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Saru Chan289
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Making it to 10th grade
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Wednsday was so fun

I meant to post this on Wednsday, but I was too tired to and the internet wasn't working, so I shall post it today. Wednsday, all the 8th graders in my school went to New York City. We had to get to school at around 7:30 - 7:45 so we wouldn't miss the buses (we usually get to school at 8:50 or 9:00 or somewere around those times). First the Mrs. Moore, the principal placed us in our groups, then once we were in our groups, she gave us T-shirts that we had to wear so they'd know where we were. Then we had to go on the buses (they were coach buses with TVs and comfy chairs) when I was about to get on the bus, my mom kept hugging me and stuff which really embarassed me. When we left the school, everyone was all happy and excited. The trip was going good (besides the traffic) until we were almost at South Street Seaport. The bus I was riding on died in front of a stop light in the middle of the street. It didn't even make any noise. It just shut off. Everyone was all mad because we were already late, and we were almost at the destination. Mrs. Moore made us ride the other two buses, and they were all crowded. By the time we got to South Street Seaport, we had like 30 minutes to get stuff ahnd eat. I bought a pizza and a soda since we didn't have enough time. Other ppl bought french fries and hamburgers and stuff like that. After we finished eating, my group went to the candy store and bought candy. All I bought was 2 jawbreakers and they were huge. All the other groups came to the candy shop too. Then when we were finished, we went to the buses to go to see the play. We were gonna see the Phantom of the Opera. The play was awesome. They had fire, blinding lights, and cool opera. It was also very romantic. And when they were singing The Phantom of the Opera, I sang with them because it was one of my favorite songs. When the play was over, we had to get on the buses and bus 1 (my bus) was working well until we had to turn back around for the Mrs. Moore. The bus died again right when we were at the theater >.< We had to wait for the other buses to come back again, which took almost 30 minutes because of traffic, so we had to wait outside in the scorching heat. When we got on the buses, it was so crowded that people had to sit 3 in a seat, or on someone's lap. I managed to find a sit with one person sitting in it, so i was ok. When we got to the school hours later, we were soo happy. We were like 2 hours late, but we didn't care, although some of our parents were worried. That day was fun tho and I was glad I got to go to NYC ^^ Welp, ig2gfn. Baibai
"For the past three years, "these things do happen." And did you stop them from happening? No! And you two! You are as bad as him! "These things do happen." UGH! Until you stop these things from happening, this thing does not happen! Ubaldo! Andiamo! Bring my doggy and my boxy!" Carlotta from The Phantom of the Opera
"Twisted every way, what answer can I give? Am I to risk my life to win the chance to live? Can I betray the man who once inspired my voice? Do I become his prey? Do I have any choice? He kills without a thought, he murders all that's good. I know I can't refuse, and yet, I wish I could. Oh God, if I agree what horrors wait for me, in this, the phantom's opera?" Chrsitine also from The Phantom of the
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