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Sunday, October 31, 2004
A Holloween Song
Tis the season to be scary
Dress up bald or dress up hairy
You'll get candy foor freee
If you pay for it kick 'em in the shin and run off with the candy
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Finally... I've finished the first chapter of Legendary Suzuki, so here it is...
I don't exactally expect you to read this thing in one whole sitting unless you're a fast reader because this chapter is about 30 pages, but please leave me a comment telling me how you liked it and if you want, you could suggest some things for the story. Ok... now time for the story:
Chapter 1: Reawakened Powers

Prince Yatsuhiko: ... Charged for returning to this world without your Elves' Ribbon...
Elf Woman 1: *whisper* Hey... Shouka... What does it feel like to have a sister who's about to be banished?
Prince Yatsuhiko: ... Trying to kill a kitsune with your powers... And breaking the one important rule about intercourse with a kitsune or any other creature outside of the elf race.
Suzuki: But I did't! He --
Prince Yatsuhiko: Silence! Under these charges, you, Elf Maiden Suzuki, will be banished from this world for all eternity.
Shouka: Why? Why must everyone try to separate us?
*Shouka stands up and walks towards Suzuki*
Elf Woman 2: Shouka?
Prince Yatsuhiko: Shouka, what are you doing?!
Shouka: I don't care if you send Suzuki to hell... But... I won't leave my sister alone ever again.
Prince Yatsuhiko: Shouka, stop!
*Shouka embraces Suzuki as a light forms around them*
Prince Yatsuhiko: SHOUKA!!
*Suzuki and Shouka disappear into the light*

Teacher: ...kura ... Takakura! *throws a piece of chalk* Mayo Takakura!
Mayo: Ow.
Teacher: I don't care what time you go to sleep at home, but here in my class, you stay awake!! Blah blah ba-blah blah!! (blah is all Mayo hears)
Mayo: Eh? I dozed off again?
Yumi: That's the third time you fell asleep today.
Mayo: I know. Sorry.
Yuki: Hey Weird Ear. Have a good nap?
Mayo: Why me?
Eri: and what if she did have a good nap?
Yuki: Tsukaiyama?! With a pipe?! I'm gonna die!
Yumi:If she had any bad dreams, then don't expect to be alive tomorrow.
Yuki: Nakamura?! I'm definetly gonna die!
(here's how they're standing)

Yuki: *walking away with her arms and legs out of synch* *thinking* Just act cool.
Yumi: Ha ha ha... Good thing you had that fake pipe.
Mayo: Was it me, or was Yuki Asamiya, one of the popular girls, walking kinda funny?

Mayo: Hey, you guys wanna go to the mall for some karaoke and DDR?
Yumi: Sorry, but I can't go today. My mom wants me to go to my aunt's hous for something.
Mayo: You mean that lady who came over to your house on your 14th birthday and asked to tell everyone's fortune?
Yumi: No. You haven't met her yet. Hey, you guys wanna come with me to see her?
Mayo: Ok!
Eri: Sorry. I won't be able to come with you. I have to do something. Aw crap! I'm gonna be late! See you guys later!
Mayo and Yumi: Bye Eri!

???: Hahh!
???: Hup!
Mysterious Blue-Haired Man: *kicks the red haired guy* Hiiiyaa!
Mysterious Red-Haired Man: *hits a tree* Unh...
Mysterious Blue-Haired Man: *changes forms and disappears* If you want a rematch, come to the Human World.
Mysterious Red-Haired Man: Grrr... Stupid Fox! I'll beat you one day!

* the blue-haired man comes out of a tree without being noticed until he starts walking*
Schoolgirl 1: Did you see that dog over there?
Schoolgirl 2: Yeah.
Schoolgirl 1: Isn't it beautiful?
Schoolgirl 2: Yeah. I wonder who's it's owner?
Yumi: Since last week was my birthday and my aunt couldn't make it then, she wanted to give me my present today.
Mayo: *sees something from the corner of her eye* Huh? *turns to look and sees a dog half the size of a tiger looking at her* *Gasp*
Yumi: Mayo, what's wrong?
Mayo: Oh nothing. I just thought I saw something.
???: Hey Yumi! Hey Sis!
Yumi: Oh hi Toy-- What the hell did you do to your hair?!
Toya: What? You don't like it?
Mayo: His hair was like that when he woke up this morning.
*bee- bee- beep*
Toya: *gets up and walks zombie-like towards the bathroom* *looks in the mirror,still half asleep* Ehh.... Eh? DAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Toya's dad and Mayo walk in*
Mr. Takakura: Joke, right?
Toya: *pointing to his hair* DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A JOKE TO YOU?!!
Mr. Takakura: *walking away* Just say you bleached your hair. *stops and turns to Toya* Oh, and Toya... Try not to smile too hard today.
::Flashback over::
Mayo: Um... Toya... Why did Dad tell you not to smile so hard?
Toya: Huh? Heh... *whacks Mayo in the back* I'll tell you at home.
Mayo: *as soon as Toya touches her, she visions a man on top of a woman* *gasp*
Man: Heh heh heh...
Yumi: ...yo... Mayo!
Toya: Sis?
Mayo: Huh? ....I zoned out again,didn't I?
Yumi and Toya: Yes.
Toya: You ok?
Mayo: Yeah sure. I'm fine.
Toya: Mayo, look out!
Mayo: *turns and sees a car coming towards her* *gasp*
Voice in Mayo's Head: Mayo, jump!
Toya: MAYO!!
Yumi: *gasp* It can't be... she... she's....
Woman: What happened?
Man: Are you ok, Miss?
Yumi: Huh?
Man: Miss?
Kid: Heh-loh?
Yumi: What?
Woman: She's in shock.
Mayo: O.O
Toya: Mayo...
*Mayo's eyes start changing from light brown to violet*
Yumi: YOU JERK!!
Mayo: *her eyes go back to normal* Huh? Ehh...
Yumi: What's wrong with you?! You could've gotten yorself killed!
Mayo: I'm sorry, Yumi... I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.
Yumi: Well pay attention next time,ok?
Mayo: O-ok.
Yumi: Come on... my aunt's waiting.
Mayo: Ok.
Yumi: Please don't do that again.
Mayo: I won't.
Toya: Where are we goin'?

Kei: Hey, Kiba... Did you see what that girl just did? Kiba? Ki-- *sees Kiba getting ice cream* Ugh... Does he ever take this job serious?
Kiba: Thanks.
Kei: Kiba, what were you doing?
Kiba: *slurp slurp* Mmm... We needed supplies and stuff. We can't walk around in our normal clothes. People will stare.
Kei: What about that stuff you're eating?
Kiba: It's called ice cream. Here. *gives Kei an ice cream cone* I got one for you. Now... what were you saying about a girl?
Kiba: So you say she jumped over the car instead of to the side?
Kei: Yeah, but right before she landed, she kind of floated to the side.
Kiba: Sounds like we might've found Mother... but why do we want to find and help father?
Kei: Would you rather help mother? The woman who screwed up your left eye and killed our precious father for no reason?
Kiba: *sigh* *thinking* Mother killed Father for various reasons... Who could blame her for what she did? Besides... she died too.

Yumi: Here we are.
Toya: Where are we exactally?
Mayo: Yumi's aunt's house.
Yumi: Aunt Sakura, we're here.
Sakura: *looks up from the book she's reading* Hm? Oh, hello, Yumi. Ah... I see that you've brought your friends. *stands up* Come... Follow me.
*Sakura, Yumi, Mayo, and Toya are all walking in the woods*
Mayo: *sees a little girl from the corner of her eye* Huh?
Girl: *sees Mayo looking towards her* *gasp* *she runs off*
Mayo: That was... strange....
Sakura: *stops if front of two huge trees with weird markings on them* We're here... Now stand back please.
Toya: But all that's here is more trees.
Yumi: Be patient, Toya. Let's watch.
*Sakura mouthes some words and a symbol appears in front of the two huge trees. The symbol disappears and and reveals an otherworldly place behind the two trees*
Mayo and Yumi: Wow!
Toya: Whoa!
Sakura: Now are there only trees, Toya?
Toya: No, but what is this place?
Sakura: This is an exact replica of a part of Elf World.
Mayo: I thought this place was just a fairy tale.
Yumi: It's beautiful!
Toya: Yeah.
Sakura: Kira, can you go to the shrine and get the three items near it?
Kira: Chu. *jumps off of Sakura's shoulder and transforms into a big cat-like animal*
Yumi and Toya: ......
Mayo: ... What a cute little kitty! ^^
Yumi and Toya: *anime fall*
*Kira comes back with a bag in her mouth*
Toya: That was fast!
Sakura: The shrine's not that far from here and in that form, Kira's a fast runner. Now... about that present I wanted to give you, Yumi. *pulls out a rolled up piece of cloth* This is for you.
Yumi: What is it?
Sakura: It's an Elves' Ribbon. As you can see, the color in the middle is blue, which means "Guardian". This ribbon is always passed down to the youngest female in this family, but in your case.... this is yours by birth.
Yumi: In my case? What do you mean?
Sakura: I'll explain it to you when you're ready. *turns to Mayo and Toya* I hear that you two are of the Takakura bloodline.
Mayo: Yeah but... what's that have to do with anything?
Sakura: You will find out soon enough... Here... I have something for you two, too. *pulls out a glass ball-like thing and a necklace* This is for you, Mayo and this necklace is for you, Toya.
Mayo and Toya: Uh... Thanks.
Toya: A glass ball? Heh... ya know... Mayo's not that good at handling glass... She'll break it.
Mayo: Hey!
Sakura: It's not a glass ball. It's a crystal orb. It's very different from an ordanary glass ball. It's unbreakable and only descendents of the elf maiden, Suzuki, can activate it.
Mayo and Toya: "Suzuki" ?
Yumi: "Suzuki" was part of one of the legends we learned about at school. You, Toya, and the rest of your family are descendents of her.
Toya: *looks up* It's getting late. I think we should go home before Dad starts to worry, Mayo.
Mayo: Aw... I wanted to stay a little longer. Sorry, Yumi... I have to go. Oh, and thank you for the gift, Ms. Sakura... I'll take good care of it. It was nice meeting you... Bye.
Sakura: Get home saftly.
Mayo and Toya: We will.
Mayo: ... I wonder what this is suppose to do? Yumi's aunt said something about activating it.
*the orb starts glowing and then it shows a picture of an elf-like woman.
Woman in the orb: Ha ha... You're so mean, Ayane.
Mayo: *thinking* That's the woman who's been appearing in my dreams!
Voice in Mayo's head: Release me...
Man: Look at that!
*Mayo starts glowing and drops the crystal orb*
Toya: *hears the orb hit the ground* Huh? *sees Mayo* What's happening?
*Mayo faints*
Toya: Mayo!!

Toya: *thinking* I hope Mayo's gonna be ok. Dad said that she would be, but I'm not so sure. Well... guess I'll see in the morning. *turns off the light*
*Mayo's in her room tossing and turning in her sleep*
Mayo: Unh.....
*in Mayo's dream there is a man chasing a woman through a village*
Woman: *pant pant*
Man: Get back here, you bitch!
Village Man: Look... it's the clan leader and his mate.
Village Girl: He looks angry.
Woman: Somebody help me!!!!
*as the woman is running, another man grabs her hair*
Woman: Ah!
???: You know, Susano-oh... you should learn to keep your mate obedient... And to do that, then she will have to be taught a little lesson. *raises hand*
Woman: NOOOOO!!!!!
*Mayo's eyes open*
Voice in Mayo's head: Please release me, Mayo.
*as Mayo starts floating, her hair begins to grow and change into a golden-yellow type of color. Her ears get longer and her eyes become narrow*
*Toya senses something strange and wakes up*
Toya: Huh? *walks to Mayo's door* *knock knock* Mayo? *slightly opens the door and pokes his head in* Mayo? *sees a woman sitting on Mayo's bed* *gasp* W-Who are you a-and where's Mayo?
???: *stares at Toya with a blank look on her face* .........
Toya: *thinking* She's beautiful!
???: Unh.....
Toya: Um... uh... Where's Mayo-- where's my sister? And how'd you get in here?
???: *sees a symbol on Toya's neck, which triggers a memory*
Toya: Say something.
*in the woman's memory, there is a man laying on a bed slightly aroused*
???: Susano-oh?
Man: Unh...
???: What have I done?
Toya: Say something, dammit!
???: I want... my Elves' Ribbon back... Susano-oh. Give it back or else I'll be forced to kill you and restart this all over again.
Toya: Elves' Ribbon? But Yumi has it.
???: Yumi has Shouka's ribbon.
Toya: Shouka? Who's Shouka?
???: Where is my Elves' Ribon?
Toya: I have no clue what the hell you're talking about!! Now... Where's Mayo?!
???: I see... Then you leave me with no other choice...
Toya: *thinking* This woman's crazy! She doesn't even know me and now she wants to kill me! *takes a step back. Then starts running* Dad!!
*as the woman chased Toya around the house, Toya's dad opens his door*
Mr. Takakura: What's all the racket?
Toya: Mayo's missing and there's a crazy lady, who thinks I'm some dude named Susano-oh, trying to kill me!!!!!!!
Mr. Takakura: Crazy lady? Susanoo? *imagines the time when Toya was being chased by their old neighbor and a man chopping the Yamata no Orochi in half*
*the woman chasing Toya lashes out an attack that caused Toya to end up on the other side of the living room wall*
Mr. Takakura: Something is odd about this woman (SC: no duh!)
???: Give it back! Give me back my Elve's Ribbon, Susano-oh!!
Toya: *rubbing his head* Ow... *turns to see if the woman's still chasing him* Huh? *sees the woman standing in front of him* Eep!
???: Give me my Elves' Ribbon or I will kill you, Susano-oh!
Toya: Look lady, I don't know who the hell you are, so stop calling me Susano-oh!! My name is Toya! T-O-Y-A, Toya!!! And I don't have your Elves' Ribbon!!!
???: I see...
Toya: A-are you ok? *gasp* *thinking* Sh-She disappeared! Wha--? *Toya visions the same woman who was chasing him kneeling on the floor, scratched and bruised. Then Toya hears a man's vice in the background*
Man: That'll teach you. Don't forget, Suzuki.... you're my mate and you will do what I say. And if you ever try that again.... I'll kill you.
Toya: Suzuki?
*the woman shoots a ball of light towards Toya*
???: Huh? He dis--
???: Ahh!
???: So Suzuki... I see you haven't given up on that stupid Elves' Ribbon of yours.
Mr. Takakura: Suzuki? As in the elf maiden? Then.... that's not Toya. (SC: you're kinda late....)
Suzuki: *gets up* I-It's not stupid, Susano-oh... It's NOT!! *charges at Toya/Susano-oh*
Toya/Susano-oh: *dodges* You still haven't learned anything from the past years...
Suzuki: *turns towards Toya/Susano-oh and charges again* Rraaaghh!!
*a black ball of light forms in Toya/Susano-oh's hand and he shoots it at Suzuki, which causes her to fly through the glass door and off the balcony*
*Suzuki floats to the ground and stares at the balcony. Then she bounds off into the woods*
*Toya turns back to normal*
Toya: Wha-What happened?
Mr. Takakura: So... you're the one he chose to posess...
Toya: What are you talking about? What the hell just happened?! Who chose to posess me?!
Mr. Takakura: ...Susano-oh... and if I'm right, then... that woman is posessing your sister.
Toya: Wha- But it can be true... Mayo would never try to kill me.
Mr. Takakura: That wasn't exactally Mayo....
(To be continued in Chapter 2: Stories Told)
I hoped you liked it and I'll try to get the second chapter done ASAP.
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Monday, October 25, 2004
I accidentally deleted my last post, and I'm too lazy to retype it. I've also been really busy and I had a lot of things on my mind lately, so I didn't post much. I guess i just want someone to talk to. Anyway, I hope you all had a good day. Well ig2g now, bye.
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
Hiya! Long time no post
I'm at Zhe Morbids house and we're making face designs... it's so cool. It's 11:36 and we're going outside to chill and stuff. Welp, ig2g,bye!
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Friday, October 1, 2004
Hi peoples
I'm in school,so quick post: I won't be able to post for a while because my computer's messed up. I've been depessed lately,and I'm definetly changing schools. Ig2g right now and I'll try to post when I can. Bye
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Finally...some good news
Yeah I know I said that my last post was gonna be the only one today,but I finally have good news...go to Shijin13's site...she's back! Please visit her site and make her feel re-welcomed.
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I'm not me anymore......
I've realized that today I haven't been acting like myself. This morning during homeroom I had my scissors in my hand and I was extremely close to jabbing them into my throat. Then I realized what I was about to do and quickly put them in my binder. I was very shakey and uncomfortable for most of the day and I kept dropping things during language arts. During lunch,we got to eat outside in the courtyard because the CMTs were over and I didn't even finish my lunch which is extrmely un normal for me because I usually scarf down my food since I never eat breakfast and I'm usually starving by lunch time. I didn't really draw much either. I did talk during lunch,but that was the most I ever talked today. I also zoned out a lot and felt dizzy again today. I don't know what's happening to me,but I think I need to talk to someone. My past is tearing me up slowly,causing more pain. You probably wouldn't be able to tell because I smile a lot...I've trained myself to do that because I don't really like when people ask me too much questions. I'm also mad at my mom for making me change schools. I don't know when I'll be changing,but I know that I'm changing for sure. Well,I'm going to go now...I have nothing else to post today,so bye for now....
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
Why does everyone always do this to me?!
I hate my life. I hate everything about my life. I hate being pushed around,but most of all I hate when no one listens to me. My day has been like hell today. My head hurt,my stomach hurt,and I felt dizzy. Everyone kept pushing me around and the only people who actually listened to me were my friends. My mom is making me change schools. The school I already go to is closer to where I live too. I don't want to go to New Haven just so I can learn. I like my school better than other schools so far,even though the school I go to isn't the best. And after what happened to me 5 years ago,it's surprising that I didn't kill myself yet. My friends mean a lot to me...they're the ones who kept me alive and now my mom's making me change schools and be separated from them. I feel as if we are already drifting apart this year...we never really get to see each other anymore besides at the beginning of the day,and in between classes. I don't want to change schools. They say I'm "gifted"...well "gifted" my ass! Anyone can draw...all they need is a pencil,paper,an idea of what to draw,and some practice. *sigh* Besides that,I'm still working on the first chapter of Legendary Elf Suzuki...school and depression has been slowing me down. I'm trying to get it done fast so that I can post it. Well,I'm going to try to calm down a little. I hope your day was good,and I'll try to finish the first chapter of Legendary Elf Suzuki sometime this week. But it may be hard because my (step) grandma will be coming this weekend. I'll try to let you know if anything good happens.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
I just woke up from my nap and I also found out what happened to Shijin13. I feel really hot now and my mom's not helping. My throat is dry and at times I feel dizzy. I told my mom that my gym teacher said that I was dehydrated and she didn't care...she just made me do more work. The nap did make me feel a little better,but when I started walking I felt a little dizzy. I'm gonna try to rest a little more. Hopefully I'll be ok at school tomorrow.....
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Today was a normal day until I had gym. We had to do the mile run for the CMTs and had to run 20 laps around the gym in 12 minutes. I was ok at first,but then my mouth started to dry up and I started to get a really really really bad cramp in my side. I could barely walk and evey time it stopped (or that's what I thought) I would run and it would hurt even worse,so I gave up on running. When 12 minutes were over,I was on my 16th lap and I almost collapsed. When the gym teacher asked how much laps I did,I said 16,and then she saw that I didn't look too good and asked what was wrong. I told her that I had a really (x20) bad cramp. She asked me what I ate before gym and I said nothing. Then she said that I was dehydrated and I needed to take a drink of water and rest. For the rest of the day,I felt kinda dizzy and tired. I didn't even care about my corner (it's a corner in the portables that me and Kei share,but since Millenia knocked him out it's currently mine. There was a spider in it since Friday,and I finally killed that spider today so I could have my corner back.) Everyone kept asking me what was wrong,but I didn't really say much. A kid named Billy also ripped up his science worksheet in front of the teacher and he didn' really get in trouble. Nothing good really happened on the bus and if it did,then I was zoned out and didn't notice. Now I'm here and I have a cold bottle of water in front of me. Before I go,I have a question...does anyone know whatever happened to Shijin13? Her site is no longer here and I haven't heard from her in a couple of days. So if anyone knows,then please tell me. Well besides that,I'm still kinda tired,so I'm going to take a little nap. Bye.
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