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irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
not back forever
But I'm leaving you with a somewhat, totally random, nonsensical post.
<_< SUCKS. I absolutely HATE my Honors course; it makes me homicidal.
Also, the Community College of Denver made me a little enraged...or a lot. because they never sent my transcript to PSU, so now I can't register for next term's courses.
And my dear mum didn't mail my stuff to me when she got it, so I found out really late -_- I'm depressed.
Not to mention my tummy ache.
Girls are evil. And so are our bodies. I mean, we complain constantly about menstrating, but if we don't, then we get even more upset. Jeez. Can't be happy, right?
Well. I won't go any further with that, although I'm tempted to, to be sadistic.
However, I can still see dakun's reaction... >_> "I'm not touching that with a 30 foot pole." -_-
Oh. So I'm kinda sorta MAKING FRIENDS!!! Kelsi and Emily, who live on my floor and take Japanese are becoming friends, as is Derrek. Derrek is an interesting guy. I don't know how to spell his name.
LOL. But we bicker often. He made fun of my tendency to "carry a story about 2 steps past where a normal person would have left off, in the same amount of time." His words. That blackbelt bastard.
just kidding. he's pretty nice.
But I get really irritated with people saying "chill" and "hella" and "crunk" and "intense" and "tight" and "cruise" all the time. Ok. Mocking it is fine, but these people throw those words out like they're going out of style. I hate most slang, or at least half of it. Swearing, yeah. Yeah, yeah. cool, yeah. like, yeah. that sort of soft-core slang.
but one word that will get on my nerves every single time is "hella." grrrr to "hella."
And I don't even know what half those phrases mean. Isn't that terrible? I'm the worst.
Anyway. Back to my paper!
take care!!!thank you!
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
i'm still alive...
I'm still alive
but I need to put this on hiatus(sp?) for a while.
You know, give it a rest, study (my un-talent), that sort of thing.
Don't worry; I'm fine and all. Just need to focus better
so yeah. I hope everyone is well! If you really wanna reach me, you can send me a PM and I'll check this place every now and then.
I won't be around. I won't be visiting sites for a while T_T
I'm sorry!!! please take care!!!
**hearts**thank you!
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Wednesday, November 7, 2007
a good day!
So, today I had my bio midterm...
well! I studied this morning for it, and got 27 out of 50...which is the same number right/wrong from the FIRST midterm...but it's graded on a curve so this is worse since 3 people got 50's. overachieving jerks. Don't they know how the curve works?!?!?! If nobody tries very hard, and everyone does close to the same amount of correctness...WE ALL DO WELL!
actually, I am not mad; i blame myself but I'm in too good a mood to be mad about it.
Let's face the facts! My ESR test and homework from the other week was great. I don't have school monday. I'm getting a bass today (i hope). It was foggy and great last night. I don't have to do laundry yet. I GOT DORM!!!!! (it's a Korean horor film; my favorite).
And my happiest thing? I got my SUPERIOR vol. 5 today!!! I order them online off cos they aren't published in English (feh). But I got hooked on the first volume when I was in Japan, so...yeah. I bought it.
And I'm so happy cos Yuusha loves Shiila!!! I mean, the part is dramatic, and I have to read more and translate more to understand, but I DEFINATELY understood "Ore ha...Shiila ga...suki na no ka?!" xD oh suteki suteki da!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm happy. I'm gonna go take a look at my bank acounnt, get depressed, then be on my merry way. toodles!thank you!
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Sunday, November 4, 2007
baka, oobaka, mo baka da yo!!!
I have to be, possibly, probably, one of the dumbest people alive =_= let's leave it at that.
So. Friday, I played Sim's. I like that game; you can ruin a non-existant person's life. In one family, it was 2 sisters living together, both in love with the same guy. Well, I made the gold-digger sister "woo-hoo" with the rich old guy, and the guy she and her sister liked. the slutty sister did "woo-hoo" with the guy.
They both had babies, but the slutty one had twins xD!!! it was a mess
then, that guy they both liked? they hated him because they saw him kissing other girls. In one case, that guy's wife and the gold digger were laying in bed talking, then he walks in, flirts with the gold digger, and his wife gets mad, then he kisses his wife the gold digger gets mad. xD
it's stupid but funny.
then i've been reading Superior scanlations off the computer. I really like the series, but it's nice when someone else translates it =P it takes me too long to do that.
i also bought the 5th volume. because i love it...
i've been downloading Porcupine Tree and Balzac. say what you will about myspace; it's good for a free download if you're lucky xD i hate limewire
so. be proud of me!!! it's taken about 3 and a half hours, but I'm doing my laundry!!! yay me!!!!!!!!!
now I need to write a 4 page paper, do my lab write up, and study for my tests on weds. This is just cruel: On Weds. I have 3 midterms.
ESR at 9am
BIO at 11:30 am
ESRLAB at 12:45 pm.
OH! the massive stupidness of my stupid classes.
So. I'm watching Key the Metal Idol...have you ever seen it? It's actually pretty good. Like a werid, twisted Pinnochio or something.
anyway. i hope you understand if i can't get around to here for a while =_= I'M SORRY!!!
T_T forgive methank you!
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Friday, November 2, 2007
um so what should I write about...?
let's see...I could bore you with a discussion on school; but that would, um, bore you!!! and it's about school. If you're going to be bored, let's not be bored by school, yeah???
so! I shall tell you a story. It's one from my childhood, a thing that happened...well, not very long ago at all!
well, now I have to think of a story... >_>
Oh!!! Ok, in the spirit of "it was just halloween" I will tell a story about the last time I ever went trick or treating...
It was 8th grade. I was dressed as Ranma from Ranma 1/2, and Tamara (sister) was going as Shampoo. I was only barely 13, so I don't consider that too old to be trick or treating. It was my last year, anyway, so just the right age for my last time.
We were wandering around, and I dunno about where you live, but in Denver, on Halloween, it's usually COLD. Which sucks. Lots of people, I've noticed as I got older, have started DRIVING around on halloween to go trick or treating.
Dammit, when I was little, everyone walked around and the streets would be packed! Now, everyone drives and it's a freaking ghost town. lame.
Anyway. We were going around trick or treating, and some teenage kid runs by and looks at me, and says, "Are you supposed to be baby Huey?"
He tried to grab my bag and run off, but I held on tight and stomped on his foot really hard. He ran off emptyhanded. I was utterly confused.
One of "my" brothers, Justin, always teased me mercilessly. And this kid kind of looked like him, and sounded like him. So after he ran off, I asked Tamara, "Was that Biscuit?"
she was in HYSTERICS.
Later, but not much, as we were trick-or-treating, some lady (30's? 40's?) looked at me and said with a really rude tone, "Aren't you a little old to be trick-or-treating?"
feh. I got mad. It was my last year and I was so sad about it, so I got mad, and said, "Bitch! Aren't you a little big for the sidewalk?!?!"
she was stunned silent, and again Tamara was laughing.
That night, we went to sleep. But I woke up about 2 AM with a cramp in my calf. I said, "tamara! Tamara! TAMARA~~~! it HURTS~"
She, being the incredibly sweet girl she is, said, ahem, "uhhh? So?" then she kicked the wall xD
hahahahahaha!!!!!! That was the year I also picked all the cotton balls off a blanket and stuck them under the bed to make a nest for my eggs (they called me T-Rex, so it was a nest for my T-Rex babies xD)
Anyway. So closes another stupid chapter of my life. That was Halloween 2002 =D I'm young still.
I'm gonna go eat now >_>thank you!
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Thursday, November 1, 2007
wow this is late
I've just got to tell you all about my halloween.
So, it started out with me sleeping in because my first class was cancelled. yay!!
then, I went to Biology, with Erin and Kiki. After that, voila! ESR lab. We hurried through it to get on our way to our project (Erin and I).
Once we were done, Natalie, who's also in our group, printed off some directions to Tryon Creek because, well, that's where we needed to be.
Never trust Google Maps. After we went to Erin's apartment so she could get her keys, and went her car, what was supposed to be a 15 minute drive turned into an hour and a half one.
First, we got on the right highway in the wrong direction. Once we got turned around, we were stuck in traffic for a while. Then, we got headed where we needed to, but...
well, we turned the wrong way on the street. So, we drove left for about half an hour or so, looking for the stupid street. Finally, we gave up and drove back...and then, about a block after the street we turned off of...
there was Terwilliger!!! LMAO. we WERE going to give up, but after seeing it, we're like, "Okay. We've come this far; let's just get this over with."
We got to Tryon State Park, and Oh. My. God. It's beautiful!!!!!!!!!! It's so cool that such a short distance from downtwon Portland, there's such a wild place. In Denver, there's really nothing like it. There's the mountains, of course, but they aren't that close to downtown....
Then, after that, Erin and I went shopping. We went our seperate ways after that, but she referred to me as a 'friend' so I've got...maybe a few now. I never hang out with anyone, really, but it's okay.
After I got back to my dorm, I cleaned up, and dressed up for halloween. Sorry, I didn't take any pictures. But I was an executioner.
It was Halloween, and I didn't want to hang out alone, so when Becky got back, we went to hang out with Jason and Gabe. We went to this girl Rachel's dorm, and hung out there, then went to a pizza place. it was crap but oh well.
then we dropped that girl off at her room, and went to Safeway and Blockbuster. We spent the evening watching Rome.
after that, Becky went to hang out with someone else, while I took a shower, then went to sleep.
I'm REALLY tired, ALL the time, you guys. What's wrong with me?!?!?!? ugh. it's bloody frustrating.
Also, if you know a good solution to reducing swelling, please tell me. Ice doesn't really seem to help... >_> i think. I can't stand to have ice on me for very long....
take care! =Dthank you!
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
oh the complacency of it all...
people drive me nuts @_@
Antonio was ignoring me for...basically, Saturday through 5 pm this evening (tuesday).
I felt really bad, and there's still the feeling that maybe he's fucking some other bitch, or something, but nothing I can do about that if he is. I dunno. I was just getting the feeling that he doesn't give a shit anymore.
Now, it's a bit better.
Ugh. But I was feeling kind of rejected, too, because Becky was saying about this girl wanting her to move in to a different dorm with her.
Now, it's up to Becky. Either way is okay, but I'd rather she stayed so I don't have to scramble around and find another roommate. If I didn't have to find another roommate, then if she wants to, I don't care.
But doesn't it kind of seem...I dunno. Like I was the loser? She was saying things about this girl that implied she doesn't exactly want to, but I still get the feeling she kinda does.
=_= people confuse me.
Although, if she moves out and I don't have to have anothe roomie...I've got 2 beds, more closet, desk, and drawer space!
and I wouldn't have to worry about making noise or light or whatever when I get up or something.
I'm really looking forward to NEXT year, when I'll live alone in basically an apartment...but I'll have a kitty cat!!!!!! I'm so excited; i can't wait =D da ne!!!
ahem. but first i must survive this year.
Tomorrow is halloween! Are you dressing up? what as?
Me, I'm gonna be an executioner, severed head and all =D
ok enough of this i gotta go get some food so i can eat then do my homework.
ugh. take care, y'all!

**shakes fist** you will see my crappy piercing dammit!!! the swelling is finally starting to go downthank you!
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
me hungry hungry hungry
my account!
So Monday.
Monday Monday Monday. What a day.
In ESR, I was a little disappointed, because we didn't get anything back.
As for Biology, I was bored flaccid. Erin made me laugh; she sat there smelling her notebook... xD
Afterwards, I came back, sat down and stared at the wall. Ate some lunch. Took a nap. Dawdled. And then, I had dinner. Now I'm trying to work on my boring-ass lab assignment. I hate school right now.
Oh! =D but today I got a birthday card from Mayte...she had a little too much time on her hands; she wrote all over it. It's pretty funny though xD lol
I'm dreading tomorrow. I hate getting up at 5.
My lip is all...bleagh. it feels funny. Kinda numb and weird. Anyone know any medicine that reduces swelling?
I still like my piercing xD
after I do my homework, I'm gonna get some ice and candy =]
Aw now the Chappelle Show is on! hahahaha this reminds me of fun times with my sister.
she's awesome. I seriously love that girl. She's the least fake person I've ever met. She's honest, but not mean. She doesn't say everything on her mind, but she doesn't lie or pretend either.
LOL her brothers (my brothers? lol) are crazy. I miss them too. I miss Fotez (Demetris) picking on me and shopping for shoes all the time, and Biscuit picking on me and threatening to beat up kids who picked on us...LOL those were the days.
^_^ I remember back when I was grade, so she would have been in 6th, and we were talking late at night, blah blah blah, all tired an hallucinating...
I looked at the big mirror in that room, and LMAO! I could swear I saw a monkey in the mirror! I freaked out and told her it was trying to get me, and she was just cracking up.
Also, when I was in 7th or 8th grade, we went to the ghetto amusement park.
We got glowsticks, came back late that night, and broke them open and painted ourselves crazy, then ran around the house glowing.
=^.^= fun times
Anyway, I gotta go, so take care!!! =D

me and my lip ring again...thank you!
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Monday, October 29, 2007
what a fun weekend for MyO
if you DIDN'T know...well, it was fucked up all weekend.
oh well. it happens. I feel REALLY sorry for Adam and friends; computers can be so so so frustrating.
but anyway.
This weekend was an interesting one.
I was happy because tonight my sister and I chatted on
(my page is:
the wonderful me
"Sasaya" wasn't available, so I went with faltering. which, for whatever reason, is possibly my favorite word.
Saturday, I went to the mall =D yay
I FELL IN LOVE. With a chinchilla. it was small, and white, and ADORABLE. It had sweet little eyes. I would have bought it, but it cost too much, and it's an 18-22 year commitment, apparantly. wow.
anyway. So I wandered around a bit. Looked at Hot Topic for a jacket but they didn't have what I want. I wandered around some more.
Then, I got in a sort of reckless mood. I dunno about you, but sometimes I crave physical pain.
So, I decided on something I've been considering for a while. my lip pierced!!!
xD yay!!!! It's on the lower left, a lip ring. I like it.
When deciding what to do, I texted people. Mayte and Luciana think they're trashy, and Tamara (the sister), Antonio, and Christian think they aren't. I wanted one, so I got one.
Made Mayte mad, or disappointed...she thinks I'm too spontaneous...which might be true; i've just never thought of myself that way. at ALL.
Anyway. She'll be okay with it. And Luci said they might be trashy but i can pull it off.
So anyway. I have one now. When I went to get it, the boss lady pierced me. She gave me some mouthwash, and asked if I wanted a stud or a ring...I tried to say "ring" and spit wash all over my leg, so she jokingly kicked me.
then, the whole time she was piercing me, she was scolding this guy who worked there. In Korean. It was hilarious; i'm just sitting there really nervous and there's this guy looking like a naughty dog who got caught peeing in the house.
I thought it would hurt a lot; I was really nervous. But I watched her stick the needle in. It was like...dun dun dun...**waits for pain** pain!...what? lol i was expecting pain and it barely showed up.
and now I have a pierced lip! it's kinda swollen and stupid looking right now, but hey. it'll be okay. I'm keeping it clean.
oh my. LOL
this is from my friend Marichan

and this lol this is me:

OH and i spent this weekend watching Samurai Champloo on the internet
=3 it's gotta be Fuu and Mugen and Jin, I love that show. I like them as just friends, but if you must pick a couple...Fuu and Mugen.
I love Mugen the best. he's funny. And more interesting than Jin. The "arc" where Sara the blind woman is fighting him, and she's saying 'no one ever loved him' and then Fuu throws herself across him...
i feel like watchin that....
sorry I'm tired.
see ya!thank you!
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Friday, October 26, 2007
why are my hands so BITTER???
yuck. sick. nasty. gross.
anyway. so today I went to Honors with about 4 hours of sleep under my belt. I was up til almost 6 doing homework, but it got done. I'm not sure I did it right, but people in Honors PISS ME OFF.
they REALLY do. Some girl was saying, "I was so diligent! You know the accents over French words? I went through it and put them all in!"
I fucking wanted to slap her. I really did. What a fucking kiss ass. Even if you DO that, don't BRAG about it. I hate it when people brag about themselves. And when they kiss ass.
After that, I went back to my room, layed down, and passed out. I thought I would sleep the whole 4 hours I had, but I only slept about 2 and a half. I got up, had a quesadilla (with meat...gross), did my homework, zoned out...
then I went to Japanese.
I'm kind of sad because I've decided that next term I won't be taking a language anymore...I really like Japanese, but not the way they teach it here, and plus, since it's not my major, and I don't need it for that, it's optional. And, UNFORTUNATELY, I'm getting too stressed and too worn down, having to worry about taking all these classes.
Biology, Honors, and Japanese are all worth 5 credits. So, that's 5 credits there. Plus the 4 for ESR.
I can only take up to 21 credits per term. So, I'm going to drop Japanese so that I have more time to put more effort into my other classes. But it does make me sad...
Afterwards, I got out at 7:30, and called about my tattoo. The guy said I need an appointment and I need to make it in person. So I took the bus, a half hour ride, down there, looked at the portfolios, and showed him the original picture I wanted.
he said the picture was very bad (grrr stupid tattoojohnny fuck that shit). I want to get a kitty cat. I showed him my cat Pickle, and asked if I could get one like that. He said, yeah, that would be better.
I must have had good eyes, because he suggested I contact a tattooist (whose art I most admired).
So, I've just emailed Ben Matthews, asking about it. LOL we'll see.
the price won't be too bad, either! =D
But!!! Don't worry!!! I made sure they use SAFE, 1 time use needles and ink. Safety first, kids!!! It's not worth getting hepatitus or whatever just for a tattoo!!!
It was HILARIOUS!!! the guy, Drat, who was in there when i went... xD he was really hardcore punk/goth looking. and he saw Pickle, and says, "aw that's a really cute kitty!" xD lmao!
I want my lip pierced, too. but we'll see about that.
So, I mentioned that this place was a half hour bus ride away. Well, I didn't feel like waiting around in the cold for the stupid bus.
So...I walked. It took me from 8:40 pm to 10:30 pm to get back to my dorm...that's counting my half hour wasted shopping (I bought Gantz and Key the Metal Idol anime, and a Crass CD, then snacks cos I was so hungry)
so yeah. that's my day.
hope yours was good!!! ki wo tsukete!
OH!!!!!!!!!!!! a fast note:
Battle Royale is violent, but it's really a commentary on the competative nature of the Japanese educational system and culture. It's about 9th graders who are put on an island and have to kill each other until 1 survivor is left, or they all die anyway.
Also, it is the movie that that "The Condemned" crap was ripped off. Steve Austin or Takeshi Kitano??? GIMME a BREAK; Kitano kicks ass.
hahathank you!
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