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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Today everything at school was normal...except for the CMTs. We had to write a 3 page essay saying if we agreed or disagreed that the school should give $100 to all the students who had perfect attendance,and the best thing was...I ACTUALLY FINISHED IT! Yay for me!! I'm getting better and better. After that,I went to consumer economics and had a test on taxes. I got 6 wrong,but I still got a good grade. I also had a test in social studies. It was pretty easy. The bus ride home was scary tho. The bus driver called the cops because kids were throwing stuff and "talking discustingly about private parts" I was in the back of the bus,so I wasn't paying attention...I was too busy lost in thought. Then I got to THE and now I'm here. Welp,that was my day,how was yours?
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
A little better...
Welp,it stopped rainingbut nw just the wind is blowing hard. And plus there's a new stream behing THE house. It looks so cool. But the sad thing is that the stream gets in the way of Pride Rock. Pride Rock is a giant rock behind THE house that people,including me,climb all over. It looks just like the Pride Rock from The Lion King. It's really cool. There's also more light now,so I can see what I'm drawing and stuff. Welp,ig2g again...my laptop's battery is running out. Bye!
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This sucks!
It's raining cows over here and all the power's out. The wind's really blowing hard too. But since I have a laptop,I can still use the computer. Vampdemon came to CT from Ohio and he stopped by THE house. He said that it was horrible on his way here because some cars flipped over and the wind was strong. He also said that there was a hydro something. forgot what it was called,but it's when your not on the ground when you're suppose to be. I'm not bored or anything because I can draw all day or until the power comes back on and hopefully it comes back soon,because I don't like drawing with lights. It's hard to see when it's too dim. Welp,ig2g. I'll try to let you know if anything else happens.
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Since I had nothing better to post,here's one of the conversations I had with my friend Richie and some of it has Alison in it....I wrote this a while ago,before I even started Legendary Elf Suzuki. I changed some things in the story tho.
Read if you dare...it's very long. No da.
*Richie,Alison,and me are sitting on his porch.Then I pull out my drawing book*
Richie:Did you draw anything new?
Richie:Let me see...er I mean,can I see?
*I give him the book*
*Richie looks at the pictures I drew*
Richie:Wow these are good.
*Then he reads the profiles*
Richie:Height:5'2".He's short!
Me:It's a girl!
Richie:He's like Alison's height.
Me:It's a SHE!!
Richie:Whatever,but SHE's still short.
Richie:Bloodtype?Who cares about the bloodtype!Why do you even care about the bloodtype?
Me:I felt like putting that there!It's a PROFILE!
Richie:I know,I know.
*Alison's brother calls her*
Alison:I gotta go in.Bye Paulina.
Me:Bye Alison
Richie:"Hobbies:Teasing whoever-that-is...
Me:It's KYO!
Richie:"Eating,beating up KYO,and cooking"
Richie:"Personality:Spunky and stubborn.She likes beating up Kyo and teasing him just because she loves him."
Me:They're brothers...I mean sist...grr...They're siblings!There we go.
*He reads the name*
Me:It's HATORI!!
*He flips the page*
Me:You're going backwards.
Richie:I know
Richie:Placeavearth...Placeavearth...I meant "Place of birth"
Richie:"Unknown"Ooo,unknown."Age:18.Birthday:Febuary 5th.Bloodtype:"Who cares.(it actually said "B") Type:Elf and Fire cat?
Me:Shut up.
Richie:"Hobbies:Starting fights with people.Personality:Rude"? Ha ha that's funny.
Richie:"Rude and never misses an opportunity to fight.Kyo usually picks fights with Taco...''
Richie:I know.I just wanna see your reaction.Heh heh...But doesn't that look like an "O"?
Me:No!It's an "A" with a really small line.See?
Richie:"Kyo usually picks fights with Taka,but he always loses."Ha ha...He alway loses.
Me:That's 'cause he's kinda weak and stuff.
Richie:Next page.
*Flips page*
Richie:Suzuki?That's the name of my car!
*I run over to see the back of his car*
Me:Darn!That's it,I'm changing her name!...Hey,there was an angel with an axe...well not really.But there was a girl from a show,named Subaru!
Richie:Before I had this car,I had a Subaru.Heh heh.
Richie:"Place of birth:Unknown.Age:Unknown." Ooo,she's mysterious.Cool."Birthday:Unknown.Height:5'1" " Short. "Type:Elf.Hobbies:Unknown.Relatives:Unknown.Personality:Suzuki is very mysterious." No kidding.Everything is unknown!
Me:Not everything!
*I had bubblewrap, so I was standing there popping the bubbles while he was reading*
Richie:Ooo...Her eyes always have a sad look in them.
Me:Well duh.I mean look at the picture.See?Sad eyes.
*Flips page*
*I'm popping the bubblewrap again*
Richie:"Age:16" Ooo.
Me:Eh? O.O
Richie:"Height:5'3" " A little better.
Richie:Type:Fairy? That's one big fairy.
Me:She's not one of those puny faires.
*I go back to the popping*
Richie:Ha ha ha.
Richie:"Hobbies:Making sure Mayo..."(May-yo)
Me:It's MAYO!! (My-oh)
Richie:But it's spelled like the shorter version of mayonnaise...M-A-Y-O.
Me:So,in Japan,they pronounce it the way I do.
Richie:But I'm not in Japan.
Me:Well I am.
Me:Wait,No I'm not.
Richie:Yeah I thought so.Because this does not look like Japan.
Me:I wish it was Japan.
Richie:Ha ha,listen to this.This will make you have a fit.
Me:I don't have fits.
Richie:"Making sure Mayo (May-yo) and Yummy don't get hurt."
Me:It's MAYO (My-oh) and YUMI!! Oh my gosh!
Richie:Told ya.
*Back to the popping*
Richie:"Relatives:Her parents" Well duh.Personality:Sarcastic but kind?What?
Me:Hey,I'm sarcastic,but I'm kind.
*We see some girl kicking the dumpster or something*
Richie:*to the girl*Kick it.kick it,kick it,there you go.*to me* See,that's being sarcastic.
*Back to the popping*
*flips page*
Richie:Age:18...Bloodtype:Who cares...Hobbies:Fishing?Is that a hobby?
Me:Hey,I just put anything!
Richie:"Hobbies:Fishing and finding rare animals"
*the popping*
Richie:He was monk?
Richie:He's a young monk.
Me:What,you want me to make him 20?30?40?80?20?Wait,I already said 20.oh well.
Richie:It said that he was a wandering monk until he met Mayo(May-yo).
Me:MAYO!!! (My-oh)
Richie:Are you saying he retired or something?
Me:NO!It means he stopped wandering after he met Mayo.
Richie:Oh,so he was a stationary monk?
Me:No! I mean yes! I mean sort of!
Richie:So,where is this Mayo person?
Me:The first page.
*The popping*
*I think he skipped a page,unless I just didn't see him go to the page because I didn't want people taking my bubblewrap lol*
Richie:"Birthday:March 5th. Height:3'2'' " Perfect! Type:A mixture of a cat and a human?Do you know how that could be possible?
Me:What do you mean?
Richie:Think about it...She's half cat and half human.One of her parents had 9 lives.
Me:Aw,eww,gee thanks a lot!That's nasty!
Richie:Well you drew her!It's not my fault you put her in your sick and twisted manga story!
Me:So...It didn't mean you had to tell me that!And my manga stories aren't sick and twisted!You never even read any!!
Richie:So,what happened to her parents?
Me: Uh...uh...they died?
Richie:But one of them had 9 lives.
Me:Well then it got hit by a car 9 times.Wait,there are no cars in that world!Then it got hit by a horse.
*He starts reading again*
Richie:"Hobbies:Chasing any small moving thing" I think I know what you mean by that.
Me:What,she chases things like butterflies,bugs,mice,and stuff like that!
Richie:What are they half human,half cat,and half butterfly?
Richie:Fine,how about quarter human,quarter cat,and quarter butterfly?
Richie:''Relatives:None.Personality:Curious and humble..." Well I could understand that.The curious part is the cat half and the humble part is the human half.
*The popping*
Richie:Of course she doesn't know about table manners!She's half cat!
*Flips page*
Richie:I know. Heh heh.
*Bubble popping*
Richie:Ha ha ha.
Richie:I like how you said he "accidentally" ends up doing peverted stuff. So,it's like "oops did I do that?"
Me:No!I messed up.And anyway all he does is walk in Mayo's (My-oh) room while she's taking a bath or something.
Richie:That's not peverted!Now that thing with the cat...
Me:Eww stop!Don't remind me!
Richie:That's what I call hentai.(not the porn type)
Me:*pointing at Richie* Eww!Hentai,Hentai! (pervert,pervert!)
Richie:Ha ha.This is fun.Just reading the profiles and then seeing the expression on your face after I say something about it.
Me:No it's not!
*Flips page*
Richie:Just like in anime...their eyes are about 3 quarters the size of their faces.
Me:Sh-Shut up!
Richie:"Relatives:1 brother and her dad" It sounds like her brother is her dad."Type:Human...or so she thinks.Personality:A bit clumsey and sometimes simple minded..."
Richie:Ooo,she has a dark secret.
Me:Yeah,she's actually that Suzuki lady!
*Alison comes back out*
Alison:Hi Paulina.
Me:Alison,Alison,Richie's being nasty!You know that picture of the cat girl I showed you before?
Me:Richie said that one of the parents did it with a cat.
Alison:Eww Richie!
Richie:Well it's true!
Me:Well you didn't have to explain it!
*Looks at the sky*
Me:Oh crap!I have to go to The house before I get in trouble!Ok bye guys!
*Then I leave*
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
School is getting scarier and scarier....
Ok,here's what happened at school...Today I had math first and Mr.Camera was telling the correct answers to our hw. Then,I had consumer economics and Mr.Neumann was talking about taxes and the IRS again,then right as we were leaving,Mrs.Bennett-Wallick starts talking about the CMTs on the intercom,and then the scariest thing happens...she starts singing,"The students are gonna pass the CMTs, do da,do da" or something like that. Everyone started groaning and saying,"Oh my god/gosh!" I kept yelling,"Someone shoot me!" After that,I went back to Mr.Camera's class to take the CMTs,and Mr.Camera was flipping out with his stapler. It was hilarious. When we were waiting for Mr.Camera to get the materials and stuff,so I start singing,"Mrs.Bennett-Wallick cannot sing,do da,do da" and 5 seconds later,Mrs.Bennett-Wallick comes popping through the door saying,"My students are gonna try hard this year right?" She gave me a freakin' heartattack,and after she left,I was sitting at my seat shaking...it was that scary. Then while Mr.Camera was sharpening the pencils,he saw Erica holding a note and took it telling her that it was his now. He looked at the note and said,"Yo yo yo was up yo? Yo your bro is stupid !" The whole class started cracking up and he said that that's what the note said. After that we took the CMT and later,I went to Language Arts and before Mr.Izzo came in,Tom and Frankie were play fighting and messing up the room and stuff. When they stopped,Mr.Izzo just walked in and they didn't get in trouble. Next,I went to Science and Mr.Klenota was talking about Mr.Izzo and Mr.Larovera. Then we did a lab thing. After Science was Gym,and after Gym was Lunch and I didn't leave the lunch room with a dazed look this time,then I had SSR and I drew a little,the read Ceres. Later,I had Social Studies and then Reading. Reading was also funny. Everyone was high. Every time the teacher said something,everyone kept laughing. Tom was acting really stupid,and Sharmane kept saying that he was on crack. The teacher told us to calm down because we were way too hyper and she thought that we were all tired,so I said,"Tired? We're more like high." Everyone started laughing again. Then we left,and now I'm here. Zat was all...now there's 6 more days of testing. Tomorrow is the DRP part of the CMT. Welp that's all fer now,bye!
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Today's the start of 7 days of testing and 7 days of confusion. After these 7 days are over I won't even want to hear the name CMT. Last year the CMTs were fun because we got to watch movies after every test and eat lunch in the courtyard. Now,since Mr.Matt retired,we have the creepy new principal,Mrs.Bennett-Wallick. She's like a freakin student stalker...she walks into a class every 10 seconds and says,"Hello my students." in a creepy way. And on top of that,she's trying to make the whole school be a family...no one likes anyone in the school unless they're friends. And since she's principal,we have to have our agenda books with us because it's our hall pass (I never used mine yet) and the students who had their parents come in on Back to School Night get dress down passes. Life sucks! I feel bad for Animkid tho...he has to have Mrs.BW for 2 more years. After this year,I'm outta that school. Well anyway,Ig2g because the bus will be coming soon and I want to try to walk to the bus stop before mine (about 7 min. walk). Welp,bye! I'll post what happened at school when I get back.
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
School was a bit strange today....
At the begining of the day,it was ok,but when we were getting ready for the CMT practice test Mr. Camera (the math teacher) was throwing stuff to the students. (pencils,book,etc.) Teachers usually tell us not to throw stuff. Then when the practice test was over Mr.Camera let us talk "quietly" and some kid noticed that the answers were in the back of the book. Everyone could've cheated,but they didn't know that the answers we on the back of the book. After that,I went to Mr. Nemann's class (consumer economics) and he was telling use more stuff about the IRS and e-file. Then I went to science,and Mr.Klenota scared the crap outta me...I was listening to him talk (which is never boring because he's fun)and poking myself with my pencil,(btw it was machanicle(sp?) )then he sees me poking myself and yells,"HEY! Drop step away from the pencil." I quickly threw the pencil to the side and then he yells,"Put your hands on your head!" I looked at him then slowly put my hands on my head. Then he said,"Kinda like a cop,huh?" and continues talking about what he was talking about before. It was funny tho. After that was structured support,then lunch,then SSR (silent,susstained,reading) and like usual I drew in structured support,felt depresed after lunch, (which usually leaves me walking out of the cafiteria with dazed look on my face)but I was less depressed because Kei stole some plastice forks,knvies,and spoons (K: MINE!)oi...Anyway,after lunch I drew during SSR. I felt a little better after SSR like usual too. Then I went to Mr.Izzo's class,and it was all quiet until the fire alarm went off. Everyong got scared and quickly ran in a line. When we got outside of the school or the portables (I was in the portables at the time...only 3 classes are in there) I was talking to Crystal and Liz about how scared we got. Liz said that she jumped 50 feet in the air (M: ::cough::overexaggerating::cough::) Crystal said that it almost gave her a heartattack. I was talking about how the male teachers are balding and how shiny Mr.Larovera's head was in the sun. When we went back in,I kept asking people how high they jumped when the alarm went off. Then I had Social Studies last and Mr.Larovera let us do our homework since classes were 30 min. short today and we didn't have enough time to take notes. When S.S. ws over I was kept asking questions and then I asked where I was going,and Mike said,"You really are an idiot aren't you?" and I said,"Yup" I went to homeroom class and waited for bottom lockers to be called (there are top lockers and bottom lockers. Mine's on the bottom. No da) Then Mike started looking through my drawing book and then they called 8 east and 8 west first for dissmisal and now I'm here. That's all I can say about my day today...oh,yeah and my friend Andrew scared the crap outta me too. Welp,later ppls ^^!
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Sunday, September 12, 2004
 You are Pudding! You're really, REALLY hyper!!! You are energetic and a good gymnast as well. You are very enthusiastic and always on the move. Yay for hyperness!!! ^_^
Which Tokyo Mew Mew Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Welp,just sittin' here eatin' Cheez-Its with my dog...I think the Cheez-Its are getting to meh head tho. I'm running around the house,jumping around like a ballerina,and yelling,"Bump"...that's not normal. I've gotta stop eating these things *munches on more Cheez-Its*
HAW HAW HAW!!! I just love this picture! It's so funny!!! It's a pic of Shuro laughing at a pic of Yuhi in a girl's uniform...HAW HAW HAW!!! Oh,yeah...and Aya's there too.
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Friday, September 10, 2004
YES! Mez finally gots a scanner! Now I could show you the pics I drew better...at times they might end up a bit smudged tho...I'm gonna delete the pics I have up now,because you probably can't really see them.
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