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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Here's a stupid story
Once upon a time there was a magical place called school.
And in school,kids had lots and lots of homework
The End
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Monday, May 10, 2004
I threw something 2 teachers this year.The first one was the evil science teacher.I threw a paper ball at her.That's because she got me pissed off.But the best part was that I didn't get in trouble.She was standing in front of me and said something about my homework which got me mad,so when she turned around,I chucked a paper ball at her.She turned back around and said,"What was that?"and I said while picking up the paper ball,""and she said,"Oh.Ok.".She didn't even give me a detention or anything.And today I threw something at was the gym teacher.But that was an accident.The class was playing this game(I forgot what it was called though)and me and kabitsu chan were partners.We had to throw a ball and catch it using a small net thing.We sucked at that game.Well anyway,the teacher made this girl named Bernitha be our partner too and I was gonna throw the ball to her and the teacher was standing behind her.Since I suck at aiming,I missed Bernitha and hit the teacher.Luckly for me the teacher didn't care so I still didn't get in trouble.But it was funny.
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Yeah I know,I haven't been posting anything lately,but that's because my mom hid the computer from me(I have a laptop).And the sad thing was that it was in my room the whole time.I really am a baka saru.
I just finished watching this japanese movie called Onmyoji.It was really cool.Except I just learned something from that movie...never eat pizza and yell at the TV at the same time(I burnt my tounge too many times >.<)
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Damn you computer and Billy!!!
I did it!I finally did it!I got to actually see my site in school.Yes I know it's not a big deal to you people,but it is to me because I never get to go on the computer in school because a stupid bitch in my school named Billy keeps hogging it to play crappy games.He always tells me to shut up and he's stupid and annoying.One day,I'm gonna knock the holy hell out of the fucking geezer(I call him that because he calls me a hag and I'm only 12)!But anyway,I didn't get to post anything because the computer froze and it wouldn't work right and stupid ass Billy kept blaming it on me.The teacher made us get off of the computer,but that was mainly because the class was noisy.Like Kei-Chan(Kaeru cchan),I hate my school too,but that's mainly because we're in the same school but on different teams(the school made it up.It goes 6 East,6 West,7 East,7 West,and then 8 East and 8 West.I'm on 7 East)and my school's cheap.*sigh*At least we have 30 more days of school.
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Monday, May 3, 2004
nyan...i like saying that now it's my new favorite word
i'm now officially obsessed with Fushigi Yuugi...i have no clue how it happened (i haven't been watching it for almost 2 months)...

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Suzaku Characters

~Suzaku no Miko~

Name:Suzaku no Miko
Real Name:Miaka Yuuki
Birth Date:May 12
Blood Type:B
Abilites:She can protect herself
Miaka is the priestess of Suzaku.She is cheerfil and loving.She loves food,but she loves Tamahome more.
~Suzaku Seishi~

Suzaku Seishi Name:Nuriko
Meaning:Palace Warrior
Real Name:Chou Ryuuen
Birth Date:March 10th
Birthplace:Eiyo, Capital of Konan Empire
Abilities:Super Strength
For those of you who haven't seen(or read)Fushigi Yuugi,then I'll tell you this...Nuriko is a guy.He is a cross dresser but that's because his sister,Kourin,died in an accident and he wanted her to live on,so he decided to become her.He was killed in a fight with a bastard named Ashitare.
~Nuriko died
I cried
No lie~

Tasuki and his friend Kouji

It's Tasuki dressed as a girl.I just had to post this picture it's soo funny^^!

Suzaku Seishi Name: Tasuki
Meaning: Mountain Fire
Real Name: Kou Shunu
Nickname:Genrou - "Phantasm Wolf"
Birth Date:April 18th
Birthplace:Foot of Mt.Reikaku in Koshu Taito
Abilities:Martial arts,Rekka Shinen(a scorching burst of fire from his iron fan)
Symbol:Yoku(Chinese), Tsubasa(Japanese), meaning"Wings"
Tasuki is the leader of the Reikaku even though he doesn't do bandit things(like stealing and stuff).He says that he hates girls,but his feelings change after he meets Miaka(Suzaku no Miko).
~The man with fan(instead of plan-it sounds lame)~

Tamahome and his family.How sweet.

Suzaku Seishi Name: Tamahome
Meaning: Battle Family
Real Name:Sou Kishuku
Birth Date:June 28th
Birthplace:Hakko Village, Juso prefecture in Konan Empire
Abilities:Martial arts and can raise his spiritual power to abnormal heights
Symbol:"Oni"(Japanese)or"Ki"(Chinese)meaning Demon or Ogre
Tamahome seemed to think only about money at first,but the money was actually for his family who was murdered by a Seiryuu Seishi(I think Amiboshi...or maybe it was Suboshi...I don't remember).Tamahome later fell in love with Miaka who also loved him back.

Hotohori's spirit,Houki,and Boshin(Hotohori and Houki's son)

This picure's pretty.

Suzaku Seishi Name:Hotohori
Meaning:Emperor Sword
Real Name:Seishuku Saihitei
Birth Date:April 2nd
Birthplace:Eiyo, Capital of the Konan Empire
Symbol:Sei (Chinese) or Hoshi (Japanese), meaning "Star"
Hotohori inherited the throne of Konan when he was 14.He is willing to protect his loved ones.He was killed fighting Nakago leaving his son,Boshin,as emperor and Houki very sad.

Suzaku Seishi Name:Chichiri
Meaning:Mask Monk
Real Name:Ri Houjun
Birth Date:May 21st(same day as mine ^.^)
Abilities:Learned his abilities from Taiitsukun
Symbol:Sho meaning"Well"
Chichiri wears a happy looking mask to cover up the scar left eye,so you'll almost always see him happy.He is the of the Suzaku Seishi and he almost always says"no da"(in the Japanese version of FY)or"ya know"(English version)after every sentence.

Suzaku Seishi Name:Chiriko
Meaning:Knowledge Child
Real Name:Ou Doukun
Birth Date:March 19
Birthplace:Western Konan, Jouzen-shi
Symbol:"Stretching"(I don't know what it is in Chinese or Japanese)
Chiriko is the youngest and smartest of all the Suzaku Seishi.Before he met the Suzaku Seishi and Suzaku no Miko,he was training to be a government official and was taking a really advanced version of an exam.Chiriko killed himself to kill Miboshi(a Seiryuu Seishi)who had possesed him(Poor Chiriko.He was so young).

Suzaku Seishi Name: Mitsukake
Meaning:Healing Medicine
Real Name:Myojuan
Birth Date:May 7th
Birthplace:A manor near Choko of northern part of Konan Empire
Abilities:Amazing healing powers and knowledge in medicine
Symbol:"Shin"-To be sad
Before he met Miaka and the others,Mitsukake spent his time locked up in his cottege taking care of his cat,Tama,after losing his only love,Shouka,to an illness while he was away healing other people.He's a very quiet man.He died healing a baby because he use all his lifeforce.
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Sunday, May 2, 2004
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Friday, April 30, 2004
Waaaahh!!! It's my fault!! It's all my fault!!!!!!
If any of saw my site a buncha weeks ago then you'll know that I had Change the World (with words) for the music.Well I Xavier my site one of those days and now he's obsessed with the song!!He's soo obsessed that during my science class on Tuesday,he mouths,"I want to change the world"and opens his arms like he's singing some kind of opera or something during school (but of course I was too sick to laugh or anything)!kabitsu chan even said it was a lame song during lunch period,but she still sang it during lunch.I like the song (it's even on my site)but not as much as Xavier!Waaaah!!!It's still my fault!!!!!!!!Xavier if you read this which you probably will in any second now (because you IMed me)then...oh well!But it's true and you know it!You even admited it at school with Mike as a witness...HA!!
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Thursday, April 29, 2004
I'm gonna marry Inuyasha whoo-hoo!
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Yay! I'm cured!!
Yesterday and the day before that I most likely would've posted something,but due to my sickness,I couldn't post anything.For some reason my stomach started to hurt on Tuesday so I was really crabby at school.Then when I got home that day,I went to bed hoping that some rest would make me feel better.Unfortunatly it didn't work.It just got worse(especially because my mom kept waking me up so I could eat chicken noodle soup).Of course I was expecting to feel better by the next day but once again it got worse,so I got to stay home from school.Later my stomach started to feel a little better(my stomach still hurt though),so I mostly sat around dying of boredom and agonizing over my pain.Finally I decided to watch some TV and draw.After that I went to bed and this morning I felt much better!My day was soo good(except when the science teacher started to talk about pee during my science class which happens to be right before lunch >_>)
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