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irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
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となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
just a little down.
you know, the usual!!! no biggie, i swear! well, i AM a little sad. whatever.
As to yesterday's question, Whitecat indeed got the correct picture!!! her prizes included
>A hug
>and this LOVELY button: 
if you were wondering, the picture is HERE
it's a link.
anywho, i have to go to school tomorrow AGAIN...whatever.
for my senior seminar, i'm going to have a speaker come in and talk about teen suicide. :P perfect, no?
it pisses me off. those damn emo kids. so fake, so fake. haha see ya!thank you!
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
school. should. die.
today was my first day of 12th grade....AW! =.= if you didn't know, my school is international and has moved out of its host high school, into its own building, intent on educating grades 6-12...unfortunately, they're a bunch of piss off morons, but we won't go there. the dress code sucks though
oh, and i can't wear half my skirts cos they're too short. so i need to go buy some leggins! haha!!! do you remember those??

i remember i used to wear those with really baggy sweaters/tee shirts when i was little... :P oh yeah, the 90's.
here's my school website. there's a pic of me! if you find it, i'll give you...a surprise >.>
come on on on guess!!
oh yeah, but i kind of like/HATE japanese this year. Level 4, there's 4 kids taking it. Now, what do i find but i'm the only one out of my formerly tight-knit class to be in period 5. the other 3 are in period 4. -.- to make matters worse/better....i'm in a class with 5 6th graders. they're ADORABLE! but least Daisuke-san is half and will be in my level...or higher =.= oh well.
they're CUTE! though. the 3 in front of me were talking to me a LOT. the little girl was pretty mature. it was funny to hear her say, "You know, i'm kind of glad there's no recess."
(other kid.) "i like recess!"
girl: "I do, too, but, you know, it gets boring! You go outside, run around, yada yada yada, now what?"
(kid): "but it's exercize!"
and i thought, "yeah, you could use that, tubby."
the TINY one, though, his name is Kedar, and he is SO! cute...rather annoying, but i just want to put him in my pocket and let him live in my basement...
I was showing him where a drinking fountain is (this kid comes BARELY up to my tummy) and we were talking a little, and he said: "Are we friends now?"
I wanted to squeeze him!!!!
also, the 3 in front of me asked, "are you a 7th grader, or an 8th grader?"
I almost cried. I DON'T LOOK LIKE A MIDDLE SCHOOLER!!!!!!!!!!! do i? :(
the kid who'd been to Japan and all was really mature, though. I liked him! he asked very 'my age' questions. and was kind of 'out of it' with the other kids his age. i like these kids.
except the "albino" one (but he can't be albino because his eyes aren't red...((not true))...) who "sounds like Peppermint Patty" ("who?" they said) he didn't talk to me.
anyway, it's interesting being in classes with all seniors whom i've known for years and can dick around with...these kids are precious, precious treasure. And BY GOD, I WILL CORRUPT THEM! one way or the other.
and the little girl, she goes, "For College are you going to metro? my sister went to metro (a step above community college). Is metro an Ivy League school? my dad wants me to go Ivy League."
Me: ._. "no, it's not ivy league. that's out east."
Girl: "Oh!!! I don't want to move to another country!!"
(i'll leave you with that precious moment.)thank you!
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
hey guys i went to see a Japanese Movie called "azumi" didn't get that good of ratings, 43% or so from "" but i LOVED IT! maybe you just have to be an anime/manga fan, but it was great!
It was based off a manga, and it was about these assassins who struggle through their's REALLY bloody, and violent, as a good samurai manga should!
haha! anywho, it was set in about 1610 Japan...a while after Sekigahara...and it was so cool i understood a lot of what they were saying, and that i knew what they were talking about when they said names and battles and places...
i wouldn't reccommend it for kids, or if you hate violence, but it was good!
anyway, school starts tomorrow...kill me? bye byethank you!
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
LordSesshomaru's post-response-after-but-when-i-say-post-i-mean-comment
he's not gonna read it but i'll write it anyway!
I want to know what i'll get paid to laugh at your jokes. I'm a sarcastic little bitch, do sarcastic laughs count? oh, and i don't like peanuts. buts i might consider it if jamba juice and starbucks queef all over my applications (stupid mayte)
anywho, we don't have an Italian-block. but i live very close to China town!! it's awesome!!! if i ever need live crabs (and not the kind that live in sluts' pants) or pig guts or w/e! horray south federal -.-
there are a lot of loose cats around here, but i don't let mine out for shit. Last time i did, one got a parasite. And also, there's a lot of coyotes and foxes by my dad's house. but i guess it's sometimes ok to let your cat out. i just don't reccommend it.
meow! yeah, braggers suck. it's irritating when people are too humble, but it's better than arrogant SOB's who boast themselves all the time, because at least if they really are proud and stuck up, they keep it to themselves. -.-
**shakes hand** nice conducting business with you sir
why do i like to shake people's hands? it's becoming a habit
school today was as lame as i am, but it was funner after i left and hung out downtown on my own. i bought a lot of baby presents for my friend's baby, which is due next month (@.@) I can't believe Deisy's gonna be a mommy.
...well, actually i can. She's not ashamed to admit, she has had a lot of sex, and lost her virginity when she was in middle school, and all her boyfriends are like...19+. however, she isn't a party-whore. She's taking this parenting thing seriously, and has been saving money, getting prepared, and responsible. Luckily, the dad has been helpful and cooperative, as far as i know. but still, she's only 17, so it's gonna be hard on her.
So i bought approximately 120 diapers (size 1) and 60 size 3 diapers (if you go to a baby shower, i REALLY reccommend giving diapers. ALWAYS a need. and don't get just small sizes, get bigger ones, too.) i also got her baby wipes, baby wash, a blanket, fitted sheets, 3 outfits, a bib, 3 baby books, and a nice little box set of johnson&johnsen baby products, travel size. hope it helps her!
and, not much else to say!!! (this isn't big news, or important, but then what is? but whatever.) All this baby-talk and baby-stuff makes me excited to be a mommy. Of course, it hopefully won't be for a while, till i'm at least 24, so out of college for a few years, with a job, and married.
don't you think it's worse if a teenage/high school girl gets pregnant on purpose than accident? even if she's prepared, she's really dumb to WANT that mess so young. thank you!
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Friday, August 18, 2006
ah, tired again
WOW! am I a loser or WHAT! seriously, I spent several hours at school, today, and i don't even start till monday...Tomorrow is my last day of fun of the last fun summer break of my life. dammit.
coincidentally, my friend and I are going BACK to school tomorrow to do some work. :( oh well.
I need a job! anyone wanna hire me? I'm a good worker... =.= sleepy tho
anywho, today after a trip to the vet's with 2 cats (me and pickle took a nap on the bench in the room), i went to meet up with my dear friend Mai. We went to hot topic, then Sakura Square, the "Japanese block," and i bought some senbei, and some tsumetai green tea powder. YUMMY! demo chotto takai... :-\
then we ate Japanese food at a japanese restaraunt...yummy! but i ordered too much and couldn't complete the meal... :( stupid Natto and rice.
soshite, we went to the bus schedule place, and then took the bus to school. kind of. but yeah. and then we went to king soopers, cos i needed to get some cat supplies. you know, flea powder, etc.
You see, at my dad's house, there's this cat outdoors. technically, i think he belongs to someone, but he's a REALLY nice cat! Friendly, cute, sweet, polite, etc. now, you should NEVER let your cat outdoors, because it can get diseases, eaten, run over, starve, run out of water, overheat/freeze, or get stolen (...)
I don't want anything bad to happen to him, so i will steal him next time i see him, if he doesn't have a collar on.
long story short, i'm really tired and got a bit of a day ahead of me tomorrow
OH! but you know what irks me? When people with less experience than you in a subject try to act all badass and impress you, or even tower over you. OR when somebody treats me like a NOOB and i'm their senior.
ha. bastards.
In OTHER news, kinda, if you didn't know, i'm going to be at an all new, way small school....however, the library is all new, mostly, and the librarian is REALLY nice, a vast change over the past librarians at my old school
(one guy was REALLY nice and even deemed me winner of a writing contest at halloween but they fired dr. garcia and replaced him with a BITCHY ass whore of a librarian, and last year, she was just an idiot)
this year's librarian is really nice though :) she EVEN LIKES RANMA 1/2!!!!! XD that's kickass, man!
..... anyway, i must be going to bed now, i'll ttyl ASAP, ok? wish me luck for w/e!thank you!
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
gu gu gu
busy busy! **points to counters**
Get your own countdown at
Get your own countdown at
i think that first one is especially depressing.
Although, when you think abouts it, i'm almost done...ALMOST! I graduate this year! can you believe it??? and it's also been 2 years since i've been a member of this site!!! i just noticed.
Wow, 2 years! It was at the start of 10th grade, and now, here i am, at the start of time flies!!!
OH! and you all knew i did really well on my ACT exam, right? similar to the SAT but easier? well, i did! and i still got a letter TODAY from the state saying that I should consider taking "make up" classes so i can get "up to par" on the state's average! OH! I WAS PISSED! first, my composite was higher than those, by more than 10, (except math, math sucks). Second, this was sent at the end of summer. seems to me, if you're going to do that, do it at the right time, assholes
And i saw that movie Pulse. I didn't expect much from it and it was still a disappointment. stupid.
but here's my happiest news!!!!!!!! If i go to Colorado University at Boulder, I KNOW WHAT I WANT TO MAJOR IN!!!!!!!!!!!! **so happy**
If i go there, i will Major in! **drumroll, please** Ecology and Evolutionary Biology! maybe it's just the geek in me coming out, but...I AM SO HAPPY!!! **heart heart heart heart heart** I absolutely love that type of biology. Also, I might do a Double-major, with that, and English/creative writing. I'm going to do Japanese as a minor...
^__^ happy! I also REALLY want to do Film, but i dunno...I think i'll do that if i go to Portland State...i LOVE film, too. i'd be a good film maker :)
anyway, i miss you all, sorry for the extended absence, i will try to get the urge to go online more :)!
KYOTSUKETE!!!!!!!!!!thank you!
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
why do so many songs by "The Killers" have to do with hookers and other way-ward women?
seriously! There's that song "Jenny was a Friend of mine" and "Somebody told me," and "When you we~re young" and let's not forget the classics, "She gave me a hell of a deal," "Sleaze-love hotel," "murder in Linda's house," and "Even rockstars need the love of a good woman for cheap~!"
(ok so i made up the "classics") but seriously. I HATE that band!!!!! effing c-words. (and not "crap")
Brandon Flowers can NOT sing!!!!! He talks!!! I cannot respect a band that replaces talent with synthesizers. A musician needs to be good from the start, instruments and voice, not after all these additives. That's worse than that one loser.
I don't like My Chemical Romance, either. no offense to fans out there. I hate a LOT of new bands, though. Fallout Boy, too. And i SHOULD hate Panic! At the Disco, and i do, but i also kind of like that cd.
the reason? These are generic, unimpressive bands with little (P!atd) to NO(killers) talent who got where they are by image. THere are a lot LOT of musicians who got where they are from image not talent.
Seriously. It's irritating that the best are overlooked to someone with a prettier face. That the person is just a fad.
(And MCR is just fake goth!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!! Like Silicon boobs!!! but faker!!! posers! losers! BASTARDS!)
and then, the worst of it is, Brandon Flowers from THe Killers hates other bands as much as i do!!! Difference? A.) they voice it to the public, possibly influencing people's decision on what to listen to, instead of listening and thinking for themselves (i'd rather be around a bunch of FoB fans than TK fans)
and B.) probably the main reason The Killers dislikes so many bands (that are popular and in the same music category) are because that's competition. what a reason to hate someone. that's like President Bush disliking John Kerry...
(my point: both losers who some idiots fanatically follow, and defend to the death, but are surely some of the least competent fools in their chosen profession.)
have i used that analogy before? whatever, i hate everything!
except God, you guys, antonio, tamara, Nine Inch Nails, Japan, and samurai deeper kyo. and cats <3
:)thank you!
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Monday, August 7, 2006
ever heard of IMVU?
it's this really interesting chat/im site where you make up a 3D avatar and chat with other members... it's free and pretty fun! my friend likes it a lot...
If you ever decide to join, my UN is Uneleglia, and the site is
anyway, my mom's been all angry about things because my dad decided to go on a 6 hour date saturday instead of spend the time with me.
I was all angry because my dad has refused to give me an allowence. It's not because i need a job, which i do. It's not because i've been a brat or a slut. And It's NOT the money that i'm angry about.
My dad has started claiming -bitching- that i don't spend 3 nights a week at his house any more (I used to). He says the only reason I DON'T spend the night there on weds. is because of "a scheme by my mother to get more child support money." (NOT TRUE)
I Said, "No, it's not! It's just hard on me to spend a night in the middle of the week here. It's too hard for school!"
I probably should have elaborated that I mean, I have to come home right away, and get ready right away, which takes a while because i have so many pets and stuff. So it leaves me very little time for homework or relaxing. And I can't do homework at my dad's house, really, because he doesn't have a decent computer (no printer, slow internet, no microsoft word). And then I have to get up extra early and am way more likely of being late! plus, i don't get a decent breakfast
but then he said, "Bullshit! You've been staying at my house every weds. night for your whole life" (Not True! I didn't start staying there until i was 3, and I didn't spend 1 weds. night at his house all 3 years of middle school because it was too much of a bother for him to take me to school, and i haven't stayed there since halfway thru 10th grade.)
He keeps bitching about this money thing, but you know what? I've calculated a cost of about $80,000for me in my lifetime. I've calculated my mom at about $55,000 of that, leaving my dad at $25,000. He OWES her child support! He's spent less than half what she has!!!
Doesn't it seem like HE's the one being all greedy about money here? And acting like i can't make an informed decision about my life? And then he bitches about me needing to spend more time with him? He takes time out of our weekend to go on a God-damn 6 hour date!
you know? He doesn't owe me anything. He has an obligation to me because I am his child and it's half his fault i exist, and he's not owning up to that responsibility! He doesn't owe ME anything, but I owe HIM nothing in return. He doesn't want to pay child support? fine. He doesn't half to. And i might even still see him. But I don't want to. I don't want to see him another damn day in my life.
I owe him nothing, so why do i feel so compelled to appease him? He treats me like an idiot, like a stupid girl. He's racist. He's sexist. He's selfish and greedy. I don't want to see him anymore but i have no fucking choice. If he wants to bug me about spending more nights a week there, FORGET IT. We can take it to the mediator and I can tell that person straight up, I don't want to spend a single night a week there. I'm willing to do it, to be nice, but if he bugs me about it, he can forget it!
sorry to always vent at you guys... but i need an outlet!
oh, and i hope this new gf fact, i hope he either marries her and never sees me again, or at least, I hope -HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!- she gets knocked up!! :) it'd be wonderful karma on my dad, i'd get a younger sibling, this bitch would get it for talking badly about my mom and encouraging my dad, and the kid? Well, if i could help it, i wouldn't let him/her get into the mess. I'd take care of him/her, and make sure he/she didn't have to go through the crap i do
:)thank you!
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Friday, August 4, 2006
hazukashii neeee.......... ::(
sorry bout the double post last time...and also sorry it's been so long!!!! it really has...
anyway, i feel very foolish for ever sharing my feelings, especially with the people i am closest to...because Antonio's forgets, and my mom Ridicules me. plus, mostly my friends have their own crap to worry about, that i wish i could help them, but they won't let me.
lessee...this week was fairly decent, except on dad decided to not pick me up because he was so tired, so i got pissed, because if he had called me sooner, i could have gone with Antonio to a Lower Class Brats concert.
but it was ok... i thought. then, as we were texting, after the concert, i got a text that said, "guess who i frenched..." -.- of course, knowing me, i got into full-blown rage and yelled at him, without listening to him and letting him explain. needless to say, but i will do so anyway, i definately overreacted and he got mad, too and hung up on me, and wouldn't talk to me.
i thought it was the end! i was foolish enough to go to my mom with my problem...shit i should have just cut myself and been freed.
as it turns out, he asked me why i wasn't going to the concert we were supposed to go to together, but i said i was sick. then he told me the kiss was from some guy in the car cos they were both drunk -.-
feh. anyway, things are all better now, no biggie.
i'll have something more interesting to talk about with you, i PROMISE! next time... :)
hope you're all well!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) **hugs** thank you!
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Friday, July 28, 2006
of course i'm not engaged
yes, yes, minna-sama!!! I agree!!! 17 is too young to get married...i'm not really!! XD jeez!!! AND I AM MOST OFFENDED BY xxdymondheartxx FOR QUESTIONING MY INTELLIGENCEthank you!
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