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Saru Chan289
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saru chan
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Wandering Artist :D
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*thinks* uh... you know, I just don't know
Making it to 10th grade
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When did Sailor Moon start?
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Millennium Actress Samurai Champloo & Azumanga Daioh
To become better at drawling than Dana >_<
Drawing & Playing DDR
Wednesday, September 1, 2004
I lived!
As you know,school started today for me. I thought it would be horrible and stuff,but it Since it was the first day,we stayed in our homeroom classes for half of the day. My class only had 10 students in it. No one was absent or and thing and I knew everyone except one person. Small class,huh? Well anyway,I sat in my seat and talked for a little while,then after I got bored I drew. The teacher gave us mazes that looked something like this:

They were difficult to do...almost impossible. Some ppl were looking for for the hardes maze. There was also this kid named Tom,and he was talking to some posters. A poster of a whale and a poster of an old man to be exact. There was also a kid named Franky,who wanted to e class president. The class was nominating ppl,and at first I nominated the boogieman. Then I started nominating random things that were in the room. Tom kept saying things to make me changes the Later,we went to our 6th period and at that time I had science. The science teacher was funny...a bit scary too tho. He was explaining that we needed to use the shower thing in the room is some kind of chemical got all over you or if you were on fire. He said that one of the teacher's fingernail caught on fire one time...and she was just standig there. He also said to pretend that he was our mother. The whole class just stood there staring at him. It was funny. After science,we went back to our homeroom classes for structured support (free time) and drew some more. When free time was over,we went to lunch and by that time,my hand fell asleep because of the way I was sitting (when I draw on a desk,I rest my head on my right hand and draw with my left). My class ended up going to the wrong lunch period,but it was fun because I got to talk to my friend Andrea. After lunch,I went to a hallway in the school I never knew about to get to my language arts class. The teacher explained what we needed and gav each of us nicknames (mine is Mensa). He was also explaining about tests and stuff,but I got distracted by a giant fly. When language arts was over,it was time for dismisel. When I was walking to my locker for no reason,I saw Andrea. We started talking as we were walking to our destinations (I,my class her,I don't know). While we were walking,she said,"We couldn't wait for each other." I stopped walking and said,"Excuse me?" and she got mad at me and whacked me in the arm for misunderstanding her. It was funny tho. When we were leaving,she saw me and we started talking,and I brought up what she said 10 minutes earlier. She whacked me again,and then we saw our buses,said bye,and left. The bus ride home was ok. The bus was over crowded tho. Fortunetly I found a seat. Welp,that's what happened today...I wonder if tomorrow will be fun too?
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