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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Friday, October 14, 2005

I AM potato
woot. school is stupid, But hey! On Monday, "my" Japanese student comes!!! I can't wait; it'll be awesome...I hope. At least my Japanese will improve...and her English, too!
and, as of the 14th, only 9 more days till my bday! 0:-)
whoa, there's a ghost...dude.
and, to all who consider college or were not at their first choice: any post-secondary school is better than none.
not many people will read this, so my question is:
if a is greater than b, and c is less than a, and more than b, why does anyone care?
thank you!
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
go-hon go-hon (cough cough) byouki desu yo...(I'm sick!)


these are too funny. I have to go to two a day.
anyway! today was...sort of interesting... o.O doesn't feel like thursday, though.
Ok! so, first hour, dull, second hour...well...I turned in the much dreaded M. Butterfly essay/analysis. that stupid teacher. even if you give her proof, if you disagree with her, you're WRONG! meh.
and then third hour, math, was okay. just talked to this girl. and also, we had college fair. get to that in a sec.
fourth was fun; a physics lab. easiness.
fifth was okay, i just talked to my classmates.
sixth was dull; just looked over college papers.
seventh was okay; I'm 1/4 of a point away from 100% and my friend Marco is 3/4 of a point away from a C...(it's Japanese class) and I dunno. I helped him do his make up work...i hope he passes; grades close tomorrow morning.
oh, and lunch was tons of fun! I was talking with the funniest guys ever: John, Dino, and Luis. We just needed Zak and Dave, but they were at ROTC.
yeah. back to the college fair!
I want to go to Portland State (it's in Portland, Oregon) because they have a decent English program, and a couple really good Japanese programs (Japanese, and Teaching Japanese) Unfortunately, it's OUT OF STATE! so it costs about 3 times more for me to go there than an instate college... :-/
in case you didn't know, I want to be a teacher or a writer as a profession.
but there's this scholarship, that, since I have really good grades, I can get a big scholarship to pay for my tuition. still, it might be like 27,000 dollars....
then there's University of Wyoming, which is out of state, but it has a REALLY good English program, it's cheaper (man, I wish I lived in Wyoming~! it's not even $5,000 a year for in state tuition. that's almost like community college is here!) and it's closer, so...
Colorado State University at Denver, and Colorado University at Boulder are both pretty good colleges. I like CU better for its English and Japanese programs, and they're both IN state for me, so...yay! plus, there's a college thing ( for CO residents... it's still about the same as WY, though...
I did check out a couple community colleges, but they're not what I'm looking for. only benefit is that they could get my required, core classes (math, science, social studies) out of the way and make it cheaper for me to go to a different, REAL college.
then there was some REALLY shitty college, Mesa. it was instate, but it didn't have what I wanted, and the reps. were really...they made it look bad.
oh, and as to the PSU, I could go, with that scholarship, but I'd have to study one of their courses as a major. one of which is International Studies, and that's what I already study in high school, so it's all good.
anyway, I still have a year, and then some, if I decide to take a year off and live in Japan...
we'll see...i need to make a list of pros and cons
which college do you plan to/do you/did you attend?
thank you!
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

that's how I look when I wake up!

err...yes.."crap culture girls" haha
so wassup my ninjafied squirrels? Not much here, just struggling with my homework.
anyway, the snow is gone, as is my cold.
but I have to take the PSATs tomorrow, and I completely forgot, so today was a scramble. But! only 12 more days till my birthday! ...yes, 12!!!!!!!!
what are you gonna get me? (be as abstract as you want!)
this question is from that 70's show:
If you were a bird, where would you fly to?
and here's a question!
If you had a son and a daughter, what would you name them and why?
If I had a son, I'd name him Marcus (warrior) because it's a pretty name. If I HAVE a daughter, I AM going to name her Tirza (cypress tree) because I LOVE THAT NAME! **squee** sorry.
and here's a question!
If you had a son and a daughter, what would you name them and why?thank you!
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Monday, October 10, 2005
disease monsters must die

OOO! new tradition! ENGRISH. pic of the day! 
bleagh. i feel kinda sucky. i'm better than I was yesterday though. sore throats are the worst...i mean, i'd rather have something where i can at least TALK. jeez
but I feel better now and my mom let me stay home from school. plus, it's snowing! lemme get you some quick pix of it...i mean, it was HOT on saturday, rainy yesterday, and today, I wake up feeling sorta woozy, and BAM! white and white and powder...wowza
oh, and btw, if you go Here. you can see the video that girl was taking at the concert last wednesday. unfortunately, i am not in it, but...:)
glah. takes so long for pictures to upload!!! and then I accidentally pushed submit before I was ready to on this stupid thing...hrmph aha!
ok, that wasn't outside, but it IS my new poster. sorry bout the bad lighting

there! :)
oh, you can't tell but, it's dark and still snowy.
and my cat Lain is purr-purr-purring! and the fire alarm beeps because its batteries are dying and she JUMPS everytime...LOLthank you!
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Friday, October 7, 2005

so, how do you guys like the new look and song? I sort of do. Little Sister is a great song even if it is....risque...heh heh heh.
I know the smexy Trent Reznor av. doesn't match QotSA, but who cares? It's Trent Reznor
anyway, I am currently listening to NIN. the song is Sin. or it was, now it's March of the Pigs from the cd, "And All that Could Have Been"
some girl is talking to herself. oh well, whatever floats her boat.
and today is HOMECOMING! NOOOO my friends are all turning school-spirity, something I will never have, and leaving me out of their little group. it's okay; i wouldn't have done it anyway, but I feel bad because it's like i'm not good enough
but, I seriously have no school spirit. I HATE school, who the hell is HAPPY to go back?! Yay! tests. I'm failing, but I'll go to a game. woot.
and I mean the worst part is, our school color is ORANGE! ORANGE!!!! ugliest color ever. damn.
school should die. i must be off to
toodles!thank you!
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
...why did it have to be a school night?!

and a second one for the missing one yesterday.
oh. My. GOD.
Nine Inch Nails was KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys, it was sooooo good!!!! okay, Autolux was good (very good.) NIGHT would like it; it had an electronic sound to it.
Queens of the Stone Age was good, but I don't like them a whole lot.
for the first band, Autolux, everyone pretty much was listless, and some guy kept being mean to the drummer, so I told him to STFU. he sorta did.
then QotSA came on. cool, okay, I never understand them. people were bobbin heads.
then, round 9:20 pm, NINE INCH NAILS came on and everyone went NUTS. it was crampin'; i swear it was an orgy.
people were pushing, a seething, crazy mass. it was insane. i fell, Antonio fell, everyone fell. Mosh pits EVERYWHERE. it was like war of the worlds.
but NIN played so fucking good!!!!!! I was in looooooooove with the music. i screamed myself hoarse and sang and jumped and I bet i've lost 10 lbs...oh my God it was AWESOME!
even Antonio, who didn't really listen to NIN likes it now (even tho he jokingly calls it gay.)
well, i'm wiped, have a great day tomorrow!thank you!
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
I. Can't. Wait.
sorry, no bunny pic today!
let's get you up to date real quick:
Monday I went to the Exploited/Misfits concert at the Ogden. I like punk music (real punk, not that gay Green Day type shit). awesome, but my ears are still ringing
yesterday i was at my dad's house
today, wednesday, is NIN! wooot! Jerome Dillon, the drummer has heart problems, but there should be a replacement drummer.
Antonio got in trouble for the concert on monday, so I don't know if he's going (doubt it) but I sort of hope so.
anyway, I can't wait, but today will be very long for me so I don't think I'll be visiting any sites until...I don't know when.
sorry guys...;.;
well, have a great day!
thank you!
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Monday, October 3, 2005

cute bunnies, no?
well, things are looking uuuup!
Dave was hit by a car on Friday (hit and run, too! **anger) but after 4 hours in a neckbrace at the hospital and resting up on saturday, he is better!!! It sucks he was hit, especially to add to his awful day, but at least he's okay **Relief**
ummm, not much to say, I guess. only a couple more days to NIN. horray!
oh yeah, my stupid tv didn't record while I was away at my dad's house, so the only thing I caught was Naruto, which I have anyway (Japanese fansub. yippie illegalness)
anybody care to fill me in on InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist, and possibly Samurai Champloo? Please?
**stretches** Mayte is sort of talking to me, I guess. but she's changed a lot, and it pisses me off.
well, now that my stomach is aching and math homework I didn't do this weekend calls to me, i bid you adieu.
oh, but here's a question just for YOU!
what's a weird thing about you? (and don't say everything, or nothing!)thank you!
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
...but it's october

pretty bunny
DAMMIT! first, regarding the's HOT. and I hate it. guess how hot. c'mon guess. give up? 90 freakin degrees!!! dammit. stupid colorado, i hope you die.
anyway, a quick note to the previous post and its comments:
religion, pretty much does suck. i mean, it's one thing to believe in something, but people have used religion as an excuse to do horrible things for far too long. that's why I think it sucks.
and also, I personally think it's more important to be a good person than pushing religion down someone else's throat. people are gonna believe what they believe. not what you tell them to.
and finally, I personallly HATE church, except for seeing my friends. my old church especially likes to pat themselves on the back for doing next to nothing, and complain about the problems that they don't even try to fix. and it seems like they care more about popularity than substance.
oh well. religion is a touchy subject, no?
anyway, no news about poor dave, but I might go to Tamara's house. dunno though.
hrm. not too much to say, but...NIN IN CONCERT! WEDNESDAY!
oh, who gives a crap about sports?! stupid radio.
and one of the stupidest movies ever is XXX (with Vin Disel). i mean, action movies are usually stupid enough as it is, but he has to crack off those lame cliches and STUPID jokes? whoever wrote that movie should be shanked. Shanked!
damn. although, my choice of movie, Rasen, ("spiral" and a sequel to Ringu) was horrible. too much sex to watch with my dad. ick. but Sadako is one funny, sadistic, vengeful bitch. she shall taste my anger because she made me waste my money and hopes. damn!
well, hope your days are going well!thank you!
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
poor Dave

thanks for the support guys!! ^__^ it means a lot.
well, good news! my kitty doesn't have cancer!!!!!!!! **happy** i'm so glad Lain is okay...well, not OKAY, but not dying, really, so...thank God.
you know, with Religion, I can respect just about anything, if that's what someone holds true to their heart. and if they believe there's nothing, that's fine. I personally believe in God, but not so much in the way of the Church. I believe that God is more understanding than the Church leads us to believe.
I guess I'm sort of Agnostic-Christian... :-/
but anyway, I really believe in God, because every time I've prayed for something, I've gotten what I prayed for, if it was not selfish or whatever.
example? I prayed for my cat Lain to not have cancer. She doesn't.
I prayed for my friend to get a girlfriend so that he could smile, even if it wasn't me. He did get one (and it wasn't me :))
I prayed for my friend to feel better from her heart problems. she's not better, but at least it isn't hurting her.
but...well, no one can shake my faith in God because I've always had faith in what some people consider "uncertain"
but I'm quite worried, actually. My friend, Dave, might have been hit by a car today!!!
Dave is one of the nicest people ever. and today was really a crappy day for him, too. he was tired, and sad (i won't say why) and pissed because his grades are dropping and the school treats him like a dumbass. and he's smart. all my friends are smart except for Heather and Luciana.
I hope he didn't get hit, though...i hope it's just a rumor that everyone's spreading. i mean, I heard some girl talking about it, apparantly the fucking bitch drove off too.
poor Dave. I hope he's okay!!!!!! **worry**
please keep Dave in your thoughts! ;.;
well...thank you!
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