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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
not much time

hey guys...umm...thanks for replies to yesterday!
today, school will suck, but Antonio is suppossed to hang out with me at lunch today...I WILL NOT BE LONELY! I'll always be pathetic, though
and, um...bell just rang, must be going soon. hrm...not much to say...
stupid lit. I don't wanna go...DAMN!
do you ever bite into anything and think it tastes like a color?thank you!
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
who says school is cool?

not that cute of a bunny, but this is one cool pic!

oh and here are some uber gruesome pictures. dead bunnies! but the stupid hippies would rather we become vegan mofos! how freakin gay...
be warned, the links are pretty bloody. (I **heart** pretty blood)
Disturbing dead dinner bunny 1
Disturbing dead dinner bunny 2
anyway, I should have done my passage on vivisection (you know, the cutting of live animals.) Medical research on animals isn't as bad as commercial research (it's all cruel) but it still is awful.
damn, then I could go PETA on their ass and seem like a hippie.
how lame. more goth pictures for research

hrm..must be going. test in trigonometry next hour. damnthank you!
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Monday, September 12, 2005
how nerdy is this?!
Sasaya before glasses

and with glasses

i thought this was cool

I was ugly enough BEFORE the glasses, and now look at that! IT SUCKS **cries**thank you!
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stupid eyes

cool bunny.
just a few complaints. I just ate a chunk of chicken that tasted like sponge, and i wear glasses now.
yes, you read that right!
I wear glasses! really nerdy ones. I don't need them so much, but for far away, it's nice being able to see. plus, my sunglasses ones look like blind people glasses. so i could go on the bus with my dog, and he'd get on because i could say he's my seeing eye dog. then, i'd go to the movie store :D
does anybody else wear glasses?thank you!
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Friday, September 9, 2005
my acid-trip eyes

look closely into my eyes. I went to the eye doctor today. and apparantly, I need glasses for far away, because I am slightly near sighted. but I had to get the damn things dialited. and the left one was twice as big as the right one when it was huge. fuck! i look like a druggie. crap.
anyway, not much to say
have a great day!thank you!
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please wish....

and please hope my bunny gets ove his pneumonia soon!!
as to the other thing, I know you guys care about me, and I'll never kill myself, but the thoughts have been there for years. I got them to go away for a while, but they're back, and bitchier than ever. doesn't mean I'll listen though.
anyway, i got to go take a shower.
parent teacher night sucks.
i can't wait for saturday...oh,and friday, today, I gotta go to the eyedoctor because i think my eyes suck...wish me luck!
oh, and think your school is bad? i've spoken with a person whose school is like hell. 10 points to whoever guesses who it was. :)thank you!
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
...oh well.

my poor bunny is sick!!!!!!!! he has Pneumonia!! T.T (why is there a "p" in front of it? stupid English) you may ask how i can be so casual about this horrible thing, but it's because he's really not that sick. he acts fine, we caught it early enough, and he loves (LOVES!!!!!!!!!) his medicine
he likes bunny treats, but can't have them while on the medicine, so...too bad, but it's better than his digestive enzymes dying.
poor little Spookie, though. I knew something was sorta wrong with him on Saturday, and I told my mom. dammit, I should have just gone to the vets then and had them send a bill to our house. it really sucks, he's sick again.
but heh, my mom didn't think anything was WRONG with him...
anyway...yeah, that's my big news.
speaking of sick, Please think of NIGHT, because she's been sick a-freakin-gain.
tonight is back to school night. i hate it. i hate this, i hate everything. i wish i wouldn't go to hell for killing myself. otherwise, i would.
on a happier note, even if someone who's suppossed to be my good friend is acting like a complete bitch, other people are being nice to me ^__^
well, i'm bored now. toodlesthank you!
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
what does that emoticon face mean?
This line is to take up space. To take up space it the point of this line. How do you like my smexy Trent Reznor buttons?

that's a cool bunny. do you think he likes physics?
I know i do...>.> i just get tired of velocity/distance/time. it's too freakin easy to spend several DAYS on. Damn
well, anyone, i'm not feeling so nice, but I won't bore you with it. I DO have a new poem up, though. I think it's got a good rhyme scheme. say it outloud(or just mouth it; it's got a rhythem.) but just as a warning, it's kinda bitchy.
My Rhythmic poem.
none the less, i am a person of very little talent.
what is your greatest talent?thank you!
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
re: i f-ckin hate this

is pretending okay? i is, right? it's not like anyone was there to begin with...they were only pretending to give a fuck.
but that's okay because i've hurt too many people, so i deserve any pain I get. and anything good is only to make it all hurt more later.
so it's okay ^__^

(I had to think on that one)
well, that's all for now, folkies!thank you!
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Monday, September 5, 2005
hee hee

hrm...not much to say, AGAIN! dude, what the heck?! jeez. ><
umm, so let's see.
first thing's first: today, I stayed online's been about 12 hours...i feel like such a fatso, especially considering i meant to go outside about 4 hours ago. rats.
well, I've been reading Ranma 1/2 scanlations. FINALLY I FOUND SOME! thank you, wikipedia!!!!
also, i have my site up and running. you can click under the "my website" link under my bio stuff, or just go HERE.
it's a music forum dedicated to all music types, and I'm Anathema Rei, admin-girl.
please, go and join!!!!! or something...>.>
how can my love for Nine Inch Nails have grown so much today? all day, in my head, it's been "NIN this, NIN that. NIN NIN NIN NIN NIN NIN NIN NIN NIN" i should get a tattoo for reals. i'll go to Mexico; that's where a lot of kids in my class got theirs this summer (I wouldn't do it. you can get HIV, even if the needle is sterile, if they dip it into ink...uh oh! I'd just rather not risk that)
anyway, happy labor day to you all, and this fine Labor day, I will be going to the zoo with my mom and friend, Heather. you don't know her, but she does have a myspace account. i hate, btw.
(i only joined to have better access to the NIN things there)
well, sunday was so very very boring for me! I wasted several hours taking "which is worse" stuff. it was odd. to say the least.
oh, and Lord Sesshomaru. wins the prize for silliest answer to who killed the rabbit
and Whitecat. wins for most imaginative answer.
congrats, you guys. ^__^
who is your all-time favorite musician and why?
thank you!
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