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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
Real Name
graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Monday, June 4, 2007
where's the damn webdings?!?!
argh. If it's not one thing, it's ALWAYS another.
Ok, so I really haven't been around much lately for various reasons, namely because my dad's internet SUCKS, and the only time I spent on there was when I had a HUGE! headache anyway.
Saturday was meh. Went to the Botanic Gardens, fun because of my love of plants, particularly tropical ones. Then went to Mayte's graduation party, which was fun, but her boyfriend annoys me a lot. >< first of all, he calls me "Mary Poppins," because of a dress I wore in 11th grade, and also, he's just a fucking bitch. He spills some soda on the table, and Mayte gets up to throw something away, and he just sits there. She comes back and says, "what, you can't clean it up?" and he says "I thought you would."
I got annoyed, and cleaned it up, then held his soda hostage, demanding he apologize to Mayte. His response? "Give me back my pop, fucking Mary Poppins! Geez!~ I can't apologize for accidents!" and then he got a hold of it. but ARGH!!!! you CAN apologize for accidents, and you CAN apologize for NOT CLEANING THE MESS UP. and he threw a fit about the cake. fucking dickface I swear.
Anyway. Sunday I felt kinda bleh. So nothing to report on that.
But at any rate, the thing I really must inform "y'all" of is that my grandmother on my mom's side (the one on my dad's side has been dead for like 37 years) is in the hospital.
what started out as a bowel infection has gotten worse, as her blood pressure goes up and down, she may have had a heart attack, and she's having other troubles which I cannot recall. Right now, she's in the Intensive Care Unit, and has been there since Friday, when she was admitted to the hospital.
There's the possibility that she may die soon, especially considering how, in her family, once the heart goes...well ikinarinai...
but i'm not too concerned as of yet...i say, if she can pop out 5 kids within 7 years, she can get through this...she is 76 though... =/
I don't know...I don't really want to talk about this... =/ not cos I'm sad (i'm not sad...) but because anything I'm feeling sounds incredibly insensitive, regardless of how it is intended. I fear that I cannot express these unintentionally insensitive feelings without conveying them as cold, cruel, heartless, etc. they really aren't that way; it's complicated
Although, my mom will go out there when my grandma gets out of the hospital to help take care of her...I would be staying here...unless there needs to be a funeral (hope not yet) in which case I would go out there...
:) oh and on July 10 is my college orientation...i'm excited...i can hardly wait for college.
now, i must be off to bed.
 Cyanide & Happiness @
 Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.netthank you!
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
ouch. my bones.
Not much to say, honestly. These habits of staying up until 4 am and sleeping til 3 really must stop. Usually, in summer, it's a gradual progression, and by the END of summer, I'm up til 4 and sleeping til 3.
I hope this isn't a repeat of LAST YEAR's cycle, which, granted, was enhanced by my trip to Japan (i can't BELIEVE it's already been a year!!!) that I would stay UP until like 8 am and sleep til about 5...or less.
Hopefully, I will get a job, something I really NEED. really. This will not only remedy this night owl affliction, but also give me money for college.
Ohhh man!! i can't wait, either. College college college!!!
LOL so last night, antonio was playing Sim's on my laptop, and I, bored as ever, began watching Ranma 1/2, in English, for Antonio's benefit. I hate! Ranma's English voice from the 5th season on, because it's the same guy who does InuYasha's, and he's good, but Sarah Strange, the first VA, sounds way more like an awkward teenage boy. And, to me, her voice is closer to Kappei Yamaguchi's.
but anyway. Antonio decided he likes Ranma 1/2. Why? because of all the glorious BOOBIES!!!! (most episodes show Ranma turning female and being at least semi-nude.) Plus, unlike most manga boobs, Rumiko Takahashi draws nipples. I never got why everybody doesn't draw nipples...**shrug**
OOOH! the other night, i had a stupid dream. very stupid, but so completely stupid, it's worth mentioning...maybe. or else, i've run completely dry on topics.
Anyway, so I dreamed that I was at home, with much of my extended family visiting, when ALIENS invaded my home via the attic. And they weren't just ANY aliens, oh no. They were miniture, action figure sized X-MEN
Last night, I also dreamed nicely. It was stupid. But I dreamed Antonio and I went to meet up with a long lost friend of mine. It was pretty plain, but it made me remember said friend, and all the great wisdoms I recieved from him...such as his great knowledge of gothic/industrial music, and South Park.
blah, i'm so bored. i'm going to the GOTH SHOPS!!!!!! today, so I'm very excited.
(in case you weren't aware, I'm a total goth nerd.)thank you!
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
enough is enough
i really must stop with these ridiculous late nights. I re-read my previous post...
damn. I sound like a DRUNK. the only good part was my story about how I glued my poor finger to the desk **hazukashikatta nan da yo!!!!!!!!!!**
moments of silence for a damn fish and a pair of boots I missed out on? rambling about Smashing Pumpkins and Pink Floyd/Syd Barrett?
what the hell. what the hell.thank you!
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damn you seafood restaraunt
I hear your food tastes like freezer box fish, anyway so bleaaaaaaaaah
Why couldn't they TELL me they require restaraunt experience BEFORE I go there?

something adorably cute...Japanese fan mail for Trent Reznor. From Osaka, Japan ^^ yes, the hairy man in the corner is Trent Reznor.
Only in Japan, i do say.
I have a vendetta against iPods, and my friend suggested a ZUNE so that's what I asked my dad for. i like it.
hrmmm Oh.
A moment of silence, please. Actually, 2 moments of silence.
One for my 10 cent fish that died Sunday, in my care for 3+ years. he was nameless.
a moment of silence for the perfect pair of boots I found but could not buy, thanks to the store not having them in my size.
Yes, i am picky about shoes, and I HATE to go shoe shopping. it makes me soooo sleepy. But there they were. these boots that came up to my knees, laced up, but had a zipper on the side. they were understated, and classy, but goth. AND the best part, their heel was average size. I don't like huge heels.
they were also on sale.
but they were all out except for an 11 and a 7...both too small. JUST KIDDING. the 11 was too big, the 7 too small. damn these size 9.5 feet of mine!!! **chops off end of toes**
Well, I modified this because some rather...interesting things have happened!!!
first of all, I am SOOOO stupid (that I deserve LordSesshomaru'. MORON AWARD.)
How STUPID was I?? Ok. So Antonio got the metal "toe" out of his old crappy boots, and stuck them on the outside of his older but better boots. They wouldn't stay on, so I bought him some super glue. He left it out,
I noticed and, curious as to whether the glue on the tip was dry, TOUCHED IT. THEN, realizing it was in fact WET, I tried to WIPE IT OFF ON THE DESK, thus GLUEING MY FINGER TO MY DESK. this resulted in the most unfortunate case of glueing stuff to stuff in my life. So, I sat there, waiting for my mom to get out of the shower. When she finally did, I asked her for a HOT, wet washcloth, and, after scalding myself, my finger DID break free.
But I swear. Saquen ese GUEYA!!!! or however ya spell that one.
OH!!!!!! And I kept forgetting, but I am really happy cos I bought the best SMASHING PUMPKINS cd set EVER!!!!!!! Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness.
with my SONG!!! Bullet with Butterfly Wings.
They're kind of emo...ok quite emo...but they have this guy

James Iha!~ one of the few Japanese/Asian Americans in the mainstream rock category. (there's a lot of white GUYS there...less women, even less "minorities." He's ALSO done work on another of my liked bands...A PERFECT CIRCLE.
I just can't believe he's almost 40!!!!!! my favorite, sexy, rock idols are getting OLD (most definately old enough to be my parents!! scary.)
(Back the Smashing Pumpkins)
and they don't sound like suicidal whiners with a generic tone. they AREN'T GENERIC

er or else it's my love of the 90's and 90's music.
I wish Iha was going back to the Smashing Pumpkins reunion... :( oh well. their new stuff still sounds good.
And, is it just me, or does the whole Syd Barrett. make you SAD??? I already knew all the stuff on the site, pretty much, but it's easy.

young days
I dunno. the whole thing just makes me SAD!!!! he basically got kicked out of his band, betrayed by his "friends," practically forgotten by the world, almost died probably a hundred times, and HIS band basically went on to fame by singing about HIM...capitalizing on his "personal demons."
I still LOVE! Pink Floyd, and the Dark Side of the Moon is one of my favorite albums EVER...
why did I just go to the Japanese Wikipedia?? dumbass I swearthank you!
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Friday, May 25, 2007
i'm leaving for the interview in a few minutes... scary!!!!!
but lessee...
ah!!! as to the tattoo!!!
I probably won't get a band one
and I may get a "tester" with that kind of ink that goes away after a few years that Antonio was telling me about.
I bought Pan's Labrynth yesterday. I absolutely love that movie
it's so cool. and sad :(
but mostly cool
ok now to print out my resume and to gothank you!
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Graduation ETC.
so. Yesterday was GRADUATION!!!!!!!!!! woot!!! go me!!!
I graduated with honors.
the paths diverge from here. It sucks that we may never speak again, because we were a small class of 28, and there may have been a few small annoyances, or squabbles, but we were all friends. As Saul Huerta put it, "when we look around, we don't see just a best friend, we see a brother or a sister."
It was a good graduation. They played some Irish song that was rather tedious. Throughout the whole thing, we were dignified...until, lol, we got tired of hearing the song, and some people decided to do the wave...but they did it on their own. looked stupid.
And when we did our walk, we got the wrong diplomas, because they were set up in alphabetical order, but we weren't recieving them that way. It was easy enough to sort out.
I've gotten a LOT of money from people, some of them I barely know. It's going to college, DON'T WORRY!!! except some of it may go to getting a tattoo!!!!
Not my mom's...I promised her I wouldn't use hers for that.
And I think I know what I want for a tattoo!!! I want a lil skeleton on my shoulder, acting like he's holding onto me. Or something. I LOOOOOVE skeletons and skulls.
anyway. Pictures are the main part

my flowers

my cake


me n my flowers

Antonio and my mom being strange

me and my CAKE!!! I loved it, it was soooo pretty

lmao stuffing my face

Mayte, Beto, Me

Jorge and Juan

Mayte and I stupid sluts

Zak with lipstick all over his face

my calc. teacher and I (he's awesome and Polish)

me and Tiny!!! hobo

My uncle, me, my aunt

Grandpa, Me, Grandma

My mom and I

stupid pose but cute pic

My sister and I~!

my mug shot
thank you!
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
i know~! It's like...
xD cos when we got home tonight, I said "ugh, what STINKS?!?!?!" and she said it's my uncle's gas... **gags and dies** luckily, i have my handy-dandy air deodorizer.
I swear. Sex smells better than that :x
So today, after my earlier rant, thanks for the support ^^ I fell back asleep and woke up again about 11:30 am. Antonio got lucky, cos I JUST woke up and he came over while everybody was at thrift stores and WalMart.
i live 3 blocks from the DMV, so he was going there to get his official ID, and he was number 121 when they were on 69. yes. so we killed some time watching TV, then went to Family Dollar to buy some headphones and super glue, and then checked back at the DMV, then went to the Korean mini-mart, and I bought an Iced Coffee and some fries-hot cheetos. (yummy!)
I took that stuff home, then came back. I was SOOO happy cos it was really raining. We didn't have a long wait in the DMV after that, and he got taken care of.
It's really convinient living in the Innercity like this, but in a fairly quiet neighborhood. 2 bus stops are both about 4 blocks away, there's 2 parks, restaraunts, gas stations, a library, my old elementary school, clubs, laundramats, bars, and other good stuff really close to home.
Anyway, we then took the bus to the bank, and he opened a checking/savings account, but the $300 check from his boss bounced, so he was PISSED, let me tell you. He called Oscar (his boss) on his phone and CUSSED him out in Spanish...lmao.
then we went to KMart and played scratch lotto games. Hey, I may be 17, but he's 18 and it's from the machine so who cares. I never win anyway. He ALWAYS wins at least his money back, though.
We ate at Tacos Rapidos (he had a torta, and I had a was really good) People may think eating tounge is "gross" but Oh. My. God. It tastes SOOOO freaking good grilled and made into a torta...i was drooling and all...we also had a BIG thing of Horchata...**licks lips**
we were in the rain, lol, and got cold, so we went home, and I noticed a cut on my cat's face, from his allergies he scratches. So, we took him to the vet real quick, got him antibiotics, and came home. I took a shower (oooh lala) and got all nice and dressed up for the awards dinner tonight. It was kinda fun...
Antonio and my grandfather both dislike lasagna, (the dinner dish) but at LEAST Antonio ate it without a SINGLE complaint; my grandfather is like a small child, ALWAYS whining. My mom got mad and told him "it's not about the food, it's about honoring Julie and her classmates" I guess he shut up.
Our graduating class is just 27 students, so I was a bit upset by some of the results of the awards. Some people got 2 awards, when other, equally deserving people, got none. I definately thought my friend Mayte should've gotten the Math award, but whatever.
I was suprised when my knifey-wifey Dulce and I got awards for founding, running, funding, and everything everything else for the newspaper...I wanted recognition, because it was a pain in the ass, but i was shocked we got it. and that it was "school service."
lol plus, I'm graduating with WHOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! go me!!!!!!!
lol yeah. Tomorrow is the REAL deal, though. Graduation!!! I'm soooooo excited xD even tho i have to get up early.
oooh and I got some graduation cards. from Petesy, my grandma in Georgia, I got a card and a check for $25. From my grandparents, I got a $50 bill and a card. From my mom's friends who I don't remember, this was a big shock, I got a nice card with lots of notes, and a check for $30! Also, from my neighbor at my dad's house, I have a card waiting for me.
I think all my gift money is going towards college...but maybe just a little for my tattoo(s)
OOH!!!!!! BIG NEWS!!!!!! I got an interview for a job as a hostess/waitress/something like that!!! gues where! Give up? It's at the "Downtown Aquarium" LINKNESS. which is an aquarium owned by a seafood company!!! xD LMAO!!!
Even tho i'm terrified of fish, I would LOVE to work there, because I think it's soooo neat. And I just plain need a job.
I have an interview FRIDAY at 3 pm with Mike Landars, or something like that. I kinda forgot his name :( but lol and I'm taking my sister with me, so if she gets a job there, we can work together!!!I would be SOOOO happy.
I'm kind of worried about her tho, because she's failing English and needs to take summer school this year but she's worried about paying for it. Poor kid, she's had it really rough this year :( I love her SOOOOOO freaking much though!!!!!!!!!!!!
speaking of love...Antonio repeatedly tried to convince me to marry him! o.O he proposed to me in Japanese (he was looking through the phrase book), and he said for me to marry him so he can get insurance thru my mom's plan >< but i'm under my dad's, come to think of it. I think he's kidding, but it makes me uneasy. I don't really want to get married, least not now, and at this point in my life i'm thinking i never will (I want kids tho)

my ADORABLE sister looking so scary
in case you were wondering, I'm older than her :Pthank you!
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
hey!!! STFU
these people suck.
It's not that big a deal, but i was rudely awakened early this morning, and i'm tired, thus grouchy.
oh. and not to sound all concieted or whatever, but my aunt told me "you know your graduation gift is this trip right? cos i could've sent you a $100 in the mail, and saved myself some money and hassle."
-.- WHO SAYS THAT??? I wasn't expecting a present from them, I KNOW THEY'RE POOR!!!! (well, my grandparents are. My aunt and uncle are more lower-middle-class) Besides, I don't want a visit from people who patronize, provoke, irritate, and piss me off and who really don't particularly like me AS A PRESENT. I'm glad they came, but i wish she hadn't said anything about the damn present cos i wasn't even thinking about and now i know that my present is something i don't really like.
whoa. if you type CAME and your finger becomes CAMEL...stupid eyes!!! now i think every "came" should be CAMEL....crap. Caramel.
I'm tripping dude, and I haven't even had any weed or drugs. @.@
lol, but my grandma said "Tell Julie she's got a real nice boyfriend" so i'm glad she likes him, at least ^^ I was a bit worried.
thank you!
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Monday, May 21, 2007
i am so tired of pretending of wishing this was ending i'm so tired of it all
well. what was today? a mess~~ Literally.
Spent the majority of today cleaning, and being hungry. Have you ever got that hunger pangs where you really wanna eat but nothing sounds good and you don't feel like eating?
So yeah. I cleaned, and relatives arrived, about 2:30 PM.
i'm bored....witless. seriously.
I just erased a huge rant.
oooh I visited Antonio's new house, his dad's. I love his dad! ^^ he's so nice, even when he's drunk. he kept thanking my mom for "taking care of his little boy, even when he is bad."
and they have this dog, Nemo 2, he was HUGE!!!! almost as big as me, when standing on his hind legs!!! his head was super huge...I think he's got a bit of pit bull in him; but he's really nice and friendly.
I hate how people give pits a bad rep; some bad dogs bite a kid, it's the whole breed that's bad. that's animal ...breedism!! breedist bastards.
I think i'm gonna go british and say "racialist."
I like this fits me quite well
"Animal I Have Become"
I can't escape this hell
So many times i've tried
But i'm still caged inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself
So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one will ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal
(This animal, this animal)
I can't escape myself
(I can't escape myself)
So many times i've lied
(So many times i've lied)
But there's still rage inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself
So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one will ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal
Somebody help me through this nightmare
I can't control myself
Somebody wake me from this nightmare
I can't escape this hell
(This animal, this animal, this animal, this animal, this animal, this animal, this animal)
So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one will ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal
(This animal I have become)
L'ame Immortelle
I watch the stars collapse at night
When demons haunt me once again
In the sky, their death shines bright
Every loss brings a new gain
The peace of voiceless darkness
Silence voices who scream at me
And through the gentle night- time
I gain the knowledge, that I´m free
When you´re in your darkest hours
Seek the embrace of the night
Open up to all its powers
I`ll show you what`s behind the light
We`re blinded by the brightest shining
And see not what`s behind
So we watch our own declining
Life, that made us far too blind
We will not see the pleasures offered
When they´re not obvious to see
Beauty´s just what they will look at
Close the door and drop the key
This is the first day of my last days
i built it up now take it apart climbed up real high now fall down real far
no need for me to stay the last thing left i just threw it away
i put my faith in god and my trust in you
now there's nothing more fucked up i could do
wish there was something real
wish there was something true
wish there was something real in this world full of you
i'm the one without a soul i'm the one with this big fucking hole
no new tale to tell twenty-six years on my way to hell
gotta listen to your big time hard line bad luck fist fuck
don't you think you're having all the fun
you know me i hate everyone
wish there was something real
wish there was something true
wish there was something real in this world full of you
i want to but i can't turn back but i want to thank you!
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**gags** ohhh the smell!
and DAMN THIS SUDDEN SOUTHERN ACCENT OF MINE!!!! It's really subtle, but I notice it!!! I do usually have a bit of an accent...not sure what kind, but it's an accent all my own. Just...I couldn't describe it to you.
A couple years ago, at camp, this girl from Kansas goes, "were you born here? you talk funny. all clearly and stuff."
My response, of course, was "What. The. Hell. Are. You. Talking. About." O.O
anyway, my accent has in recent days changed to something of a southern-ish one. must be from watching Sweet Home Alabama on USA like 2 times a day since Saturday (hey, i was cleaning my room and it was all that was on, okay?!)
what else to say...the relatives from indiana that were supposed to get here Saturday, who then wound up leaving on Saturday (instead of Friday) because my aunt takes too much time off work unnecessarily, and then couldn't get it off when she needed to...
Anyway, they were then supposed to get here sunday, but will be here Monday late because the transmission got shot 20 miles from some town in Nebraska. they'll be renting a car and coming out for graduation. lest anything else go wrong u.u
But, i suppose i got it good, too.
Clear Case.
My friend Christian is in this band...he's lead singer...damn.
and lmao!! i've never met him face-to-face, but I recognized him at the NIN Year Zero listening party...he kept staring at me (all gothed up and alone u.u) i didn't say anything tho cos i wasn't sure.
That lucky guy has met Trent Reznor!!!
oh and Sat. my mom took forever to get ready, and Antonio wound up waiting at blockbuster for an hour and a half...oh, he was SOOO pissed.
I don't blame him, although i'm not the only one who's ever been late, so eh. he's over it anywaythank you!
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