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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Saturday, January 7, 2006
ah wahnt mah kitteh!
pretty bunny!

(it's my favorite one of em all, maybe?)
hey guys, what up?
me, i'm in pain. my back hurts but not real bad, so no more complaints ^___^
teh love of kitties.
GUESS WHAT! i got first period off, so i get to sleep in in the mornings!!!!!! **so happy**
hrm. what else to say?
does anyone have a MySpace account? it's kinda stupid, but it's fun for finding my friends and old people and stuff. (Look me up thru my email
tomorrow i'm going downtown. sadness. i wish a friend could come. i hate goin with my dad
y'know what tho? my best friend is Tamara, but I actually have other friends. i fear that trusting will lead to the hatred i so easily feel, but i am happy for now
oh, and for my 2nd passage, which i was first going to do by writing a book and trying to publish it, then to learn guitar, but now i'm doing stuff with animals, endangered animals.
much love!
so, if you have accounts, come look me up, loves!
(sorry, i been tired and easily depressed...)thank you!
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
went back to school today...
decent schedule, i hate math with a passion, but oh well, and i have study lab, but what i want to do is get it switched with passages 2 and then have my first period empty, so my mom can excuse me and i can get up later
if it doesn't work, i will just opt for first hour study lab and then have my mom sign me out
anyway, here are some pics!

the oldest one is Grace (4) the middle one is Breanna (2) and the baby-baby is Alexis(10 months) they're my cousin's kids, and i LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! teh love **hearts hearts hearts**

the pics are rather crappy because i scanned them from polaroids, so...><

doodles i did in physics one day. i think we had a sub

a picture i did when i was bored on the plane >< dunno what happened to the bottom...><><
much love!
how are you guys?thank you!
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
hey there
hey, just a quick note to say Indiana went surprisingly well, and i had a decent time
My cousin's kids are quite possibly the cutest little girls iin the world, and i want to steal one.
planerides suck, and i'll catch up with you later
much love!thank you!
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
hey guys, not much time
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, or whatever holiday you celebrate!
i got the guitar!!!! ^___^ **cheers**
i named it Kirie
anyway, just wanted to say that I have to go to Indiana with my mom to visit's gonna SUCK. we seriously do not get along.
oh well! ^__^
I'll be gone from weds. of this week till monday.
must be going, much love to you!
see ya monday!
~Juliethank you!
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
where you let your senses go

phew! all the pics for missed posts! and it took me a while!
so, guys, what's up? not much here, nope nope nope.
let's see...
ok, today (tues) i got up at 10, took a shower, then my mom and I went to Kmart, and Sams. then the car wash.
we took Pickle, my kitty.
LOL! at kmart, i got my dad a blanket for christmas, and at Sam's, I saw a beautiful guitar, on which I played Mary Had A Little Lamb.
ooo, I can't wait for Christmas. See, I try not to be a materialistic person, because things aren't what make you happy. plus, Christmas isn't really about gifts: it's a religious holiday.
however, for my completely unreligious dad, it's a holiday to get stuff, give stuff, and relax. so, for his "give stuff" part, I asked for an electric guitar. expensive, i know, but for everything else, i ask for nothing. (i just usually specify: no food)
so, i really hope i get the guitar...**weeps**
anyway, where was I?
ok, then i came home, got online, haven't left.
although, i did pester NIGHT. and Majosha.
I've been singing t.A.T.u. not because i love the band (admittedly, i like a lot of the songs) but I can SING THEM WELL!
hahahaha guess nothing much else to say...
oh! in the paper, they showed this church where they give out gifts to kids and food and blankets and stuff to homeless/poor people. it was really inspiring!
what do you want to give as a gift?thank you!
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
my story!
you guys, i am brilliant, BRILLIANT, I do say!
haha, not at all, not at all brilliant, you know.
but hey!
last night, 'round come 12 something in the AM, i was awake for no good reason.
i was writing in my story, and I was NOT please with how it was turning out. Sure, the pacing's fine, it's not too fast, but the story itself just has little potential, because I do not want to write a "coming of age story" at least not in the conventional sense.
hee hee!
so, i was thinking about it, and I'm going to drive the reader and myself crazy writing it! but i know how it's gonna be! and I like it!
it's great.
haha, I even dreamed about it; that my pacing was too fast.
but i'll get some up for youthank you!
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sorry, no bunnies or engrish
Take the quiz: Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent? (Pictures!)
 Sekhmet, Goddess of War Sekhmet means She who is powerful. She was a mighty ancient Egyptian goddess, who was the daughter of Ra, and was known as the Eye of Ra. Though known as the goddess of war, Sekhmet was known as the power that protects the good and annihilates the bad. She was meant to destroy the men that rebelled against her father, Ra. She destroyed them with such fury, that Ra feared she might exterminate the entire race. As for you, I'd say you have a pretty good personality. You know humans cannot be trusted, and you are hesitant to do things, so you stick up for yourself and others well. Just watch that temper of yours and life should be great.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz: Find out which SIN you are!
 Green Sin You are careless but restless at the same time. You want to grow up too fast, but you are beautiful and you know what you want.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz: What kind of person were you in your past life?
Suicidal Rocker So your career...yeah that's a shame
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz: What kind of personality do you have? **with beautiful faery pictures**
 adventurous You like to venture out to find things, or you like to be alone, you are a loner, and when you are with lots of people you seem to try and fight your way out.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz: Which guitar are you
 Fender Jag-Stang You are the Fender Jag-Stang. You are the guitar of grungey but still rock and rollish guitarists. Really, anyone can work a jag-stang who wants to. Thanks Kurt Cobain.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz: How emo are you?
Holy Shit Your Emo Holy shit you actually are emo! Congratulations on not being a poser.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz: Which Dead Rock Star Are You?
 Jeff Buckley You are Jeff Buckley! You're influential to many young and old, and very talented. You have charisma and grace that sets you a part from many. You are beautiful! Oh, he died in 1997 from a drug-induced drowning in the Mississippi River.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
 GOTH, don't cut yourself... ha, mommy hid your razor blades
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz: What clothing store are you?
 Target You what that deinger look for like to save your money for more important things that mean more to you that your clothes
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
fun quizzes, very fun...
well, i got to feeling a little better. i wanna eat, but most not. and i'm gonna see NIGHT soon
thanks for all the love guys, i love you all, and i must be playing a game with a friend whom tomorrow, perhaps, i shall see
have a great daythank you!
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Monday, December 19, 2005
frazzled and razzled and ...pissed (though, knowing me, not for long)

hey guys...what's up...? haa...
**lies down and dies**
**little ambulence men come and revive me**
me: dammit.
anyway, guys, ugh...what a depressing thing.
remember how I wanted to visit NIGHT? she is too busy, so i won't see her, January 10 or something. i don't wanna wait that long!!!!!
this fucking winter break is going to fast. plus, i hate the whole custody thing, because my dad has me for...3 days! and one, i have to be at his house alone! NOOOO
then, right away, i have to go to HELL, i mean Indiana. i hate it there. everything is terrible; everybody either picks a fight with me and bitches about it, or i get pissed off and leave, and they bitch about it. it's not like i even have anywhere to go!
oh well.
this is weird, you know, for me to be in a bad mood.
usually, i'm really hard to get mad, even if you won't believe it. when i do get mad, i mostly just bottle it up and bitch, so it seems, especially to you guys, like i'm often angry, but really, i'm not.
Sunday, btw, was tons of fun. i went sledding!! down pavement! crashed into pedestrians, dogs, bicycles, signs, posts, boards, metal things, snow mountains, tall grass, and finally, for the grand finale, over the edge of the ditch, down 15 feet, and into the creek
plus, there was very little snow, mostly just some ice on the hill. it was fun, though!!!!!
i don't know how i'm going to deal, though, this week, if I don't get to see NIGHT. it's gonna SUCK
well, here are some cards i've gotten! ^__^

from Whitecat! ^__^ thank yoU!!!!!!

from Maverick Zero ^---^ thank you!!!
interesting result, no?thank you!
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
stupid day

lots of bunny pictures to make up for lost ones

hey guys! what's up?
Will gackt or hyde fall for you?
not much here, with me. my mom hasn't been as bitchy, now she's just getting sick. **tear tear** or allergies or something.
anyway, friday basically sucked. i mean it was okay, but i didn't do much, and school got out at freakin what, 11:30 from classes where we didn't do anything. damn.
and today, saturday, it snowed, when i needed it to snow on friday. sigh.
well, I got up, took a shower, was comfy at my mom's house because, of course, my dad just got back from florida today.
Antonio showed up around 11 something, no surprise, although i will admit, i would have rather spent the day with NIGHT. **sigh again**
we got bored, and i was annoyed with him, so I called down to NIGHT's but she wasn't there. i was going to invite her to come to the movies with us, but it couldn't be helped.
even in the freezing cold, we took the BUS to the theater, and we saw King Kong. It was okay; i couldn't complain, really. it was entertaining! funny, sad, sweet, adventurous and violent. It was good! you should see it, if you have 3+ hours.
after the movie we wandered around in the dark and frigid cold as my legs and toes grew progressively more frozen for like an hour. finally, we managed to catch a bus home, where we were for about 45 minutes when my mom came back, tired from work, and took antonio home.
even though i wanted to see NIGHT today, it was nice seeing Antonio. just hopefully, i can hang with NIGHT this winter break where I am home.
so, guys! haha, what's up?
 Wild kitty: You are a wild kitty. No one owns you which is good. You do what ever you want and yet still be cute. You get into a lot of troubel for stelling food. Your and old wise kitty but you still catch humens eyes.
What kind of cat are you? *For girls* With pic brought to you by Quizilla
 Disuke loves you but hes to shy to tell you.
Which D.N.Angel guy will fall in love with you? ~for girls~ brought to you by Quizilla
 Cool you DJ encore. She Is very nice And she makes Her own Song and remix them.
DJ Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
 Wow satoshi loves you. he want to be with you always. He never want to see you get hurt he makes sure your alright. I feel sorry for the guy who ever hurts you in any way cuse satoshi will kill him
Would satoshi fall for you *Part One* ~For girls~ brought to you by Quizilla
 your a helping angel.
Angel quiz brought to you by Quizilla
 Your a Half angel. You don't know if you want to be good or bad(sounds like me).
What kind of angel are you~with pic~ brought to you by Quizilla
 You are lost. You don't want to look for you past. You want some one by your side. To tell you I'll be with you till I die. You want to hold a hand to call your own. So you are lost just to find that some one. You'l give everting just to hold and call it your own.
Stigma quizz brought to you by Quizilla
 Your the goddess of life: You give life to humens but they ruine it later on. But when you see a new life in the world it makes you happy to see there might be a good person.
Your mood: Your loveable with children, you can't wait to play with them and them storys. You don't get mad as much as the others. But you do tend to get grumpy.
What kind of goddess are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your the god of war: You fight for whats right in the world. You have a soft spot for seeing people die for no reson. So you give them a chance to live.
Your mood: Your a loud god, you get mad easly as well. When some one gets you mad you stay mad for a very long time.
What god are you brought to you by Quizilla
thank you!
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
LMAO! that's evil. I want that shirt
wow, it even comes with a diagram
sorry, no bunny pic. i'm just not in the mood
so! this week is finals, they're going okay so far.
Japanese's final was a breeze. AP Literature's didn't even count against us, so whatever on that. Math, well...Math was hard, i think i got like a D, but whatever.
Tomorrow is Physics, and History. I think I'll do ok in Physics, but I'm going to bomb the History test, i just know it because i suck at it and i never study. oh well.
it's just life, right? siiigh
i want a video camera, tho. a nice one. so i can show my friends being Jackasses only not dangerous.
i can't wait for it to snow again; me and Luis and John are gonna go sledding! (this is at school at lunch) but not over break
speaking of which, winter break is next week. i can't wait, except i have to go to Indiana for a couple days, and I hate traveling in winter.
plus, we don't get along so well, and oh yeah
my mom was a complete BITCH Monday and Tuesday. She yelled at me for HOURS and when I apologized, she just got more pissed offed and yelled at me some more and bitched at me for fucking shit i didn't even do wrong, and she got mad when i corrected her.
you wanna know what set her off? a fucking empty bag fell on her. how stupid is that?
she gets stressed out and takes it out on me. I guess there's a double standard, because if i get frustrated and yell at the dog for stepping on me, I get a bitching. but if she's stressed, she can take it out on me and I won't say 10 words to defend myself, and that's okay to rage at me for two fucking days.
and then she accuses me of all this shit and calls me names and gets all pissed off at nothing. why does she fucking bother to make cookies if it just stresses her out? it's not like they aren't going to like her if she doesn't. jeez. buying friendship.
anyway, can't wait for winter break, and my dad is in FL right now; i'm so happy...FREE SATURDAY-NESS! :)
well, wish me luck on my finals, i wish you luck on your week!
sorry for the rantthank you!
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