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irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
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となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Friday, December 9, 2005
hey guys, sorry i've had little time
Bena!!! I promise I'll get your PMs answered soon...sunday at the latest, i swear!!!!!!
so, i just finished my 15 page research paper, and it feels good.
Antonio bugged poor Majosha, but what can I do about it? I was pinned to his stomach and wiggling until i fell off a chair.
i also have two bruises, and i think my mom is mad at me. oh well. i'll make it up to her someday (by not being a dropout or teenage mother)thank you!
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Monday, December 5, 2005
Teh goth

monkey fizz

hey guys, happiness time!
i got the Sublime Gold's 2 discs, 44 songs total...and it cost me like 8 bucks less than normal. horray for sales! $15 is a good deal
i also saw AeonFlux. it was okay. it was entertaining, but not that great. it did have a cute twist, but i still hate those bastards for stealing my idea, even tho my idea is better **hmph**
it was my dad who decided where we went since he would be shopping while I watched the movie.
we went to Cherry Creek Mall. TEH SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cherry Creek Mall is da crap. i hate that dump it's where all the little rich bitches go and act like dicks. SO! i wore HEAVY goth make up and attire and stared at people like they were the freaks
it was funny, except I almost got in a fight with some bitch who gave me lip like a rich spoiled whore.
anyway, today i had to make a movie. no, it was not a porn. It was for class, it took forever to make and is 12 minutes long.
oh yeah!! did i tell you that on friday i got a cut on my right eyelid because I ran into the wall?? it hurt like fuck and so bad it made me cry when i got it, but now it only hurts to touch and blink.
well, i must be going!thank you!
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Friday, December 2, 2005
hey guys
sorry there are no pics today, but i don't have time
anyway, how have you been? i been okay except for slacking and stuff.'s my opinion on...
i'm too tired to think of an opinion...>< sorry.
so last night, i went to this thing for school; it was okay, i talked a lot to a lot of people, tho i must say i liked seeing all the kids who want to come to our many cute little sixth graders!!!(they're in 5th now)
i can't believe i'm like 6 years older than these kids, it's so weird, i feel sooo old. T.T
oh well. at least most of you, I think, are older than me...
what are your feelings on this "growing up" business?
bye guys, have a great day you!
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hey guys
sorry there are no pics today, but i don't have time
anyway, how have you been? i been okay except for slacking and stuff.'s my opinion on...
i'm too tired to think of an opinion...>< sorry.
so last night, i went to this thing for school; it was okay, i talked a lot to a lot of people, tho i must say i liked seeing all the kids who want to come to our many cute little sixth graders!!!(they're in 5th now)
i can't believe i'm like 6 years older than these kids, it's so weird, i feel sooo old. T.T
oh well. at least most of you, I think, are older than me...
what are your feelings on this "growing up" business?
bye guys, have a great daythank you!
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
is it sanity?


so guys, what up? not much here, just that my mom is on her annual christmas cookie baking spree, so i gets LOTS of cookie dough YUUUUUUUUM (don't give me crap about salmonella. i ate cookie dough my whole life and never been sick from it)
anyway, today was a bit cold, i do say. i wore my long, fancy coat that just happens to look like a trench coat.
so, i was RUNNING from school (on weds. i get out at 1:10 pm because it's study lab so my mom signed me out) to the train station to catch the first train to meet Antonio.
i got there early, unfortunately, so i had to wait, but it was funny; some guys were making fun of me and my trench coat. i didn't say it meanly, i just looked at them and said, "I may have a trench coat, but at least i look like a real goth, not like a stupid gay, wanna be punk-er. your clothes are from abercrombie, asshole. you're prep, not punk, and real punk is stuff like the exploited, not Fallout boy."
they got all pissed off, but i looked like I could kill someone, so they left me alone after that. haha
and today, we watched a video about teen pregnancy and stuff; this girl was 9 mos pregnant and said "i didn't plan it, but i'm happy. i still plan to go to college, i think it's going to be pretty easy since my parents are helping. I don't think it's that big of a difference in my life"
i was like WHOA! i never even had a kid, and I know it would be a big deal! IT"S A KID! and it would not be easy, even with help. some people...tsk.
anyway, i went job applying today; at kmart and albertson's. it was okay, i hope the kmart job pulls through,
so, how was your day, guys?thank you!
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
wowza, not much to say, i guess
how ya guys been? me, I'm sleepy and my services will soon be required.
but as to some things, I had to write the 15 page paper or face not getting my CIS diploma, which would suck. but it's okay. i did it right?
hee hee...and if you want to learn a bit about my school and see some shitty pictures of me, CIS
hope that works; i'm forgetting HTML
oh and I sent in my Japan trip application... **nervous**thank you!
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
woo-ee is it really me?!

hey guys!!!!!!!!!! sorry it's been so long; i still love you but have I been busy, lemme tell you ><
do you even remember me? o.O
Last week, I stayed up til 1 writing the rest of my 15 page paper, and then til 4 talking on the phone and getting scared.
but anyway, I hope you all had lovely Thanksgivings~! It's really not my favorite holiday for various reasons
and yeah, last week I was giving my cats more food when what should I notice but MAGGOTS! eewww..., what's up?
know what?
Sublime is a KICK ASS band. it's so sad the guy died...and they have a dalmation. (Dalmations = world domination) that darling Dalmation is in so many of their videos...tee hee hee.
the damn new Blink 182 video makes me all sad about growing up. I really don't wanna.
you see, I have this theory: Everything good comes to an end, and grows stale with time.
then i begin to wonder what's really real anyway. am i still breathing, do I exist, do You exist? because I cannot comprehend something happening that I don't see it.
know what I mean?? and what the hell is making freaking little frogger sounds on my computer?! graaaaaaah
so, guys, what's up??? **love**thank you!
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Monday, October 31, 2005

hey guys, Happy Halloween, the best holiday out there!!!!!!
sorry if i am unable to get to your sites; you know I would if i could...
but if it's any condolense, as a present, I bought Antonio the Exorcist (HATE THE IDEA) and now I'm suckered into watching it. I won't be sleeping for weeks. Just from the preview of the Exorcism of Emily Rose, I couldn't sleep anything more than that stupid half sleep and I kept hallucinating that the devil tried to get me. sucked ass, dude.
but, I love halloween! I'm going as a bloody murderous Nurse that the blood looks pink. Hopefully, school lets me wear it. gayest rules ever.
haha...blink 182 hates each other.
question! what is your very favorite music video?
my answer: Johnny Cash's version of "Hurt." It's a NIN song, but his just seems more...real. it's SO sad. I'm a sucker for the sad, y'know. plus, I have respect for people like Mr. Cash who had REAL talent and all that jazz. not like the stupid jerks who're like "FUCK THIS" or "SCREW DAT!" Johnny Cash's video was EXCELLENT.
anyway what is your favorite music video and why?thank you!
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
whoa! who am I and who are you?

hey guys long time no see!!!!!!!
sorry I have not been around!! I've been super busy and will be for a time to come. I'm SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!
but thank you so much for all the wonderful birthday greetings and everything!!!!!!! today's bunny pic of the day was a wonderful present from LordSesshomaru-sama! thank you!!!!!!!!
okay, one last announcement! Friday, Tamara(NIGHT), Antonio, and I all went to a cosplay night at Media Play. It was poor, especially our costumes (I was Noi-chan from WallFlower and it consisted of a goth dress I've had for a couple weeks)(Tamara was Sunako-chan and wore sweats and a beanie)
it was somewhat embarrassing, considering there were people who had the most detailed costumes ever. (though, who has that much time?!) some Vash guy just stared at Antonio for like 5 minutes, laughed, and walked away. it was like, what the hell?!
well, anyway, Tamara and I signed up for this cosplay-demonstation thing. Only two other groups signed up. The first were Naruto guys who did play fighting which was pretty good. The second was some Yu-Gi-Oh and Koenma (from YuYu Hakusho) who did a battle which was...okay. it was quiet.
then Tamara and I got up there and did Improv! I introduced us, and asked for a situation, which turned out to be "in china in the trash with bugs and raining pebbles" it was funny; all we did was argue. Tamara did a really good job!
and guess what! when the three groups lined up, the judges said, "We had a really hard time deciding, but the best was group number three"
everyone looked around like "who the hell is group number three?"
and it was Tamara and I! We got to split a $25 gift certificate!! yay!
anyway, after that we went to Red Lobster, argued, and I went home.
...hahaha! why should I believe boys? I'm still a virgin, but I was pissed off, and said something like "i'm gonna be a teenage unwed 17 year old mother" to Antonio and he got all pissed off and said "Who is it? Who's the dad? I'll kick his ass!"
I said "No one!" and then it went back and forth a little and somehow, I said "What if you did that?"
"What, got you pregnant?"
"yeah" **insert shifty eyes here because I plan on being a virgin at least till graduation!**
"I'd stay home while you went to school because we both know you're the only one with a future", how boys lie...I think my dad had a date tonite, LOL! he was all dressed up.
well, must be goin! toodles!thank you!
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Saturday, October 22, 2005

hi guys, long time no see! (and it will be for some time to come T.T sorry)
i've been SUPER busy lately!
monday I got Yuki-san the Japanese exchange student, as well as my report card (all A's, of course)
tuesday, we took Yuki to the zoo and downtown
Wednesday, she had to leave, but we still had Halloween (and no school for the rest of the week) because Yuki wanted to see it but won't be here for it (they don't have it in Japan) then we took her home, I cried a little, then fell asleep. exhaustion!
thursday, i went with Tamara/NIGHT to school. it was very different from mine, but it's a positive environment. just thinking of this now, i think the main difference (aside from the fact that hers is private and Christian and mine is public and ghetto) is that hers is far more sheltered than mine, but the people are more apt to succeed in boring(to me) jobs. like accounting.
friday was TIRING!!!!!!!!! i got up after 11 hours+ of sleep, took a shower and had to wear my smexiest goth dress because it was finally the day my mom would take me to get my stupid picture taken! rawr! first, though was a stop to the thrift store to get my halloween costume (bloody nurse, baby) then off to the pet store and big lots, then off to shitty fucking wal mart (I HATE WAL MART!!!!!!!! no offense.) got some decorations and glorious fake blood, then off to lunch at a wanna-be japanese (but very entertaining) restaraunt. then, we went off, i spent about half an hour or more doing stupid poses and smiling VERY fakely and it was freaking URGH. i'm not meant to be a model. but hey, at least i've lost a bit of weight! yeah, and my mom made me keep pics i HATED. oh well, i got the best one, so...hahaha! yeah, then we got movies for...
SATURDAY! today I'm having a big ass party. dammit, and i've been busy with it all week. why the party, you ask?
SUNDAY! tomorrow is my birthday tomorrow is my birthday tomorrow is my birthday (like cartman) ha ha ha ha ha haa~ nyahahahahhaha
then monday is a field trip, and tuesday i have 5 out of 15 pages due, and i haven't started nor have i researched. oh well.
thanks guys, and sorry i've not been aroundthank you!
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