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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
Get sick or get over it!
Today was fun; I got up at 6:05 am (i normally get up at 7:15 on weds), took a whole 15 minutes to get ready, caught the bus at 6:25 am (it's about a 5 minute walk), put my makeup on there, missed the first #30 bus, caught another one that was off schedule but OK for me, and got to Mayte's by the correct 7 am
her dad drove us to school. I turned in stuff, then slept for like an hour, til 9 when school started.
Japanese classes went on a field trip today. Actually, the whole school did, but i don't care about them. We went to the Denver Art Museum, which is a short walk from school. We got a tour of the Japanese art exhibit. It was interesting, but i've already seen it, so meh.
The real fun was walking over there, where I sang. And the ASSistant principle, mr. parse, "speaks Japanese" but he really doesn't. NIHONGO (Japanese) he says "nahango" and he says everything else fucked up too. He was trying to talk to me, but his pronounciation is so horrible, i could scarce hear what he was saying >:(
I got annoyed and said, "Nani yo? Mou, omae wakanai! bakabakashi! itsumo baka na koto ittenda!!" and some other stuff that made even less sense. I said it REALLY fast, and he didn't catch any of it. he just looked at me and started talking to some sixth grader -.-
If i think in Japanese, it's usually with the really macho, manly way of speaking. it's easier for me :( i need to get in the habit of speaking like a girl!!!! and stop saying "ore"
But I have no respect for that man. He's got no balls. (not literally)
Anyway, on our break, Dulce, Mari, and Mayu and I went over the library's cafe and had a bit to eat. I'd brought a bagel (since I didn't eat breakfast), and ate it with a small (but it was big) mocha latte. I got SO hyper, I was jumping around, scaring elementary schoolers, jumping off of walls, climbing walls, and chasing squirrels. I tried to feed them some of my bagel, but they wouldn't take it. I was scared then.
We ate Japanese food, too. YUMMY!!!!!!!!
Once I get the pictures they took, i'll put them up! ^^ they're gonna be cute!
Anyway, Mayte's going to Italy early tomorrow...lucky her. Some girl went to Japan til Jan. 08 today. I am filled with immense sadness and jealousy...I want to go to Japan for a year!!!!!!! **drama**
And sat. Tacchan is going to Chicago to see her big brother. i'm going to atlanta that day, but earlier. We're coming back the same day, too, but earlier (again)
Tomorrow is NIN party.
Here's a pic of me and my dad at a Japanese restaraunt. The lady who owned it took the picture, and sent me a letter today. she moved back to japan in Nov. so it's probably from like...october or sept.
excuse the lack of makeup, and super weird eyes on my part. Oh, and I wore the same shirt to my dad's house as in the picture today. My dad was also wearing the exact same outfit today as he is in the shashin!

can you tell i don't really want to be next to him :D
here's a picture of me, Mari, Mayu, Mayte, Dulce from a while ago

Me, Alex, Mayte being emo

The DCIS seniors being nice

And Us being US

(I dare you to find Mayte and I! We're being ourselves the most! XD)
Luciana being dumb

thank you!
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
You want love, you got it
hrm...People can be dumb. They'll completely devote themself to a flag or an abstract notion like glory. a flag can represent something special, but people seem to care more about it than an actual person. damn. And who wants to die for glory? If I ever fight and die, I want it to be for my friends/family/people in general, helping them. if i say glory, I mean that selfish sort of immortality.
I don't believe in things EVER staying the same, cos they don't. people can walk out on you when you need them. they can betray you for their own needs. books can burn, riches will fall to the greatest depths of the sea, and the memory of man will eventually fade.
damn, now i'm waxing poetic.
so, are college professors really intimidating? One of my teachers told the class to ask for help in college if we need it, but thinking about it, i wondered if i'd have the balls to cos i am so impressed by their stuck up status.
I asked her, and she said not to worry about it, most of them aren't. good.
then, after class, she started cracking up and told me, "besides, you're funny. you come off as quiet, then you say some...hahahahaha"
-.- damn, what am i??? a laughingstock? Class pervert (yes)? and also, i seem to be the class mommy, cos i feed everyone, i take care of them, and i boss them around.
enjoy this picture i drew like a year ago
NMJ is me :\

if you can't read it it says:
(panel 1)
(band) Tattered Heart
(music) LIfe is pain/without gain/i am a staaaiiin/in the rain/nobody loves me/i don't know what to be
(panel 2)
OMG! Emo!
(panel 3)
(girl) Emo is SO great. it gives me the energy to cut myself
(lez) OMG ME TOO
(Both) We R SO COOL
(panel 4)
(band dude) Thanks for your meaningless love. All of the money, love, praise, fame, merchandise, counseling, press release, admiration, etc. in the world can't make this better...i'm goign to my mansion with a groupie 2-nite
(panel 5)
(girl) Tattered <3 kicks ass like My Chemical Romance. And So GOTH too!
(boy) and Punk like Fallout Boy
(panel 6)
(NMJ) Prepare, freaks, for death!
(music) Suicide is teh answer ><
(panel 7)
(nothing said, just destruction)
(panel 8)
(band dude) OMG, NO! I WANT TO LIVE! NOOOO! x.x
...thank you!
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
2 minutes
a couple notes:
YES animal shelters need help all the time. But people don't always have time, and now, when they have no food, it's easy to buy a can of OK dog food and ship it over.
I've volunteered at that shelter for 4 years, and people only really go when the shelter's on the news, and they think they're gonna be famous
on sat. I'm going to GA. yay. But i'm not happy, and i'm not going to be for a long time, until things are ok
Cos even in the shittiest times of my life, i've found a silver lining. I will use that to help her, so that she can survive. cos she is breaking
How can people be so FUCKING cruel??? drugs and drinking, ok you do that to yourself, but you hurt your kids when you do. i don't give A SHIT what your problems are, your kids come firstthank you!
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Monday, March 19, 2007
If you have pets, make SURE YOU CHECK YOUR FOOD. this food crisis is affecting 42 brands of cat food, and 51 of dog.
And if you AREN'T a pet owner, but love animals, consider this:
I went to the animal shelter today, and there were news crews everywhere. I was a little confused; found out that that shelter was COMPLETELY OUT OF FOOD, because they had to dump EVERYTHING they had. Even donations had to be dumped because of it.
If you have the time and money to spare, please check with your local animal shelter to see which brands are OK, and if you can, please, help them. If this shelter's in trouble, your local one may be, too.
Thank you!!!!thank you!
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
Teen Sex Xtacy from Accura
Psyche!!!!! I dunno what's going on!!! I just have this really strong urge to either get REALLY fucking drunk, or stoned...maybe some eXstacy...
which is interesting, cos I HATE smoking/drugs/whatever. with a passion. I just need to forget my troubles XD and i'm not allowed to cut anymore (not that i particularly want to)
ahhh I'm so happy!!!!!! I got the Stadium Arcadium by Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd CD's!!!! Stadium Arcadium is great...I know DSotM is! I love the Red Hot Chili Peppers, they sing simple songs, but they're pretty, and cute.
if i were in a band, i'd sing songs like that
Well, my lost phone is a lost cause, so I have a new one. Oh well.
I want to write a story called "Havoc Ran," about the end of the world, my main topic. this time, it's told from a man/little boy's POV.
I'll put a link up from fictionpress when i finally get stuff done on it
>< ok, I love my bf, but he believes anything he reads if it doesn't come from the gov''s irritating.
he likes to argue... >< i hate that in people!!!!!!!thank you!
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
suck a rooster, school
procrastinator, thy name is Julie. or Mayte. both of us have had like 2 months to write our 5 page papers...hasn't happened. Due in 11- hours (it's 11:15 pm my time, due at 10 am tomorrow)
It's for international politics, and I'm writing about how, from a machiavellian realist point of view, the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki were moral for america to do at the time. OF COURSE, I KNOW I KNOW it wasn't moral to drop the bombs, but machiavelli is the guy who says "it's better to be feared than loved" which basically means, if they fear you, they won't fight you, and less lives will be lost. he also said that a good prince protects his kingdom first and foremost, no matter what. Which america did.
and, Japan did attrocious things to china during that war. and did a poor job of caring for its people, which is immoral.
(I saw country names, but really, i mean their military/government at the time. civilians were not to blame)
...realism is a really depressing way to look at peoplethank you!
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Monday, March 12, 2007
Not a scene, a dead horse race
Stupid FallOut Boy. I hate them like LordSesshomaru hates Justin Timberlake. Who I also hate. And My Chemical Romance. Jack's Mannequin. Blue October. A bunch of other crappy bands. Hate!!!
Anyway, I'm having a strange day. I got accepted into Puget Sound. They're giving me $6,000 a year. Pssh. That's GREAT for a $38,000 a year school. **rolls eyes** Yeah, I can REALLY afford that.
Plus, I got $7,500 a year for Portland State, which is cheaper, offers what I want to take, and is bigger which I like.
In other college news, I got into the semifinals for the Greenhouse Scholarship...It's awesome!!! I hope they pick me >< hahahahaha it's wonderful. Money. Lotsa money possible. I just gotta seem strong. 3 other kids from my school are in it too, but they might get Daniel'scholarships. I can't.
Went to the Zoo, AND to eat Japanese food on Saturday. Plus it rained. I love rain. Rain rain rain. yay!!!!
I'm so goth. I wore this adorable skirt that antonio gave me. Also, an itchy jacket, and slutty haltertop. ^^;; woops
and I hope my physics teacher gets something stuck in a car door. He's such a bitch, I swear. Ok, so i finally do my homework and whatnot, I'm the ONLY one in the class who bothered (even the fucking nerds were like oh well i was busy with other stuff) **rolls eyes**
I'm the only one giving answers. And then, Mayte tells me about pronounciation (oops, i suck at that), and he gets all PISSED at me and goes "JULIE! PAY ATTENTION PLEASE."
I almost said, "What. The. Fuck." Everybody else was goofing off just as much as me and that little fucker just yells at me?! He just hates me, which is fine cos I hate his fucking guts. Can't teach worth a SHIT. Last semester, kids didn't do their work until last minute and get full credit. I DO mine, and he gives me bad grades. Shit I hate it.
oh well. Free time to work on a paper ^^
jaa ne!
FUCK I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!! I LOST MY PHONE!!!!!! I'M ALMOST IN TEARS, YOU GUYS. THIS phone is my lifeline. I'm not entirely reliant, of course, but I LOVE MY PHONE!!!!!!! I want it back!!!!! never leave your phone on vibrate!!!!! it doesn't work!!!!!!!!!!! >< i hate this, i want to die. not really, but this SUCKSthank you!
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Friday, March 9, 2007
My Loving Abuse...
bwahahahahaha i finally watched Little Miss Sunshine
all hail the almightly pube head
^Mayte wrote that
I like kazik whores verrrry Nicccee
^ Warren wrote that (he thinks he's Borat)
But his impersenation is really good.
anywho, i saw LMS, it was funny!!! And kind of depressing. for example, when the dad told the little girl she'd get fat if she ate ice dad tells me stuff like that.
Anyway, it's a great movie.
Another notable movie: A Tale of Two Sisters which is a really good movie. Fucking confusing movie. It's Korean, based off a Korean fairy tale. I think every culture has a evil step-mother. Anyway, I still haven't figured that movie out. But it was EXCELLENT
An old Japanese Samurai flick that you HAVE TO SEE is Yojimbo IT was a fucking riot. I think it was funny, but it was also well thought out and well acted and clever. I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!
Movies I have also watched recently that were good: Ghost of Mae-Nak (Thai) and Azumi (Japanese.)
I've written about Azumi before. it was great. Mae Nak was good too. but really sad. and scary.
Anyway, people are crazy. Lady, gentleman, any comments?
I've been pretty busy, between taking care of people, me, and doing a Politics midterm, which i did good on!!! yay!!!!!
Sigh still gonna be busy until spring break. YAY SPRING BREAK!!!!!! GOing to GEORGIA!!!!!!!!!
Oh and congradulate me, i'm going to a NIN party the 22thank you!
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Friday, March 2, 2007
still alive
gots a meeting. ttyl
oh's snowing. i hate snow. and physics. and i love rainthank you!
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
my house is haunted....for no reason whatsoever, a bag of paper plates just fell on me.
damn i didn't want to be up this late...a thousand apologies!!!!!!!!!! i must be off to bed...enjoy this song's lyrics. I do!
Butthole Surfers -Pepper
Marky got with Sharon
And Sharon got Cherese
She was sharing Sharon's outlook
On the topic of disease
Mikey had a facial scar
And Bobby was a racist
They were all in love with dyin'
They were doing it in Texas
Tommy played piano
Like a kid out in the rain
Then he lost his leg in Dallas
He was dancing with a train
They were all in love with dyin'
They were drinking from a fountain
That was pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
I don't mind the sun sometimes
The images it shows
I can taste you on my lips
And smell you in my clothes
Cinnamon and sugary
And softly spoken lies
You never know just how you look
Through other people's eyes
Some will die in hot pursuit
In fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
I don't mind the sun sometimes
The images it shows
I can taste you on my lips
And smell you in my clothes
Cinnamon and sugary
And softly spoken lies
You never know just how you look
Through other people's eyes
Another Mikey took a knife
While arguing in traffic
Flipper died a natural death
He caught a nasty virus
Then there was the ever-present
Football player rapist
They were all in love with dyin'
They were doing it in Texas
Pauly caught a bullet
But it only hit his leg
Well it should have been a better shot
And got him in the head
They were all in love with dyin'
They were drinking from a fountain
That was pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
I don't mind the sun sometimes
The images it shows
I can taste you on my lips
And smell you in my clothes
Cinnamon and sugary
And softly spoken lies
You never know just how you look
Through other people's eyes
this one's like a year old...but it's so cute!

I was washing dishes...look at my cat!

my dead guinea pig when he lived :(

Mika and Yukko in Japan

Enne for New Year's
thank you!
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