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Wandering Artist :D
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Making it to 10th grade
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When did Sailor Moon start?
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Millennium Actress Samurai Champloo & Azumanga Daioh
To become better at drawling than Dana >_<
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
Long Random Post

Dream a Dream Lyrics
Dream a dream, lover, take me in your dream
Take me anywhere you please, boy, you're making me scream
Dream a dream, lover, love is just a dream
If you wanna set me free, boy, you're making me scream
Ooh la la di la da da
You've gotta dream a little dream
Ho! One more time, I'm back with a new rhyme
Hey! Here we go again
Ha! Turn it up my friend
No! We don't stop
Ha! We rock the spot
No! We don't quit
Get ready, oh, this is it!
Do you like to dream?
Hey! I like to dream, baby
Do you like to dream?
Ho! I like to dream, mama
Do you like to scream?
Hey! I like to scream, baby
Do you like to scream?
Ho! So scream it out
Dream a dream, lover, take me in your dream
Take me anywhere you please, boy, you're making me scream
Dream a dream, lover, love is just a dream
If you wanna set me free, boy, you're making me scream
Ooh la da di la da da
You've gotta dream a little dream

Sorry that I didn't post fer awhile ^^; I couldn't think of anything to post >.> Anyway... my summer vacation's been good so far even tho I spend it at home or at Neko-Chan666's (NC) house playing DDR or Dark Cloud 2. We did go to the mall with her sister and ended up spending 80 something dollars on manga and action figures. We got Faeries Landing 9, Ceres Celestial Legend 11, Red River 6, Tsubasa 5, Naruto 4, and an Inuyasha and Kagome action figure. I also bought a Sesshomaru keychain. When we got back from the mall, we got our friend Mike, and went to NC's house to play DDR. Later that week, I went to my friend, Anna's graduation party and had lotsa fun. I got ta see all my old friends too. Anna got a cellphone, and $300 dollars. I spent most of the time swimming in her pool with everyone else, and we made a whirlpool. We had to stop it because of the little kids tho. After that, I either spent time at home working on my story and/or my manga, or going to NC's house and playing DDR.
Here's some random anime pics:

And here's some pics I drew (they don't have my signature on them because I drew these before I made my signature, with the exception of the last two. Those were character profile pictures for my new manga):

"I've changed my mind. You said flowers need light and water to grow, right? The same is for trees. When you provide enough light and water to a sapling and nurture it, it grows into a massive tree that in turn can help the desert retain water. Perhaps this girl can grow strong like that." Prince Mattiwaza 'The Prince of Darkness' from Red River
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Friday, June 17, 2005
New Theme! (again)

I changed mah theme to Samurai Champloo this time. That anime
ROCKS! Even tho it is a little perverted. Btw... I'm gonna try to change mah themes every month. Welp ig2gfn *is in school* Baibai
"Fine then... Let's get started." ~Jin
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Wednsday was so fun

I meant to post this on Wednsday, but I was too tired to and the internet wasn't working, so I shall post it today. Wednsday, all the 8th graders in my school went to New York City. We had to get to school at around 7:30 - 7:45 so we wouldn't miss the buses (we usually get to school at 8:50 or 9:00 or somewere around those times). First the Mrs. Moore, the principal placed us in our groups, then once we were in our groups, she gave us T-shirts that we had to wear so they'd know where we were. Then we had to go on the buses (they were coach buses with TVs and comfy chairs) when I was about to get on the bus, my mom kept hugging me and stuff which really embarassed me. When we left the school, everyone was all happy and excited. The trip was going good (besides the traffic) until we were almost at South Street Seaport. The bus I was riding on died in front of a stop light in the middle of the street. It didn't even make any noise. It just shut off. Everyone was all mad because we were already late, and we were almost at the destination. Mrs. Moore made us ride the other two buses, and they were all crowded. By the time we got to South Street Seaport, we had like 30 minutes to get stuff ahnd eat. I bought a pizza and a soda since we didn't have enough time. Other ppl bought french fries and hamburgers and stuff like that. After we finished eating, my group went to the candy store and bought candy. All I bought was 2 jawbreakers and they were huge. All the other groups came to the candy shop too. Then when we were finished, we went to the buses to go to see the play. We were gonna see the Phantom of the Opera. The play was awesome. They had fire, blinding lights, and cool opera. It was also very romantic. And when they were singing The Phantom of the Opera, I sang with them because it was one of my favorite songs. When the play was over, we had to get on the buses and bus 1 (my bus) was working well until we had to turn back around for the Mrs. Moore. The bus died again right when we were at the theater >.< We had to wait for the other buses to come back again, which took almost 30 minutes because of traffic, so we had to wait outside in the scorching heat. When we got on the buses, it was so crowded that people had to sit 3 in a seat, or on someone's lap. I managed to find a sit with one person sitting in it, so i was ok. When we got to the school hours later, we were soo happy. We were like 2 hours late, but we didn't care, although some of our parents were worried. That day was fun tho and I was glad I got to go to NYC ^^ Welp, ig2gfn. Baibai
"For the past three years, "these things do happen." And did you stop them from happening? No! And you two! You are as bad as him! "These things do happen." UGH! Until you stop these things from happening, this thing does not happen! Ubaldo! Andiamo! Bring my doggy and my boxy!" Carlotta from The Phantom of the Opera
"Twisted every way, what answer can I give? Am I to risk my life to win the chance to live? Can I betray the man who once inspired my voice? Do I become his prey? Do I have any choice? He kills without a thought, he murders all that's good. I know I can't refuse, and yet, I wish I could. Oh God, if I agree what horrors wait for me, in this, the phantom's opera?" Chrsitine also from The Phantom of the
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
Sorry I haven't been posting for awhile
Ok, since it's 4:10 am and I'm really tired from watching anime and playing Dark Cloud 2 all day, I shall make a quick post of what my week was like:
Monday-There was no school because of Memorial Day. Since it was also my mom's birthday, I also made her a present and made sure she had a happy birthday.
Tuesday-We had a sub in science class because the real science teacher was out on a field trip with his 6th period class. I don't really know the details tho.
Wednsday- There was a code red, so we missed 2 classes. The principal also had us empty our pockets and backpacks for some reason. I also don't know the details on that.
Thursday-We worked on arcutecture (sp?) stuff in Visual Arts. I also started playing Dark Cloud 2 again after getting stuck for about 6 months.
Friday-It was the same as Tuseday, except that we also had graduation rehearsal which consited of us lining up according to height and going back to homeroom, then having freetime in all the classes after that.
Saturday-I played Dark Cloud 2 all day, watched anime, then played Dark Cloud 2 again, so now it's Sunday morning. *yaaawn* Welp, ig2g... so sleepy...... Baibai
"I don't care what the old lady says. You are not Kikyo, you got that?! I am sooo outta here!" ~Inuyasha
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
Japanese Version
kimi no yokogao wo somete
yuuyake ga nijinde yuku
sora yo adeyaka na iro wo
toki to tomo ni nani mo ka mo
utsurotte kawaru n da ne
kimi mo "jaa..." to te wo futte
demo kawaranu mono ga aru
kotoba ni wa dasenai mama
kokoro ni afureru omoi
setsunasa yo, saa
yasashii kaze ni nare ima sugu
nagarete yuke
utsumuku kimi no kata tsutsumu you ni
ore wa itsumo kimi wo mitsumete'ru
tooi basho ni ite mo
moshimo umarekawatte mo
ore wa ore ni umareyou
soshite kimi wo mitsukeru yo
mou ichido
katachi aru mono subete ni
kagiri ga aru to shita tte
iroasenu mono wa aru to
tada chikaku ni kimi ga ita
sore dake de aruketa n da
donna ni kewashii michi mo
sabishisa yo, saa
mugen no kaze ni nare koko kara
hitori aruku kimi no senaka oshite
mienu ai de kimi wo tasuketai
itsuka futatabi aeru made
ima kawaranu mono wa tada
kotoba ni wa naranakatta
kagayaki-tsudzukeru omoi
setsunasa yo, saa
yasashii kaze ni nare ima sugu
nagarete yuke
utsumuku kimi no kata tsutsumu you ni
ore wa itsumo kimi wo mitsumete'ru
tooi basho ni ite mo
English Version
The light of the sunset spreads,
coloring your profile
Oh sky, don't lose
those enchanting colors
I guess everything fades
and changes with time
You to, will wave "bye"
as you walk on.
But there are some things that don't ever change,
that can't ever be put into words:
the feelings that fill your heart.
Pain, come now,
become an eternal wind.
Keep blowing,
to wrap around your stooped-over shoulders.
I am always watching you
Even if
you're in a far off place.
If we are reborn,
I will be born as myself.
Then I will find you,
once again...
Even though all things that have a shape
have limits,
I want to tell you that there are some things
that never fade.
Just because you were nearby
That alone enabled me
to walk even this steep a road.
Loneliness, come now,
become an eternal wind. From now on,
keep blowing,
pushing at your back as you walk alone.
I want to save you with love unseen
Until we meet again someday.
Now, unchanging things are nothing but
continually glittering emotions
that have gone unspoken.
Pain, come now,
become an eternal wind.
Keep blowing,
to wrap around your stooped-over shoulders.
I am always watching you
Even if
you're in a far off place.
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
Today was kewl
I had a fun day because today's my b-day and now I'm officially 14! Whoo! I didn't havea party or anything, but i did get presents. I also got moneh. $60.00 ta be exact ^^ I got ta play outside with my friends, but that's nothing new because I play outside with them after school. Then I went to Neko-Chan666's house and her, my friend Mike, and me played The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, and kept getting lost or held back because of me ;-; Now I'm here. And for once nothing bad happened to me... except for that spider incedent *shudders* I hate spiders >.< Welp, ig2gfn. Oh yeah, and I hope you all had a good day! Baibai!

"Take a look at this tiny place. To the heart seeking freedom, this island is a prison, surrounded by water. And so this boy sought a out a way to escape this prison. He sought a way to cross into other worlds, and he opened his heart to darkness." ~Ansem
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
This sucks ;-;
I'm not depressed anymore, but now I'm sick ;-; My throat's scratchy, my head hurts, and my nose either gets stuffy or runny ;-; I haven't been this sick for a while. At first I started sneezing, but that was because of Neko-Chan666's cats. I thought it was just allergies, so I didn't pay much attention to it. The sneezing got worse last night, which prevented me from sleeping, so I stayed up working on my manga. I finally got to sleep at around 2:00, but I kept waking up because my nose was too runny. When I woke up this morning, my head hurt like hell and my voice was gone >.< I also felt like I was gonna throw up, but instead I just burped. I stayed in bed for most of the day and the only times I did get up was to walk my dog, complain to my mother about my sickness using finger gestures and crap, walk around to get rid of my stuffy nose, and to go to the bathroom. I feel a little better now because I took a short nap. Well, ig2gfn, but I'll try to post later. Baibai
“No matter joy or sorrow, a girl cries for her loved one." ~ Miaka
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
It got worse....
I've gotten more depressed today. Nothing bad happened in school today, and my mom and I have been getting along better,so I should be happy, but for some reason, I'm not..... Anyway, I made a poem and a story yesterday. They're probably not that good, but I'll post them anyway since I have nothing else to say.....
Locked in a room
in the darkest corner
Isolated from the world
Never to step foot outside again
This is now the way I choose to be
because you have pushed me this far
Alone and afraid of the world
Afraid that I will be hurt if I leave the protection of this room
My heart is shut tight, never to be opened again
For I fear that if it is ever opened, it will swallow me whole
And I will become nothing more than an empty shell
Only filled with hatred and disgust
Chapter 1
A gentle voice echoed throughout the room. “Tumu ni hasamiyuru. Hitunu uteikanoya yo…” The woman sang as she lulled her daughter to sleep. Suddenly, the door flew open and a voice boomed across the room. “SAE!!!!!” The woman turned when she heard her name just as a hand backslapped her across the face, knocking her to the floor and making her cry out in pain. “You dirty slut! How dare you go behind my back and sleep with Takashi!!!” Sae got up, wiped the blood from her lip with her sleeve, then looked at her mate.
“What are you talking about? I‘ve never slept with any man other than you!”
“You know damn well what I’m talking about! Mamoru told me that you’d feign ignorance!”
“Mamoru told you this? He was lying! He always lies to you! Why must you be so idiotic and believe him?” Sae realized what she said a minute too late. Her mate was furious by her words. “You little--” He grabbed her by her hair and raised his hand. “You have forgotten your place, so I shall remind you!” Sae’s eyes widened. “N-No… Satoshi… I didn‘t mean--“ Satoshi was the name of her mate, and she knew that there was a price to pay for talking back to him. “Wives should never talk back to their husbands!”
He slapped her again, but this time blackening her eye. He grabbed her head and bashed it into the floor repeatedly, until blood started dripping down from her forehead, lip, and nose. Sae tried to get up, but the man had grabbed her arm and broke it. Then he threw her against the wall. She screamed in agony. Satoshi walked over to the crib where his child, who was now crying from being woken up by all the screaming and yelling, roughly picked her up and headed toward the door.
He turned to his beaten up wife. “I’m taking Shouka with me. You don’t deserve to parent her any longer.” With that, he left. Sae laid motionless on the floor covered in cuts, bruises, and blood as tears began to form in her eyes. Her daughter was the only one she had left, and now she was being taken away from her.
Since her body healed itself fast, most of the cuts on her body would be gone within minutes, but her arm would still remain broken. Her arm would take a few weeks to heal because broken bones healed slowly. Shouka… I have to get her back… Sae slowly stood up and a sudden rush of pain came to her. She winced and tried to ignore the pain, then finally limped out of the house.
The limp was from a week ago. Sae tried to run away with Shouka one evening while Satoshi was out hunting, when a villager spotted her. He ran to tell Satoshi, and before Sae could make it safely out of the village, he caught her. He broke her leg in front of all the villagers and dragged her home by her hair. When they got home, he had beaten her ad threw her on the bed. Then he…
Sae shook that horrible memory from her head. She despised it. She continued limping around the village, searching for Satoshi and their daughter, when she heard a voice in a nearby house. “Sae lied to me!!” Sae knew that voice from anywhere. She followed the familiar voice to a small house in the middle of the village. Just as she was about to knock on the door, she heard the voice again. She was curious about who her mate was talking to. “She lied to me! That bitch told me that she had not been sleeping with anyone!!”
“Calm down, Brother… Why are you getting so angry about this woman anyway? Women in this village are usually used for sex and then discarded…” Came a calm voice. Sae also knew this voice. It was her mate’s older brother. She met him once before during a yearly festival a few days ago. He was always calm and he never raised his voice.
“ ‘This woman’?! ‘This woman’ is my mate!” Yelled the angry Satoshi. He hated when people called “his” woman “that” or “this” woman.
“Then get back at her… ”
“How?! I’ve beaten her countless times and she still disobeys me!”
“You know… I think I sensed a child within her when I met her...”
“A child, eh?” Satoshi’s voice was now calm but venomous. He smiled a poisonous smile. “I’ll keep that whore alive until the child is born. Once it’s born, I’ll take the child. Then… I’ll kill Sae….” Sae’s face ashened. …Kill…me?
Thunder boomed and lightning lit up the sky as it rained. Sae ran as fast as she could, splashing through the puddles. Tears streamed down her face. Kill me… He… He wants to kill me… She thought. She didn’t know where she was going, but all she knew was that she had to get away from him. She ran deep into the forest and kept running until she stumbled over a rock. She fell to the ground hard. Why…? She lay still in the cold, muddy soil. “Why…?!” She sobbed. She was all alone in this world… Her parents and siblings dead, her daughter taken away from her, and her mate overcome with rage, anger, greed, and deceit. She curled up into fetal position as much as she could and continued crying until she submitted to exhaustion and fell asleep.
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Monday, May 2, 2005
I've been kind of depressed lately...... Not depressed like the way I was the first time... but a bit different. I don't know what it is, but I just feel like sitting in a dark corner and crying my eyes out. Maybe it's because I feel that "He" is coming back soon.... or maybe it's something else....... I don't know...........

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Friday, April 29, 2005
I'm a bit releaved now, but still sorta pissed off....
They're cancelling the parent/teacher/principal meeting that they were suppose to have on Monday. Now they're only gonna talk to the parents of the disrespectful student's "individually". Or at least that's what my homeroom teacher said. My math teacher also said that the class was better today, but my social studies teacher would most likey protest. The class was wild during social studies. I think it's because they don't like the teacher.
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