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Saru Chan289
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Wandering Artist :D
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*thinks* uh... you know, I just don't know
Making it to 10th grade
Anime Fan Since
When did Sailor Moon start?
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Millennium Actress Samurai Champloo & Azumanga Daioh
To become better at drawling than Dana >_<
Drawing & Playing DDR
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
True Story
I went to Neko-chan666's house yesterday (again) because her friend, Kerri from Washington came to visit her and I wanted to meet her. When I came over, they were playing Harvest Moon, but they changed it to The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker so I could play *that's the game I always play when there =P* After that, we went downstairs to eat, but since Neko's nephew was there, the three of us went outside to her backyard and walked around. I saw Neko's chicken (yes, there was a real chicken in her backyard) and started following it. Then I stopped and went back to the porch because I thought NC and Kerri were gonna leave me. But instead, the just stood there talking, so I went for the chicken again. I decided to run after it, but that was a bad idea. The chicken went straight for Neko's pond and jumped right in, so all you heard was *CLUCK!* ::SPLASH:: and OMG!!! Luckly the chicken dove near the side, so it was able to get out. I felt bad for it even tho it was hilarious. When we went inside to get our food, I kept saying "I did't mean to do that to the chicken TT^TT I'm soo sorry Miss Chicken!" Neko's mom asked what happened and we're all like "Nothing! >.>;;" Then Neko's sister said "What happened to the chicken? It fell into the pond, didn't it?" I was all going "Yeeeeheeeheeeees *sob* I didn't mean to chase it into the pond! TT^TT" Then she chuckled and went to the kitchen. Then Neko, Kerri and me got our food and ate outside. After we finished eating, I started throwing stuff like the little monkey I was xP Later we went back in and played Billy Hachet and the Giant Egg and then I had to leave. My mom yelled at me for not doing a good job sweeping feathers off of my floor and now I'm grounded, so I can't go to my friend's party >.< (Sorry Kaitlin TT_TT) Well anyway, I hope you all have a good week! BaiBai!
Quiz of the day:
 Friendly Girl:
Cheerful, you're a fantastic company! But you're kinda disorganized...I pitty your mother! Huhuhu! You love parties and hangin' out with all your friends
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
Quote of the day:
"Getting to know you made me believe in the human heart once again..." ~Ceres
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