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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
je t'aime...

bwahahahaha! guess who saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
bet you didn't know: I DID! it was really good, too. I love Tim Burton films, and am really looking forward to the Corpse Bride.
the only things with the movie were: Johnny Depp/Willy Wonka seemed like SUCH a pervert in that movie. Michael Jackson level...**shudders**
but even worse was this lady in the row behind us who WOULD NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP! all she did was laugh "ho ho ho ho" worse than Kodachi! argh! In the preview for Ice Age 2, she was crackin' up the whole damn time at absolutely NOTHING! and not like, quiet giggling, flat out "BWAHAHAHAHA" like you say when someone trips...jeez. I kept saying "it wasn't that funny" or "man, is there laughing gas or something in here?" and "Hey lady, shut up, please" but NOTHING GOT THRU!
that much said...
before I forget, To Tito, in my comment to you, when I say "'re super cool..." I meant that Tito-san is cool, not Ranma. Well, Ranma IS cool but Tito-san is much cooler...
ah yes...
Sangi89 is in Denver for some sort of competition, and I went downtown the otherday to find him (how would I do that?) but No such luck. that's okay; I just hope he's enjoying himself in this boring dump.
so! what matters most to you in the world?thank you!
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Saturday, August 6, 2005

I really like this picture ^__^
hrm. well, where to begin?
ok, on Thursday, my mom and I went school supply shopping. You know, for charity. We bought school supplies for the kids in Costa Rica. kyuuul. she bought a box of crayons for hopefully every student. >< yo, that's whack. but sweet.
then, after that (oh, btw, I ate three donuts. I'm such a fat ass) I wanted a book (to be precise, 4. Ranma 1/2, yo!)
we got them, volumes 27-30, with some incredibly sweet moments between what remains my favorite anime couple of all time.
seriously, my tastes have changed, but it still remains that my favorites are Ranma and Akane. They are sooo sweet! they fight all the time, but they do so much for each other, and Akane forgives Ranma so much...if only their family and the other whores (minus Ryoga, Ryoga's a doll, not to mention no threat at all) would go away, Ranma and Akane would hook up so fast. although, then the story would be uninteresting and not have lasted 10 years
anyway, after an interesting encounter with unintentional, almost theft (the guy forgot to ring up a book) I wanted to look at animals in the pet store.
then, of course, we passed Hot Topic, just for a look around, considering I hadn't been there in months.
I had been itching for a nice corset, but of course, Hot Topic is way over priced. And I'd spent all my money on Ranma 1/2 books.
I dropped a hanger when my mom suggested we take advantage of the "spend $150, get 25% off your purchase" deal. I gladly accepted...
We spent more, but hey, I got the equivelant of a pair of pants and a shirt free. these are what I got. Sorry if you don't like the "goth" look, but it suits me...
ok, fuck it, the stupid pictures were low quality and I couldn't find the smexy corset I got. but trust me, I got some nice stuff, and found out my pants size is smaller. wow!
I also got a super cool chain more backpacks, I'm ballin'.
damn those kids.
yeah, I love child support checks, I get spoiled.
and on a final note, I freaked out when I thought my mom threw away my notebook with the first 20 pages of a good story I'm writing in it. Unfortunately, I can only concentrate on Ranma 1/2, but hey! even if I forgot unimportant things like names and plots, there's time for fixing that.
thanks for the support yesterday, you guys are the bestest. You all deserve cookies, nilla wafers, donuts, juice, milk, eggs, and a cuddly new kitten!
thank you!
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Thursday, August 4, 2005

it was not so nice registering today. It took me 45 minutes to get to school, with walking in the sun and having gotten up waaaay too early.
then, I get to school, all dressed fancy and nice and everything, with my packet of papers my mom signed, since she was at work and I can register by myself.
30 seconds after showing the papers to this stupid teacher who's always mean (she was making sure I had all my papers) gives me back the packet and says:
"You didn't have the food one signed, so you can't register" all prissy, attitudy, made-me-want-to-punch-her like.
And plus, that stupid teacher, she told some other kid who didn't have it signed either, she told him that even if he didn't have it signed, she'd let him register.
I said, "My mom's at work! Can't I register without it?"
and she said "NO! next please."
I freaked. I started to cry. Like, quiet sobbing, lots of tears, ruin my makeup crying.
don't know WHY but I did.
the security guard gave the bitchy teacher a dirty look and told me to go outside for a few minutes, forge my mom's signature, and come back in and say that my mom came and signed it.
I was like: O.O because seriously, nobody's ever told me to forge something before.
she said it was because the paper was not ever necessary and my mom was not going to sign me up for free lunch anyway.
freaking gay, dude. I cried. then the teacher bitched at me. then I registered and took a fairly decent school id photo. then I went downtown, bought some blue hair dye, and just hung out.
yo. I've updated my Journal of Costa Rica. Click the froggie button to see it.
ja dewa!
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
u guyz r d best


Thank you, LordSesshomaru. for the lovely Ed Elric anniversary card! you rock! ^__^
that's my lovely card from whitecat! the actual one was bigger, but stupid photobucket shrunk it ><
This is from NIGHT. THANK YOU!
thanks, you guys!!!!!!!!!
oh, and please pray for LordSesshomaru's brother, who will be going to Iraq...
now, what are you doing? me, I'm just obsessed with my computer @.@ ha ha!
man, this sucks. my summer is dead. yes, I wanted to go back to school earlier this summer, and in some ways I still do, but now I feel the end of total freedom, only-13-days-left-to-live type of regret that sets in this time of summer. You know, the feeling that you wasted so many days, and there are more things that you want to do than you have time to do before school starts.
plus, it seems like I was barely getting out of school 3 weeks ago! >< instead, it's been over 2 months!
and Costa Rica didn't last long enough. It was weird. on the second day of being there, I felt like I'd been there for a long time (like a month or more) and it felt like the time was going more slowly, but fast, because it felt like I had only gone there for a day, this morning. weird.
must be Tico time. that's what they say in Costa Rica. it means they're way too laid back >< (takes FOREVER to get food in restaraunts...)
anyway, I think that's enough for now; i must go complete school registration forms. d'oh! I hate them....
what's some of your favorite lyrics?
mine is:
A place where we can hide out from the night
Where you are all I need
So blow a kiss goodbye and close your eyes
Tell me what you see!
A lifetime spent inside this dream of mine
Where you are all I see
Life Less Frightening, by Rise Againstthank you!
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
I am back, boom bam, baby!

how long has it been since the bunny pics of the day?! ^__^
well, mi amores! I am burned, bitten, and back from Costa Rica! I cannot convey to you in words how AWESOME it was. here, think of the funnest, coolest thing you've ever done/had happen to you. then multiply it by 5. then multiply that by 7,341 and that's how much fun it was.
I'll get my journal of it up on soon, so if you want to hear about it, you can. I mean, aside from what I tell you.
but, Costa Rica aside, for now, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! well, not mine but my site's!!!!!! ONE YEAR OLD TODAY!
and I got this from the super-nice and super-cool Whitecat. Thanks a million~~~ **hugs**

now, I wish I could say I missed home, but to be perfectly honest, I didn't miss anything from home. I mean, deep down, I missed my mom and NIGHT and Antonio and my pets, and you guys, too, but I didn't think too much of it, because I was having too much fun.
Sorry you guys. I'm glad to be talking to you again, but I would have stayed in Costa Rica another month if I could have. I LOVED IT!
that's not to say I didn't think of you all! At one point or another, I thought of each of you who comes to my site! ^__^
anyway, thanks for listening, **hugs** and have a nice day!thank you!
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
Yay ^-^
Yay she comes back tommaorw i'm so happy. i wonder id she got me a monkey, I kid. But i'm glad shes comeing back. I know lets give a big welcome back.thank you!
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Friday, July 29, 2005
I miss my friend shes gone till mon, well at lest shes haveing fun where she is.thank you!
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
This is her friend night, Sasay went on a trip as you all know so she ask me to update her site for her. Well she will be back monday, boy I miss her, my little goofy is gone for a whole week.thank you!
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Monday, July 25, 2005
today's the day, yo

hey punks~ I'm going to Costa Rica today!!!! can you wait~ or what?

doubt you'll miss me, but hey! I'll miss you all very much!

there's Majosha's dirty, filthy monkey
yeah. I'll be back on the 1st of August, and if you want to relay some quick info to me, PM me please!

having a seizure yet?
oh and August 2nd is my one year anniversary of membership~! horray!

anyway, gotta go now, love ya all, and see ya!
thank you!
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
who killed da bunny?!

this has been a really interesting couple of days since my last post. Remember I was sick? well guess what! I got sicker!
My lovely friday was spent alternately sleeping, struggling to breathe, fainting, being COLD as fuck, being dizzy, and having dry heaves (because I hadn't eaten in a long ass time)
finally, my mom drug me to the doctor, where I turned blue because the air conditioning made me so cold, and trying to breathe through my throat...damn, you'd think I was an asthmatic! the doctor asked if i was, and I said no.
however, after breathing in this mist stuff from a machine for 15 minutes, he wrote me a prescription for an inhaler and some nausea pills that CAUSE NAUSEA AND VOMITTING
yeah. So, I get home and go to bed until noon saturday. yes, that WAS about 20 hours of sleep. I told you I was sick.
only good thing of friday? I found out I lost about 5 pounds
Saturday was better; I was well enough to go to a party and FINALLY eat. we wound up playing monopoly till 11 pm, anyway.
and then my sunday. funniest day EVER!
my mom and I went to our church (which we haven't been to since March) neither of us likes it much, but we wanted to worship God (just because I sound like some sort of jackass doesn't mean you have to laugh) and see our friends.
which, I was happy to see, my guy-buds (the only ones I have at church) were there.
and, I must say I dressed sexeh today! I got looks from DECENT 20 year old guys! (creepy. scratch the decent and the pride) It must have been the hat; i'll show you a picture of it. (My hat is the sex)
anywho, my friends Ian and Matthew and I were talking and laughing and participating in the usual forms of hooliganism and idiocy only I can intice them to do, what with my femminine foolishness and mild-danger seeking.
yeah. our church is on a real big lot and people take dogs for a walk by it all the time.
so we were out in the grass, me whining about those assholes growing. seriously, Ian is 6'3" and weighs about 20 pounds. Matthew must be about 5'11" now...not so skinny, but I'm only 5'5"!!!!! barely! they told my my high heels raised me to Ian's shoulder, but since I can't walk in them, I'm down to knee height...T.T
well, in my badassness, I got hyper and when this lady, her dog, and husband walked by, I yelled, "I'll get married in the mud, and do it there too!"
and when she looked at me funny, I flipped her off. Then Matthew, who's never as nice to me as Ian is (since Ian and I are practically twins) called me a slut, Ian laughed, and I tried to kill them with my stupid shoes. Wound up with horrible grass stains on my pretty white & black dress. shame.
end of story, I went back into the church with my lovely-combed hair fuzzed up under my sexy hat, and perfectly applied makeup rubbed off all over Ian, Matthew, and the grass, my new pantyhose torn, my new shoes stuffed with leaves because they don't fit, and my dress all stained and dirty.
some new bitch at church looked at me like she knew me and said "you are one filthy girl"
I laughed ever so joivially, and replied, "why, yes, I am just one S&M fetish slut, ain't I?"
then I left before my mom could talk to lil blondie there.
oh, and as to what you cared about, no, I didn't get to drive because of my illnessthank you!
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