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Thursday, July 22, 2004

This is a carro from the game Grandia 2.A carro is a moving flashlight,(that's how they are used in the game).They sound like pikachu and they are sooo cute.

Here are the characters in Grandia 2:
Brown eyes,blonde haired lady:Elena
Scary looking manimal:Mareg
Blue eyes,blonde haired kid:Roan
Red haired lady:Millenia
Blue hair,yellow eyed lady:Tio
Black hair,blue eyed man:Ryudo
Blue haired man w/ a horn on his head:Melfice
Holy looking old man:Zera Innocentius
Black haired,holy looking lady:Selene
The game is really cool.Some of the songs are cool too (I have Cancao do povo stuck in my head).The graphics aren't all that good though,but besides that the game rocks!
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
I came up with a better manga story (and my drawing style has improved)!!The story is about a buncha elves who save the world and then die.Ok,I kid,I kid.But I did come up with a better manga,and it is about elves and humans and stuff like that.I quit that other manga called Summoner of the North (it was too confusing).The new manga I started is called Legendary Elf Suzuki.I don't care if the title sounds stupid.Besides,I couldn't think of anything better *pokes fingers together*.Anyway,this manga is about a girl named Mayo (I'm using the characters from Summoner of the North because it would be a complete waste of people if I didn't.Heh heh.) who finds out that she is posessed by an elf named Suzuki,who is part of a legend.Mayo's brother,Toya,and Mayo's best friend,Yumi,also find out that they are posessed by someone part of that same legend.One day,after school,Yumi,Mayo,Eri (Mayo's other best friend),and Toya go to Yumi's aunt's house because she wanted to give something to Yumi and Mayo and Eri wanted their fortune told.Weird things start to happen to Mayo when Yumi's aunt gives Yumi a really long ribbon with a strange symbol on it.And to make matters worse,that night while Toya and Mayo were sleeping,Toya wakes up because of a bad dream about his sister and goes to check on her,but instead he finds a strange woman in Mayo's room who threatens to kill him if he doesn't give back something of hers that she claims he has...I'm still on the first chapter,but when I'm done I'll probably post it.I'm gonna try to make it the best manga I ever made!
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Here's what happened...
My mom got the internet to work again,so now I can tell you about the fire.Ok this is what happened:I had a major headache that day,so when I got home from school I had a little snack then I took a nap.Later,at 7:10,I started to wake up because I heard noises.But I thought it was my mom doing something,so I went back to sleep.The noise started to get annoying,but I still stayed.Then the I heard fan in my room turn off and I woke up and saw that the lights in my room went out.There was also a thin layer of smoke in my room.When I opened the door,I saw the fire and I took my phone and ran out of my room.I called my dog,Bostich,(not on the phone) and he started to follow me until I accidentally knocked over a small shelf.I ran outside and called the police.I also saw that my mom wasn't home yet.Then I ran back in to try to get Bostich,but I couldn't find him because of all the smoke.I started to choke on the smoke,so I ran back outside.Most of my neighbors were outside because they saw smoke come from my mom's bedroom window.I was about to run back in,but one of my neighbors (her name was Debbie) stopped me.So I just sat on the porch and started to cry.Debbie told me to call my mom,but I couldn't speak right,so the she told my mom what happened.A few minutes later,the police and firefighters came and Debbie told them about the dog.The police told everyone to evacuate the apartments.While the firefighters were getting Bostich,the police had to kick the next door neighbors' door open because they weren't home and the police were checking to see if they had any pets.It was cool,but I was mainly thinking about Bostich.Then I think of the show Hamtaro and I remembered that my hamster,Puu,was still in my room.
I told Debbie and told the firefighters.By the time my mom got home,Bostich was out and they were getting Puu.When I saw Bostich,his fur was covered in soot.But I didn't care,so I gave him a hug.Someone told me that he was hiding under my bed.After that,the ambulance checked to see if I was ok.I told them that my arm got burned a little.They put some stuff on my arm to help it heal or something like that.My friends kept asking "Are you ok?" and "How's your arm?" I kept saying "I'm ok." Later that night,my mom,Bostich,Puu,and me went to my mom's friend's house to spend the night because we had no where to go.I went to school the next day and almost all the girls and some teachers said,"I'm sorry about your house." Also that night I found out that Puu ran away because my mom's friend didn't put on a good covering on Puu's cage.I was happy that he didn't die in the fire though.Now my mom,Bostich,and me are staying in a different apartment until our apartment is fixed.I don't really like it here,but at least I have somewhere to stay.
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Friday, June 11, 2004
Hiya peoples again!Long time no post.Ok here's how it goes.I would have posted on my b-day and on Thursday,but my internet wasn't working right and it still isn't(I'm using kaeru cchan's computer).But as you know,my b-day was May 21 so now I'm 13 and on Thursday my bathroom caught on fire while I was sleeping.I got out ok but I had to go back in for my dog so I got burned.It's not that big or anything.The firefighters found my dog hiding under my bed and he came out ok.So now my mom and me have to stay at another house for now.Well I got to go.Maybe I'll tell you more about the fire later.Oh yeah and people who signed my gbook,I'm sorry for not responding sooner.Ok bye.
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Monday, May 17, 2004
hi peoples... ... ...ok bye peoples(this is way past my bedtime)I predict that I'll be sleepy all...*falls asleep*
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
Today was fun
...except for when I was forced to go to a parade with one of my worst enemies,I got chased by a 26 year old lady,I got hit in the head with a ball and knocked off the green thing(it's actually a green generator or something like that,but the kids in my neighborhood call it the green thing)because of Richie,and I got beaten up by 6 and 8 year old girls.But besides that,at least I got to go outside and listen to Manatsu no Eve(Tenchi the Movie 2:Daughter of Darkness) and My Will(Inuyasha),throw stuff at Sarah(that's how I got chased),run around screaming because I was being chased,talk about Inuyasha episodes with Tyler and JJ,and say how much Sarah sucks at throwing.Heh really was fun though.
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
My friend Loreta finally came!!She didn't stay that long,but I'm still happy that she came!I was sitting on my porch listening to Let Me Be With You(from Chobits)and a car stopped in front of my house.When I saw who it was I turned off my cd player and ran to the car.Loreta came out and we hugged for a while,then we talked about how long we haven't seen each other for and dogs,I said hi to her parents,then they said they had to go,we hugged again,then they left.I felt sad after they left.But I was still happy that they came though^^
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Friday, May 14, 2004
I'm such a baka.Yesterday,during social studies,me and this girl named Megan were talking and I said something about kabitsu chan.It wasn't bad or anything,it was just something that she didn't that much people to know about. but since I was really hyper,I accidently said it to Megan without thinking and she ask kabitsu chan if it was true.kabitsu chan got up from her seat,stood there and gave me an evil(actually pissed off,but I call it evil)glare for like 5 or 6 minutes.I got scared and hid behind my s.s was over,I dashed out the classroom and ran to my locker(to put my book away and get my backpack).This morning,I stayed away from her until gym.At gym I kept backing away from her but she kept coming towards me.Finally,when gym was over and the class was waiting for the bell to ring so we could change classes,kabitsu chan stands right next to me.I backed up,then she said to Andrew(not the perverted one)that she feels like sticking up the middle finger at me.I thought that it was because of yesterday but it turns out that she forgot.Then I had to be stupid and remind her.She got mad at me again and we started arguing as we were walking up the stairs.When we got to the top of the stairs we stopped arguing.We didn't talk to each other until lunch.But at lunch,we both forgot about it and started joking around with Anna and Taylor.Mainly Taylor because he stole a toy lizard that I got from science class and did some perverted things with it.Then he took kabitsu chan's water and tried to drink it from the cap of the waterbottle,but then I made him splash it all over himself and in return,he splashed water in my face o.o and the whole lunch table started cracking up.Including me and kabitsu chan ^^.
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I am sooo stupid.Ok today's Red Neck Friday and I just happened to wear a red under my school shirt today because I forgot.Andrea noticed this morning when we were waiting to go inside my school and started punching me in the arm.When I got inside the building,Sean also saw and said that he was gonna get me.Luckily our assistant principal,Mrs.Bennet Walick announced that we couldn't hit each other,so I was safe for the rest of the day.But my arm still hurts,ow.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
I'm bored,so I'm just gonna post some parts from my new comic Summoner of the North.(I also changed some things in the story/comic)
Rin stepped toward her badly wounded brother."Taka?" she said,not knowing if he was alive or dead."Hey!" shouted a voice from behind her.Rin ran to the side of a building,afraid to see who it was.Rin was 5 years old and she was told to not talk to or go near strangers,especially if they're from another world."Wait!I won't hurt you,but do you know this person?" The voice belonged to none other than Mayo.Rin stayed where she was and didn't answer.Taka,who was still unconsious,moaned.Mayo realized that he was alive and quickly called the ambulance on her cellphone.Meanwhile,Mayo's cat,Mougi,was watching what was happening from Mayo's balcony,when she saw that Taka and Rin were down there.She then realized that it was Taka and Rin who came from the blue lights she saw a couple of minutes ago.
Taka moaned as he woke up.He looked around the room sleepily,then his eyes grew wide when he saw that nothing was familiar.As he was looking around,a nurse walked into the room."Ah,I see you are awake.You weren't expected to wake up for another 3 weeks." Taka looked confused,then said,"Where am I?" Then he glanced over towards Mayo,who was sleeping on a chair,and said,"Who is she?" The nurse replied,"You're at the hospital.That young lady over there found you laying in the street last night.You were practically dead...I don't know how you could recover that fast."Rin woke up(she was sleeping in a corner)after hearing Taka's voice."Taka!" she said happily as she walked toward Taka."Rin!" Taka said with a big smile on his face.Rin stopped."Your hair." Taka glanced at his hair."Oh,it'll grow back.Besides,I needed a haircut." As they were talking,Mayo's pager went off and she woke up."Oh!My pager." Taka stared at her."She looks familiar." he thought to himself.Then Taka remembered a dream he had a couple of days ago.In the dream,there was girl about Mayo's age,standing in front of him.She was telling him to look for her in the other world."No.It can't be her." Taka thought."Oh no!I forgot about work!" Mayo got up from the chair and rushed toward the door.Then,when she reached the door,she stopped.She turned toward Taka and said,"Hi.I'm glad to see that you're ok.I would stay longer,but I have to go.I hope I get to see you again,bye." She smiled and then left.
"C'mon Mayo!You're gonna be late!" a voice said as Mayo walked out of the hospital.Mayo looked up and saw her friend Keiichi standing by his car."Keiichi!" Mayo replied,happy to see her friend."I'm coming." Keiichi stared at Mayo in amazement."Wow.She's actually running without tripping." As Mayo was running,she tripped over a rock and fell."Spoke too soon."
At the Lotus Flower Cafe(It's where Mayo works),Ayumi,Eri,and Yumi were waiting for Mayo to come."I don't think Mayo will come today." Eri said to Ayumi.
"She has to come.The cafe will be open in 5 minutes and we're gonig to need as much help as possible because we usually get a lot of customers." Ayumi replied.Mayo walks in."I'm here." Ayumi glares at her.
"Mayo,where were you?You're over 10 minutes late and the cafe is about to open."
"I was doing something."
"Mayo catch!" a voice says from the kitchen.Mayo turns around and out of nowhere,her work clothes go flying and hits her in the face.
"You were suppose to catch it Mayo."
"Ahahahahahaha!!" Another voice came from the other part of the cafe.Mayo and Yumi both turn to see who it is.The voice belonged to Nagi."So,what brings you here,Nagi.This isn't the usual time you come here for sake." Yumi said looking at her suspisiously.
"Yeah,and why are you wearing the cafe uniform?"
"Oh,Mr.Momomiya didn't tell you?" Nagi said with an evil smile on her face.
"He said that I could work here since you'll need a lot of help because What's Her Face quit."
"Nnnooooooo!!!" Yumi yelled as she ran off.
"Whaaaaaaa!Spare me!"
"Yumi come back!" Mayo said as she ran after Yumi.
Eri and Ayumi were watching Yumi run around,while Mayo was chasing after her.
"Is Nagi that bad?" Ayumi asked.
"I have no clue." Eri answered.
Taka,who was let out of the hospital after being tested,was walking around Osaka with Rin.
"Wow!" Rin said looking around at the tall buildings and all the people."Taka,where are we?" Taka,lost in thought,didn't answer.
"Huh?" Taka said,not really paying attention.
"Taka,I may be only 5,but I know when something's wro..."
Taka interrupted."What happened to your tail?"
Rin looked down."...One of those stupid bandits pulled it off.It hurt really bad."
"It won't grow back you know."
"I know."
"Hey Rin,let's get something to eat.I'm kinda hungry."
*later in the afternoon*"Welcome to Lotus Flower Cafe.May I take your order?" Yumi said to a customer.
"Welcome was the name of this cafe again?"
Nagi said to another customer,trying to remember the name of the cafe because she was half drunk.
"It's called Lotus Flower Cafe you dimwit." Yumi said with an annoyed look.
"If you don't know the name of this place,then why even bother to work here."
Nagi shot a look at her."What did you say?"
"Hey guys,I'm leaving early today since there aren't that much customers today.Mr.Momomiya said that Nagi could take my place for the rest of the day.Ok?Bye." Mayo said as she walked out the door.
"Later Mayo" said Eri.
As Mayo was walking,she was thinking about Taka,which caused her to walk through an alley.
"Hey Mayo!" called out a voice.
"Huh?" Mayo looked up and saw who it was."No!It can't be!" she thought to herself.It was her ex-boyfriend,Ryou.Ryou walked towards Mayo and trapped her between the wall and himself.
"Ryou...w-what are you doing b-back in Japan?" Mayo studdered.
"I came back to see you.America was so boring." Ryou looked at her with an evilish smile.Then he put one of his hands to her face.Mayo started to tremble.
"You know,I've missed you..." Ryou started to move his other hand into Mayo's pants.
"...I've missed you so much.
"Stop...stop it please..." Mayo thought to herself,as tears started to form in her eyes.She couldn't bring herself to say anything because she was scared and shocked at the same time.
Taka was close to where Mayo and Ryou were and sensed that Mayo needed help.
Taka stopped walking and turned to Rin and said,"Rin,wait here!" And without another word,he ran the opposite direction.As he was running,he started to transform.
When Taka arrived at the alley where Mayo was,he saw Ryou about to kiss her.
"" Mayo finally managed to say.
When Ryou lips were less than an inch away from Mayo's lips,he heard a growl.He stopped and turned his head to where the sound was coming from.His face ashened when he saw what had made the sound.There stood a fox,about the size of a wolf.Ryou stared into the fox's eyes,but stayed perfectly still because he was afraid of big dogs and that fox was bigger than a normal dog.
As he stared into the fox's eyes,the fox(mentally)told Ryou to take his hand off of Mayo and step away from her or else he'd regret ever touching her.Ryou stepped back from Mayo.Then turned his back towards her.He pretended to act cool and said,"I have to go..." He glanced at her and then said,"...See you later...Baby." Then he walked away...
That's all I'm gonna post from my new comic today.I hoped you liked it(I always say that),bye!
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