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Thursday, September 9, 2004
Yesterday and today was funny...and I wasn't derpressed at all
Still kinda recovering from last night...last night,when I was talking to Shijin13,these 2 girls who i ddn't know,just IMed me. One of them kept asking why or when I dated Alicia (the other one...she kept blabbing her name out) and I said that I didn't date her,I didn't want to date her,and I did even know her. Then she asked if I was gay and I started to get pissed,and yelled,"HELL NO!" I told Shijin about what happened,and she asked me if she wanted me to confuse them,and I said,"Please do!" Then she IMed them,and I don't know what she said to them,but then the one who called me gay called me a boy (everyone was doing that to me yesterday...I don't even look like a boy),then she called me bi,and I got really pissed and said,"I-AM-A-GIRL-AND-I'M-NOT-FUCKING-GAY-YOU-FUCKING-RETARD!! and i'm not in the mood!" She backed off for a while,and the Alicia girl said soory for the misunderstanding. Then Shijin said that they left. I told Shijin that only one of them left,and figured out that the one who got me pissed blocked her. Shijin got kinda mad,and then I tried to see if the girl would IM Shijin,but it didn't work. Then she left. After that,I talked to Shijin and Zhe Morbid for a while,and then left because it was almost 1:00 am. When I woke up this morning,I skipped all the way to the bus stop like a little girl...yeah,right. I walked to the bus stop and got on the bus and told my friend Andrea about the "unknown IMs" and went to my classes like normal,and like usual,in L.A.,Mr.Izzo was making fun of my science teacher,Mr. Klenota,and in S.S,Mr.Larovera was making fun of Mr.Izzo,and in science,Mr.Klenota was saying that he and Mr.Larovera talk like this:
Ehh...duh duh duhhhh....
lol. Mr. Klenota was also playing with someone's book because every time he tried to close it,it would just open up again. The whole class kept laughing. At lunch,I drew a new picture of Taka in his human-kitsune form doing a traditional dance...it looks cool,and in math we had a quiz,and reading we had to finish reading a story,then answer the quesions in back. Then at the end of the day,my class had to change lockers with another class,so that that class wouldn't have to go all the way to 8-west to use the lockers when their team is 8-east. The bus ride home was the funniest tho...our new word is "Buttnut"...a 7th grader made it up,and my friend,Andrew kept calling everyone a buttnut,especially Daniel and Matthew because they had to sit in the front of the bus. Then Daniel says,"Everybody say Yeah,yeah!" and Andrew says,"Buttnut!" the whole back of the bus (including me) was cracking up. Then Seth goes,"Everybody say Ah ha ha!" and everyone went,"Ah ha ha!" and then I think her name was Ciara (the 7th grader who made up the word "Buttnut")said that everyone sounded dead. When I got to THE house,I called my mom a Buttnut,and now I'm here. Welp,Ig2g...still need to do L.A. homework...bye!
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Sneaking on....
Quick post:
I forgot to ask...does anyone like the new look? I'm still working on it a bit,but tell me,how is it so far?
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Monday, September 6, 2004
Todays daily horoscope thing for geminis is...
If you are feeling pressure right now, the answer is simple. You need to sit down with a trusted loved one, friend or advisor and "vent" a little. Offer to return the favor when they feel some pressure and the need to blow off steam in a safe place.
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
<--- I'm smiling,see
Yesterday,after I talked to Shijin13 and Neko-Chan666 I started to feel better. And today,when I woke up,I felt much better. I'm thankful to both Shijin13 and Neko-Chan666. I no longer feel too depressed or alone,because now I know that I have friends. And if you're reading this Shijin,I hope that you can be happy too someday. I'm also thankful to zhe_morbid and vampdemon for trying to comfort me,and my friend Andrea for making me laugh,and all those ppl who commented me when I was depressed. Hopfully,I won't be that depressed again.
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
I probably won't post anything other than this for a while,or until I feel better. I've been feeling depressed lately. My friends wouldn't notice it because they always see the happy side of me. And if not happy,then really quiet. Last night,I snapped. I couldn't take it anymore,so when my mom said something to me,I just snapped and broke out in tears. I went upstairs and cried myself to sleep. Usually after I cry one night,I wake up in the morning and forget about it. But today,I woke up more depressed than I was earlier in the week. For most of the day,I stayed quiet and there were times when I was about to cry in front of the class. Yeah,I laughed a little today,but I didn't want anyone asking me what's wrong,because I would most likely break out in tears again. I zoned out a lot today too. I keep thinking about what happened to me 5 years ago. I just want to forget it,but it keeps haunting me...making me sadder and sadder. I don't know why I'm telling you this,because it's not like you care or anything. But I mainly just wanted to tell you that I'm not gonna post anything until I feel better,and I might not visit any of your sites today.
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
I lived!
As you know,school started today for me. I thought it would be horrible and stuff,but it was...well...fun. Since it was the first day,we stayed in our homeroom classes for half of the day. My class only had 10 students in it. No one was absent or and thing and I knew everyone except one person. Small class,huh? Well anyway,I sat in my seat and talked for a little while,then after I got bored I drew. The teacher gave us mazes that looked something like this:

They were difficult to do...almost impossible. Some ppl were looking for for the hardes maze. There was also this kid named Tom,and he was talking to some posters. A poster of a whale and a poster of an old man to be exact. There was also a kid named Franky,who wanted to e class president. The class was nominating ppl,and at first I nominated the boogieman. Then I started nominating random things that were in the room. Tom kept saying things to make me changes the nominees...lol. Later,we went to our 6th period and at that time I had science. The science teacher was funny...a bit scary too tho. He was explaining that we needed to use the shower thing in the room is some kind of chemical got all over you or if you were on fire. He said that one of the teacher's fingernail caught on fire one time...and she was just standig there. He also said to pretend that he was our mother. The whole class just stood there staring at him. It was funny. After science,we went back to our homeroom classes for structured support (free time) and drew some more. When free time was over,we went to lunch and by that time,my hand fell asleep because of the way I was sitting (when I draw on a desk,I rest my head on my right hand and draw with my left). My class ended up going to the wrong lunch period,but it was fun because I got to talk to my friend Andrea. After lunch,I went to a hallway in the school I never knew about to get to my language arts class. The teacher explained what we needed and gav each of us nicknames (mine is Mensa). He was also explaining about tests and stuff,but I got distracted by a giant fly. When language arts was over,it was time for dismisel. When I was walking to my locker for no reason,I saw Andrea. We started talking as we were walking to our destinations (I,my class her,I don't know). While we were walking,she said,"We couldn't wait for each other." I stopped walking and said,"Excuse me?" and she got mad at me and whacked me in the arm for misunderstanding her. It was funny tho. When we were leaving,she saw me and we started talking,and I brought up what she said 10 minutes earlier. She whacked me again,and then we saw our buses,said bye,and left. The bus ride home was ok. The bus was over crowded tho. Fortunetly I found a seat. Welp,that's what happened today...I wonder if tomorrow will be fun too?
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The day has come....
Welp,here it is...the 1st day of school. I'm kinda scared because this is the day you find out who you'll be stuck with all year *gulp* I hope today will be good. Welp,ig2g. I'll post what happened at school when I come home later.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
I got shot...It didn't hurt at first,but just a second ago,it started hurting like hell...ow...It was funny before I got the shot tho...the doctor dude said that I was suppose to have my shot in December,but then he saw my shirt and said that I was on time (I was wearing a Christmas shirt that I randomly picked. No da). He also said that the lady would need some help carrying the needle because it was huge. I gave him a "Do you expect me to believe that?" stare. Then about 5 minutes later,the lady came in with the needle. I glanced at it and she told me not to look at it so I wouldn't be scared or anything. 2 seconds later,it was over. It didn't hurt that bad...until now that is...Now that that is over,I have to get ready for the worse part...school...It starts tomorrow for me *gulp*
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I'm gonna get something worse than school...wait,no,school's worse...but anyway,I'm gonna have to get my shots for school today at 11:00 am [currently 10:11 am]...and I'm not used to shots...anymore. I kept pinching myself last night so I could get used to the feel of a needle,but it's not the same feel...
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Monday, August 30, 2004
Long day....a bit tired...
Yesterday,my mom and me went to Petco to get my dog his shots (they give pets shots every 2 Saturdays,and on Sundays) last year,when Bostich got his shots,he didn't yelp or anything. But this year,he "squeaked" as my mom would put it. On our way to Petco,my mom was sorta driving like Mrs.Q,and had road rage...lol. After Bossie (the dog's nickname. No da.) got his shots,my mom let me and Bossie stay in the car,and she when to a store for about 2 hours (something else happened after Bossie got his shots while we were still in Petco,but I'm not gonna say) . I sat in the car and started drawing the 1st chapter of Legendary Elf Suzuki,but I kept getting destracted by changing the radio station everytime 2 songes on one station ended. I also heard some of the songs that were on GTHaloPLayer's site. Finally my mom came and she took me to this fountain that was in front of the store she went in. She got wet and tried to make me get wet,but I told her that I didn't wanna. When we were done at the fountain,we went to a dock and watched some boats sail across the water. It was very relaxing. It made me think of some scenes for the manga I'm making. While we were walking towards the car,I told my mom to hold the dog while I was still holding the leash, (oh,yeah,I forgot to tell you that he also got a hair cut..er..."shaved" yesterday and now he kinda looks like a Poodle...lol) and give me the keys to the car. She threw them to me and they landed on the ground,but I picked them up,threw the leash at her,and ran towards the car. When we were all in the car,my mom drove me to a park where she and the ppl she work with,have a picnic. Today the park was kinda empty tho. My mom told me about a time where I was at the park when I was younger,and saw one of those spin thingys (ya know,those ones where you hold on to a bar and someone spins the wheel and you go spinning) and ran down to it and ended up "diving in the dirt". After she told me about that,I let go of the dog's leash (I was holding it the whole time) and ran down the hill. It was fun and kinda funny,because I couldn't stop running until I got to the bottom of the hill. It was also weird because when I got to the bottom of the hill,I started to remember something from a long time ago. I can't remember anything from when I was about 8,so that was kinda new. I saw Bossie running towards me,so I kinda forgot what I was remembering...After that,me and Bossie walked around at the bottom of the hill,and he kept rolling around on the grass. Then,while we were walking up the hill,he ran,and I ended up letting go of the leash. Lucky he was running towards my mom. I thought he was gonna run away,so I tried to chase after him. First,I ran,then I jogged,then I walked,and then,I ended up crawling. The hill was very steep,so can ya blame me? Lol. When I got to my mom,we walked around the park,and I got destracted by a tree that seemed to be raining...well...pieces of fruit. Actually squrrels were throwing them or something. I stupidly walked to the tree to get one of the fruits off of the tree and got hit by one of the friuts. After I got the friut,I caught up with my mom and told her that the squrrels were throwing stuff at me. She said that they saw me coming and started throwing stuff at me...lol. We walked around the park together,talked,and then went back to the car. We got something to eat,and then we went to discard some bottles and cans,and then we went to THE house,and now I'm here...oh,yeah,and my mom has a friend over,and they're talking to each other right now. Welp,that's what happened today,tell me...how was your day?
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