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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Sunday, August 21, 2005

kill the kitty, mr. bunny....
ok, so you know how I'm scared of fish? (FEAR FEAR FEAR!)
well, just for the hell of nightmares, I went to the aquarium last night. freakin sucked. it's cheaper than before the fish restaraunt chain took over, but it's crappier. NO MORE SEA OTTERS! YOU BASTARDS!
they think i'd rather look at
that thing watching me pathetically as i eat its sister than this thing:
so cute!
anyway, and I saw a giant grouper or a goliath grouper...

ooo scary. I'd rather be in the tiger cage than in his.
my favorite invertabrae is an octopus! (they're really smart, you know)

and the blue ringed octopus, while tiny, has poison that could kill you in 15 minutes ^___^

anyway, i have a lot of homework to do, so...toodles!
OH, the humanity!thank you!
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
the horror of it all!

cute!!! driving bunnies... bet they'd be better drivers than half the people around here.
anywho, you know those awful bratz dollz? the slutty ones with huge heads and eyes and tiny bodies and four boyfriends? you know!

well, apparantly, they have their own tv show now! it will be on on 4kids (fox) this fall. What kind of things is the world coming to? kids porno...>.>
anyway, school sucks, although, if any of you can think of a REASONABLE arguement/reason to ban gay marriage, please tell me, because I quite honestly can't think of one and it's for a school assignment. ><
anway. school sucks, but i have next friday off, so i will perhaps go to NIGHT's school. she needs to ask how long i can stay for, thoughthank you!
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Thursday, August 18, 2005

hey guys, gotta make this brief. I won't be able to post as much or visit as much, because, as with most people, I am in school once more and BUSY.
I'm only a junior this year, but I'm already in 2 college level and credit classes, and I have to work my ass off if I want to stay in them. So, school must come first this year, sorry.
anyway, I just spent 2 hours writing my AP lit analysis of an excerpt from All the Pretty Horsesthank you!
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
sorry guys
hey guys, sorry, no pic of the day today. this gotta be quick.
Since I'm in school again, and I HAVE to do well this year, I'm not going to be around as much.
I mean, if I get the time, I'll get online, but I have two college level classes. not only are they college level, they're college CREDIT, so I have to do well, and study for the first time in my life.
so yeah, until the school computer lab gets set up, and I can go at lunch, I'm gonna be overrun with homework.
so! that much said, I hate school; they're fucking stupid
anyway, my schedule is:
1st period: Passages 1 w/Mr. Hanson
2nd period: AP lit w/Mrs. Ruiz
3rd Period: Trig X w/Mr. Peeders
4th Period: Physics w/Mr. Troy
5th period: AP History w/Mr. Hanson
6th period: study lab w/Mrs. Ross
7th Period: Japanese 3X w/Matsumoto-sensei
that's the most male teachers I've ever had, and the chicks are BITCHES.thank you!
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Monday, August 15, 2005
why doesn't he stop talking?

arthur...I have a very funny story to do with that...
okay, so me and my dad were at the mall. I was like 13...
my dad's lookin at pictures, and I'm boredly looking at bamboo, when all of a sudden, some 20-something blonde chick runs up to my dad and throws her arms around him. she yells "Arthur!" (my dad's name is NOT arthur)
my dad just stood there all happy, and then she looked up. everyone was staring and she turned really red and said "oh, sorry!!!!" and ran away.
and speaking of running away...>.>
damn, they say about the chick talking and the guy not listening, but with me it's the opposite. He talks and talks and talks and talks, and talks and talks and won't shut the fuck up, and I just say "yeah, cool, what" etc.
and he thinks I'm listening.
bah, LordSesshomaru-sama...I am not afraid of the Skeleton Key. 'twas stupid. but the preview for The Exorcism of Emily Rose scared me real bad because the devil and shit scares me like nothing can.
oh and I made a quick clip of ranma 1/2 hopefully it uploads. bastard google. ><
so, here's a question:
have you ever stalked/been stalked?thank you!
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
what a bad sleep

ah, it's been a while.
anyway. in case there is any confusion, I do not own any of these bunnies. I found a website with tons of pictures. but I'm not telling you. :) it's not hard to figure out, anyway, if you're smart.
but I do own one bunny, his name is Spookie and he's 6 years old.
anyway, my bunny had a happy birthday, and also
I went to see the Skeleton Key (insert spooky music here)yesterday. at 7:30 pm.
quite honestly, I thought it would be good because I liked the Others and the Sixth Sense. But this one? bleah. not scary any more than the Others or TSS, but stupider. I mean, come on. I figured out right from the start who was bad and who was good. and the twist ending? I'll admit I didn't see it coming, but it was pretty lame.
but the previews scared me. Especially the one for "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" that preview scared me so bad I couldn't sleep (well, I thought I couldn't. turns out I was, but was having HORRIBLE nightmares)
so, then, finally sleeping well at 5 am, and getting up at half past noon, I am at home now, and bored off my ass
well, best enjoy it while I can. tomorrow I'm going downtown with my friend Mayte, and Tuesday...**gulps** I'm going back to school. Junior year...scary. and plus, I just realized that once you're out of high school, there really is no such thing as summer break. it's all one vicious cycle that you live until you die.
bastard! AOL! I know I have mail, I don't need your snooty attitude. bahthank you!
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Friday, August 12, 2005

that is a cool bunny rabbit.
anyway, thanks for the comments on the pic yesterday, and it seems most of you like fanfiction...
I however, must do a rant on it...
I only read Ranma 1/2 fanfiction, and only just recently, and not very much because I swear that 90% of the stories are CROSSOVERS! do you know how much I hate crossovers? they're so ridiculous. two completely different universes that would be totally incompatible with each other suddenly exist together? no
Ranma as a Sailor Scout? NO. oh. my. Ranma 1/2 is a great enough story that perfectly good fiction can be derived from it without adding in some stupid other character.
also, most of the stories are crap. mine aren't the greatest, but hey. at least I don't try to make one sympathize with a character. urgh. crossovers kill me. and bad writing does to. no offense to those who actually try.
anyway, today, i went to bed at 4 am, got up at 1 pm, ate, took a shower, and went back to bed after reading. then, I got up at 5, called my mom, who'd spent several (7) hours at different thrift stores. ugh.
then we got Antonio, and went to the Japanese restaraunt I like. It was super yummy, and the lady was really nice. we talked a little in Japanese to each other, and she gave me FREE OCHA MOCHI!!!!!

It was like biting heaven in the ankle...oooo it was good...I yearn for more...**heart heart** and best of all, it was free! what a nice lady...
anyway, talking to the lady was lovely, and I also got 3 good reviews and 1 constructive criticism for my new chapter...yay!
speaking of which, at 3:45 am, 1216 people have viewed my story, and only 93 have reviewed.
and today is my bunny's 6th bday
what makes you laugh?thank you!
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
one bitchin big bunny!

read the subject!
so do you guys like my new look? I do! so pretty blue. I was getting tired of the other one. easily done, but hey.
ah, speaking of which (not at all) I just got this pic up. I drew it on Sunday, but it's in my fan art dealie

please rate it and comment on it...T.T
if you want, I can tell you all about the meanings in it. It's from the movie Tomie Replay. I love Japanese and other foriegn films.
man, I was going to say something but forgot. Oh yeah. (i do that a lot, ne?)
Yesterday, I got into my old fanfiction account!!! A lot of the stories are unfinished and not very good. But hey, they were from 8th grade or just before it. wow, 3 years ago. Lesse, I joined as Milana Pashmina. in 2002. On June 7. Over 3 years ago. So much InuYasha...oh well. it's bad anyway. wow. well, there's one story I really want to finish, it's called "Until We Meet Again" and it's Ranma 1/2. I'm working on it now. I really like it, though not the last chapter I did, but I don't want to delete it, so I am going to pull a soap opera.
do you like to write fanfiction? (I'm not so good at it, but...)
do you like it?
well, what did you do today? I talked to Majosha, got an email from a really good friend I never hear from, and went to Tamara's house and had SOOOO much fun! we made movies which were more fun to make than watch, and we made a shirt for her brother. I'll take a pic of it to show you.
also, tomorrow NIGHT leaves for Grand Junction, so let's hope she has fun and i'll miss her...T.T
ah, yes. as to comments: No, majosha, you don't get a medal, and LordSesshomaru, I can't believe you were ever cold to people! O.O wow...and thanks for the replies.
what's your favorite way to relax?thank you!
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
ah ha! everybody hates Full House

it seems from people's posts about yesterday that NO ONE likes Full House. Good. as it should be.
and Furuba was really good. Akito is SUCH a bitch/asshole. She sucked up to Kyo, acting so sweet, and forcing him to deny his love for Touru, then after he left, she washed her "diseased" hands because it made her sick to touch the "bakemono"
also noteworthy, Shigure was acting his usual ambiguous self, but he seemed a little meaner and less sarcastic than usual.
Most importantly, it seems that Kyo was friends with Tohru's mom a while back, because it has what I'm pretty sure is her, and her showing a picture of middle school Tohru from the back to him. I'm 99% sure that he had some sort of relationship.
anyway, back to business, only 3 more days until school starts, 4 if you count monday as a day off. I don't count sat. or sun. because I'd have them off either way. wow, summer comes to a close. sadness. at least my friend called me, and said that the kid I stayed with in Costa Rica called me stuck up because I didn't talk to the host family.
uh, duh? I wasn't trying to seem stuck up, I was barely keeping up with the conversation just LISTENING. my spanish skills are no where near being able to SPEAK spanish. my friend told him "well, did it occur to you that she doesn't speak spanish, so she couldn't have said much anyway?"
I seriously don't like him. of all the mean things he says about EVERYBODY, and then gets all hurt if you tell him anything he doesn't want to hear.
do you know people like that?
ah, congrats to Majosha on finally sleeping...**shakes head** and thanks to NIGHT for making Saiyuki Gaiden easily available.
ha ha, no one answered yesterday's question, so here's a new one. Will you answer it?
5 years ago, what kind of person were you, and how did you think you would be now, at your current age?thank you!
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
cannot define me by an emoticon, corporate america!

cute pic, eh?
well, let's see, what to say. made it to everyone's site today, who updated at least, and in less than 15 minutes. Rush rush rush!
haaaa, what else?
I just concluded my visits to the psycologist. (oh my gosh, the lyrics just go "I didn't wanna fuck you, I didn't wanna fuck you baby, but you're pretty when you're mine" on Yahoo! Rasputina Fan Radio...NO CENSORSHIP!!!)
hrm. And don't try the Green Tea Frappaccino from Starbucks, unless you like drinks that are sweeter than the whipped cream they're topped with. **shudders and dies**
I got a new cell phone today. It's a flip phone, and oh-so-pretty. -.- brain cancer.
but most importantly: I GOT FURUBA VOLUME 11!!!! yay! ^__^ **cheers and snacks for all**
mew. Do you remember that crazy Full House show? Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen...I remember going to daycare and this girl named Rachel forcing us all to watch it because it was "the best show ever" and I never liked it, but she'd force me to watch it.
ah daycare...innocent, privilage kids, all but me. Rachel and her lil sis April were SOO privilaged and innocent. For real. I remember being like 4 years old and telling her that my parents are not married, and never were, and her arguing that they WERE married, but got divorced. Then, Finally, the daycare lady, Linda, told her "some people never get married but have kids anyway. That's like Julie's parents."
hee hee. I was going to say something, then forgot. oh well. man, who decided I would have a brain...
woah, I'm stupid. at least school starts soon.
well, my dad is in Pensecola, FA because of a business trip. oh yeaaaaah. no weds. trip to his house! I'm such a bitch.
OH YEAH! It's weird how there are kids that turn 21 and can legally drink have probably already had alcohol drink it, while there are kids who turn 21 and have never drank alcohol and still don't. does that make sense? no? oh well.
you know what's really sad? some of the poorest people in America are rich compared to in a lot of countries, like Haiti, or Bangladesh. I'm not comparing pain, but it's like...a comparison of money. but what does it matter when, in the end, kids are starving in virtually every country in the world? depressing. At least we can try to cease it.
oh, and one last thing, I heard that Peter Jennings died. that's pretty sad...i mean, not any sadder than anyone else who died relatively young, but still. sad.
what's your number one dream that you can easily make happen?
(mine is to dye my hair blue)thank you!
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