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Saru Chan289
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Wandering Artist :D
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*thinks* uh... you know, I just don't know
Making it to 10th grade
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When did Sailor Moon start?
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Millennium Actress Samurai Champloo & Azumanga Daioh
To become better at drawling than Dana >_<
Drawing & Playing DDR
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Friday, September 9, 2005
Sorry fer not posting for a while (I've prolly said that like a gazillion times =_=;) I prolly wun be able ta post till around October unless I use the school computer *is using school pooter, no da) anyway, school's been cool. Classes are fair, except for math! >.< Right now I'm in Keyboarding class and we have a sub so we gots free time! Wh00! Highshool scaws meh tho ._. I got lost on meh first day and today while looking for my locker ^^;;;; The school's not big either, but still! I've met a lotta nice ppl :) and the teachers are weally nice ^^ Welp, I gots ta go fer now. Class ish almost over. Baibai!
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
Quick Post
I won't be able to post or comment on anyone's site for awhile because I'm moving this weekend, so I have to spend all week packing everything in my room and around the house. Ig2gfn, but before I leave, I shall ask you a question
Which anime out of the chosen 5 should be my August theme:
Ayashi no Ceres
Fushigi Yuugi
Azumanga Daioh
Quiz of the Day:
 You are Kasuga Ayumu (Osaka)! No-one remembers your real name, but you don't care because you occasionally forget it yourself. You are the follower in your group, you tend to go wherever the others go. Wherever life takes you, you find some way to be happy about it. You have an extremely sweet nature. Others think you are kinda spaced out, but you enjoy it better in your mind. The most important things in life are sleep, imagination, and the ability to do magical things. You hide a darker side that we pray is never unleased on the world (never smile like that again). You don't pay much attention to the outside world, and your grades can suffer because of this... but who cares? Life has more to offer than grades... like breaking chopsticks. Your best friend would be a Chiyo, and you should consider becoming a teacher.
The Azumanga Daioh Character Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
Quote of the Day:
“C’mon Chichiri! Take off that tunic of yours, spread it on the ground and just pop us over there! Then we’ll get a drink at an inn with some pretty girls! ‘Oh, sir! You’re so handsome! I’m in love with you!’ ‘I’m only a wandering traveler, no da! If you get involved with me I’ll only break your heart, no da.’ “Oh you’re so mean!’ ” ~Tasuki
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
New Pic Added
I added a new pic (tho I doubt anyone will look at it) It's a picture of 2 characters from my manga. No,they are not lesbos, but they are cousins (not like anyone would care). Yeah.... whoo.... bordom..... heh heh >.> Well i shall take my leave now..... this grounded stuff is really fun... yeah.... I'm having a grand old time *is bored outta her mind* I shall take my leave now.... Baibai
Quiz of the Day:
 Which FLCL Character Are You ? brought to you by Quizilla
Quote of the Day:
“After one little thing goes wrong for them people tend to think everything about them is bad. They do that and pretty soon they really are bad. And then they lose all hope.” ~Kai-ka
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
True Story
I went to Neko-chan666's house yesterday (again) because her friend, Kerri from Washington came to visit her and I wanted to meet her. When I came over, they were playing Harvest Moon, but they changed it to The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker so I could play *that's the game I always play when there =P* After that, we went downstairs to eat, but since Neko's nephew was there, the three of us went outside to her backyard and walked around. I saw Neko's chicken (yes, there was a real chicken in her backyard) and started following it. Then I stopped and went back to the porch because I thought NC and Kerri were gonna leave me. But instead, the just stood there talking, so I went for the chicken again. I decided to run after it, but that was a bad idea. The chicken went straight for Neko's pond and jumped right in, so all you heard was *CLUCK!* ::SPLASH:: and OMG!!! Luckly the chicken dove near the side, so it was able to get out. I felt bad for it even tho it was hilarious. When we went inside to get our food, I kept saying "I did't mean to do that to the chicken TT^TT I'm soo sorry Miss Chicken!" Neko's mom asked what happened and we're all like "Nothing! >.>;;" Then Neko's sister said "What happened to the chicken? It fell into the pond, didn't it?" I was all going "Yeeeeheeeheeeees *sob* I didn't mean to chase it into the pond! TT^TT" Then she chuckled and went to the kitchen. Then Neko, Kerri and me got our food and ate outside. After we finished eating, I started throwing stuff like the little monkey I was xP Later we went back in and played Billy Hachet and the Giant Egg and then I had to leave. My mom yelled at me for not doing a good job sweeping feathers off of my floor and now I'm grounded, so I can't go to my friend's party >.< (Sorry Kaitlin TT_TT) Well anyway, I hope you all have a good week! BaiBai!
Quiz of the day:
 Friendly Girl:
Cheerful, you're a fantastic company! But you're kinda disorganized...I pitty your mother! Huhuhu! You love parties and hangin' out with all your friends
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
Quote of the day:
"Getting to know you made me believe in the human heart once again..." ~Ceres
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Quiz Time!

What Fruits Basket Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
 You are Yuuki Miaka You love food, boys, and hate studying. However, you are tying to make your family happy by tyring your hardest to do things that are too hard. Often, when things get really tough, you depend on your friends to bail you out. You trust in others to do what is best, even when they often dissappoint you. Your greatest need is loyalty, and it is also your greatest asset. Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz
 You are Megumi. She's a very ladylike doctor and really pretty. Besides, she gets fox ears!
What Rurouni Kenshin personality are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Himura Kenshin!!!
Which Rurouni Kenshin Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Sailor that you? You got sailor Moon, the main Sailor Senshi with the power to talk to peoples hearts. She often acts very immature and is very clumsy, but her friends still love her.
The Ultim8 Sailor Moon quiz: Which sailor senshi (soldier) R U? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Dark!
DN ANGEL QUIZ brought to you by Quizilla
 Congrat you are Naruto!
Naruto Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
 Kurosaki Hisoka - The youngest of the main shinigami, you often feel like you're being unfairly treated like a child. You may seem harsh or cold, but it's only to keep people away from how vunerable you are inside. While things in the past may not have been that great, you now find yourself surrounded by people who care about you.
Which Yami no Matsuei Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Which MegaTokyo Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Blue Chii
Chobits - What Color Chii Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, July 15, 2005
Lyrics to True Light
kanashii hodo hikari dashita shiroi yami kirisaku tsubasa ni nare
tsumetai taiyou ni terasare teta
kainara sareta jiyuu ga atta
kagami ni utsutta kiseki no yoru
MASUKU o hazushi hajime ta My Soul
kuzure te yuku abe no mukou wa
zetsubou mo kibou mo onaji kao suru
mita sare nai kokoro aru nara
tobi tateru shuumatsu no PUROROOGU e
yaiba no you na kaze fuku sekai
mamoru beki mono wa nan nano ka?
hitotsu hitotsu itami o shiru tabi
hontou no jibun e to chikazuku
kie yuku Fake Light
umare yuku True Light
kono te ni...
shiroku somaru yami tsuki nukete
atarashii jidai o kizami tsuzukero
toki wa nashita kokoro no mama ni
hateshi naku tsuzui teku byaku ya o tobe
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Ph33r |\/|y R341i7y! P33r !7 !
Warning If you are not a l33t master, then please do not read the following!
juuuuuust kidding! xD (but if you want a translation of it, PM me, tho it is an easy language to read)

0n |\/|0n|)4y, 3y3 \/\/3n7 70 Neko-Chan666's h0us3 83c4us3 s|-|3 w4n73d t0 gi\/3 m3 4 pr34s3n7. \/\/h3n 3y3 g07 t0 h34 h0us3, s|-|3 gave me 4 C|-|in3s3 u|\/|br3ll4 which I r34lly like b3c4us3 i7'z in my f4v0ri7e c0l0r. After 7h47, we p14y3|) The L3g3nd 0f Zelda:Th3 Windw4ker (or w/e it's called *it's like 1:00am, so I'm half dead*). Th3n m3 m4 c4m3 t0 p!c|< m3 up, but NC 4ak3d if i could sl33p0v3r a|\| m3 ma s4id yes, so i got to sleep0ver, an|) we had fun. We wa7ched H3ll's Ki7c|-|en and 4ft3r that, we played m0r3 Zelda, th3n w3 w3en7 t0 b3|). W3 w0k3 up 47 4:00am t0 watch Full M3t4l Alch3mist, bu7 \/\/3 ended up watching a Fr3|)|)ie Krueger m0\/ie. After that, we went on 7h3 internet a|\|d t4lk3d to p3opl3 to 5:00am. Th3n we went back upstairs to play Zelda 4gai|\| and 7h3n 3n|)3d up falling asl33p up t!11 12:00pm. I h4d to c4ll |\/|y mom at work and then we played Zelda again. 4ft3r 7|-|47 w3 went back downstairs, g07 lu|\|ch, and wa7ch3d Azum4ng4 Daioh and we|\|7 8ac|< ups74irz to pl4y |-|arves7 M00n. L4t3r, w3 w4tch3d The Grudge and th3n I ch4ng3d int0 normal cl07h3s so my m0m \/\/0ul|)n't y311 a7 m3, a|\|d 7he|\| ! w3n7 home. N0\/\/ I'm h3r3, and !'m kinda tir3d, so I shall go *wobble* g'ni6ht *p4ss3z 0u7*
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Sleepy sleepy sleepy.....
Yesterday, I had to go to New York with me ma because her friend's mother died and they were having a funeral for her there. When we got there, I stayed in the car because I didn't feel like walking in the rain and going in side of a church. I spend time working on my manga until my dad came and sat in the car with me. We talked for awhile, then my cousin and her uncle came to say hi to me because the funeral was over. I hadn't seen my cousin since I was like 5, so I was happy to see her. She was surprised to find out that I was 14 tho. My mom also came, but then she had to go to the bathroom which caused us to miss the burial part of the funeral, so we went to my dad's house. We talked, watched A Diary of a Mad Black Woman, and I worked on my manga some more. I found out that I have like one more page to go before I start working on the next part of it. WHOO! GO ME! *ahem* Anyway, to make the long story short, we spent hours at my dad's, then went to my mom's friend's, she talked to everyone, spent more hours there, ppl admired my art, tho I dun think it was all that good, and then we drove back to CT (where I live) and got home a about 12:47 am. Welp, ig2gfn. My mom says that I have to start packing my books b/c we're moving. Baibai!
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
I'm ok now...
Sorry about yesterday. I'm a bit better now... or at least better enough to talk because Gray-Nightmares and Neko-Chan666 helped me. I also want to thank all those who commented on Kei's post because that also helped me even though Kei thought that I would never say anything again and was hoping to take over my myO site starting with that post. *glares at Kei who's tied to a tree* It was a joke T_T Right Koji? Tell Saru that it was a joke ;-; Leave me outta this... Anyway... I thank all of you once again, and i hope not to ever get that depressed again.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
For anyone who still comes here...
Unfortunately Saru has gone into an extreamly deep depression because of an incident that happened on the 4th. Since she won't talk to anyone anymore, Koji and I, Kei, will talk and post for her until she gets better, which we hope is soon.
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