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keep portland weird!
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irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
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となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
meow remixed
oh. silly me, it seems I've been misspelling "Quinceañera" ... it's that
haha my bad!!
A note to NaeNae: ^_^ I completely agree. There's enough babies out there; adoption rocks. I will adopt like...50 kids. <_<
ok not that many. But I'm all for adoption. i couldn't justify me literally having as many kids as I actually want.
note's completed!!!
I hate my Environmental Science book. It's not that it's terrible.
It's just so DEPRESSING. SO DAMN DEPRESSING. The world is a mess.
plus, it said, "...which they used to harpoon fish like dolphins..." WHAT!!!!!
...I miss cats. i should find an animal shelter and volunteer there...
<_< hopefully it won't be as shitty as the CHS. not that i will
WOOT!!! only a week days? until my 18th birthday!!!!
As soon as I get the cash, i'm getting a tattoo...of a tree =}
oh and I've asked my sister to take pictures of my pets and mom and her and nephews and everyone and put them up on a photobucket for me :)
I just found out my dad has a new gf...she showed up A WEEK after I left. hmph. lol
I hope she gets preggo...i really do! then i can have a little brother or sister xD babies!!!!!
ah, but when I told my sis, she said, "oh that poor woman!"
anyway.thank you!
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Saturday, October 13, 2007
Quincenera made me paranoid
You guys are awesome!!! ^__^
Thanks for the comments =D
So today I watched Quincenera. It was pretty good; the acting, better than many mainstream films.
It really reminded me of home (the Mexican-American culture, and Spanish) so that cheered me up.
The plot had a few problems. But I really did enjoy the film. It was so sweet.
That poor girl =(
Ok. So a "Quincenjera" (there's a tilde ~ over the second n, so I put a j behind it to make it nyeh) is a celebration of a girl's coming of age...15. it's like a sweet 16 in mtv culture, but more religious and less superficial...though expensive.
So Magdelena goes to her cousin's quince, and she's getting ready for her own. However, it becomes apparant that she is...expecting. Nevermind that she's a virgin.
Her dad is a preacher, and when he finds out, he basically disowns her and she leaves to live with her Tio Tomas, where her gay trevaso cousin lives.
The two cousins become closer as bad things happen to the pair of them. It was really cute, and touched my heart.
But it made me REALLY paranoid... >_> I'm always paranoid that I'm now I'm worried. LOL bad!!! I hope I'm not, logically, but if I am/was, I'd keep it. I can't speak for everyone, and everyone's circumstances differ. But for me, in current conditions, I don't think I could stand to give my baby up for adoption, and I most CERTAINLY couldn't get an abortion. I don't think it will ever be possible for me to get an abortion.
ja. I want a baby. But that can wait. At least for 4 years.
haha speaking of babies, Angela is now a mommy.

Angie and baby xD **CUTENESS**
it's funny cos almost everyone I know has a son, but Angie and her sister both have daughters ^__^ i want daughters and sons...thank you!
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Friday, October 12, 2007
i'm festering with DISEASE
ello ello!!!
i was pissed yesterday, and I'm still homesick, but I don't wanna go in to details. If even I don't know how I feel, or what's really wrong with me, how the hell am I going to explain it to anyone else?
but yeah. So today I rented Resident Evil and Quincenera
I'll watch them tomorrow or later; i dunno
I'm really beginning to hate Japanese. not the language. Just the way they teach it here. I like using Kana, and they don't. so it pisses me off, and frustrates me. Plus, the teacher is a hardass. I got 9/15 because I used Verbal and Adjectival ROOTS instead of actual verbals and adjectivals. feh.
And I have big exams on Weds. gonna suck ass. really. honto ni.
Look at this headline in the Paper here: "No Longer The NL Worst: The Rockies visit Arizona for today's start of the league's championship series"
xD that's right, Denver!!! Bane of your sports, the Rockies Baseball team, isn't being CRAP this year!!! and so lots and LOTS of people have jumped on the fan bandwagon. henh. If you're gonna be a fan, be a fan, not just when they're not shit.
Me, I don't give much a crap. I never cared about watching sports. I'm lazy, but i'd much rather be playing them than watching them. Watching them is so boring to me; I like to be moving.
Look at these 2 videos I found. Both accurately depict me when I'm in a really boring class...well, aside from the fact that I'm not an ADORABLE kitten **hearts**
Cat Nap
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that one reminds me of my kitty Lain (r.i.p. 5/11/07)
Cat Nap
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I'm in love with these kittens **glomps them**
I miss my kitties so much **cries**
is it awful that, in several ways, I miss my pets most?

Lain-lain **hearts** i miss's only really just hit me that she's gone forever

Miss Kitty

Pickle **hearts** the only one who misses me

Spookie bunny <3

my dumb mutts, Toby and Takato

Mi madre

LOL look at that dork...and her watch xD (my sister Tamara)

My Tamara-chan being oh so sexy

my nephew Keanu **hearts** that booger

Antonio <3

Mayte is so sweet...

my cousin

Dulce-chan my wife

Mari-chan <3

Christian is turning Japanese...O.o

Christian's tattoo...


Christian (the Peruvian one) xD he loves meerkats

lmao!!! Yan and Daisuke


me!!! =D slutty and "gohthick" (as Alan says)

me and a bear that smells like home...
** not pictured is my nephew Austin ={**
ok. those are pictures. I totally jacked myspace... >_>thank you!
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
Dammit sickness
I missed my morning classes, that is ESR and Bio today. Because I felt like crap when I woke up. And I decided to sleep, to feel better, so I could survive my ESR Lab.
It worked. But i feel bad.
And I have homework to do. Damn. I don't wanna
x3~~ Lake Titicaca...real mature, Julie...hahahaha what can I say.
Ugh. I love Mayte, but I feel bad for her. She's really depressed, and missing high school and friendless down at CU though...
I feel bad. I should have gone to CU and we could be having so much fun together... =[ it depresses me to think about all the fun we could be having instead of both of us being homesick.
then again, I get like...frustrated, because I can't go home. I want to go home SO bad, and I can't. At least she can. At least she has someone she knows, someone she can talk to if need arises. It feels like I'm totally alone here.
Oh well. Enough complaining on my part. people can't help how they feel.
and I feel like crap. I'm gonna go do my homework and go to sleepthank you!
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
i feel icky
so very very icky
Becky gave me her disease >_< crap
argh!!! AND speaking of which, dammit, people
Becky'd lost her keys on Friday, so I've been having to leave the door unlocked for her to get in...
ok. so she gets in all late last night, and I woke up (sick; couldn't sleep well)
I'm laying there, waiting for them to get done saying their goodbyes, and they're just talking talking talking.
=_= then I hear the smooches. I came this -> | | close to throwing a pillow at them, and telling them to either break it up and get to bed, or go find somewhere else where people AREN'T sick, DON'T have to get up at 5 AM, and AREN'T trying to get sleep.
I mean, i'm cool with her BF. he's kinda a weanie, in my opinion. but she likes him, I don't have to date him, and he's pretty nice, funny, and halfway intelligent.
speaking of intelligence, as I survived my Honors class and even managed to stay interested, awake, alert, and all that, I noticed my teacher is a very strange man.
He is highly intelligent, or at least seems to be so. He has an unnecessarily extensive vocabulary that often includes french, latin, and weird english. But to try to keep our attention (and Thank GOD for this), he uses slang
Today, he said, "hella" though in what context, I cannot be sure...I was zoning out. but I snapped back when I heard him mention the attrocious word.
Also, when we were discussing the point in which Hamlet calls his mom "common" (or a whore), Professor Wheeler goes, "so, in other words, he's saying, 'You a ho!'"
xD funny shit.
Oh but i fucking HATEEEE microscopes in Biolab. I couldn't get the piece of shit to focus, and it gave me a MASSIVE headache =(
plus I couldn't get it to work.
hmph. and I didn't study last night, so I bombed the quiz...
luckily I got 80% on last week's xDDDDDDD hahahahahahahahha take that mean old biology TA Carly who is actually young and pretty nicethank you!
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
fuck me now rip me off later
Mindless Self Indulgence is funny...I think I could really like Acid Pop.
Here's a brief rant:
I'm all for equality, don't get me wrong. I'm in favor of gay rights. But I'm also a fan of individuality. And I have noticed a fad where people (particularly 14 year old girls), call themselves bi.
I know there are truly bi people, nothing against them. But I know plenty of people who call themselves "Bi" because it's cool, and because their friends are.
Dammit, kids, if you're gay, you're gay. If you're bi, you're bi. If you're straight, you're straight. No problem. Just be who you are cos that is who you ARE!!! not because it's cool to be bi. you can freaking support gay rights and rainbows without being gay or bi yourself!!! @_@
I dunno what's wrong with me...I keep falling asleep in class =[ it's really bad.
and I'm homesick very much.
well, at least for my pets and friends and antonio and mum and sister and nephews...
I still really like Portland.
But I'm getting worn down. I worry about my mental state; there are times when I sleep (i sleep a lot) and I can't remember if my dreams were dreams or really happened =[
^__^ but I know that dream about Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton and Donald Trump Land was fake (BTW, LS, no, I didn't catch an STD)
OH and a Note to LordSesshomaru: Angela is a girl I went to high school with
^^ she looks like her older sister a LOT it freaks me out
How many siblings do you have?
Which ones do you look like, if any?
(me: have Tamara, Fotez, and Biscuit, but I don't look like any of 'em xD cos we technically aren't blood, but we're close)
aw man now I miss Justin!!! (Biscuit) he used to beat me and Tamara up a lot when we were little, but he moved away to Chicago a while ago...when he came back and found out I have a BF he was all ready to beat him up xD Fotez is meaner and less protective. Even though I watched his kids for FREEthank you!
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Monday, October 8, 2007
school???? more like uncool
dammit homework is EVIL
me hungry
and tired...daaaaaammmmmmnnnnnnn
I don't know what to say. I really don't.
**falls asleep** **bangs head on table**
OH!!!!!!!! there's this!!! Angela had her baby!! ^__^ I'm really happy for her; she's young, but i believe she's married, she graduated high school, and she's happy, so yay!!! ^^
haha this is a girl I don't even talk to, but she's nice. I'm glad.
I can't wait (well, I ca~n, of course) to have kids...I love them xD
sigh...i miss my sister and nephews **hearts** my sister and I are super nerdy; we like to make lame/annoying youtube videos...but who cares; we have fun!!! and we laugh!!! I can't wait to go home and see her~~~
Also, my nephews...Austin and Keanu!! Austin is so funny xD and Keanu is a spoiled brat xP but I love him anyway
Ahhh LMAO!!! "Tax dodge nothing. You take one nap in a ditch, and they start declaring you this and that" -Professor Farnsworth, Futurama
feh. So what is it with people and saying "chill" as in "I'm a pretty chill person." what the hell, SHUT THE DUCK UP!!!!!!! that phrase annoys me to no end.
Also, "hella." people who use "hella" in normal speech should be slapped.
freedom of speech, nothin'. who the hell started saying all those things anyway?
hmph. oh well.
hahahahahahaha only 15 more days!!!!thank you!
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Sunday, October 7, 2007
today was a lazzzzzzzy day
a note to Naenae: ^^ I don't consider my mom's not dating doing what's "best" for me; she does. Besides, ever since she got pregnant with me (out of wedlock from a guy she'd known a month), she's really toned down that sort of thing, LOL
(not part of the note):
But I DO hate it when parents don't consider their kids when they get remarried. My uncle, for example. His ex-wife got REALLY depressed, and to remedy this, she had an affair and divorced him. He wanted to work it out.
And that's really fucking bad what she did. But I always liked Libby. She's not necessarily nice all the time, but she's real. If she's mad, she doesn't pretend to be otherwise. She doesn't say bad things about people behind their backs. And she genuinely cares about people. I mean, she fucked up, and she spiraled out of control after that. But she regrets it, and if she hadn't pushed the divorce, my uncle would have forgiven her.
But his NEW wife? she's one of those freaking suburban mommies with a constant smile. the thing is, though, she's ALWAYS smiling. When my grandma was sick in the hospital, this woman was all excited because there was some famous racecar out front.
this woman is so fake, and it's a bad quality. When her kids were living at home, she'd let them get away with anything, but she was so strict with my cousins. In fact, one winter day, she got mad at my cousin Nick (who was fairly young, maybe 8?) and to punish him...she LOCKED HIM IN THE GARAGE. where it was COLD. and without food, or water. and where he could have gotten into chemicals. and without bathroom. For like 6 hours.
My uncle sided with HER. In my opinion, that is not taking your kids' best interests at heart.
But then again, this uncle is kind of a jerk, anyway.
today was lazy. i did some homework. Bought a buttload of grocceries. watched Fly Away Home (cute film)
ummm i dunno. i need to focus on school better.
that is allthank you!
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Saturday, October 6, 2007
i'm stinky
haha yay!!!!!! i went to the zoo today!!!! ^__^ i didn't have to get up til 10, had only an hour of bio, then it was off to the zoo!!
and man, I gotta tell ya...the zoo here is AMAZING. the "northwest america" part of it is just like being on a hike, and you happen to come upon a bear...they're in cages, but still, really nice cages, as nice as possible.
it was fun. I went by myself, and it was good.
LMAO!!!!!!!!! xD
but at the sea otter area...ok, you know sea otter, right? About 3.5 feet long, furry, cute, playful, swims on its back?
well, this one was a male...and he was playing with his..."lipstick" as my sister calls it... >_> I think he was cleaning it, or else giving himself a little satisfaction
anyway, he's bent over licking his penis, and this kid, somewhere between 12 and 15, comes over snapping pictures. I'm thinking, "yeah, nice shot, kid"
and the kid's mom goes, "Look he's holding something! Aw, he's eating!"
Kid responds, "He's so cuuuute!"
and I had to run away so I could burst out laughing xD
Also, I was horrified to learn that there is a children's book on...ADOLF HITLER
so at borders, I bought a Nirvana cd, and a Ramones cd. good deals there. Also got a Han's Christian Anderson fairy tale book, and books for my nephews, and a book for my dearest and darling sister Tamara =3
it was a hassle to find the right books xD
but i did
i'm so tired.
OK time for a rant.
I hate it when parents do things without considering their kids. For example, a mother whose daughter graduates in spring canNOT wait until the daughter moves out to get remarried.
and now this daughter is REALLY depressed and lonely because her sister moved away and she has no friends at school. and her mom just WON'T listen to her or take her feelings into consideration.
(this isn't about my family, it's about a friend's)
I hate it when parents do things for themselves and it's detrimental to the kid. My mom always TRIES to do what's best for me; that's why she hasn't dated in ages.thank you!
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Friday, October 5, 2007
yay me!!!
I sat through my honors class today and DIDN'T fall asleep, or totally zone out... >_>
although, in Japanese ACT, she was asking questions and I wasn't really paying attention at one point...
I really wasn't. I was flipping thru my textbook
Then she asked me "Kaimashita ka?" and I was like o.O "ah? uh... hai kaimashita...takakatta desu yo?"
and she laughed and said, "itte kudasai. Kaimashita ka?"
My head about fell off and then I said, ahem, "Kaimashita ka?"
I need to work on my accent. And intonation.
what is wrong with me, though??? I seriously freak out in that class. I HATE participating because I'm shy and hate to be looked at in class...So i get REALLY REALLY tense, nervous, shaky, and choked up. I speak really quietly, and then, because I'm so nervous, I mangle the words -_- gotta work on that
So tomorrow I want to go to the ZOO and if not the zoo, I'm going to the arboretum (tree park)
:P my cousin irritates me. about my bed, she wrote, "OMG!! Flowers on Julie's bed?!! OMG!!! lol. " =_= i'm a freaking environmental science and japanese major; my bedspread is flowers Japanese style...
=_= she sends me stupid texts all the time
oh well.
awwwwww this is so fun!!!!!!!
I'm talking to Antonio on Yahoo and using the webcam xD i wish he had one
but yeah ok now i'm homesick
oh and mod: I HAVE to tell you about this ridiculous dream I had a few nights ago...So, Tamara and I were hanging out in LA or NY or something.
Then we somehow came across a VERY pregnant Nicole Richie. Similarly, we came across Paris Hilton. The idiots were having a feud and we were trying to get rid of them.
All a sudden, Nicole went into labor!!! =O so she flew off to...ahem, get this: DONALD TRUMP LAND it was like a HUGE mall with an airport, spa, hotel, highway, giant hamster ball, stores, courthouses, all that crap you'd find in New York, just 90% less.
Anyway, as she was in labor, and Paris refused to go see her, Tamara and I tried to convince Paris to be loyal to her friend. In the end, we succeeded, and then it was just a hassle trying to get home @_@ no flights were leaving to Denver from DTL
xD and I still feel like Nicky and Paris are our friends. WEIRD DREAM right? well, stupid anyway. if it hadn't been paris, nicky, and donnie, but normal people, it would have been a bit touching...
thank you!
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