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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
Real Name
graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
pinkness...what up with that?
I'm a Pink Converse All-Star

If you're a guy you might be startled by this connection, but getting this result probably makes you laugh more than cringe. You're not much to care about what other people think, but you still like to be social. You're yourself, unique and confident. And while over the years you've probably stepped on a few toes, you never let it get to you. You don't speak to please the listener, but rather you simply speak your mind. You're the Charles Barkley of the world, and while you might not be brash, you're equally outgoing and add some spice to every situation.
What color Converse All-Star are you?
I'm a Pink iPod

You're a Pink iPod, reflecting the high-pitched melodies and synthesized music that dominate your library. Chances are you're the one some people laugh at for singing at the top of their lungs in their car, but you don't care: to you, that must be how Britney or Justin got their start.
What color iPod are you?
and no, that asshole didn't compare me to justin or britney. i'd rather die
thank you!
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i'm mood-less

heh. here's some lyrics I like, since I have nothing to say.
we are all on drugs weezer
When you're out with your friends
In your new Mercedes-Benz
And you're on drugs
And you show up late for school
'Cause you think you're really cool
When you're on drugs
And you put on your headphones
And you step into the zone
When you're on drugs
But the world don't care
If you are not there
'Cause you're on drugs
We are all on drugs yeah
Never getting enough (never get enough)
We are all on drugs yeah
Give me some of that stuff (WOO)
And you twitch in your seat
'Cause you wanna hit the street
When you're on drugs
And you cause such a fuss
'Cause there's no one you can trust
When you're on drugs
And the best of your days
Will vanish into haze
When you're on drugs
And you wish you can quit
'Cause you're really sick of it
But you're on drugs
We are all on drugs yeah
Never getting enough (never get enough)
We are all on drugs yeah
Give me some of that stuff (WOO)
I wanna reach a higher place
Where things will never be the same
We are all on drugs yeah
Never getting enough (never get enough)
We are all on drugs yeah
Give me some of that stuff (WOO)
and I like the line:
There's no sex in your violence
I'll tell ya this much: there's sex in my violence (there's no violence thus no sex) but I'm sure if I did have violence, it would have sex to go with it. :P
ooo I can't wait to go to Costa Rica...thank you!
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
vah vah vah

this is just a short rant that will probably go unread because it's so late.
however, I just want to say, What the HELL is wrong with girls (and fashion) these days?!
I mean, for goodness sakes, I saw a girl today, and she wasn't fat or thin, but the haltertop she wore was incredibly slutty, and then the worst part? she had short shorts on, but they weren't buttoned or zipped, and you could read - READ - the words written on the front of her thong.
oh. my. goodness. HOW GROSS IS THAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah, and she was about my age, maybe a couple years older.
there were 12 year old girls dressed like that, too, though and it made me wanna hurl. little girls shouldn't dress like that.
also, i saw an old lady dressed like she was 18 and she acted like it too. flirting with the waiter who was a fourth her age!!!!!!!!!! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
anyway, htat's that, it's not my talky time. blah thank you!
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Thursday, July 7, 2005

that bunny looks like how I feel... hee hee~
well, tomorrow, NIGHT (my verrrrrrrrry bestest friend) and I are going to the zoo~!!!!!! My mom (my own personal chaperone and chaffuer) is taking us, and going with us too ^__^ that's why I have all the pix there from the other post...
(I LOVED LordSesshomaru's comment, btw..."Sasaya's ark" ^__^)
yeah. so, can't wait for the zoo. Antonio miiiiight go with us but **shrugs**
speaking of him, he's a regular teenager. Me, I'm immature at times, but I don't do entirely foolish things like STEAL FIREWORKS FROM SOME GUY WHO SET TEH PARK ON FIRE, get chased by the cops for arson, then even CONSIDER putting a firecracker in my best friend's buttcrack.
is it just boys, or is it just kids like him? ><
oh well. 's all good.
WAIT~ NO IT'S NOT!!!!!!!!! freaking Yahoo just started playing GOOD CHARLOTTE! freakin...ew...**runs to vomit**
hrm. I have nothing much to say...must do homework now...I've been putting it off for months...well, since may.
hrm...what was your favorite toy when you were small?thank you!
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Lots of cute/lovely animals! just watch!

I'm in a good mood today!
well, friends, it's time for Sasaya's Zoo Pictures! These are all animals who live at our own Denver Zoo! ^__^ Denver Zoo Site.
and precious...newborn...just eyes snow leopards!!!!!!!!! If you didn't know, Snow Leopards are my very favorite animals of all animals, and they're very endangered.
go here to learn more about snow leopards.
Our zoo just had some baby Snow Leopards born on May 28, both males. aren't they cute? **shakes knife at you**

also very endangered are Okapis, native to Africa. here's our new baby girl!

Click here to learn more about Okapi.
and our adorable baby hyena born on March 16

thanks for looking at my pictures. if you need information on any type of animal, any time, ask me! ^__^
what REAL animal is your favorite of all favorites? (don't say a dragon or griffen or anything... -.- please)thank you!
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
still not in a good mood

My site if you like my writing.
anyway, just bored here, until I got sudden death trauma from a stupid spider. scared the proverbial shit out of me
well, can you hear the music at the top? it's Trapt, "Still Frame"
Have you ever felt this kind of anger?
It's like, I'm not mad at any one thing. I wasn't even in an unhappy situation. The anger just showed up. It hit me like a tidal wave and anything made me want to scream and kick and break stuff. Then, after about an hour, it subsided, but I was still angry.
It felt like it was under my skin, in my throat. I was choking on it. Like...I was calm, but everything still got on my nerves...and I want to bitethank you!
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I HATE FIREWORKS! I HATE THEM! at least when people do ones fit for a professional show in a residential neighborhood in the middle of the night
anywho, thanks you guys for the compliments and stuff. if you're going to see war of the worlds, I hope you like it! but as to the compliments, I appreciate it, but...blah. I'm really not that good of a writer. mediocre. **shrugs** but anyway, here's a picture just for you

Yoshitoshi ABE makes some good anime mmmhmm ^__^
yeah. btw, for my 4th of July, I went for a 6 mile hike, drank a slurpie, and took some pretty pics. on sunday, I went to leadville, CO (google it) and...yeah. lame. well, on my hike, I considered putting heavy rocks in my shoes and b...other clothes...and jumping into the river, which was about 30 feet deep at the dam. also slitting my wrists, jumping off the water thingie.
probably the best thing I did was climb this rock. I got about 5 and a half feet up (an inch taller than my own height) and then I got stuck. but hey! the rock was completely vertical where I'd climbed. it was cool; my head was about 13 feet off the ground! ^___^ then I wound up climbing down all on my own. I woulda climbed more, but then somebody told me it was against the trail rules...bastards
anyway, thanks for listening.
what is your favorite unhealthy food?thank you!
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Monday, July 4, 2005
I thought i had a porpoise

nyao. btw, the purpose of the bunny pics have a pic everytime and I like bunnies.
oh joy! I've seen War of the Worlds...twice. First time, I saw the second showing in Denver with Antonio and Gavin. Second time with my dad. FIrst time? I was scared off my ass for the first part.
then, on thursday-friday morning, I got sick and started freakin out and couldn't sleep. but when I did, guess what?
this part gets kind of gross, but what do you care?
I dreamed I was laying on my bed watching tv with antonio. he came over and started...licking my face! ew! I tried to shove him off, and then I woke up to find my dog worriedly licking my face because I was writhing like a maggot.
speaking of which, I took the berry thing from my neighbor's tree to see what was on the inside, and guess what it was! A MAGGOT! GUH-ROSS.
anywho, my project now is to right for my story. I don't know what to call it, but here's just a small sample I've been insipred to write ala war of the worlds.
"We were one sorry, haggard mess of humanity. Barely managing to drudge ourselves from town to depraved town in hopes of finding some sign that everything was okay and finding only the same angry, rioting masses primal in their desperation ground on all our nerves, mine especially. Every town further from the epoch increased the unlikelyhood that I would ever find Laith again. Finally, after a particularly violent town, I broke down. Kimberly and Henry stopped with me, but tugged at my arms.
"No!"I wept, covering my face with my filthy, shredded hands.
The Trent Caravan, broken now, traveled on, not even realizing we weren't moving. It happened. Sometimes wounds overtook someone and they were left where they fell as part of the unspoken code of the broken world.
For many hours - I know it was this because the sun went from high over head to low over the rim of the horizon- none of us moved. I just wept as my young siblings watched with a fearful uncertainty of how to react. Shyly, Kimberly approached me.
"I'm sleepy," she said, tears filling her icy blue eyes.
"Let's go, sis," Henry offered firmly.
I took a minute to wipe the tears from my eyes and gather the strength to rise. "Yeah, Ok. Yes."
Clambering off my sore knees hurt and I wobbled. As my balance left me, I windmilled desparately to prevent an embarrassing fall. I felt my hand slap a familiarly smooth face. "Ow! Jeez, what is it with you and hitting me?!"
That voice! I spun and found myself eye to eye with Laith, though his face was dirty and scratched. The tears began again as I wheezed through excited breaths, "You-you-YOU JERK! How could you do that?! If you'd have died...we would have lost it! Laith, if you ever do that again, so Help me GOD, I'll kill you myself."
Laith just smiled warily -I could see his fatigue- and I sighed, full of guilt. "I'm sorry, just so glad, relieved, estatic to see you alive and in relatively good health."
His smile strengthened and he hugged me gently. "Yeah, I'm glad you're ok, too. I missed you."
I stifled a sob and didn't release his hug even after he tried to pull away. Eventually, I let him go, and he looked at Henry and Kimberly with his trademark expression of uncertainty. Then he embraced the two of them also, murmuring "I'm glad you're fine, too, little ones"
Though it was night, I knew things would be okay in this broken world because my family was put back together again."
well...there's a sample, what did you think? I'll try to get to your sites if I can....
happy 4th of july, be you American or otherwise! I'm not the most patriotic person, but to those of you who are:
thank you!
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Monday, June 27, 2005
bunny butt

how cute! ^__^
la la la, oh no!
my cat is chasing and scaring the little one...damn you pickle! **hugs**
ummmmmm yeah! I got my Anime Insider in the mail! Well, my neighbor got it, and left it in my mailbox, and i picked it up today! ^__^
I'm quite happy, it seems they are going monthly! that's very good...>.> yes

yup, i'm weird. not even remotely funny. but 's how I feel.
and I do not mean to offend anyone born in the 1990's, because I really have nothing against the majority of you.
it's just weird to me that the new freshmen when school starts will be born..what? late 1990 through possibly early 1992. I was used to being in classes with kids born in the 80's and then there are these kids born in a different decade than me.
plus, it kind of feels weird that kids born in 1992 are turning 13 this year
not to say I was in the 80's very long, but...
woah, that freaks me's cool that i can have you guys as friends and you're from the 90's...but...@.@ weird. I feel so oldthank you!
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
pbs can kiss my ass

meow! i'm watching "Bananas" with Woody Allen. Woah is it weird. seriously...WEIRD! but it's hilarious! they're so dumb....>< oh my...
anyway, not much to say. oh! but I went downtown today, and I was sitting at this place called "Republic Plaza" and there's this kinda garden place. I was sitting on the edge, which is about 4 feet high. My legs were hanging off the edge.
oh, and I was there because it was a bit quieter than the rest of the places, which I needed in order to talk on the phone to my boyfriend. my cell phone. (if you want to call me, just ask through a PM)
anywho...I was sitting there laughing because my bf was fighting with his sister over the phone, and this guy, who's old enough to be my DAD, looks at me and smiles all sweet and says " Que Bonita?! it was scary because he was old enough to be my father. would you be scared???
yeah. so, i cried to Antonio and he laughed about it (don't think he understood) but then he said he got me a book, so i forgave him ( what book is it, i wonder? ) and I went into the bookstore where i think everyone heard me laughing.
oh, and I shall not be posting the next chapter to my story, Pretty until Joeyw23 gets back from Australia! I hope she has a good time! ^___^
notes: LordSesshomaru: that dr. seuss comment was hilarious; made my freakin day. how's your mom doing since her bug bite? (eep!)
anyway, notice the counters at the top, and you know the "Chupacabra" sloganizer at the bottom of my posts? once, it said "Believe it's real: Chupacabra!" lmao
oh and the movie, Dark Water, while not scary, was SOOOOOOO sad...such a heart breaking ending...but they had funny happy sentimental music at the end.
that's enough, Sasaya OUT. (good)thank you!
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