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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Friday, January 18, 2008
my tongue hurts
xD ohhh my GOD my mom is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!
fuck!!! I'm so excited. My mom sent my roommate and I a box. With tons of candy. TONS!!!
^__^ yay! just what I don't need. but yay!!! it's candy!!! haha when Becky saw it, she had the cutest voice, "CandY!!!!!!!"
**ahem** anyway. in more serious matters...boys are mean.
I called Antonio after class yesterday, and he did NOT talk. It made me really sad and upset, and then my stomach started heaving, I threw up, and lay around doing nothing until I fell asleep. pretty lame.
Now, I'm gonna go to target to apply for a job. lolthank you!
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Colbert Report
I like the Daily Show better, but Colbert Report is funny too.
I have a mess to clean. Damn.
anyway. ummm
test in biology on wednesday. sucks, but I REALLY like my bio class this term; the teacher is great.
she's this middle aged woman who looks a bit like my mom, an ARACHNID (spiders, scorpions, mites) biologists, specializing in jumping SPIDERS. yuck. and she seems kind of quiet, professional, but she's funny.
^^ okay then i'm offthank you!
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your eggo is preggo
haha Juno. I love it in the movie when she says, "I think I'm just gonna nip this thing in the bud early on. I've heard that pregnancy can often lead to, um, an infant."
I'm hungry ~~~
OH! and as to the tattoo, it hurt to get, but not THAT bad. if you really want one, the pain shouldn't deter you. Rather, get something you're gonna always care about. Nothing fleeting, like a band, or an anime character, as LordSesshomaru said.
Me, I've always loved frogs, always will. but i'll be damn sad if they go extinct.
anyway, i'm getting sick. feel icky. and my room is a huge mess.
oh well!!! lol.
I hate getting sick.
oh. well.
hrmm what can I say...nothing interesting, that's for sure.
OH! MuayThaiMexican, I liked your quote about keep your chin up or you'll get an uppercut ^^
oh wells. here's pictures of my tattoo

on my left shoulder...why are my body arts on my left side?

light closeup...too bad you can't easily see the details ^^
anyway, minna!!! take care!!!thank you!
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Monday, January 14, 2008
ow fuckity ow!!!!!!
so. exciting fuckin' day!!!
I GOT A TATTOO!!! I don't drag anything out, do I?
SO. yesterday, I went to the mall with Becky. She coaxed me into buying 'clubbing' clothes so we can go clubbing one day. I got a black and white loose haltertop that shows my back but not too much chest. also, a skirt, and tights. and a candle.
then. today. Derek and I went to see Juno; I cried during the scene she cries when she gives up her baby (**sad face**) not a lot cried but a few tears fell. It just makes me sad to think about it and see her sad. but i'm happy for the adoptive mom.
and then, Derek and I went to the tattoo parlor. This morning, I had an epiphany. I realized I wanted a frog tattoo.
So, I picked out a froggie picture. It's a poison dart frog, yellow and black, from madagascar, very very cute.
Went in there, showed the guy at the counter what I wanted, he said, "ohh it's so cute!!!" I got an appointment right away because there was an opening.
I filled out the paperwork, sat down, and when the pen hit my skin...OW FUCKITY OW. that's what I said. quietly. it was going on my shoulderblade, and scraping on my bone. Plus, the pen vibrates, and did weird things to my elbow.
apparantly, it bled a lot, too. the guy was like, "uhh is it SUPPOSED to bleed this much?" and I had a funny look on my face from the pain. it was probably a 6 on a scale of 1-10. 10 being something like childbirth. maybe, I don't know. i've not had a baby yet.
anyway. after that, Derek and I trekked back to the dorm and ate. I was WIPED. and hungry. but as I ate I started getting REALLY FUCKING SAD for no reason, just depressed. still am. but it's okay.
I was getting a drink at dinner, and my friends emily and kelsi saw my back and ran over all excited and looked. =( emily thinks derek and I should go out; no way.
Seriously. I may be a bitch, and I may complain about shit, but I really Antonio.
and I miss him a LOT. =(
a lot.
i'm so tired and sad...this sucks. anyway, gonna go now...toodles!thank you!
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Friday, January 11, 2008
gonna get...
a job!!! maybe. I have to put in some effort for looking for one.
I don't want a degrading grandpa says there's no such thing, but...i beg to differ.
Today at lunch, there were a bunch of high school seniors doing previews for the school. damn, though, in the lunchline, they were EVERYWHERE! and eating all the good food. I tried to eat a stuffed pepper but it was vegan and tasted disgusting. i couldn't eat it. so I ate cereal.
I need to clean and do laundry.
Also, I've been reading Tomie O_O i think i just finished it. it was good, Junji Ito has the greatest art!!!
I wanna finish Gyo too. But Uzumaki is still my favorite of his works.
anyway, gonna go now! take care!

Tomie 1

Tomie 2

WHOEVER keeps making this idiotic parody-movies SUCKS. Parody movies, such as Scary Movie, Epic Movie, Date Movie, Meet the Spartans....YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not fucking funnythank you!
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
running outta life juices!
well, at least I don't have a long day of classes like poor Derek.
And, I don't know if he'll read this, but LordSesshomaru, your comment...hahahaha!!! I laughed. Really hard >_< lol! But I don't consider myself a she-Miroku...more like a kidnapper. Not really. No one blame me for any childnappings.
Self Defense class is interesting...I like it, I think. Wish I knew somebody in there...but oh well. Today I couldn't focus, because the girl in front of me on the roster, her name is...TAMARA!!!! dammit. So I'm there, looking at the floor, just thinking about my sister. Dammit. I miss her.
Why is it that so many nice guys never get girls??? I mean, I GET why...I'm not the type of girl to be attracted to a nice guy. I don't want an asshole, but gentlemen just don't do it for me. But, for example, my roommate really likes nice guys. And she's a lot cuter than me.
My point is, "nice guys always finish last" is damn right. and it sucks, because they're probably more deserving. my friend, he's never had a girlfriend and it gets him down. and it's not that he's awkward around girls, either.
T__T but my roommate was drunk a while ago and said she wants ME to date him... >_> no, I highly doubt it. I kinda...HAVE a boyfriend, who there's mutual affection. and crap. anyway.
my poor friend.
well, now i've bored myself tired. toodles!thank you!
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I, my good sir, do NOT know what to make of my subject line, but it's there. so HA! take that society!
Started school again; it's not bad. Mondays, I take Environmental Science 221 (ESR) in the morning, and Biology (BIO) in the evenings. Tuesday's a real bummer cos I gotta get up at 5 am in order to be on time to my 6 AM BIO lab. Then, at 10, I have a self defense class. There's enough of a break there that I am able to take a nap between lunch and my Japanese class, but it makes my day seem SOooooo long. and tiring.
Wednesdays, I take ESR, then ESR lab, then bio. Thursdays consist of Self Defense, and Japanese in the evening. Fridays are FREE!!! now I can get a ...JOB!!! not the dirty kind. You sick pervert. How dare you think of me as such???
Just because I'm a sex-crazy teenage **looks around room** disaster. Seriously. Sex-crazy. that's what everyone's been calling me. hmph. not nice.
i found a killer Eraserhead poster, and some cheap manga (Cheeky Angel, and GTO)
but, I saw Juno. It was...cute. Had a kinda-happy ending. which made me sad when she was lying there crying as she gave her baby away, and then made me sad-happy when the adoptive mama finally got her baby. mostly, that movie just made me want to have a kid. I won't until i can care for it well and all, but i think if i DID get knocked up, i'd be happy enough about it. I can't say for everyone, but for me...babies!!! I still wanna adopt mine, though. well, 1 biological of me child, but like 12 adopted kids. or 3. whatever. just kids.
i'm hyper because they gave me donuts...or, dough nuts... >_> or doe nuts. rawr. i wish you could see the images in my mindthank you!
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Sunday, January 6, 2008
that damn wikipedia
it's telling me that Akimine Kamijyo is a WOMAN. nuh-uh~! it's gotta be a man; Wikipedia is UNRELIABLE
but i'm still wondering...
**sigh**thank you!
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Friday, December 28, 2007
fuck the weather!
oooh ra~ra~!
just kidding. Anyway. Who knows when we'll EVER get outten here~! The weather in Denver is yucky, but flights are still's Chicago and Indiana weather that's the problem.
oh! my mom, Antonio, and I are TRYING to go to Indiana, but we'll see about that. Our flight has already been moved back 24 hours. (well, okay, 23 hours and 55 minutes)
I'm okay with going there, i guess. but i hate flying in winter for exactly this reason. exactly. but as long as i get home and to portland on time, i'm good.
Unfortunately, my mom likes to cut it close with going to Indiana, and getting me back in time for school. and it's even worse now that i'm in college. damn.
wish us a little more luck, please ^^thank you!
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
wish me a safe flight
we leave on the early flight friday morning.
let's hope we get there safe and get back safe, and stay safe in between ^__^
also, i'm getting excited to head back to portlandiathank you!
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