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irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
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となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Sunday, March 30, 2008
yoku terebi o miteru...dame yo
 Cyanide & Happiness @
 Cyanide & Happiness @
also indeed.
I'm a boring character.
Last night, though, TJ, Amanda, Zac, Natalie, and I all got drunk off Everclear (except Nat, she had vodka of which I also drank). xD We're being all loud, talking, taking shots, laughing, fighting, whatever.
I wanted to drink by candlelight, so I lit my candles. Which make smoke and smell >_> at one point, Alex (the RA) knocks on my door! We all go for one thing and hide it, I blow out the candles, and open the door.
Alex says, "hey guys, sorry to bother you, but I was walking by, and I smelled alcohol, and I heard someone talking about being drunk. Have you been drinking?"
We all smile innocently, and say, "Nope." He smiles, and says, "Okay, well, I just had to check"
xD he TOTALLY knew. 100% knew. How could he not have??? But it was hilarious.
And then, today, I almost bought a guinea pig I loved. It would be called, "Rabies." I like strange names >_>
damn. goodbye, spring break. hello, idiots on my floor =(thank you!
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
Sud perk
I love this show. The newest episode just made a comment on the banning of pit bulls in Denver =D
It wasn't the most obvious parallel, but it was there for me to see it. You see, the breed of pit bulls are illegal in Denver because they're "dangerous," even though ANY dog of ANY breed can be dangerous. Pit bulls have incredibly powerful jaws, so when they do bite, they are much more dangerous. And, because of their toughness, they ARE bred to fight, which fucks them over.
Anyway. Cats became illegal in this episode. because Kenny was getting high off them xD
Today was a really bad day. I was so depressed and cynical and lethargic, I just layed in bed for like 7 hours =(
I cried a little, and after that, I had enough energy to go take a shower, after which I was feeling even better (I HATE BEING STINKY). Still am not the happiest of girls, but feeling immensely better than I was.
I got money in the bank now, a lot, THANK GOD. He really provides for me. Since several of my friends are athiests and somewhat insulting of religion (which is fine; it's GOD I follow, not religion) and then God, I think I should stand up for my beliefs better. They aren't the type of people who would ridicule me for my belief because I have thought long and hard about it, and this is what I truly believe. They aren't the zealous athiests, at least.
Fanatics on either side just really piss me off.
last night, Emily and TJ and I went to see Drillbit Taylor. It kinda sucked, but I had SOOO much fun!!! If I had gone to see it with cynical people, or by myself, I most certainly would have hated it, but because it was with fun people, it was fun ^^
really good time. I think i pissed everyone in the theater off.
hey, you know what's funny? People who are like, "I don't care what others think of me, I do what I want!" and can be rather obnoxious, but if somebody else with a different personality who doesn't care what others think about them goes and is obnoxious in a slightly different way, they get all huffy. ^^
I think I'm that way...stupid way to be. I try not to care too much what other people do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
Like Dear Abby.
<_< dumb bitch got taken march 17.thank you!
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
blah blah blahdy blah blah
today, I got up stupidly early, went to Red Robin's (bleargh) with Emily and TJ. It's in Sherwood, so different. A long drive.
I mailed my sister a bunch of packages.
I really hope my nephew's last name is Garcia >_> I'm pretty sure it is.
We went to a kitty shelter and played with gatitos. I love cats so freakin' much and I've decided I can't be allergic to them because I was around so many and not even a sneeze. it must be the dust >_<
Back here, I had strange dreams where I met Marjane Satrapi, the author of Persepolis, and I also met Trent Reznor. Apparantly in this dream, I was Trent Reznor's best friend's daughter.
I was dressed weird. Wearing a long shirt and black tights, and a long coat and little boots. we were sitting around somewhere talking, like a little cafe. They were talking and I was just walking around. It was raining. Then, they noticed me and said something (forget what). I turned, looked at them, and said, "well, I couldn't go home this spring break, and all my friends DID, so I'm gonna be hanging around you guys. Sucks for you."
THEN, my sister came and I was super happy. We met the Emperor of Iran (?!) with Marjane Satrapi, so me and Tamara ran to get head veils to be polite (?!?!). Apparantly, it was at my real dad's house, but my dad didn't live there: a friend (or my fake dream dad) did. I was gonna go in HIS room to look for a cloth, but he was with a girl so I went to my room.
Eventually we found something. Then it switched and I was at a freaky aquarium that often reappears in various dreams with some freak ass fish. Like, one was like a cat, but underwater with creepy tentacles everywhere.
The whole of the dream took place in a "year zero" type future, and part of it was at a playground/school. Very intriguing, though I have represented it poorly
speaking of poor, I have very little money >_> ugh. But it's only temporary. One of these days I MIGHT be getting a funds transfer **prays** I should check my declining balance on my checking account.
Oh, and I rented Planet Terror last night. LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie. It's my ideal romance movie.
Now, I've borrowed SuperBad from Emily, and TJ and I are watching it to keep ourselves entertained in her absence (she's at work).
vagtastic voyage xD
toodlesthank you!
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Monday, March 24, 2008
So I watched "Persepolis" and it was amazing. I also watched the Japanese Digimon movies =D I love Digimon in Japanese so much more.
I started writing some fanfiction. I suck.
My gerbil made me laugh! Her cage is 2 stories high, she dropped the ladder, got stuck on the bottom. She freaked out and tried to climb the walls, jumped, squeaked <3. I saved her, she thanked me, and ran up to her little house.
Anyway. Here are some pictures =D

Aww! I'm soooo cute >_> not smarter, but cheaper, at least. xD


TJ, yes, you are special! xD
oki doki =D thank you!
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Another day, another fight
Happy Easter, a day late.
It wasn't a great day for me. I was tired ALL day, and so lethargic. I got my period early, which sucks. I hate PMSing.
Worst of all, Antonio got mad at me. Again. We'd been texting, I fell asleep, woke up, apologized. He said "it's ok don't worry about it" while i fell asleep again and woke 45 minutes later. He'd texted me some numbers, and I was really confused.
I asked what that was all about, he said, "nothing but thanks for ignoring me like always" I apologized, he said, "yea just leave me alone"
so I said I would. This is really stressing me out. I love him. but I can't make him happy. How can I?! I can't even make myself happy. and after he didn't write me back, i just lie there, trying to feel something.
still feel kind of numb. But, I eventually ate, and watched "Persepolis." It's a great movie. but the books are better. If you wanna watch the movie, I suggest you read the books first.
Anyway. that's it. I'm gonna go now. thanks for listeningthank you!
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Saturday, March 22, 2008
I love my sister.
and my mom <3
On Friday, I got a package from my mom with most of my Samurai Deeper Kyo manga (Nihongo de mo eigo de mo), super excellent. I've been into it lately.
Hey! I was watching "Scrubs" just now, and a scenery shot...I thought, "Hey! That looks like Portland!" >_<
Anyway. Also in the package was my copy of "The Sound and the Fury" (yay! William Faulkner!) and a TON of Easter candy <3<3<3
I talked to my mom for a bit, and then I called my sister and talked to her for an HOUR and a HALF. It was great. I fucking love her.
She said her dad taught her nephew Keanu (age 2) to say, "ohh Fotez" (Fotez is our brother, his dad). xD FUNNIEST FUCKING THING EVER. I love that boy. And Austin <3.
Tamara's a smart girl. We talked about random stuff. I really realy miss her. She should come live with me in my apartment after she graduates.
SO, yeah, and Thursday night, TJ and I saw "Doomsday" was redunkulous. I liked it, but it was soooo campy and lame. It was fun, though.
Then, Friday, Chris, Zac, TJ, and I went to Sherwood to TJ's house and played beerpong. I'm not sure I like TJ's twin's friends. They're kinda douchebags.
We spent the night. It was fun. ^^ I had strange dreams. and, TJ's dogs and kitty are ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!
and then today, we helped Chris and Zac get packed up and move out. They're gone now =( sad.
oh well...thank you!
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
damn you LOLcats
<3 just too cute.
So, I finished my finals. On Tuesday evening, not Thursday, like I thought. Seriously. What the fuck! My Japanese syllabus said the final was "march 20" and then I look, and wow! it's TUESDAY. thank God I looked at the webCT after my ESR final
Which went better than I originally thought it would. Not well. But it could have been worse. Much worse >_>
As for my Japanese final, I freaked the fuck out. I'm way too nervous about dealing with people in high-pressure situations. In Japan, I was fine and managed to get around, despite my non-fluency in the language. I know more now, but I got SO nervous I was shaking like a leaf.
meow. But I survived. even if I were to fail, i'd still survive.
and since my finals got done early, i WAS going to buy a quick-ticket home and surprise EVERYONE, but noooo they had to fucking cost $700. I can't afford that!!! I wish my Japanese syllabus had been correct. then! I could go HOME for spring break and be bored instead of be bored here.
but oh well. I'm mostly just extremely disappointed my sister isn't going to come out here to visit =(
today, though, heh heh. my friends and I went to Ground Kontrol, this awesome old-school arcade. it was fun fun fun ^^ even though I hate video games and was bored after about 45 minutes xD they had pinball!!!thank you!
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008
i HATE finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with a passion.
my biology one, which I studied a lot for, sucked.
I am NOT looking forward to my Environmental Science one in 2 and a half hours. I barely went to class, barely studied, sucked on the second half of homework sets...You know why? Because this teacher -who's really nice, and i like him- makes bullshit up. I don't really understand the whole point of the class except to fit trendlines to data. is that really it?
and the worst part is, it's using fucking EXCEL!!! i SUCK at Excel because it's a stupid program and it uses weird equations. If it was a graphing calculator, no problem. I know how to use that well.
feh. well, whatever. My tummy hurts because I'm a fatty and ate a lot last night. =(
Also sad because my dear sister won't be able to make it out here for spring break. fuck. now what am I supposed to do!!!
Got some laundry done. Yay me.
Ohhh!! and I'm excited to write my friend Naoko back!!!!!! she replied to my e-mail very quickly this time; she's awesome. I can't wait to see her again, one of these days (>_>) I really need to go back to Japan to catch up.
So, I knew they were graduating, in March, that is. Well, I sent her a note a little bit late! She graduated on March 3!!! Wow!!! I'm so glad for her.
Her college entrance ceremony is April 1. If it were here, I'd be like, "Actually, none of you made it in. Go home" (**silence for a beat**) "April Fools! Welcome to college!"
I think she'll be a math major; not sure. I only skimmed her e-mail and saved it, so far. Need to investigate further when I have time.
Well, it's off to bed again with me (I think) LOL getting up at....6: ummmmm 6:55 am. hmm yeah. okay.
exam's at 8, don't have to leave until 7:40. wish me lucks!
sorry this is so ramblythank you!
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Sunday, March 16, 2008
Horton Hears a Who
Shut up. I went to see it, and liked it. Shut up.
I was hanging out with Erin, and we were the ONLY (semi)adults without kids, and we were laughing more and harder than any of the kids in there.
It was a kiddie movie, and it was great. The end part was really good. Only bad part was...Jesse McCartney voiced a character. They didn't advertise THAT. But it's okay; he only had a very very few lines. If he'd had any more, they'd have had to get a, you know, talented individual.
xD I can still hear Seth Rogen's Morton saying, "You are a warrior-poet!" I was laughing my ass off. It was a ridiculous movie.
It even had an imitation-anime scene, similar to that of the Ninja episode of South Park =) I mean, it was a kid's movie, so no "protect my balls" but yeah.
Anyway. Great movie.thank you!
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Friday, March 14, 2008
so long, LordSesshomaru~
This is a sad day for MyOtaku kind. LordSesshomaru has left MyO forever. He was a great friend, and a fantastic poster. Instead of making dumbass remarks about blithy nothing (like me), he personalized it, made it actually entertaining, and put effort into it. I have great respect for that guy, and I will miss him a lot.
This brings me to my next topic.
I may be putting MyO on hiatus myself. I have a lot going on in my life, I haven't a lot to talk about, and no one's ever here. Most of the people have been great, but I need to focus on school better.
Distractions are a bad thing for me. I haven't put as much time or effort into this as LordSesshomaru has, but I want to spend my time doing something better. I want to improve myself, maybe get a personality. I want to make something of myself, and I want to like myself.
Having real problems at the moment with inferiority complexes and insecurities. I won't be the girl I was when I first started here: I'm not a crazy emo cutter piece of shit. But I'm getting sick of complaining all the time and being worthless.
Growing up, man. Growing up.
^_^ but I'll still be around for a bitthank you!
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