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Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
she becometh...
i just told NIGHT:
have fun and fight the fight but fight it right so you can stand in the most triumphant light!
what the hell is wrong with me?! I'm turning into Dr. Seuss
thank you!
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i AM the flash

bunny pic of the day!
haha, as to Majosha's comment the other day, yes, yes, the bunnies are evil, and their supreme evil leader is my own rabbit. **hugs him** (the rabbit not Majosha :P)
yeah. so, I am exhausted but too awake to sleep. I'm working on AT MOST 4 hours of sleep, 10 since Tuesday. oh man am I tired.
yeah. this morining I went for a jog! my idiot dog toby wouldn't run so i got messed up because i had to put him back. i barely ran for 5 minutes, or 2 times around the block, until I got tired. that's just SAD. I mean, i USED to be in shape; running for 15 minutes fast and non-stop. damn. must take early morning runs every day now. >.>
yeah. I'll get around to that story sooner or later...
hey, at blockbuster last night, i found the Japanese version of Dark Water. it's by the same author and makers of Ringu, which we know and love as The Ring. dun dun dun.
anyway, this one is suppossed to be really scary, and it's coming out with the american version on July 8. who knows how that will go, but it looks scary. **makes note to call Antonio**
PS: NOTE TO LORDSESSHOMARU! how's your mom doing since her bug bite?
this is funny:
so, since I really don't have much to say...
BYE thank you!
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
sheesh. my poor mom. on thursday, she got a 2nd degree burn on her left hand, and it hurt yeah, but at first, it didn't seem so bad, and now she has to be on antibiotics so it won't get infected.
however, we had a barbeque and it was fun. NIGHT's dad sorta made me mad by telling me to get rid of Antonio and stuff. it REALLY pissed me off when he said that he was too dark and I was too pretty. GRRRRRRR. I'm one of those people who doesn't give a damn about looks and thinks everyone is pretty or handsome unless they're a jerk or a bitch or something. seriously! and skin color is the dumbest thing to go by when finding a friend or date. Jesus Christ, we're ALL human, because of our minds, not our looks.
anyway, other than that, not much is new. I don't have time to write right now, but I'll get the second chapter of my story up as soon as I can.
oh, and go to Joey23's site! she's on my friend's list, and join her Princess Maker Club! it's quite interesting...>.>
yeah. so, now my stomache hurts like a jerk. and I feel like cutting for no good reason. enjoy some pics

anyway, I'll be back >.>thank you!
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Pretty (ignore the length if you don't have time)

heya minna-san! wow. i need to practice my japanese. i'll do it soon. maybe.
anyway, today you will be subject to the first instalment of my story, "Pretty." I won't tell you what it's about, because i scarecly know! ^__^
if you want to just not read it, that's fine, but I hope you do!
"Pretty" - chapter 1
A prince in general should be treated with prudent respect. A prince that's an heir to a throne should be treated with even greater and more prudent respect, and be taught how to run his future kingdom in a better way than his father. And a prince that's not only king-to-be, but also a war hero should be given his heart's desire. I should know; I am all of those things, and so much more. I'm the one, only, great war-prince of the kingdom of Talo, son of Ennis: High Prince Maurice.
And I want what I want when I want it. Why is it so hard for people to understand that?
I mean, I'm 21 years old, and I already lead my father's troops to victory against the dark forces of our enemy nation Naemad. For a prince who saved his future kingdom from certain disaster, people don't give me a lot of respect.
"High Prince Maurice, sir, it's time that you awoke to preform your duties," one of the various palace servants announced, barging into my chamber at an outrageous hour.
"I'll awake when I feel like it, Jeeves," I hissed, burying myself deeper into my silk sheets and pulling my down pillow with me.
Another voice, this time more perky and feminine, chirped, "My prince, it is really time for you to rise. It is 2 in the afternoon, and you have your training and paperwork to attend to."
Training. Paperwork. Two things I really didn't want to do. However, if I allowed myself a rest from training, I might lose respect as Talo's most handsome bachelor.
Seriously. I've seen the guys around town, and none can hold a candle to MY chisled good looks. I've got a head full of perfectly styled, thick black hair, intense gray eyes, and skin the color of gold. Every muscle in my body is toned to perfection, I have never stunk a day in my life, and my skin is always moisterized. My nails are manicured. My teeth are straight. My geni---well, let's just say that no girl's ever been dissatisfied. I am one beautiful man.
Jeeves and his Perky-bitch left me to get out of bed. Grumbling about ungrateful servants and ungodly hours, I rolled out into my velvet robe.
More servants rushed forward with armfulls of clothing. I chose a pair of slick black slacks, a stylish button up shirt (black with red stripes) and a red tie.
With the confident swagger of a tiger in his jungle, I strutted down to the dining table. Carts loaded with my favorite foods scrambled to arrive as I did. Not feeling like thinking too hard, I demanded someone to chose for me. I wound up eating lamb soufflee.
After my meal, servants washed and shaved my face, brushed my teeth, and styled my hair in the slightly ruffled, completely clean way I like it. Then I threatened to fire them if they didn't leave me to some private time with the toilet.
I was barely washing my hands when a frightened, ragged, rushed, and exhausted servant threw the restroom door open.
"What the hell do you thin--"I began, but he cut me off. HE cut ME off.
"High Prince Maurice, I will apologize a thousand times later, but an emergency has just come up and you are needed in conference room 12. It's urgent!"
"The most urgent thing now is that I take a walk in the garden," I drawled, watching the servant have a spazz attack.
He tensed, then bowed and yelled, "My prince, I am terribly sorry! But this IS more important, King Ennis has told me to drag you there kicking and screaming if I must."
Now I was tense! "Fine, fine, don't have a heart attack Jeeves. Let's go."
We went. Conference Room 12 was across the Palace, but it was not a long walk. It was a long run.
Panting, sweating, but still ever-so-sexy, I arrived. The room, holding only 5 people, had been buzzing with noise, but now, it was silent.
Smoothly, I purred, "Hello, sorry for the wait, you know how servants are. Yes, I'm High Prince Maurice."
Fear took hold as I recognized one of the men: Lee Jotsen, one of the cruelest policemen in our kingdom, a man covered with scars and an eternal glare. I remember him. I'll remember him always. He was the one who...
"Prince Maurice?" one of Jotsen's henchmen sneered, emphasis on Prince.
Unconciously, I felt around for my sword. Dammit! How could I have forgotten it?
A primal snarl and a yelp of pain brought my attention to the 6th person. She was not large or small, but covered from head to foot in probably an inch of black soot. Refined, almost demonically swept, slanted eyes darted around. The irises were an eerie shade of green. Shoulder length hair flopped across her dirty face.
One of Jotsen's henchmen, teary-eyed, rubbed his wrist on which there was a thick smear of blood and tooth marks. "Bitch bit me, boss!" he whined.
The girl, probably about my age, grinned. Right then, I decided to like her, even if she was a filthy little beast.
"What do you want, Jotsen?" I demanded.
"This little shit was found wandering around town, filthy as she is, not speaking a word, just making animal noises. The only thing she's said is 'Maurice' so we figured you'd find something with her," he snickered.
"Fine. She stays, but I want you gone. NOW." I sounded so cool and tough.
With a slight grin, Jotsen snapped his fingers, pivoted, and left with his entorage trailing.
Smirking my most winning smirk, I turned to the girl. With my mouth open to deliver a witty line, she said, "Okay, High Prince Maurice, spoiled brat, and playboy virgin, help me out here."
WHAT?! How did she know...No one knew! What was she playing at? "I'm not a virgin," I snapped.
"Oh no? You haven't paid countless young women -no, girls, really- to say you slept with them?"
"What do you want?"
"Well, a bath and some clean clothes would be nice," she smiled.
"Done." I called in a female servant. "Take care of this girl," I ordered, "but when she gets out, she and I need to talk."
I fumed while the girl took her bath. It took a long time, as would be expected, but it made me angry. She made the High Prince of Talo wait? She demanded things and spouted his secrets where casual ears might catch a hear? Who did she think she was? What was her issue? That bitch! How could she behave so badly to ME, a prince! Who the HELL did she think she was?
I mulled for an hour or more, at the end thinking only 'Who does she think she is?'
And then she came back. Clean. And she said, "I'm Azmae of Naemad. I need a favor."
Time stopped. Her hair was dirt-brown. Her eyes were evil looking, windswept things. She had freckles. Her skin was barely colored. She was not thin. She was not pretty in the least. But, Lord in Heaven help me, I fell in love.
-chapter 1 end-thank you!
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Saturday, June 18, 2005

well, Tamara isn't mad at me, so it's all cool now! i'm happy now, but I feel like writing.
>.> stupid computer without its writitng thing. I might instal...>< microsoft word into it, but not now...stupid piece of garbage
oh and have you seen the shining? i saw it last night and it's not particularly scary, but (the jack nicholson version) sorta reminds me of my dad, so I expected to be murdered and couldn't sleep until 3 am. or later. miserable.
but anyway, how have YOU all been?! whatchu been doing?thank you!
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Friday, June 17, 2005

fuck, I don't think Tamara (NIGHT) wants us to be friends anymore. I mean, I can't blame her. I basically betrayed her. i didn't mean to, i swear it wasn't that, but it must have hurt her as much as it hurt me when my other friend was upset and I offered to help, but she goes, "I want ESTEBAN" it was like a slap in the face.
i mean, all my other friends are FRIENDS, some of them BEST friends. but none matters as much as Tamara. she's more like my sister than my friend (meaning we squabble and bicker and do fun stuff) and i would gladly give my life for her. i wouldn't even think about it. as much as I love her (not in the lesbian sense) I still betrayed her.
what the fudge kind of person am I? -bad-
anyway, Tamara's a really cool person. she seems mean, and she can be, but she's mostly just kinda shy. at times, she's a bit cold, but she has a lot of emotions, too. when she's herself, she's sooo funny!
oh crap i have to gothank you!
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Howl's Moving Castle
today, my mom took Antonio and I to see the newest Hayao Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli Film, "Howl's Moving Castle"

I must say, it was an excellent movie! I liked it better than "My Neighbor Totoro," "Mononoke-Hime" (albeit, i got sick of that movie) and even the grandiose "Spirited Away"

I think HMC is more "adult" than Spirited Away. I mean, they're both kid's movies, but HMC is funnier, and while Spirited Away is about growing up and striving to do what has to be done and what's right, HMC is a love story to the core. HMC is a bit more CONFUSING (at one point, Antonio and I couldn't tell what the HELL was going on!) but it's really sweet, and it's HILARIOUS!! (plus at the end when Turnip-head got his curse removed, Antonio goes "it's Willy Wonka!" and the whole theatre started laughing.)
Also, at the theatre, I FOUND WALDO! there was a guy who looked just like him, i swear! ^__^
anyway, HMC is an excellent movie and YOU HAD BETTER GO SEE IT!!!!!!!! (even my mom loved it, come on it's gotta be good)

that guy's cool!
anyway, my life hasn't been all that exciting. but it's okay. **shrugs**
what the hell is wrong with people?! they let fame get in way of their thinking. I mean seriously, Michael Jackson got off "not guilty" on ALL charges?! puh-leeze. he did at least SOME of it. Jeez. well, as my mom put it, "he's guilty of something, they just couldn't prove it"
anyway, check out my Pix in the previous post! ^__^
yeah. so how you guys doin?
thank you!
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
pitchurs!!!!!!!!! hee hee!
yes...the bunny pic of today is.... MY bunny, Spookie <3 ^__^

anyway, here are some other pictures! enjoy, my dears! i love these ppls!
I think NIGHT looks really pretty in this picture ^__^ even tho she hates dresses and skirts
Heather and Mayte. Mayte's in the green shirt
my bf Antonio <3 <3 ^__^
ain't animals sweet?
look! it's my bold friend Jackie! ^__^ pretending to be shy!
my shy friend Genesis! no! she can't be a senior and graduate and leave us this year!!!! T.T
this is us after we got an award! ^__^
me and my kitty cat Lain looking like drug addicts
miss Kitty and Lain sniffing! how cute!
this is can see the camera flash in my eyeball, and heather was talking lol
share the love, yo. actually, i don't like that boy. he looks like a puppy
see? I told him "you look like a puppy" and freaked him out! ^__^
miss kitty!
tamara getting her hair done for the top picture
oh and hte other girl is her brother's gf
Maria is really nice
me loving my cat Pickle
me with my boyfriend at school. not the cutest picture, but it's the only other one that came out. stupid cheap cameras
anyway, i hope you liked my pictures! ^__^ which are your favorites? i'll be putting more of my favorites up later
have a nice weekend?thank you!
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Oh. My. God.
my body mass index says that i'm not...fat...O.O wow....awesome, but I still want to lose weight because I have cottege cheese thighs. :D

oh and hopefully I will get some pics of me and my friends and bf up pretty soon. >< ha ha. don't laugh at my ugly face.thank you!
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too cool to drool
here are DOUBLES on the bunny pics, because I couldn't decide which one was cutest! ^__^

cuuuuuuuute! i love bunnies. speaking of which, I have to clean my bunny cage.
anyway, I must say a few things:
first and foremost: I AM A FREAKING LOSER!!!!!!! Okie. so i did an assload of yardwork in the hot sun today and got paid $10 for it, right? well, i go for a little walk and lose the money FIFTEEN MINUTES after I get it. how sad is that?! pretty damn sad...

second: it seems that NIGHT is really busy. It makes me sad, but I guess that's a good thing, I mean, she's like...@.@ busy. and all I do is watch tv and complain about gaining weight. >< what am I, 40?

third: i am venturing out tomorrow! hee hee! i'm gonna go explore a haunted house. but first, I am going to see if anyone lives there. shit, breaking and entering?~! and then they shoot you! damn, don't think i want that.

and finally: I got my report card today!!!!! horraY!!!!!!!! it was beautiful; i want it framed, because GUESS WHAT!!!!! it looked like this:
Japanese 2: A
International Business: A
Algebra 3/4: C
Chemistry 1/2X: B
World History 1/2X: A
Bodyworks 2: A
American Lit 1/2X: A
do you realize how lovely that is?! I PASSED!!!!!!!! I -ME- I passed math, chemistry, and gym! I mean, I ditched gym a lot, and i ditched chem a lot, and i never understood math! I LOVE IT! congratulate me! (you don't have to!

ANYWAY guys, what's up? ^__^thank you!
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