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irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
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5th grade~ish
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となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
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Friday, June 16, 2006
woot. -.-
um! okay, so today, Antonio and I went to the mall. the FAR AWAY mall on the other side of Denver. in Aurora. the Aurora mall. it's actually a fairly decent place. clean, at least, has a pet store, chick-fil-a, hot topic, an arcade, and ebgames.
we had a lovely time, yes yes. I wanted this one kitten who looked like my cat did when he was a baby, but she was evil <3 so cute. i would look at her and she'd hiss.
Anywhoo...we walked around, and our first stop had been EBgames where I'd JOKINGLY offered to buy him a HelloKitty game for gamecube (still not sure if he has one) and he wanted to take me up on that offer, but i didn't have enough, so i bought him Metal Gear Soldier 3: Snake Eater (or something, i don't like video games) we were making fun of each other, fake "GASP!"ing and stuff, when the store clerk asked us if we were okay. yes yes, we bought the game, but neither of us had the ID to prove that we're over 17. so he asked for Antonio's bday, no problem.
Also, i never knew that Chik-fil-A gives 1 free refil o.o amazering!
then we went to GameStop for no reason, but the clerk guy was saying "yeah, my last gf got revenge on me by shooting my PS2 and games all full of holes"
LOL. i wanted to fucking shoot my brains out on the bus. It's about a 75 minute ride from the mall to the stop near my house >< and for the first, i dunno, 30 minutes or so, there were these IDIOT MORON RETARD girls in the back, 4 or 5 of them
they were, i don't know, 14 or 15, and from Cherry Creek, which, if you don't know is where these primarily rich, preppy, white kids live. Nothing wrong with being white, but they're like the fucking OC minus the bad-assness. it's so lame.
these girls were hispanic, but they had the same valley-girl tone, high pitched voice, and same "Oh mah GAWD! i love those shoes, they are lyke so adorable!" (i swear they said that)
and Antonio and I were sitting near the front, looking at everyone be annoyed by those girls. They were also talking to some guy back there, and he was all actin all cool with them. He even said, "y'all know i'm going to ask for your phone numbers, right?" and those little...IDIOTS!...gave him their numbers. (when i finally looked back there, i saw that the guy was NO younger than 20, probably more like 25. o.O)
and yeah it was pretty funny when they were yelling "Oh mah Gawd! where are we?" one of them got off and Antonio muttered "hopefully she gets murdered"
that's when i saw the guy and i was like "well, it may happen yet!"
yeah. fucking MORONS! ><
ANYWAY!!! I leave for Japan on June 22, 2006. 1 week and counting!thank you!
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
hi y'all...
doh, did i just say that?? NO!!!!!
oh yeah, if you're wondering about the video at the bottom...i'm deleting it soon, so you'd better watch it if you're gonna, and it's just me and NIGHT being our usual jackass selves.
Anyway, glad you were so outraged about the guy. haven't heard anything more from them, but PERHAPS, you have heard this?
a teacher at my school was arrested the story yourself. I think it's hilarious. absurd. ridiculous.
this guy was my boyfriend's teacher for brit lit AND summer school...which, gets out friday, btw. this guy's still in jail XD
he DID pass Antonio even tho he slept thru half the class..with a B! what do you expect?
if you're too lazy to read, basically, he got arrested for trying to hire one 14 year old girl to beat up another and let him watch and um..."choke the chicken"...thank you!
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
it was pretty stupid earlier, about maybe 11 pm or so, i was downstairs at my computer, minding my own business. Then the dogs started barking, so i figured, "let them in before my mom wakes up and yells at me again"
well, then i hear SCREAMING and some far quieter fighting, right outside my window and looked to see if somebody was trying to break into my house or something.
That wasn't the case, but it was this big guy, a total asshole who yelled at my boyfriend for throwing a beer bottle from my yard into the street (the asshole is the one who threw it in MY yard >:( and he bitches...nm that)was cussing at this woman, his gf or wife or whoever, and their kid approximately 7 years old, was standing RIGHT THERE
He's like "you fuck with me, i'll ruin your whole fucking life, i'll make you fucking miserable, i'll make your whole fucking family suffer." or something along those brilliant, vulgar lines. she was kind of crying, i guess (if you wonder how i heard, it was due to the fact that our windows were open)
then they started walking down the other street (we live on a corner) and the arguing escalated, until the woman started running and the man was chasing after her, and the boy was following apprehensively. the man caught the woman, and grabbed her, but it was dark out, they were rather far away, and i didn't have my glasses on, so i can't be sure what happened.
still, i woke my mom up and told her what was happening, and at this time, the woman was SCREAMING, i could hear her well from about a block away. Naturally, my mom called the cops and reported it to them, who i guess came around or something.
however, the lady was walking alone a bit later, and a cab pulled up at what i presume to be their house, so maybe the man caught a cab away, but was fucked up
I hope it's ok for themthank you!
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Monday, June 12, 2006
hrm...nothing really to say...headache because the emo self-loathing, everybody-loathing, not wanna do suicide but still make the voices STFU, thing is back and DRIVING ME THE FUCK INSANE!!!!!!!
sorry...I have a big long rant on this, but i don't wanna write it, cos then i'll just get depressed like i was earlier. yay me -.-
anyway! funny story, funny story, TRUE story.
...ah, if only i could remember one?
Ok-ok!! here's one about my "beloved" (read: dispised) cousin, Sean!
He's pretty dumb, right, like maybe he was dropped on his head as a baby? like, not to be mean, Retarded. But in other ways, he's smart. He's good at manipulating people, i guess.
Once, we were picking apples at our aunt's house, when he broke the thingy, ran inside, and blamed it on me. (What??) of course, he can do NO wrong in the eyes of my aunt, unless it's something of HERS he's breaking. even when he hit me in the eye witha golf-club did she not reprimand him, but praise him "he aplogized right away!" (he didn't, really, only until i cussed the hell out of him and my aunt started to yell)
But ANYWAY! this story makes me laugh, have i told it to you? it comes first-hand from my beloved cousin, Carrie :)
Sean is 12. I think. Anyway, at Aunt Kay's house, he set up Internet without telling Kay. He had it for 2 months, and when Kay got the bill, she basically was like "WHAAAAAAAAAAT??"
on to the next matter of business, Sean wanted a credit card, but he (thankfully) doesn't know his Social Security Number. So, on the application, what does he do but MAKE UP A SSN? lol
Naturally, the card got denied, but the best part is: He CALLED the Credit Card Company to ask WHY his credit card application (fake SSN and all) was denied
XD that kid...always a barrel of laughsthank you!
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
cool quiz, at least
What kind of goth are you? (with pictures)  You're the goth of all goths. Hidden in your dark and dreary mansion, you spent all day thinking of ways to torture and trick people. You certainly do act like the devil, or at least that's what people say. But, trust me, to other people, you are worse than the devil... Take this quiz!

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yup yup very nice.
anyway, RHOKUTSU pissed the hell out of me; having NO effin right to diss my best friend. She is obviously my best friend, what kind of JACKASS says "no offense but..." and what he said!! it's like, "KEEP YOUR DAMN FUCKIN THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF" he thinks she's ugly? he's pretty ugly himself. especially if he doesn't know "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
and fuck YEAH i'm gonna get pissed if some little shit-tard starts insulting someone i dearly love. How would YOU react if some kid started insulting your best friend or sister or something??
this i cannot forgive >:(thank you!
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
OH MY GOD! ACT Scores are in!
oh my God!! I got my ACT scores today. Which are a lot like the SATs, but for the western half of the united states...and guess what!!!! I GOT A 29!!!! it's out of 36. I know it sounds REALLY bad, but 36 means you get everything right, and let's face it, i'm not THAT good. I'm just really proud of myself because I did well. even though my mom just made me feel like shit. God, what...I was so happy, then she just kept saying, "you could do better" and "that's not so good."
what's wrong with her that she has to take me down from that happiness?? i'm never that proud of myself, and she ALWAYS just says I'm not good enough. I hate it. I HATE IT!
but anyway, let's focus on the goodness:
English: 31, 96% better than other testers
Math: 24, 76% better than other testers
Reading: 33, 97% better than other testers
Science: 27, 93% better than other testers
Composite score: 29 (stupid math) 95%
did i do really good? thank you!
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
here's the postcard, late, but as promised!
thank you!
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Monday, April 3, 2006
NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This can't be happening!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!
ok, FIRST! my stupid public school system CUTS funding for high schoolers to have buses, so we have to take RTD. (the public transportation)Not that i could have taken school buses anyway, i live 3.25 miles away, and you have to live 3.5 miles or MORE away to get to ride the school bus or get free bus passes
NOW RTD goes on strike. HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO GET TO/FROM SCHOOL??????? I have a ride lined up for tomorrow to school...but this sucks BALLS! BALLS OF THE BIGGEST KANGAROO ON EARTH!!! WHY????
anyway, for the full story click HERE.
aiya, ok, one bus that runs like 20 blocks away from my house (the 30) might still be running...aiya, i crythank you!
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Friday, March 31, 2006
please regard me kindly
what a crazy day! for sho, son! lol just kidding.
anyway, stupid Antonio did the dumbest thing i've known him to. Not going into details, he got himself arrested late Wednesday (technically, he didn't do it tho) so he spent the night in Jail -drunk like a stupid fuck- and today i found out was his court hearing. argh. his mom called me all pissed off "DID YOU SEE ANTONIO YESTERDAY? AI, JULIE!" i was like o.o wtf happened.
of course, i was coming home anyway from the airport so no i didn't see him. BUt Antonio got cleared and now his poor best friend is/was in jail with $75 bond. My God, how do I even know these people??? lucky thing I'm an upstanding wonderful citizen :P
and Georgia was lovely~ once i get my scanner, i'll scan your postcard, okie??
much love to you alL!~thank you!
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
no sleep till sunday (literally)
More replies to comments....
I agree completely with LordSesshomaru!! >< it's a vicious cycle of everyone complaining about something because nobody knows what they want.
and I agree with DymondHeart because, it's true that sometimes war can be "right," but only because someone else is doing what is "wrong" (it isn't wrong to them, but by my definition, if it hurts someone else to get your way, it is wrong, the more it hurts them, the worse it is, and sometimes you have to do it anyway, but it's still wrong)
but, and impossible "if" here, people stopped killing to get ahead for their own means, war would become less...necessary. Because, yes, wars are often necessary.
And while I agree 96% with going to Iraq to help the people be free, because that cause is worth it, not selfish, the 4% of me says: 1% it was not our place to interfere, and 3% America didn't do it just to help people without any personal gain, because that is not in most American's agenda.
Death DOES have to come for new life to spring up, but war is such a terrible way to die, because the death causes -understandable, reasonable- animosity towards the people who did it, and teh new life is grown with ill-feeling towards someone else, and hatred goes around. At least if death came from disease, it would not be at human hands (probably. germ-warefare is the WORST and most dangerous because we're all human and could kill us all)
anyway, today sucked, because it was fun. I went around no where with Antonio, but he made me feel kinda bad, and then i was late and felt terrible for my mom, and cried, so i feel like a bitch. He's so good to me -even when he teases me and makes me nervous- to put up with everything so patiently...I love him very much; he felt really bad even tho it wasn't his fault i was crying. :( I must try to be a better girlfriend, not one so stupid...(can't help being ugly, tho)
anyway-anyway, i got like 5.5 hours of sleep betweeen thurs-friday, and will get zero between fri-saturday, because we have to leave so early to go to Georgia. gonna be fun!
yay! ttyl guysthank you!
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