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keep portland weird!
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irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
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5th grade~ish
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となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
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Friday, March 24, 2006
math, my eternal enemy....>.>
yeah, math is evil...i have a test tomorrow (and a physics test) but no worries, i'm sure to pass with like a C or a D -.- it tears me up inside.
bleh, as to yesterday's comments...In some ways, I agree with WhiteCat, and also Lordsesshomaru...
maybe Bush doesn't need to have his THROAT ripped out, but I think he should be impeached or kicked out or something...SOMETHING! because he's running this country into the ground, and then did you hear at that press conference thingie??
he said, basically, that the war in Iraq is going to get left to whoever is president after him. Reminds me of South Park when Cartman says "Screw you guys, i'm going home"
As to LordSesshomaru's point...yeah, I hate the terrorists for what they're doing, to their OWN people! To radicals -on any side of anything- i think Life doesn't mean ANYTHING, when life means EVERYTHING.
As the singer guy from Anti-Flag said:
"Fuck you to those people -the people in the white house and washington- who are convincing kids like YOU and ME to go over to another country and kill kids like YOU and ME"
yeah...I just hate war, because i'm connected to so many people that are either over in Iraq or will be soon.
haha, you know the stupidest thing?
If a president gets impeached for stealing or WHATEVER, and the vice-president takes over, the vice-president is just going to pardon the previous president. **rolls eyes** shouldn't there be a law about that?
why does everyone stick up for them stupid, rich mofos that don't understand what life is REALLY like??
once, I saw a like 15 year old girl at the rich-preppy-whitey mall, and she was CRYING! sobbing! because her "daddy wouldn't buy her that new purse! It was only **sob** $59.95 **sob**"
stupid bitch, it's good for you. people are so spoiled. me too, but i am not THAT bratty if i don't get my way. :P
anyway, onto happier subjects,I finally saw "MY" nephew...(He's really NIGHT's nephew, but since she's like my sister, we're family, and therefore i can claim him as my nephew) and OMG he's so friggin CUTE!!!!!!!!! tiny and mouse-like, cos he cries so tiny
and plus, he's only about 7.5 lbs now and is 5 weeks old...
CUTENESS! I want a baby...when i'm older with a job/husband.
SO! lubbers! lol, nm that...
thank you!
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Kyoto Protocol
Kyoto Protocol is awesome...stupid america can't sign it...or I should say...Bush. Sorry, I just don't like that man. :P
anyway, school is like blah. because my friends are annoying and physics is fun, but not research.
oh well, life is plain and simple. even if the world is going to hell, and insincere, I don't want to be that way.
heh, sorry, i'm weird. gotta go to Georgia soon, getta see my gramma
Oh yeah! we're leaving saturday! Happy!!! ^__^ i like Georgia...>.>
kinda. it gets too hot.
anyway, sweeties, what's on in your life?thank you!
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Monday, March 20, 2006
it's snowing, it's pouring, it's slushy (but school)
how lame is this place. it's snowing the powder, and we still have school...
Happy first day of spring!
you can see my weather around town HERE! LINKAGE!
yay! denver sucks.. lol
anyway, it's almost spring break, and i get to go to georgia and be terrified by fish at the stupid aquarium. Oh well, at least i"ll see my grandma and cousin.
lol! HEY! anyway, you know how i was drunk n stuff? it was really funny,
aside from the fact that I can't hold liquor and threw up all over the place... ><
but I was waiting for the bathroom, and falling over, (antonio was in it) and I was talking to this guy, and just kept saying "YOU SOUND LIKE MY FRIEND!" lmao
anyway, drinking sucks, not something i plan on doing much.
now, school is another story. i have 3 friggin C"s!!!
sigh, you guys need to frickin kill me.thank you!
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
you know those "myspace ruined my life..." t-shirts at hot topic...?
stupid myspace. what a dump. I have no clue why i get so addicted, but I DO like to talk to my friends and stuff...
...even tho I get forgotten a lot. Can you believe Antonio? :P i'm not his number 1, some other girl is, and he doesn't comment at me that much... i get so damn jealous, all the time, it's my nature to be freakin jealous, but hey. it's not fair cuz i comment to him a lot, for nothing in return.
"Myspace ruined my life"
Anyway, onto the other subject...i forget it. oh yeah
LOUSY DRUNKS (like me!)
i went to the 69 Eyes concert, got drunk before it, wound up retarded as hell, tho it's a funny story, and threw up all over the place in the theater. and on myself. ew.
i barely know how I got home, but thank goodness Antonio was there to drag me home. we left after two bands, and not even 69 Eyes played.
stupid world. at least i don't have a hangoverthank you!
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Friday, March 17, 2006
Signal to noise.
site.thank you!
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
fuck yeah! come on back guys! Red Rocks Ampitheater, May 30, 2006. Tickets on sale April 8, 2006
And the awesome part is, i'll be here still, not in Japan yet, so i might go!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he's a freakin ninja, honey
oh, and how have y'all been? me, i've been good minus the black eye I recieved at the Unseen-Casualties-AntiFlag concert tuesday night.
yay! concerts and rainy weather make me ever so happy
(PS!) sorry for never being on, i'll try to be better with it.thank you!
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
So sorry!!!!
I'm so sorry I'm never on anymore!
this is just a note saying I do think of you guys, and i'm just busy with stupid school, and the like.
I hope you have a nice day and if you really need to talk to me:
emaiL!thank you!
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
hey love!

hey guys long time no see, ne??

me on halloween as a bloody nurse. but whose blood??
Anyway, sorry it's been so long!!!!!
I've been quite busy, and hate math. math is the devil. DAIKIRAI
anyway, and also there's a place
plus, i worried that one of my guy friends likes me...he's ok, but i love my current BF (or as much as a teenager can love)
it was weird. i am not pretty, or sweet or cool or anything that would constitute me "good girlfriend" material. I don't even "give it up" so I don't know why...and it creeps me out when guys tell me stuff in the halls at school. I should always have a male escort...
I'm quite happy that Antonio's back at my school tho
I hope you all are doing well, believe it or not I think about you all quite a bit, and much love to you all!!! sorry if I'm not around for months or weeks on end
:(thank you!
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hey love!

hey guys long time no see, ne??

me on halloween as a bloody nurse. but whose blood??
Anyway, sorry it's been so long!!!!!
I've been quite busy, and hate math. math is the devil. DAIKIRAI
anyway, and also there's a place
plus, i worried that one of my guy friends likes me...he's ok, but i love my current BF (or as much as a teenager can love)
it was weird. i am not pretty, or sweet or cool or anything that would constitute me "good girlfriend" material. I don't even "give it up" so I don't know why...and it creeps me out when guys tell me stuff in the halls at school. I should always have a male escort...
I'm quite happy that Antonio's back at my school tho
I hope you all are doing well, believe it or not I think about you all quite a bit, and much love to you all!!! sorry if I'm not around for months or weeks on end
:(thank you!
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hey love!

hey guys long time no see, ne??

me on halloween as a bloody nurse. but whose blood??
Anyway, sorry it's been so long!!!!!
I've been quite busy, and hate math. math is the devil. DAIKIRAI
anyway, and also there's a place
plus, i worried that one of my guy friends likes me...he's ok, but i love my current BF (or as much as a teenager can love)
it was weird. i am not pretty, or sweet or cool or anything that would constitute me "good girlfriend" material. I don't even "give it up" so I don't know why...and it creeps me out when guys tell me stuff in the halls at school. I should always have a male escort...
I'm quite happy that Antonio's back at my school tho
I hope you all are doing well, believe it or not I think about you all quite a bit, and much love to you all!!! sorry if I'm not around for months or weeks on end
:(thank you!
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