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Thursday, April 28, 2005

My homeroom classroom pisses the hell outta me! They're sooo bad that the teachers complain about them to the principal almost every friggin day!! Only 2 kids behave during class! 2!! Me and some kid named Denzel. The principal even had ta talk to 2 classes after lunch about their behavior yesterday. She said that she'd send a letter to all of our parents. And she did. This is what the letter said:
To the Parents/Guardians of Students of Homerooms 241 (my hr) and 225
Dear Parent/Guardian:
We are writing to inform you of a mandatory meeting taking place at BRAMS (Betsy Ross Arts Magnet School) on Monday, May 2, 2005. During the meeting the teachers of the above homerooms, along with the Principal and other administrative representatives, will be discussing why students in these classes are in danger of losing their end-of-year privileges, including the dinner dance, class trip to New York, participation in Awards Night, Career Day, and the Graduation ceremony.
Behavior has been a major issue with some of the students in these homerooms. The lack of self-control, disrespect for adults, and poor behavior by these students prevents them from achieving and may prevent them from participation in 8th grade activities.
THIS IS A MANDATORY MEETING Parents/ guardians, as well as students are expected to be here for the meeting which will begin promptly at 6:00pm.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Peggy A. Moore
>.< And the other kids dun even
THINK about the ones who are good! If I have ta miss out on everything, I'll seriously snap and spaz out!!! >.<
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Friday, April 22, 2005
chika ni moguri ana wo horitsudzuketa
doko ni tsudzuku ana ka wa shirazu ni
tsuchi ni nureta SUKO-PU wo katate ni
kimi no ude wo sagashite ita
tsugihagi no shiawase wo yoseatsume makinagara
kimi no tsuyosa ni oshitsubusareteta
hagarenai tenohira no ato
chigireta tsubasa de akaku somaru kumoma o saite
jouzu ni habataku watashi wo mitsukete
mayu ni komori egaita eien wa
doko ni mebuki hana hiraku no darou
asa wa yagate yamiyo wo tsuremodoshi
watashi no me wo ubatte yuku
tesagari de kasaneai motsurete wa
kimi no arika ni nareru to shinjita
modoranai yakusoku no basho
chigireta itami de kuroku somaru daichi wo kakete
jouzu ni habataku watashi wo mitsukete
sakendemo kikoenu nara
sono te de kowashite hoshii
mada watashi wo watashi to yoberu uchi ni
dakitomeru kimi no ude ga odayaka na chiri ni kawaru
tada shizuka ni
te wo aoida
hagarenai tenohira no ato
chigireta tsubasa de akaku somaru kumoma o saite
modoranai yakusoku no basho
jouzu ni habataku watashi wo mitsukete
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
New Theme!
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
I'm sooo exausted.......

Today was a busy day, ya know... first, I had my bible studies, then my mom and me went to New Haven to go to a museum because it was having a special thing today. My mom was having trouble finding the museum tho, so she ended up going all over the town asking for directions. Finally, when we got to the right place, my mom didn't want to park close to the museum cuz the parking meters, so she parked all the way on the other side of town and we both walked to the museum from there >.< We kinda got lost, so it took us about 30 minutes to get there and that made me kinda pissed off. When we got to the museum, we were kinda late because the special thing was practically over so we just walked around the museum and listened to ppl sing. After that, we went to the mall and I was able ta get 7 mangas today (a new record xD): Naruto 2&3, Red River 5, and Faeries' Landing 5 ) after that, we went to the shoe store and since my mom was taking forever, I started reading Red River. Then we went to Filines and got lipstick for my mom, and last we went to the dollar store and got baby clothes for my puppy xD He looks soooo cute in them x3 Now I'm home ^^ Ig2g tho cuz Futurama's on. I hope you all had a good day today ^-^ Welp, baibai!
(btw I'm gonna start writing quotes at the end of meh posts)
"If your eyes are blinded with your worries, you cannot see the beauty of the sunset."
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Friday, March 18, 2005
It's finally Friday! Whoo!
This week seemed kinda long, so I'm extreamly happy that it's Friday. I had a weird week tho. Fisrt on Monday, my dance teacher wasn't there, so my class had to go to the class next to the dance class and sing a song in Guinea called "EPDG". It was fun until a buncha kids fromm another class ruined it. Ms. Sherry, the teacher made us take notes, but people in Ms. Nikki's class (my class) didn't really have to. Then on Tuesday, I decided to wear a Hawaiian shirt to school and everyone kept making funny jokes about it. I had music class that day, and last Tuesday, the teacher made most of the class write "I will come to class prepared" 100 times because we didn't have our music stuff and we had to finish it for homework. I decided to take the lazy way, and type it out xP When I showed Mr. Berryman the paper the whole class (including me) started cracking up because I was the only one who typed mine up. He told me that I had to write it 200 times cuz he wanted it in my handwriting. On Wedsnday, I had video class, and we watched the movie we were making which was very funny. I was in the movie too, but I was only a minor character ::coughabodyguardcoughcough:: There was one part where I had to jump in front of this kid, and as soon as I landed, I started laughing for no reason and there was another part where the kid was trying to climb up the railing, but kept falling off xD After that we went to film some more parts, but since I wasn't in any of those parts, I sat on the floor and worked on a new manga I started. On Thursday, I had Visual Arts, and I worked on clay dinnerware. I also had gym class and we played floor hockey. Before that, we had to jog around the gym for 8 minutes, and I ended up falling like usual. During floor hockey, I played goaly for the first game, but then someone else wanted to be goaly, so I played defense. Some girl also got hit in the face with a hockey stick during the game. (or it might've been the puck, I was too busy talking to the goaly when it happened >_>) And today, I had Visual Arts again and was got most of my clay project done. I was kinda depressed today, but I didn't really show it. I worked on my manga during most of my classes, and at the end of the day, 3 girls named Franchesca, Tyina, and Lanisha, asked to see my comic. Lanisha said that it was the longest comic she'd ever seen, so I had to keep myself from laughing because the thing was only like 20 pages long! And that's not exactally long compared to the Yoko manga. On the bus, the busdriver started talking to us through the speakers because we had to ride a different bus and that one had speakers, no da. Everyone was all like "WOW!" and I was all like "omg... you guys act like you never heard anyone speak through speakers before ¬_¬" When I got off the bus, I ran home, and almost got hit with a snowball, and now I'm here... freezing my ass off... welp, ig2g. Bai bai oh, and btw... Happy belated St. Patrick's Day!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
I wanted to post this yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to
Yesterday, school was all cool and stuff until 5th period, which is right before my last period. It started snowing really bad, people were expecting that to happen tho. In 3rd period, the teacher turned on the TV to see if we had an early dismissl, but we didn't ><, so we went with the normal schedule till 5th period, when it started snowing. Mrs. Moore, the principal made an announcement that we were gonna be dismissed early and everyone went crazy because they were happy. All I did was go "whooo!" and gave this girl named Dorothy and a girl named Margarita a high five. We were expecting to leave in 5 minutes, but we ended up leaving at the end of the period and we had to go straight to our homerooms until the principal told us to go to our lockers. While we were waiting, Mr. Troutman, my homeroom teacher, took out his cellphone and played some music on it and let the class have a mini party. It lasted about 30 seconds xD Then Mrs. Moore told the 8th graders to go to their lockers. When she called the busses, mine was first for once and when everyone was on the bus, the bus driver told us that we had to be quiet because she could barely see the road. I asked the bus driver if I could go to the bathroom, but she said no, so I waited. The bus driver was driving 10 mph and there was lots of traffic, so it took about 1 hour just to get out of New Haven. By the time we were almost out of New Haven, most of the ppl in the back (including me) were complaining about having to go to the bathroom >< When we got to Orange, there was a car accident or something, so we waited in one spot for almost 30 minutes, then when we finally moved, we got stuck on a hill -_-'' Most of the ppl in the back called their parents on their cellphones. I listened to music on my CD player, but the batteries ran out, and we all started complaining about having to go to the bathroom again. A little boy was trying to make it worse by going "Imagine, you're on the toilet, and now your peeing and it feels sooo goood" but it didn't really work. We all started making jokes about it, then a 5th yelled at the bus driver to let her off because she really had to go, but the bus driver told her that she couldn't stop, so the 5th grader yelled "Oh, my fucking god, man!!" and the bus driver was all like "Just for that, you're getting a bus conduct!" Everyone else was like "Wth is a bus conduct?" We started telling stories, and finally the 5th grader yelled "Fuck this shit!" took a cup and went to the last seat. One of the 7th grade girls were like Omg! You're really gonna pee in the cup!?" the 5th grader was all like "Yeah!" 5 minutes later, the 7th grader said, "Ew! She actually did it!" and she told the 5th grader to hold up the cup. Everyone else yelled "Ew!" and then I said "Ew, I smell it!" By the time we got to he first bus stop, me and the 7th grader still had to go to the bathroom, but she was complaining about being hungrey, so I started talking about food and she was imagining eating candy, which was funny. When the bus driver got to my bus stop, I flew out the door, and ran home, but ended up slipping and falling in the snow ^^;; I got back up and continued running and finally made it home and ran to the bathroom. Yesterday was hilarious, but I hope something like that doesn't happen again.
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Friday, February 25, 2005
Sorry fer the delay ^^;;
Koji: *is on the 2nd floor showing Nami around* *points to a door on the end* That's Millenia's room *points to a door to the right of Millenia's room* That's Kitsune's room *points to a door across from Kitsune's* And this is where your room would be if you plan on staying.
Nami: Ok...
Kei: *running up the stairs* Koji! There's someone here for you!
Nami: There you are, Kei....
Kei: O_O O...M....F...G!!! *runs away*
Koji: Uh... I won't ask.... *walks downstairs*
Nami: ...
Koji: So, who wanted me?
???: O-Oniisan?
Koji: Huh? *turns around and sees a little girl holding a teddy bear*
???: Oniiisaaann! *hugs Koji*
Koji: K-Katsumi?
Saru, Kei, Nyozeka, Soten & Ayane: ._.
Kei: Relative of yours? O_o
Koji: Yes, she's my little sister.
Kei: You got a little sister?
Koji: *nods*
Saru: Aww... she's soo cute ^^
Koji: Katsumi, what are yo doing here?
Katsumi: I came here for you.
Koji: What about Tokie?
Katsumi: Tokie san? She had to go somewhere for awhile, but she couldn't take me so she brought me over here and told me to tell you that she said hi and left.
Saru: Really now?
Katsumi: Mmmhmm
Koji: How'd she know that I was staying here?
Katsumi: I dunno.
Koji: Hey Katsumi, wanna see my garden?
Katsumi: Ok ^^
Koji: *walks off with Katsumi*
Kei: *yawn* I'm goin' ta bed.
Saru: k
Kei: >.>
And please don't let Nami in my room
Ayane: Why not?
Kei: Because she'll prolly try to kill me in my sleep
Soten: How come?
Kei: Long story... maybe I'll tell you when Nami's not in the house ._. *walks to his room*
Saru: Okaaay....
Soten: Welp, I'm gonna play Grandia 2. *walks to the living room*
Saru: Wait up, I wanna watch you play!
Ayane & Nyozeka: Us too!
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Friday, February 18, 2005
Saru Chan: *pokes fingers together* Gomen nasai, Kei san ;-; I can't help it tho...
Millenia: Yeah... She's nothing like you.
Koji: ...
Kei: If I were you, I'd beat the shit outta that bitch!
Soten: *snicker* Don't you mean you'd try to beat her up?
Keiichi: Yeah, because last time you fought, you ended up on the floor *snicker*
Kei: S-Shut up! I- I tripped, OK?!
Keiichi and Souten: Sure ya did.
Kei: *storms off* *grumble grumble*
Fayt: Keiichi, why does Kei act like that?
Keiichi: Because we have a dumb brother...
Soten: Or he's showng off in front of his girlfriend.
Kitsune: Or maybe it's because you two keep ticking Kei off....
Keiichi: Nah... I think it's you...
Kitsune: What? You're saying that I made him like this?
Keiichi: Basically...
Kitsune: And what makes you say that?
Keiichi: Cuz he didn't act like this when he didn't know you...
Fayt: But Keiichi, he was usually kinda nice to us until you got him mad.
Keiichi: Me? If I remember correctly, it was Danjuro and Bunzo who pissed him off...
???: Well then I think you remembered wrong.
???: Yeah...
???: ...
Keiichi: Huh? Those voices... ACK!!
Fayt: Seikei, Haru, Nami! :D
Seikei: Hi Fayt and Keiichi ^^
Haru: Yo.
Nami: Where's Kei?
Keiichi: *shrugs* Don't know, don't care... What're you guys doin'here anyway?
Haru: We were just passin' an' we decided ta see how you guys're doin'.
Kitsune: Are you guys Kei's siblings?
Seikei & Haru: Yup ^^
Nami: And you must be Kei's girlfriend.
Kitsune: *slightly blushes* Well, you could say that.
Nami: Anyone care to show me to his room?
Koji: Why don't I show you around first?
Saru Chan: Aw, that's nice of you, Koji ^^
Nami: Ok...
(To Be Continued)
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Monday, February 14, 2005
Happy Valentines Day!

Valentine's Day is not really a good day for me, but I'll still wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day!
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Friday, February 11, 2005
There's just so much a human being could take!
I got suspended today. 5 days out of school and 5 days off the bus. It's all because this girl named Corrin tho. She was making fun of me yesterday and Kei couldn't take it anymore, so he just snapped. He yelled,"If you don't shut up and leave Saru (he actually used my real name) alone before I punch you in your face!" and Corrin yelled,"I wish you would." so of course Kei had to be stupid and go over to Corrin to punch her in her face. I tried to stop him, but it didn't work. Kei tried to punch her in her face, but Corrin grabbed my hand and twisted it, so Kei tried the other hand and she grabed it too, so he dug my nails into her skin and it was on. Kei and Corrin both got up and started swinging at each other and then the bus dirver started yelling, so they stopped. Then Corrin pulled my hair and Kei tried to tackle her, but ended up flying halfway across the back of the bus. Finally the two stopped after swinging at each other some more and since it was my body Kei was using, I have to suffer the concequences ¬_¬' So now I have a 2 week vacation (we already have a one week vacation) plus my mom or someone will have to drive me to school the week after vacation. This sucks big time! Why meeee????
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