runs to the window.
Atsuko: Shinichi! Run! Get away from here!
Shinichi: What?
Atsuko: Father’s going to kill you! Please! Run far away!
You hear the door slam open outside, then you see Makoto angrily walk out with a sword in one hand and its sheath in the other. Shinichi looks at Makoto and backs up.
Makoto: So… you’re the man who’s been courting my daughter…
Shinichi: So what if I am?
Makoto: Then I’ll kill you! (he raises his sword and charges at Shinichi)
Shinichi drops his bag on the ground, then unsheathes his sword, keeping Makoto’s sword from cutting him. He pushes Makoto back, then runs away from him, giving the two space between them. Atsuko runs away from the window, out of her room, down the stairs, and out the front door, and stands a safe distance away from the two.
Atsuko: Please, Father! Don’t hurt him!
Makoto: Shut up, Atsuko!
Makoto charges at Shinichi, and then you hear their swords clash. You see Shiso run out of the house, toward Makoto and Shinichi with a sword in his hand. He pushes Atsuko out of the way and she hits her head on a big rock as she falls to the ground and passes out.
Shiso: Father! I’ll help you!
Makoto: No! Stay back!
Shiso doesn’t listen to Makoto and runs into the fight. Makoto tries to pierce his sword through Shinichi, but Shiso jumps in the way, trying to cut Shinichi and Makoto’s sword goes through his back instead. Shiso falls limp on Makoto’s sword. Makoto frowns and kicks the dead Shiso off of his sword onto the ground, then swings at Shinichi’s head, but Shinichi ducks, then pushes Makoto to the ground hard, knocking him out. Shinichi then looks up and sees Atsuko passed out in front of the house. He’s about to go to her when he suddenly feels a sharp pain through his stomach. He looks down in front of him and sees the tip of Makoto’s sword piercing his stomach. Makoto smiles as he twists the sword, then yanks it out. Shinichi falls forward on the ground still holding his sword. Makoto kicks him and he doesn’t move. He chuckles, then whips the blood off of his sword and walks to Atsuko with a crazed look in his eye. He holds up the sword, over her heart.
Makoto: And now for your punishment, Atsuko… I’ll send you to where your mother is!
Makoto pushes the sword down, but stops it before it reaches Atsuko’s chest and looks down at his own chest. He sees the tip of a sword through his chest, then looks at Shinichi. He sees Shinichi laying dead on the ground with his arm stretched out as if he just threw something. Makoto, then falls limp onto the ground next to his daughter. A half an hour later, Atsuko wakes up. She sits up and gasps when she sees her father laying dead next to her. She looks in front of her and sees Shinichi laying there in a pool of blood, then runs to him. She kneels next to him and gently shakes him.
Atsuko: Sh-Shinichi?
He doesn’t move. Tears well up in her eyes as she realizes that he’s dead. She gets up and goes to Makoto, grabs the sword that lay next to him then walks back over to Shinichi. She holds the sharp end of the sword inches away from her neck.
Atsuko: Wait for me, Shinichi… I’ll be there soon…
Atsuko slides the sword across her neck, then the lights dim.
The End
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Hallo peeps! - Meaningless ramble of my day
Y0! Long time no post... well not really... I've been a bit busy this week and very tired, so I didn't really get to post. Today was a half day cuz next week, we have no school. Wh00t! G0 VACATIONS! *ahem* Anyway... Me, Jazzie (Jasmine) and Bryanna didn't really get to hang out together like we usually do during half days, but that's ok. I still havd fun. In Science, me and Jazzie were passing notes to each other... even tho we were sitting next to each other >.> Then Paul kept trying to read the note because I told him that Jazzie said something about him and a threesome which started this whole 'nother mini convo about gay sex *we have these kinda convos every day* and then at the last class, me and Paul had to go to Freashmen Seminar, but Ms. Ortiz, the teacher (no da) wasn't there, so we went to Mrs. Purdie's class. She wouldn't let us come in, so we wandered around the hallways. I found out that my old busdriver was his new busdriver and why the busdriver kept leaving him (the busdriver's a bitch) and then later, I went to my homeroom class and talked to the teacher about meaningless crap. Then I waited over 30 min. for the bus to come, and now I'm home. I found a Romeo and Juliet play script thing that I had to do for English and I'll post it in the another post for you guys to read if you wanna. *it's kinda long and it's really crappy* Welp, I'm gonna go now. Baibai!
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Day 3 of mid terms- Mathness ;-;
Today, we took the math exam thingy, and I think I did horrible... I missed 13 questions... even with a calculator ;-; Yesterday we had the art exams and I think I did good, because those were easy ^^ but I'm terrible at math and art isn't considered an academic grade ;-; *wishes it was* After the math exam, we went to the cafeteria to watch Madagascar, but me, Jasmine, Paul, and Alex talked instead. We had a hilarious conversation. It was very random and wrong, but still hilarious. At one point, Paul bet me a dollar that Becka would his Jasmine's ass and I bet him a dollar that she wouldn't. We shook on it, then Paul went over to Becka's table and asked if she would slap Jasmine's butt. She was all like "Eww. No!" and I went "HA! I WIN!" then Paul goes "Wait, wait, wait!" and he spent 10 minutes or so talking to Becka about something. After he was finished, Becka walked over to Jasmine, tapped her butt, then walked off. (btw, Jasmine was sitting there looking traumatized) Paul then goes "Ha! Now gimme my dollar!" I go "No, that didn't count! That was a tap, not a slap! So ha! I win!" Then Paul tries to get Becka to slap Jasmine again, but she said no. I was laughing the whole time. Then there was the time I had to tie the sleeves of my sweater together so Jasmine wouldn't thing that I was about to kill her for calling me asexual, but I scared the crap outta her when I started growling and using my teeth to untie my sleeves xD After the movie, we went to my locker to get our coats (she stuffed her coat in my locker because she was too lazy to go all the way up to the 3rd floor to use her locker) then I got on the bus, and now I'm home. Welp, I'm gonna go on Gaia (my username is Redkitsune259 if anyone cares) Baibai!
Quote of the Day:
“… You live such a horrible life, but you still continue to stay alive… What is it that gives you the will to live?” ~Sae (Twisted Fate *a story I wrote*)
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Featured Quiz Result: