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Sunday, April 25, 2004
Ayeka and Ryoko
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*high pitched Naga laugh*Ahahahahahah!!
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What comes to mind when you hear.. | ..snow?: | snowball fights | ..rain?: | giant puddle jump! | ..tornado?: | Tio | ..summer love?: | don't think so | ..Jon?: | who the hell are you | ..Mike?: | Mike Hart | ..Shea?: | lion | ..banana?: | monkey!! | ..dizzy?: | headache | ..Laura?: | Hamtaro | ..Juan?: | money | | Kenny from South Park | ..white?: | snow | ..peppermint?: | winter | ..New Found Glory?: | Inuyasha | ..placebo?: | bow and arrow | juice?: | yum | ..candid camera?: | never heard of it | ..sister?: | don't have one | | Richard and Sesshomaru | ..hate?: | Tyrell,Felicia,and Naraku | | freaky | ..President?: | Bush | | mud | ..rap?: | Will Smith | ..pop?: | ice pop | ..rock?: | bolder | ..punk?: | Xavier | | Nakago and Soi *eew* | ..death?: | Kitty,Bruno,Nuriko,Hotohori,Chiriko,Mitsukake,and Nakago | | kitten | ..duuude?: | Kaitlin | ..the end?: | of what? |
The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay. brought to you by BZOINK!
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Saturday, April 24, 2004
Here's a preview of my new comic which I have decided to name Summoner of the North(I give partcial thanks to Angelwings for helping me think of a title)
*Taka is running from some bandits after pretending to be one of them to steal a magic scroll which was stolen from his late father*
Reiko(bandit):Get back here traitor!!
Taka:*pant pant*
*Rin(Taka's little sister)who is at home is attacked by a bandit*
*Reiko slashes Taka in the back with his spear after realizing Taka stopped running and is off guard*
*Taka coughs up blood*
Reiko:Now,give me back that scroll and we'll spare your life.
Taka(who is now smiling as blood drips from his mouth):You mean...this scroll?
Reiko:*thinking*What is he planning?
*Taka opens the scroll*
Taka:Heh heh heh...Never.
Reiko:*thinking*No!He's going to the otherworld!
*the mark on Taka's forehead starts to glow*
*a blue light comes from the scroll and Taka disappears*
TV:...And for tonight's news...
TV:Blue lights have been appearing all over Osaka...
*Mayo's cat Mougi is playing with a remote control*
*Mayo comes home*
Mayo:I'm home Mougi.
*Mayo sees the TV on and the remote control on the floor*
Mayo:I see you found the remote control again.
*Mougi starts running toward Mayo*
*Mougi stoppes and turns around*
Mayo:Mougi,what's wron...
*Mayo sees two blue lights and a man is floating in one*
Mayo:Mougi,you be a good girl and stay here,ok?
*Mayo runs out of her apartment to the blue light*
Mougi:*thinking*So,it begins.
Well that's a preview from my new comic.I hope you liked it.If you want me to post more just tell me k?Bye!
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Killer day
Sorry I haven't been posting anything lately.I was kinda busy.Well not really.But anyway,yesterday my mom took me to the mall(which I haven't been to in like 4 months).We went to the Body Shop first(like usual)so my mom could get some oil thing for the house(I forgot what it was called).There was this lady that worked there that kinda freaked me out.She went up to my mom to ask her if she needed help(like all the store people do)my mom said no and then the store lady asked my mom if she wanted any perfumes or anything my mom didn't really say anything.Then the store lady said,"Do you wanna play?"I got sorta freaked out and I quietly took one giant step back.The store lady took my mom to the front of the store and started puting lotion or something on my mom's hand.I started to feel better after I knew that she(the store lady)meant use some of the test on stuff.After that we went to Filines(I wanted to go to the Book Store of course).My mom bought some make-up and a make-up bag.Finally we got to go to the Book Store and my mom bought me the 6th Tokyo Mew Mew book and an Inuyasha shirt.I asked my mom if we could go to F.Y.E. and she said ok.When we got downstairs,somehow we ended up in the Dollar Store.Later we finally got to F.Y.E.I meant to look for a Fushigi Yuugi cd,but I ended up looking in the anime section for dvds and we ended up buying Ah!My Goddess The Movie.We were about to leave when my mom decided she wanted to go to one more store.Then she got destracted by a lady selling jewlry that she(the lady)made herself.When my mom was done looking/buying jewlry,we were going to the last store.My mom realized that she didn't have her make-up bag.She made me look upstairs in the Book Store and she looked downstairs in the Dollar Store.I kept asking her if she looked in F.Y.E.and she said no.I told her to look but she didn't listen.Finally after telling her about a million times,she looked in F.Y.E.It turns out it was there the whole time.One of the workers said she found it on the floor.I was soooo mad that my mom didn't listen to me the first time because 1)she never listens to me and 2)we would've gotten out of the mall earlier and I wouldn't have been so crabby.She really tired me out.I'm still a litte tired from yesterday,but I'm also happy because now I have the 6th Tokyo Mew Mew book,an Inuyasha shirt,and Ah!My Goddess The Movie.
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
Here's some more scenes from my comic Yoko
Nozumo just finished getting the Death Vines off of Yoko.
Nozumo:There.All done.Now it's time to get out of here before I run out of air again.
*he swims to the top of the water*
*walks to his cave with carrying Yoko*
*in his cave*
Nozumo:*thinking*If I leave her wet clohtes on,she could get really sick.
Nozumo:Please forgive me Lady Yoko.
*takes off her clothes(it doesn't show anything from the neck down)*
Nozumo:Now all I have to do is wrap her in this blanket and put the other blanket on her.It's all I have.
*puts blankets on her*
Nozumo:But she feels and looks...c-cold.
*looks at Yoko who has lost her normal color*
Nozumo:Maybe I should...
*bends down and gives her some of his lifeforce*
Nozumo:Her face is getting it's color back.
*he lays on Yoko*
*Yoko wakes up*
*slaps Nozumo*
*Yoko backs up*
Nozumo:*rubbing his face*Ow,that hurt.Is that all the thanks I get for rescuing a woman?Next time I should just leave them.
Yoko:...You rescued me?
Nozumo:Yes.You were at the bottom of the garden's lake,covered in the Death Vines. *looks down*
Yoko:Did you change my clothes?
*she look to the side as her eyes are welling up with tears*
Yoko:Did you...
Nozumo:No,I did not take advantage of you.I don't take advantage of women;concious or unconcious.
*Yoko turns her head to the side as she remembers what happened one night ago*
*Nozumo notices that Yoko is crying*
*Yoko's stomach starts to hurt*
*turns to front and holds her stomach*
Yoko:Nozumo...please take me to the palace.
Nozumo:Lady Yoko,what's wrong?
Yoko:My stomach hurts...It's not a normal stomach ache.It feels like there is something inside of me.
~At the Palace in Yoko's Room~
Nozumo:Will she be alright?
Katsumi:Yeah,Aya will handle it when she gets here.
Aya:What's wrong?Why did you wake me up?
Keisuke:Yoko's stomach hurts.
Katsumi:Keisuke why don't you have a shirt on?!
Keisuke:It's hot in my room!
Aya:Yoko,can you stay still for a while?
Yoko:I'll try to.
*Aya holds her hands over Yoko's stomach*
*Unozawa is standing by a rock(the room has rocks,banzai trees,and mini waterfalls in it)
Satoshi:What?Is she okay?Does she have some terrible illness?
Aya:Um...well...You see,she's...pregnant.Not by Morikumo,but by Unozawa.
Everyone(except for Aya,Unozawa,and Yoko):WHAT!?!
Yoko:Is this true?
Aya:Yes.Aren't you happy about this Yoko?
Satoshi:*while strangling Unozawa*You got her pregnant!How dare you?!If you don't take good care of Yoko and her baby,I shall kill!!!
Unozawa:Y-Yes sir!
*Mimiru,Asakura(another cat demon and Mimiru's best friend) ,and Kohaku walk in*
Mimiru:What's with all the the noise?We're trying to sleep.
Keisuke:Geez,you guys look dead.
*Katsumi whacks him in the head with a rock*
Katsumi:That's because they just woke up stupid!
Keisuke:You didn't have to hit me in the head with a rock.
Keisuke:*thinking*What did I do to deserve this?
Satoshi:*still strangling Unozawa*Someone over here got my sister pregnant.
Unozawa:I didn't mean to.
Asakura and Kohaku:WHAT?!
Mimiru:Well she did look a little fatter.
Asakura and Kohaku:Mimiru!
Mimiru:But it's true.
Yoko:Everyone please quiet down.You're giving me a headache.
Satoshi:ARGH!Unozawa you make me so mad!If you were another man,I'd...I'd...GRRRR!!!
Katsumi:What's wrong Nozumo?
Nozumo:I wanted Lady Yoko to bear my children.
*everyone stops what they're doing*
Yoko:Everyone please leave right now!
*everyone except Unozawa walks out*
Mimiru:Wow,she's mad.
Satoshi:It's probably too much for her to handle.She's only 15.
Unowawa:Yoko,can I talk to you?
Yoko(who is turned to the side):...
Unozawa:Remember when you saw Nanami in my room with me earlier?
*Yoko glances at him as her eyes well up with tears*
Unozawa:Nanami wasn't herself.It's because she ate a Truth Berry.
*Yoko turns to Unozawa*
*Yoko has a flashback to 3 months ago*
~3 Months Ago~
*Unozawa and Yoko are walking in the woods*
Unozawa:Look Yoko!It's a Truth Berry bush!They only grow when the Priestess of Light is in love.
Unozawa:See?They say if you eat one,you'll tell the truth about the one you love.It works differently on the Priestess though,whatever that means.
*it starts to get dark*
Unozawa:*as he's walking back home*Yoko,let's go.It's getting dark.
Yoko:*walking towards the Truth Berry bush*I'm coming.
*pulls off a berry*
*she eats the berry*
Yoko:*as she's blushing*
*at Unozawa's house;Yoko's on top of Unozawa*
Yoko:Unozawa kiss me.
Unozawa:Yoko,what's gotten into you?
~Back to the Present~
*Yoko's starting to cry*
Yoko:*thinking*How could I do such a thing?
Unozawa:Speaking of Truth Berries,that day when know,you were acting strange.Did you...
Yoko:Unozawa,please leave my room.I would like to be alone for awhile.
Unozawa:*as he's leaving*Okay.And before I forget...Tomorrow,you have to see someone who will prepare you for the battle.The day of the battle draws near.
*closes door*
Yoko:That's right...I forgot about the battle.The last preistesses died because of the battles.
Yoko:*as she's crying*I...don't want
*wind blows through her window*
*she looks at the window*
Yoko:I have to get out of here.
~Makoto's Castle~
*Makoto is talking to a mysterious female demon who is watching Yoko's every move through a crystal ball*
Mysterious Female Demon:See Lord Makoto?The Priestess is trying to escape from the Village of Light.
Makoto:What's so good about that?
Mysterious Female Demon:If the Priestess isn't protected by the Village of Light's barrier and the 5 Light Crystal Demons,then she is vulnerable to all kinds of evil.
Makoto:Oh,I see.
Both:Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh...
~The Woods~
*Yoko ran through the Village of Light's barrier and out into the woods*
Yoko:I'm sorry Unozawa.
*they step closer to Yoko*
*a male wolf demon sees them surrounding Yoko and whistles to stop them*
Male Wolf Demon:What's going on here?
Kei(a wolf):Huh?
Male Wolf Demon:I thought I told you guys to go home and wait for me there.
Kei:But we're hungry.
Male Wolf Demon:That's why I told Yuki and the other wolf demons to hunt for a wild boar or somthing so Yuki can make the tribe dinner.Now go home.
Kei:Come on guys,let's go eat!
*all the wolves run home*
Male Wolf Demon:Are you ok,miss?
Male Wolf Demon:*gasp*She passed out.
~At the Village of Light~
*it's morning and Satoshi,Keisuke,and Nozumo realized that Yoko is missing*
Keisuke:Is Yoko in here?
Lady Masamichi:What's with all the noise?
Nozumo:Lady Masamichi,the priestess is missing!
Lady Masamichi:Tell everyone to look for her,Even the guards.
~The Ryokun Wolf Tribe~
*Yoko wakes up*
*she sees a female wolf demon and a wolf*
Yoko:*thinking*Who are they?
Female Wolf Demon:Huh?
Female Wolf Demon:You're finally awake.
Yoko:Where am I?
*the male wolf demon walks in*
Male Wolf Demon:In my cave.I'm Ryou,the leader of the Ryokun Wolf Tribe.
Female Wolf Demon:And I'm Yuki.Ryou is my big brother.
*Yoko's stomach starts to growl*
Yoko:*thinking*I forgot...I haven't eaten in 3 days!
*Madoka(another wolf)wakes up*
Madoka:You know,you shouldn't starve yourself.It's not good for your baby.
Yoko:How did you know that I was...
*Madoka stretches out*
Madoka:You were talking in your sleep...
Madoka:...apologizing to someone and saying that you needed to protect yourself and your baby.
Yuki:Here have some broth.
~The Village of Light~
*Jinto is sniffing around for clues to find Yoko*
Jinto:*snif snif*
Jinto:Satoshi,come here.
Satoshi:What is it Jinto?Did you find something?
Jinto:Yoko's scent leads to the edge of the barrier.Could she have...
Satoshi:Let's go tell the others.
~The Ryokun Wolf Tribe's Cave~
Yuki:You know,you should be at home.Don't you think that your mate will be worried about you?
Yoko:Uh...I'm...not mated.
*while Yuki,Yoko,and Ryou were talking,the male wolves were trying to think of a way to get rid of Yoko because they didn't want her with them*
Kei:*whispering*She can't stay here.She's a fox and we're wolves.She can't survive with us.Plus she's pregnant and I know I don't want more foxes here.
Koichi:I say we chase her out.
Kazunori:What about Ryou,Yuki,and Madoka?
Kei:I have an idea.
Kei:Koichi,Kazunori,block them!Yusaku,Kyosuke,get the fox!
*Koichi and Kazunori jump in front of Ryou,Yuki,and Madoka*
Ryou:What are you doing?!
Koichi and Kazunori:Sorry Ryou.
*Yusaku and Kyosuke grab Yoko by the arms*
Yoko:Let go of me!!
*the two wolves then throw her toward the entrance*
*the wolves start to suround her snarling and growling*
Yoko(who is now scared):W-Why are you doing this to me?
Kei:Get out of here or we'll be forced to kill you.
*Yoko gets up and starts running blindly towards the Village of Light*
*she's at the invisible gate where there is a guard standing*
Guard:Halt!You cannot pass through yet!
*Yoko continues to run,not hearing the guard*
*the guard electricutes Yoko*
*Yoko passes out*
~In the Palace~
Lady Masamichi:Did you find her?
Satoshi:Is she ok?
Guard:Yes.I found her running toward the gate.She was wearing the Ryokun Wolf Tribe clothes.
Lady Masamichi:*sigh*The wolves must have chased her out because she's half fox and she's pregnant.They always hated foxes.
Nozumo:Lady Masanichi,Makoto has sent a messenger saying that the battle will start tomorrow.
*Yoko(who's in a different room)starts to wake up*
Nozumo:We have very little time to...
Lady Masamichi:What's going on in here?
*Yoko is staring at a little creature*
Lady Masamichi:Ah,I see you've met Momo.
*Momo runs off*
Yoko:Are you Lady Masamichi?
Lady Masamichi:Yes.Yoko,I know that you've just woken up,but we just recieved a message from the Drak Crystal Priest,Makoto,saying that the battle will begin tomorrow.
Lady Masamichi:We have to get you and te others prepared for te battle,so please,follow me.
~The Purification Room~
*Yoko,Katsumi,Aya,and Mimiru are in the purification room.The men are training*
Lady Masamichi:All of you have to get purifyed in this purifying spring.Especially Yoko and Katsumi.
Mimiru:Since your the priestess,you should go first,Yoko.
Aya:Yeah Yoko.
*she steps into the water,walks to the waterfall and stands under it*
Yoko:*thinking*I wonder,what did she mean when she said that Katsumi especially needed to be purifyed?
*Yoko's bad memories come back to her*
*Makoto killed Yoko's mother*
Young Yoko:Mommy!
*her house is being burned down by angry villagers,while Yoko's still inside*
Young Yoko:*cough cough*
*she sees a blueish white light*
*Young Yoko's outside playing with a fox kit*
*3 demon kids then kill the fox*
Young Yoko:No!
Demon Kid 1:You know,it's not safe for a half breed demon girl to be alone.
Demon Kid 2:Let's get her!
*Young Yoko walks away a few minutes later cut and bruised*
*2 months ago when Nanami is still a villain*
*she shoots Yoko with a poison arrow*
Namami:Ahahaha!That was a
*a couple of nights ago when Yoko was raped by Morikumo*
Morikumo:You stupid girl.Your gonna pay for scratching up my body.
Yoko:*gasp*N-No p-please don't...
Yoko:Why are all my bad memories coming back to me?
*Yoko goes into a trance*
*Yoko starts to glow and the mark of the priestess appears on her forehead*
*she starts to float and a blue ball-like sheild surrounds her and it plays a gentle type of song*
Mimiru,Aya,and Katsumi:*gasp*
*Satoshi hears the song*
Satoshi:That song...I've heard it somewhere before.But where?
*as Yoko's floating,markings appear on her face*
*Katsumi has a flashback to 13 years ago*
~Katsumi-13 years ago~
*Tetsuya(Yoko's mother)is singing to young Yoko(she's about 2)*
*Young Katsumi is hiding behind a tree*
Young Katsumi:*cough cough*
Tohoku(Yoko's father):Who's there?Show yourself!
*Young Katsumi comes from hiding behind the tree*
Young Katsumi:I-I'm sorry.I d-did mean to...It's just that...
Tetsuya:Tohoku,let me talk to her.
Young Yoko:*yawn*
*she looks at Young Katsumi sleepily*
*Young Katsumi looks at her*
Tetsuya:I'm sorry if my mate scared you.I can tell that you're not from the village here,but...why are you here?
Young Katsumi:I was passing by,when I heard your song.It sounded beautiful.
~Present Time~
Katsumi:*thinking*That's right...I met a beautiful human woman with a silver haired demon.
Katsumi:*thinking*The woman was singing this song too...I think she was singing to her daughter.
Katsumi:*gasp*T-The woman's was...Yoko.
*the blue sheild disappears and Yoko falls into the water*
Mimiru:Are you ok?
Yoko:Y-Yeah.I just feel a little weak.
*Mimiru and Aya are carrying Yoko to her room*
Aya:She's light.I can't see why Satoshi would say she's heavy.
*Unozawa is walking down the hall,when he sees Aya and Mimiru carrying Yoko and runs toward them*
Unozawa:What happened?
Mimiru:Aya,I think we should leave Yoko with Unozawa.
Aya:Yeah,you're right.
Aya:She's just a bit weak.
*Aya and Mimiru run off to leave Yoko and Unozawa alone*
*Unozawa stares at Yoko for a while,then he starts to cry*
*Yoko hears him sniffling*
Unozawa:Yes? crying?
*Yoko kisses Unozawa*
*Unozawa is a little shocked*
*she stops*
Yoko:*gasp* *blushing*Oh...I-I'm sorry...
*Unozawa puts his finger over her mouth*
Unozawa:Shhh...It's ok.
Unozawa:You must be tired.I'll take you to your room.
Yoko:Um...Unozawa,can I sleep wit you tonight,since this may be our last night together?
Unozawa:Yeah.I thought you'd never ask.
~Satoshi's Room~
Satoshi:You know,I'm really worried about what'll happen tomorrow.
Mimiru:Yeah,what if Yoko ends up like all of the other priestesses?
*Keisuke's standing by the door and a rock listening*
Satoshi:What if we aren't strong enough to protect her...
*Keisuke glares at Satoshi and slightly growls*
Satoshi:What if Yoko isn't stro...
Keisuke:What is wrong with you people?!Yoko is risking her ass to save us and all you can do is doubt her?!I thought she was your friend!
Keisuke:And Satoshi,you know how bad Yoko's life has been...her parents were killed in front of her,she was all alone most of her life,and she was raped,but look how far she's gotten!The least you can do is have some hope for her!
*Keisuke storms out of Satoshi's room*
Katsumi:*thinking*Keisuke's acting strange.
~Makoto's Castle~
Makoto:Heh heh heh...It's still hard to believe that that wretched half breed managed to get this far...
Makoto:Too bad she has to die tomorrow.Heh...I can't wait.
~Village of Light~
*It's morning and everyone is looking for Yoko again because she's not in her room*
*Satoshi barges in Unozawa's room*
Satoshi:Unozawa,have you seen Yo...
*Satoshi sees Yoko sleeping in Unozawa's arms*
*Mimiru is passing by looking for Yoko,when she sees her*
*Yoko and Unozawa start to wake up*
Mimiru:Yoko,we finally found you.Come on,we have to get ready.
Unozawa(still half asleep):Huh?
Unozawa:Hey Yoko,where are you going?
Yoko:I have to get ready.I'll see you again,I promise.
Yoko:Oh,and Satoshi...don't kill Unozawa.I don't want to have a fatherless child.
Satoshi:Kill him?What makes you think I was gonna do that?
Yoko:You have "kill Unozawa"written all over your face,and your face is turning red.
Jinto:Heh heh...She has you read.
Satoshi:S-Shut up Fox!
Satoshi:Listen Unozawa,if we live through te battle,I'm gonna tell you one thing...
Satoshi:...If you break Yoko's heart,I'll break your neck.
Unozawa:*sarcastically*Oh that's fair.
Wow I posted alot from my comic this time.Tell me how you liked it.Well,Ig2g,seeya.
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My Top 10 Favorite Sayings
10.Oh crap!
8.Shut up
7.Hey,that's my line!
6.Ya know
5.No,ya think
2.Shit...take mushrooms
1.Your face
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Miaka and Tamahome(The romantic Fushigi Yuugi couple)
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Can anyone help me think of a title for my new comic?
Once again I'm making a comic.And once again I have the same problem:I can't think of a title for it.Can anyone help me?The story is kinda like Fushigi Yuugi because the main character is a girl,she has an older brother,she's a priestess of a beast god,there are celestial warriors,and the main character falls in love with one of them.But the story's different because the main character's name is Mayo,the beast god's name is Tenko,he's a fox,he's the guardian of the north,Mayo was born as the Priestess of Tenko,her mother was also the Priestess of Tenko,she died after Mayo was born so Mayo didn't know her,there are 8 celestial warriors,the one Mayo falls in love with is named Taka,he has elf-like ears,he has the character for spirit on his forehead,some of the warriors are girls,one of them can turn into a cat,and Tenko is blue.So if anyone can think of a name,please feel free to put it my guestbook or something.
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Friday, April 16, 2004
Here's some pics!
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