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• 1991-05-21
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• 2004-03-17
• Wandering Artist :D
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• *thinks* uh... you know, I just don't know
• Making it to 10th grade
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• To become better at drawling than Dana >_<
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• Drawing
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Today was a good day even though I was depressed for the whole day. I didn't show it though. Instead I just smiled whenever someone talked to me. I spent a lot of time drawing to clear my mind, but it didn't work as I hoped it would. I had and still have a lot of things on my mind like if my friend's mad at me and if she's going to be depressed for a while, how I went insane last year because of what happened 6 years ago, if my dog's going to be ok (yes, my dog... he's my best friend and he seems to be sick and I'm really worried) and other things like that... I've also been playing Jak II and Fatal Frame II to try to keep my mind off of things, but it only worked temporarily. I still didn't find my drawing book, so now I'm going to have to redraw my manga and I've been singing 1000 Words from FFX-2 a lot. I mainly have this part stuck in my head:
"Save your tears 'cause I'll come back."
I could hear that you whispered as you walked through that door
But still I swore
To hide the pain.
When I turned back the pages:
Shouting might have been the answer...
What if I'd cried my eyes out, and begged you not to depart?
But now I'm not afraid
To say what's in my heart
I don't know why though. I fall asleep on the bus a lot and I have really weird dreams. I get sick a lot too. *sighs* Well, I'm going to go. Bye...
Quote of the day:
"If you aren't remembered, then you never existed." ~Arisu from Serial Experiments Lain
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