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Saru Chan289
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Wandering Artist :D
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*thinks* uh... you know, I just don't know
Making it to 10th grade
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Millennium Actress Samurai Champloo & Azumanga Daioh
To become better at drawling than Dana >_<
Drawing & Playing DDR
Sunday, July 3, 2005
Long Random Post

Dream a Dream Lyrics
Dream a dream, lover, take me in your dream
Take me anywhere you please, boy, you're making me scream
Dream a dream, lover, love is just a dream
If you wanna set me free, boy, you're making me scream
Ooh la la di la da da
You've gotta dream a little dream
Ho! One more time, I'm back with a new rhyme
Hey! Here we go again
Ha! Turn it up my friend
No! We don't stop
Ha! We rock the spot
No! We don't quit
Get ready, oh, this is it!
Do you like to dream?
Hey! I like to dream, baby
Do you like to dream?
Ho! I like to dream, mama
Do you like to scream?
Hey! I like to scream, baby
Do you like to scream?
Ho! So scream it out
Dream a dream, lover, take me in your dream
Take me anywhere you please, boy, you're making me scream
Dream a dream, lover, love is just a dream
If you wanna set me free, boy, you're making me scream
Ooh la da di la da da
You've gotta dream a little dream

Sorry that I didn't post fer awhile ^^; I couldn't think of anything to post >.> Anyway... my summer vacation's been good so far even tho I spend it at home or at Neko-Chan666's (NC) house playing DDR or Dark Cloud 2. We did go to the mall with her sister and ended up spending 80 something dollars on manga and action figures. We got Faeries Landing 9, Ceres Celestial Legend 11, Red River 6, Tsubasa 5, Naruto 4, and an Inuyasha and Kagome action figure. I also bought a Sesshomaru keychain. When we got back from the mall, we got our friend Mike, and went to NC's house to play DDR. Later that week, I went to my friend, Anna's graduation party and had lotsa fun. I got ta see all my old friends too. Anna got a cellphone, and $300 dollars. I spent most of the time swimming in her pool with everyone else, and we made a whirlpool. We had to stop it because of the little kids tho. After that, I either spent time at home working on my story and/or my manga, or going to NC's house and playing DDR.
Here's some random anime pics:

And here's some pics I drew (they don't have my signature on them because I drew these before I made my signature, with the exception of the last two. Those were character profile pictures for my new manga):

"I've changed my mind. You said flowers need light and water to grow, right? The same is for trees. When you provide enough light and water to a sapling and nurture it, it grows into a massive tree that in turn can help the desert retain water. Perhaps this girl can grow strong like that." Prince Mattiwaza 'The Prince of Darkness' from Red River
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